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Posts posted by nicolas18

  1. Heres my advice if thats all you are asking for. Try every embassy in Bangkok not just your countries. Use the shot gun approach. It appears you have internet so email any and everyone you know from your past in your home country and tell them your situation and ask for help. I mean everyone,friends,employers,banks anyone and everyone. Find a chat room in your home country and get on. The longer you wait the harde it will be when money is gone.


  2. Strange, living in a country without having health insurance is a no-no, som nam na.

    You might get help in Belgium from the CPAS?

    Are you in overstay also?

    I understand your problem would be to find funds for a plane ticket plus your rent plus overstay fee and what else?

    I had (and still have) health insurance, but, due to the fact that I had a history of minor back problems, my herniated disc was considered a pre-existing condition and therefore not covered.

    At the moment, I have two choices (but, neither of them are possible due to lack of funds):

    1. Go back to Europe, which means a plane ticket, paying for the 20K overstay and the rent I currently owe. Pro: I would be in my own country. Con: I would be homeless.

    2. Go to Cambodia and get a new visa, which means paying for the overstay at the border, pay for a new visa and have 20K on hand to show the immigration officer if needed. Pro: I could easily find a job once I'm not on overstay anymore. Con: I still am about to be homeless in a couple of days and, even if I did find a job right away, I wouldn't have any money to pay for a room during the first month.

    So, yeah, complicated issue. Which is why I asked for suggestions here.

    I find it strange now you say you have 2 options. both of these involve money and from what you stated you are all but out of money and no one can help you. where do propose to get the money for either of your options?

    People have given you ideas and it seems you are unwilling to act on any of them .

    You will probably come up with the answer your self after a few nights of sleeping on th street with no food.

    I should add I had a friend ( he died in Philippines a few years ago). Who got mugged and had everything robbed from him while travelling in South America 40 years ago.It took him 3 months before he even found an embassy that would help him. He lived on the streets of 4 south american countries illegally crossed all their borders. He lived with street people and learned spanish real quick. He started in Equador and finallly got help in Quatemala at the Dutch embassy.and he Was Canadian. So listen up to the help offered before things go south real bad.

    I said "but, neither of them are possible due to lack of funds". It seems clear to me.

    And, as for the options that were suggested, as I've said in my 2nd post, my embassy won't pay the overstay and may not even pay for the plane ticket. So I am not "unwilling" to act on them, I am unable to act on them.

  3. Every obvious avenue is a non-starter with you. I get the feeling you are looking for more than suggestions here.

    Start selling stuff, and start calling those friends and family you don't have.

    See my reply to the post above. You don't believe me? Fine. At this point, I can't say I really give a damn. I do truly appreciate the fact that the majority of people here spent time giving constructive advice, but I lack the willpower at the moment to deal with trolls.

    Also, over the past six months, I have already sold everything I own. I wouldn't be asking for advice if I had a car, an iPhone or an expensive gold chain lying around.

    Finally, I'm not looking for a handout. I was asking for advice.

  4. sounds like looking for handouts and a sucker to give money

    at 30 prime of life should be working not on drugs here

    Thanks a lot for your amazing advice.

    If I may, I would like to give you some advice as well:

    - You may want to thoroughly read a thread before commenting on it. I'm not on drugs and I'm not 30.

    - I hope nothing will ever happen to you, be it an accident, an illness, the death of a loved one or any other thing life sometimes likes to throw at people. Because then you would know how bad it makes you feel when you are down and people use it to throw one final little jab at you. Yes, like you just did here.

  5. Its hard to believe there is no one in your life who would be prepared to help you.

    Best of luck in any case.

    Six months ago, I would have said that I was certain that, if I ever faced serious issues, plenty of people would have been there to lend me a hand. Then those issues happened and I realized no one either wants or can help me.

  6. Strange, living in a country without having health insurance is a no-no, som nam na.

    You might get help in Belgium from the CPAS?

    Are you in overstay also?

    I understand your problem would be to find funds for a plane ticket plus your rent plus overstay fee and what else?

    I had (and still have) health insurance, but, due to the fact that I had a history of minor back problems, my herniated disc was considered a pre-existing condition and therefore not covered.

