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Posts posted by loganberry

  1. Hello fellow ThaiVisa readers,

    I have been living in Bangkok for several years, but took a short-term contract outside of BKK and am ready to come back. I have an apartment but it will not be ready to move in until July 1st. I am trying to get back to BKK right away but I need a place to put my head for about 11-12 days until my apartment is ready. Does anyone know of someone with an extra room for rent or something? Seems silly staying in a hotel or serviced apartment when all I need is a roof and an Internet connection nearby. Plus, pumping money into the move back to BKK and getting the new apartment set up really ties up my finances.

    If any ThaiVisa members happen to have a room for rent, please PM me with your number and I will give you a call. BTW - a young professional (not a teacher) and well mannered, clean, and so on and so forth.


  2. I am in the process of talks about working with a consulting company based in Singapore but with no business structure in Thailand. They merely have clients here and they would like to have me in Bangkok to work with their client. If I am employed by a Singaporean company but only working in Thailand temporarily on projects, how can I acquire a Non-B so that I don't have to play around with visa runs the whole time? Contract may be for a year. Paid from Singapore, working with Thai client on-site.

    Anyone have any experience with this?


  3. Thailand sure has it's problems, but the US has become such a police state

    Give me US cops any day over the BIB...At least they will do something in the US if you call them or indeed need assistance.

    You couldn't have put that any better. I remember the cops would be at our house in less than 10 minutes for absolutely anything: Annoying dogs/kids on the street, cars parked in front of our house or blocking our cars in, vandalist little brats, family matters, etc. Call them petty and a waste of time, but we lived in a nice town and paid a good chunk in taxes... so we used every penny of it! lol.

  4. What about all those nice "VIP" bus routes going from BKK to Nong Khai? I took on once from ขนส่ง (Khon Song) before after being bombarded by an infinite amount of bus agencies, etc. Found one that a friend recommended, got a ticket for about 400 baht, jumped on the bus, had about 8 hours in a reclining, air conditioned bus that made about three to four stops. Got to Nong Khai about 8 hours later at 4:00am... ate an early breakfast, tuk-tuk over to the bridge and I was there. Haven't done it since then cause I just got a deal prepaying several tickets on Laos Airlines... but the bus trip is certainly a good way to go if you are on a tight budget. Just takes a longer.

  5. Love the pic, loganberry :) .

    I'm not really the hopeless romantic type, and the reason that I need closure is that I feel she hasn't been honest with me in her reasons for ending this. I understand the problems on both sides, but I think that ending a relationship due to a lack of communication, rather than compatibility, is a mistake. It's only when we've both been stressed that we haven't talked properly.

    I don't think it's a case of this other guy is more wealthy than me, either, more a case of him not existing. I messaged one of her pals on the website, and she hadn't a clue about this other person, and said that the first she knew that there were any problems was when I messaged her.

    What pic? I hope you are talking about my profile pic because I I have never been able to actually see it myself. Let me know what "pic" you are talking about na?

  6. Wow! You are really getting rung out to dry by the farmers, aren't you?! :) I agree with the general consensus here that you are being taken for an idiot. Congratulations on the baby-on-the-way, but I feel sorrry that you are left to stain the image of your possibly son/daughter with the greedy fingers of your future in-laws.

    Paying 1 million and 10 baht of gold is not uncommon at all. Only when considering where your girl comes from and what she has to offer do I see the problem. In fact, mine's parents asked for 2 million cash and 10 baht of gold.... but she is from a higher class family that demanded something a little more extravagant. They gave an incredible deal though: returned all the cash and gold 100% (just used it for talk among their friends), all wedding expenses and travel paid, and even a gift of house, car and misc. property to celebrate the marriage.

    As for you, you should find out whether the child is really yours before the marrriage. Just because you have a "time-line" doesn't mean anything at all. Once you find out it is your's and you are going to take care of it no matter what... consider getting the kid out of there and finding someone else who doesn't want to extort you just to keep the so-called "family" together. Any girl should be lucky to be making a family with a guy who is seemingly dedicated to traditional values..... not be so lucky as to help her parents profit from the set-up.

  7. I honestly have no idea where the real value is in using an agent. I used an agent once in Nong Khai called Miracle Travel (I think) and all they do is fill out your form(s) and drive you to the embassy in Vientiane. I had to submit the application myself and pick it up myself... no agent even got out of the car at the embassy. So what's the point of an agent?

