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Posts posted by xkmasada

  1. "About 200 party members and observers would join the caucus, he said. They will be allowed to nominate the persons they want to contest the next election under the Democrat banner. Nominated persons will be allowed to air their political visions, after which the attending members would hold a vote.

    A list of the top nominees will be sent to the Central region committee, which will further shorten the list for Banyat's panel, which will choose a final candidate for the party executive board to endorse."

    So basically Banyat still has the final say, despite the local party vote? So what nominee in his right mind would bribe the local party members? They'll just bribe Banyat.

  2. Not winning an election for the past 20 years hasn't stopped them from heading governments and making tons of money.

    Who needs electoral victories when the courts and military can put you on top?

    Who needs popular support when Abhisit himself can be a mega-millionaire without ever having worked a single day in the private sector?

    Do you really think that a former investment banker would pay his way to deputy party leadership if he didn't think he could earn back his investment?

    Reform is for losers - the Democrat Party been very successful in getting what it wants by doing what it's always done.

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  3. Travellers' welfare - my butt. The real concern is tax dodging, and at the rate the country is being plundered at the moment, it needs all it can get.

    Especially since Thailand currently has the SMALLEST government budget deficit since Abhisit was appointed PM. The Thai government needs all the $$$ it can get, our soon we'll be as broke as Germany.

  4. This discussion is getting side-tracked. The important issue is not about Abhisit; its about the negative effects of the minimum wage increase. The increase was much too high; more than 50% in less than 3 years has a major impact on businesses who cannot afford to pay such high wages as well as the increasing rate of Social Insurance taxes, so companies have no choice but to lay off workers. Already there are already more than 50,000 Thai who are out of work because of this short-sighted policy.

    Any business which does retain its workers will be forced to increase prices for their products and services, thereby increasing inflation and making everything more costly, such that the price of basic necessities like food, shelter, utilities will rise, so that even those who are still working will have to pay more, effectively negating the effect of their pay increase. Meanwhile, all the rest of the workers who were making more than the minimum wage now also have to pay more for everything, thus reducing the amount they previously had for disposable income. The net effect will be a nationwide reduction in retail spending, causing a reduction in profits, a reduction in GDP, and a reduction in government revenues. All around, this minimum wage increase is not at all healthy for Thailand; it ought to be carefully re-examined and if not repealed, then tax breaks put in place to compensate for the extra expenses incurred.

    And those companies will consider moving their factories to Indonesia, where the government just increased the minimum wage by 44%, or Vietnam, where it just went up 18%, or Malaysia, where they just announced a minimum wage for the first time, causing a 40-90% increase in some regions, or even Singapore, which saw its first industrial strike in over 30 years. Think of all the unemployment that is already occuring, that will occur! We might even see unemployment hit 1%... imagine that! tongue.png

  5. To be fair, Abhisit had originally promised to increase the minimum wage by 25%, but then his financiers in Big Business claimed they couldn't afford it. So like a good poodle, Veggie forgot his promise. Until now, of course laugh.png


    "The People's Agenda, Abhisit said, included solving poverty by increasing minimum wages, reducing oil, cooking gas and electricity prices as well as establishing the sufficiency economy fund, to give financial support to people who follow the sufficiency economy principles. Moreover, the policies would include free education, textbooks, milk and supplemental foods for kindergartens. It will promote a quality universal healthcare scheme with no charge."

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  6. If Chalerm gave the warning, but the US Embassy didn't, then surely Chalern is crying wolf...

    After all, in the aftermath of Benghazi, the US State Department cares a lot about consulate security!



    A private security company hired by the State Department to protect American diplomats at arguably the most at-risk U.S. embassy in the world provided shoddy security, failed to adequately train its employees and fired staff who raised concerns about unchecked practices and procedures, according to a new report.

    The private guards hired at the U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan say it remains dangerously vulnerable to attack, David Hilzenrath, editor at the Project on Government Oversight, told FoxNews.com. POGO, a non-profit Washington group, recently released a report that it claims highlights the on-going security issues at the Kabul compound. The concerns are being aired amid ongoing complaints about the lack of security at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, in the run-up to the September 2012 terror attack.

  7. Pongsapat is fighting a losing battle. Gays have hated PT since Thaksin tried to push the Thai-US free trade agreement (which would have forced the Thai government to license patents for HIV medication). Not even giving away anti-retrovirals to all HIV-positive people, a worldwide first, got him any gay love. Gays are the yellowest of the yellow shirts, no offence intended.

  8. Don't you hate how the "elite" are just worried about protecting the shopping centres in Bangkok.

    I'm just stunned that he is apparently abandoning his plan for relying on a thousand boat propellers to control the raging river.

    Although it is understandable that this elite billionaire could be enticed to change plans in light of the "hundreds of billions baht" that can be earmarked for his latest great idea.


    Be very very careful, Foreigner, if you want to stay in Thailand, or Thai, if you want to stay out of jail.

    The thousand boat propellers was ...'s idea. A brilliant and innovative piece of hydrological engineering. You don't criticize genius like that. You can't criticize genius like that.

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