    At the moment, I have two choices (but, neither of them are possible due to lack of funds):

    1. Go back to Europe, which means a plane ticket, paying for the 20K overstay and the rent I currently owe. Pro: I would be in my own country. Con: I would be homeless.

    2. Go to Cambodia and get a new visa, which means paying for the overstay at the border, pay for a new visa and have 20K on hand to show the immigration officer if needed. Pro: I could easily find a job once I'm not on overstay anymore. Con: I still am about to be homeless in a couple of days and, even if I did find a job right away, I wouldn't have any money to pay for a room during the first month.

    So, yeah, complicated issue. Which is why I asked for suggestions here.

  7. Would it be fair to say that you, like hundreds if not thousands of others have assisted in your own downfall. As soon as I read that you will have to pay to leave Thailand, meaning you are a voluntary over stayer, then my sympathy when down the plug hole.

    Not only are you a possible illegal over stayer, but reading your "story" which seems to hinge on a physical issue, that can and does happen to many, but you at 38 did not consider this a possibility that could occur, and plan and save for it.

    Suggest you borrow your overstay fine, get the hell out of Dodge then get yourself sorted in your home country then pay the bills you owe in Thailand.

    Well that is if you are honourable, but if your are one of the generation who considers the world owes you a living, then good luck

    I did have savings, which basically paid for my surgery and post and pre-surgery care.

  8. What is your nationality?

    Do you have continuing health problems?

    Have you worked in your home country and if so, for home long? Your writing sounds like you're from the U.S. If so, perhaps it would be worth returning and applying for disability. Just a thought.


    Physically, I'm fine now (apart from some residual pain). My mental health has gradually deteriorated over the past six months though. I'm in a deep depression and I now suffer from anxiety on top of it.

  9. So you have been in Thailand 8 years, from the age of 30, and you dont have or made any friends that can help ? ......sorry but that seems a little odd.

    Wish you luck, but i dont have any other suggestions.

    All of my friends are Thai and young (20-ish). They don't have the resources to help me.

    Thanks for the wishes tho.

  10. and the embassy said?

    You have really stuck your neck out staying here with no back up or support system in place.

    I have no magic advice.

    I wish you luck.

    Please keep us informed.

    I know.. I stayed here for 7 years with no issues whatsoever though. I really did not anticipate the shitstorm that fell on me for the past six months.

    The embassy said they could not cover the overstay. They weren't even sure they could pay for a plane ticket.

  11. Do you have family or friends "back home" that can bail you out short time to at least get you "legal" again here and able to look for work ? or assist you in returning to your home country where you can obtain work perhaps more easily and sort yourself out.

    No, I don't have any family left (although I'm only 38) and, since I came to Thailand 8 years ago, no friends left back home either.

  12. I'm in need of ideas because I have no idea what to do anymore...

    I don't drink or do drugs, but 6 months ago I started having serious health issues (severe herniated disc), which caused me to lose all of my savings and fall into a deep depression.

    Because of those money and health problems, I couldn't renew my visa, which means my visa is now expired and, because of it, I can't get a job.

    Last week, I lost my last source of income (a freelance writing job) because the site I worked for is closing down.

    Right now, I still owe 13,000 baht in past rent and the new rent is coming up next week, and my landlord (who has been rather understanding given the situation) is now running out of patience and is about to kick me out.

    I have 2,000 baht in my bank account right now and I may get 3,000 more next week. (last payment from the site I worked for). After that, I don't expect to receive any more money.

    To renew my visa, I would have to leave Thailand, pay 20,000 in fines at the border, pay for a new visa and have 20,000 baht in cash to be allowed to re-enter the country. Which means that, with no more money coming in, I have no chances of renewing my visa and therefore to get a job.

    I have absolutely no idea what to do. I am so <deleted> right now.

    Any ideas? Someone here may have better ideas than me.

    PS: I already talked to my embassy.

  13. Dave

    7/11 and Family mart are the same company CP. The rules are a little different for each. In either case you would be a franchisee.

    7/11 is run on a basis of population for the first store and then after the first store hits a quota or sales goal it is possible for anyone else to open another store in your area.