    You had the wrong agent. A good agent does it all for you while you relax back at the hotel.

    Really now? LAPAMITA just said that there is no such thing in Lao. Somebody validate their input here by giving me a name.

    Other than that, TROPO, is that supposed to be the only service provided by an agent that is worth the money? I think the general idea of the agent discussion in this topic was aimed at proving whether or not using an agent can actually help you avoid getting a red stamp. Haven't heard any comments on that and curious to know whether or not someone on here is indirectly plugging their business into the topic.

  8. I had heard somewhere during school that Thailand had a disproportionate number of females to males... but apparently this data proves that teacher wrong:

    Sex ratioat birth: 1.05 male(s)/female under 15 years: 1.05 male(s)/female 15-64 years: 0.98 male(s)/female 65 years and over: 0.83 male(s)/female total population: 0.98 male(s)/female (2008 est.) at birth: 1.05 male(s)/female under 15 years: 1.05 male(s)/female 15-64 years: 0.98 male(s)/female 65 years and over: 0.83 male(s)/female total population: 0.98 male(s)/female (2009 est.)

  9. I am a cynical S.O.B., so I am going to just give my brief herein:

    Number One: If what you are saying is true and she has based the majority of her decision upon reading past MSN conversations and seeing whether you two are "compatible", then she is obviously not very experienced in relationships in the first place and shouldn't be pulling you into teaching her either.

    Number Two: If she did not base her decision on the compatibility of your MSN conversations, then she has some other reason and can't be trusted to just spill her beans and be honest with you about it. Another sign of the wonders to come if you two stayed together longer.

    Number Three: You will NEVER understand 95% of Thai womens' logic and reasoning. You can try and try and try but all us guys do is assume that our western logic is something they should easily grasp and accept as fair. The closest you will ever get is being able to PREDICT her behaviour... NEVER understand it. Is that something you are willing to do long distance anyways?

    On a final note, let the girl be. You sound like the hopeless-romantic type that has to keep trying before accepting failure, and that is only going to work out bad for you in the end. You can't "get" her back without being here... and I certainly wouldn't recommend you jumping over here just for her (considering her actions as of late).

    There a PLENTY of other women out there [here] for you to browse through and get to know. A relationship with a Thai girl is tramatic, unnerving and disorderly. You just learn to accept it as the price you pay for the other parts of their personality that exceed that of women in our home countries. Jump back on the Internet and hunt down 5 more... visit them all in one visit.. and put the power back in your lap instead of a single woman.

    Too cynical?

  10. The only way to get a western salary in Thailand is to start your own service company selling services to the Western world. Unless you have some skill that no other expat has, it's not likely you will find a western salary here....why would anyone pay you a western salary when you can get below a western salary hiring local or an expat who doesn't demand a western salary.

    Absolute <deleted>,

    .....plenty of expats working here on Western salaries ++ in Thailand...

    To answer the OP's question: It is very very difficult to get a decent paying job in Thailand, but not impossible and generally on a word of mouth basis/referral basis...I wouldnt bother with job advertisements etc etc as chances are you will get no where.

    I half agree with Soutpeel on this as I beleive he's in the O&G business same as me so yes you can get expat salaries fairly easily.

    But in IT when Thais can do the job cheaper probably not so easy unless you can get sent from head office of an expat company.

    Did the guy mention he was looking for an IT job? Sorry, I am too lazy to read the whole topic.... or posting for that matter.

    IT jobs are a little difficult to find, but it depend on just what kind of IT job. There are plenty of IT jobs dealing with the banking sector here in ERP implementation. One may wish to look into the contractor relationship between IBM Singapore and Kasikorn Bank. IBM has been taking care of much of their IT needs for a while and has numerous expat employees working at Kasikorn's main building as contractors from IBM.

  11. It is possible to get what you are looking for, but it will be 1000% harder and very discouraging to find it within your desired time frame. Most people that have western-based salaries and/or expat packages have either been transferred here, recruited through a search firm locally or abroad, or took the leap and started here by taking a low salary and networking their way into better jobs with companies that have better compensation programs.

