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Posts posted by polski

  1. This is Thailand and I have lived here for a long time. I respect the Thai Culture and, in turn, the Thai's respect me!

    If a person chooses to live in a different country they should also respect the culture.

    If they do not they have the choice to relocate, but I think they will constantly be "on the run!"

    Our village organization was in the process of installing a public address system - similar to those installed in most Thai villages around Thailand. These PA systems are used to broadcast announcements to residents in a village.

    During installation, they were playing Look Thung music - which I must agree, was on the side of being a bit too loud. After around 4 songs, the music suddenly disappeared.

    Apparently, one very irate foreigner decided to rip off the cables and in the process destroys the equipment. This person was apparently annoyed by the loud music.

    Furthermore, said person says that if there were going to be announcements, that it should be broadcast in English. English!!! At a village where 95% of the residents are Thai nationals!!!

    The foreigner with an attitude is married to a Thai.

    I just wonder what this dude was thinking about? Does he think he owns the place?

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