    We had 0 2 years ago now have 2 within spitting distance of each other.

    This link may help


    Wrong, Family Mart is operated by Central Retail in Thailand (the same company than the Central department stores).

    To answer the OP: if you go the 7/11 or the FM route, forget adding any sort of restaurant inside your store. You are not allowed to sell anything that is not supplied by your franchiser inside the store. You could still, however, open a small restaurant in front or next to the shop, as long as you don't advertise it as being owned by the shop, if that makes sense.

    Also, there is a disturbing trend when it comes to 7/11's (no idea if that also applies to FM): let's say that you are approved to open a franchised 7/11 store in your neighborhood and that there aren't any other 7/11's nearby. If your shop is successful, after a year or so, CP might very well decide to open their own, CP-owned (as in, non-franchised) shop right across from yours or within walking distance. It's happened to countless franchisees.

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  14. 3 years

    Try doing it the smart way

    Cut a hole in the floors and demolish it inwards floor by floor

    The rubble falls to ground level

    All you end up with is a large pile of concrete waiting to be crushed and used as road base

    Or maybe controlled internal implosion could be achieved in few months of planning with correct specialists involved.

    They are not allowed to demolish the entire hotel. The court only approved the removal of the floors that exceed the city regulations.

    Unfortunately, there is no easy and quick way to remove floors from a high-rise while keeping the bottom ones intact.

  15. OK, let's put an end to this craziness.

    I have worked in security-related fields in Europe, including working alongside police forces. Never ever have I heard of police officers working undercover on foreign soil.

    Western police forces are notoriously understaffed, and they have enough on their plates working on cases that actually took place in their own damn country. Not to mention the fact that, even if they did work undercover on a case that involved their own nationals abroad, they wouldn't be allowed to use whatever information they collected since it would have been gathered illegally. And to put the cherry on top, if police officers were found to be working undercover in a foreign country without the express permission of that country's government, they could be jailed.

    In the present case, the only force that could be working undercover is MI6. Intelligence agencies typically provide their agents abroad with a diplomatic cover, which gives them immunity from prosecution. BUT MI6 would only take on a case where Britain's interests are in jeopardy. I doubt a mishandled murder investigation, no matter how tragic the case is, would warrant an undercover action. MI6 has definitely bigger fish to fry than this.

    Whilst your statement is very likely true when it comes down to Her Majesty's finest what you are forgetting is the freelance intelligence businesses that have representation all over the world. I have a good friend who speaks fluent Thai and Parsi (work that out). Lovely guy from Michigan. When he was last here this unsuspecting guy, who could drink 99% under the table and remain very aware and friendly, kept going to embassy parties. I really couldn't work it out and used to joke that he was CIA. He finally told me that he wasn't CIA or any US government employee but working for an independent contractor who supplied a myriad of agencies. None of his work was that "sexy" but he just kept a general level of information flowing back from his conversations at these "events" he kept attending. There are plenty of these agencies and it wouldn't be difficult, or that costly, to pay for them to head to the islands to drink in a bar and just pay attention. "Dumb Farang, can't speak Thai..."

    There are indeed private firms that deal in intelligence gathering. However, there would be absolutely no reason whatsoever for any branch of the British government to send undercover agents or to hire private firms to do undercover work.

    While this is a truly tragic case, this has nothing to do with Britain's national security or with the defense of the country's interests. If it was, say, a terrorism-related case, things would of course be entirely different.

    We should also remember that we live in Thailand, where this case has been on the news for weeks now. For expats here, and especially for Brits, this is of course a big deal. However, for your average folk in, say, Brighton, this is a murder that took place in an exotic country far away from home and it is nothing more than one tragedy among many others reported daily by the press.

  16. Imagine if the investigators got bumped off like the Suadis did when they were invited after the diamond theft?

    Note to Thailand: Don't try that with the Brits. The SAS, Paras and 5,000 Royal Marines will be crawling all over southern Thailand within hours.wai2.gif

    Yes, the UK will start a full-out war in the middle of South-East Asia over a mishandled murder investigation. That makes perfect sense.

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