    I don't think it is very far fetched to claim that if you are already here, your best chance of finding a expat-style job is by NETWORKING. Make some decent friends at the bar, attend an embassy or chamber of commerce event once or twice, go to dinner with your friends' friends every time you are invited, don't pass up any social activities when it comes to meeting new people, and even ask for an informational interview with HR or MD at a target company here. You can get a lot of advice and direction from an informal interview over lunch with someone at a company in a related sector. When I first came here, I did that with the HR Director at Colgate and Accor Hotels. I got a lot of information about the barriers to employment in my field and how to adjust my search.

    I never thought it would be true here but the business community is not all too complex, at least in Bangkok. All of my jobs here have been from networking. When I say networking, I don't necessarily mean going to chamber of commerce and embassy events every month, but just making successful contacts with friends and their friends and so on. My first job actually came through a bar owner in Bangkok that had a friend as MD at Company X. Second job came from my friend recommending I contact the Director at Company Y and I had an offer in hand within a month.

    Keep your chin up and be dedicated. If you have a real specialization, start getting your resumes in the hands of some of the 100s of search firms in Bangkok. Didn't read your whole message, but if you let me know what your specialization is or target job... I can PM you the details of some recruiters spread across Bangkok in your field.

    Hope it helps!~

  12. At one time or another, most expats here have come to the same realization as you. The key is assimilating to Thai lifestyle a little more and holding back on this cut & paste method of living the same lifestyle in Thailand as you do, or did, back home. That being said, it doesn't mean you have to start stocking up your fridge with Leo and Seang Som or eating at the noodle vendor next to the parking lot at your office, although that would be a start :D Nor does it mean that you have to give up that nice car and apartment. It just means that you have to start finding alternatives to your previous spending behavior that still make you content.

    My first few years here I was floating by as an expat thinking that I was assimilated just because I was bilingual and lived here long enough to call myself an expat. But in reality, my spending behaviour was the same as a nonlocalized tourist: shopping at only Foodland and Villa Market, eating dinner at only foreign-food restaurants, drinking and entertainment at the same touristy destinations, buying my clothes at Emporium or Paragon.

    All I had to do was replace a few nights or the week and a few shopping patterns with Thai alternatives, such as Tesco Lotus for the regular groceries, using a tailor for work clothes instead of brand names at the mall (which actually worked out great), buying my lounge-around-the-house clothes at Tesco, finding a few good street food vendors in the area and resorting to them instead of restaurants and Food By Phone every night, taking the BTS for errands and outings instead of driving the car. And then once a week I just hang out with my Thai buddies at their house and share a few bottles of Leo (never thought I would actually like drinking any Thai beers since I am usually a Scotch-on-the-rocks guy). I have actually been pretty content with those alternatives and I just resort to the more expensive things when I have a specific need or craving.

    In all, don't give up your old life. Just include a proper balance of old habits with new, Thai habits. You don't have to give up your "class" to save some money around here. I must be saving roughly 30-40k each month by find a simple alternative to the former, San Diegan lifestyle. So hang in there and experiment... you would be suprised what you find!

    Good luck, ya penny pincher! :) j/k


  13. Has anybody noticed the random checks taking place around Bangkok?

    I have definitely seen my share of police "pocket searches" and heard the stories of random foreigners being singled out in taxis on Thong Lor late at night, but never have I had to personally go through the annoyance of having a police officer demand to know what I have been doing and search my pockets.

    A few friends of mine came into town and have been doing the regular bar routine. Oddly enough, we have been stopped by the police on two seperate occasions in only a three-day period. First night (at around 10pm) we crossed the street right at the 7-eleven on Soi 33 and jumped over to the other side to catch a taxi towards Asok. As soon as we jumped in the taxi, two cops on foot knocked on the windows and started asking me where we were going. I replied in Thai and he left me alone and moved onto the passengers in the back seat. They asked the most ridiculous questions to them for about 5 minutes with the taxi door open, such as "Where are you from?" "How old are you?" "Why did you come to Thailand?" etc. etc. They asked to see passports, but they quickly got over it and just resumed with their questions. Keep in mind there were no girls in the car. Eventually they seemed satisfied and let us go on our way.

    Thinking it was just an isolated incident, we were in the area about 2 days later and stopped by this mediocre Italian food restaurant on the corner of Soi 23 and Sukhumvit. It was roughly 3:00am and I was walking my friends back to their hotel at the Citadines on Soi 23. About 50 meters passed the entrance to Soi Cowboy (which was already shut down) two more cops came up to us and did the same routine. This time they actually searched our pockets, wallets, cigarettes, etc. Again, they ignored me when I replied in Thai to them and focused on my friends. And once again... they said thank you and let us go on our way.

    Has anybody else been experiencing something similar in Bangkok (in terms of being searched, I mean)?

    .... you people that are already red-flagged need not reply... we know why you were singled out :)

  14. Certainly NOT Pedigree! Go for a natural diet as some people have suggested. I saw someone mention the BARF diet and others mentioned a regular homecooked diet (adapted for dogs, of course).

    Been using a natural canine diet for a long time now. Usually get a steamed chicken, brown rice, and a mixture of steamed kale, bok choy, carrots, brocolli, cabbage and some peeled and sliced apples. They add some oils and stuff into it that helps my dogs coat. Doesn't keep long in the fridge... but we just buy a couple bags and freeze it.

    I heard somewhere that they are opening a website for ordering custom, homemade dog food for delivery in Bangkok. When living in Pattaya, they would delivery down there too.. just have to order more. Try to find Dog Club Bangkok somewhere.

  15. As I mentioned before, I strongly suggest that you use an agent. There might be a reason why there are so many now, compare to the previous years... where they were none!

    Previously, I always did the process by own. Luckily enough (and this mainly due to my laziness!), I decided to use one this time... and everything works smoothly.

    For sure, some of the money that I gave to him ended in a Thai official pocket :)

    Why do you suggest using an agent and who have you used? I have used one once and it was a waste of time and money. Also, what would a stamp have anything to do with using an agent? I assume you are talking about entry stamps and not visas, because this topic is related to the red warning stamp issued upon visa applications in Vientiane.

    So anyways, fill me in on the details of the in-embassy service provided by the agent you are touting.

  16. As I mentioned before, I strongly suggest that you use an agent. There might be a reason why there are so many now, compare to the previous years... where they were none!

    Previously, I always did the process by own. Luckily enough (and this mainly due to my laziness!), I decided to use one this time... and everything works smoothly.

    For sure, some of the money that I gave to him ended in a Thai official pocket :D

    My fear in using an agent is it could be someone who had a stamp made and all of the money is in his pocket. What do you think? :)

    I honestly have no idea where the real value is in using an agent. I used an agent once in Nong Khai called Miracle Travel (I think) and all they do is fill out your form(s) and drive you to the embassy in Vientiane. I had to submit the application myself and pick it up myself... no agent even got out of the car at the embassy. So what's the point of an agent?

  17. I think I just witnessed a midget attempt to fight a bull.

    bull vs. midget??? now it is getting really silly.

    so i assume your vote goes to that strange "me and my car" logic as the winning argument? the infantile attempt of a bull to substantiate his "statistics."

    It is like driving your car home and you hear a thud at the back of your car. We think, "Who the hel_l hit me?" Why? Because that is likely the best explanation following statistics. Not that you were asleep at the wheel and happened to be driving backwards into a taxi. That doesn't sound very logical, does it.

    isn't it awesome?

    cars and bull fights, awesome logic which never fails, you are totally soaked up with your cultural heritage. i instantly knew where you are come from.

    but do you know what? Midgets win!


    I like this guy already, even if he is a midget. lol. :) Who said I am soaked up in any cultural heritage? Just because I can state what goes on in my home country that automatically sets the stage for me being some ultra-patriot to the USA?

    You are a funny guy and I would love to keep on peddling this infantile subject. But it seems like it is getting off track with this bickering. Good day and good luck.

  18. I always read here something like Thai are bad and foreigners are good, there are a lot of thai very rich more than anyone can think , there are a lot of foreigner who ocme here only for sex,drugs and drinking and many times they hit ladies and fight. Maybe this man is a professional thief in his country and is normal for him to do that , maybe he just try to get back what think he bought , but in the wrong form. I really don't like to read everytime you foreigners are good and all others are bad, why you stay here ?

    I read the forum everyday but i don't like to write because almost all of you are stupid and always answer like " thai ladies are bad " , " she only cheat and get his money"... Why you don't look inside yourself on why you are here ? is better then your country ? If yes is also better if you respect the place where you live now and respect the person. If not why you don't go back to your country ?

    Remember one thing , you go to ATM or Bank to take money and the thai people go to bank to deposit your money, who is clever now ?

    Sometimes instead then speak and offend a population is better shut up...

    You brought up an interesting argument that is seems to be coming from a sense of nationalism, which I commend. But I think that when ThaiVisa members make these assumptions of "he was stealing back his own things" and such, they are relying on some level of statistics. Yes, there is a chance that this Danish guy really did amaze us all by being a true criminal off to hit the mother-load, golden jackpot in Phitsanulok, Thailand. On the other hand, the chances of the truth in a "foreign national's" story being bent or scewed...... is absolutely far higher and much more common that the previous.

    It is like driving your car home and you hear a thud at the back of your car. We think, "Who the hel_l hit me?" Why? Because that is likely the best explanation following statistics. Not that you were asleep at the wheel and happened to be driving backwards into a taxi. That doesn't sound very logical, does it.

    And this whining thing about foreigners hitting girls? You should look into your comments... I think you would find that the rate of Thai-Thai spousal abuse and domestic violence is highest in Thailand than in any western country. Some slip through the cracks and make it to Thailand. But marking us as stereotypers and then basing arguments off of speculative observation doesn't change any minds. But I can guess that this issue of foreigner in Thailand is much more complex in your mind because you have seen millions and millions of foreigners come in and out of this country all doing different, illegitimate things. It must be heartfelt for you.

    I mean, what the hel_l would I know about living in a country being flooded with foreigners? I am from the states... so I know nothing. Our population is 100% pure. We have absoutely no Mexicans, Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese, Hmongs, Africans, Pakistanis, Indians, Koreans, Philippinos, Indonesians, Iranians, Cubans. Nope, never seen one of those nationalities come in and settle down in my home country.

  19. Yes, the skin scraping could reveal any miscroscopic conspirators. Could also have a type of flea bite allergy... but chances are not that high. If it were my dog, I would have rushed him to the vet first sign of the problem.. but I am going to assume that you haven't done it yet because are posting questions on this forum instead of with your vet.

    Consider a medicated shampoo (strong) called MALASEB. It works well with fungi, parasites, etc. on a dog's skin. But it is strong and shouldn't be used for anything other than treatment or maybe an occassional cleansing if he/she contracts skin problems easily outdoors. Other than that, non-medicated and gentle shampoos are better. I used an oatmeal shampoo (at least that's the name of it) made my Hartz.

    Take you dog to the vet. Any vet. Would you want to sleep a night with that kind of crud all over your skin?

  20. 2 weeks ago we baught 2 puppies from Chatuchack. After a few days the first one got sick (not eat listless vomiting and diurea) I thought he was a goner for a while as he couldnt stand up and couldn't keep his balance. We treated him as the vet perscribed and after a few days he recovered and is fine now but the second one started getting sick and I thought it would pass as it did with the first one but he passes away last night. (very sad). If it was Parvo I have read that it can stay in the area for up to a year. The first one needs a buddy s I'd like to get another but dont want another fatality. Does anyone have experience with ths?

    Definitely wait a while before getting the new dog. There may also be medicate washes and cleaners that you can buy to cleanse your house of the remaining virus (if the dog stayed indoors). But I am not entirely convinced it was Parvo based on what you described. If the dog couldn't stand up or keep its balance (or even moves as if it has arthritus).. the pup could have contracted Canine Hepatozoonosis which carried by ticks. The puppies easily ingest a tick at the less-than-clean dog farms or breeders or even when feeding on their mother. It takes a little bit of time, but it eventually spreads through the body and causes a large variety of symptoms at the same time. With severe infections, the dog will have a soft, watery stool. Urination is painful. Doesn't seem to be very active, walk or jump or play at all. Seems to be shaking or doesn't want to move. Sleeps extraordinarily long times. Doesn't eat much at all and can't stand up to eat for very long.

    Canine Hepatozoonosis is very, very common in Thailand.... especially among the less than reputable breeders and farms. It clamps down on your dog's immune system and does not allow your dog to absorb nutrients or circulate much oxygen in their blood. It also can cause severe pain in their joints... hence not moving around very much. It IS curable if caught early or in-time.... but requires at least a 1-3 years of regular treatment and checkups.

    Tell me something. When you saw your dog after it passed away, did it look like is was in an odd, stretched out position with eyes slightly bulged out? This would be a sign that you dog went into shock and it could be another indicator of the disease... and others also.

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