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Posts posted by expatudon08

  1. Just another reason to stay as far away from Chonburi as possible. I swear Pattaya has one of the highest per capita murder rates in the world.

    B)plus the 'falling off a balcony' syndorme world record.

    yes there.s a lot of deaths there i would say he finds out she as a boyfriend and stops the cash they both strip them him down after a good piss up and its just another sex tourist drunk

    easy for the police to bypass

    • Like 1
  2. this government will fall and the wrong people will win the hard core when if the rights of the people should have been listened to

    a fair elected government could rule short term more of the same long term lets hope for the best

    even so called uneducated people have the right to be legally represented will you all except that to get to a stable government all sides must have access to that government :)

  3. they are cheap but the usb function is not always the best not sure if its the format our player our pen drive speed which is something you should bear in mind i have 3 here in the house and tend to burn movies 5 at a time to a re recordable dvd as data files really easy and plays spot on most times

  4. i really feel very sorry for you guys keep kidding yourself but don't try it on with the majority of this country :)

    some of you need to re read your history books i guess most of you are English teachers :D

    for those that have lost out financialy everyone sympathiser.s with you much like the traders in boston who lost there valuable cargo.s of tea

    but which spawned a revolution against a cruel government

    yellows can not hold this country if your tied to them make a get out plan because there on there way out and if they fail to leave before problems with the monarchy arise then this recent trouble will be but a blip :D

    Preposterous again....

    Why don't you go back to sleep?

    wide awake thank you and feeling sorry for you and all the other washed up falangs in Thailand who live in a dream world

    lock yourself away from the real world but its coming a knocking

    well have a nice day i will also with my so called dim wit friends chock dee

  5. i hope the reds can get what they are wanting and that democracy and fair justice for all.....

    Are you insinuating that the Reds want real democracy and fair justice? Did you just pull in from Jupiter (where people are stupider) or from Uranus (where, ....oh never mind)?


    What people do NOT want to be treated fairly and with justice?

    It is funny that so so many people here post attacks on the reds in English.

    Looks like the western governments are not on your side.

    None of them are condemning the Reds.

    Even here in Asia, most governments are not condemning the Reds.

    I thought you and your kind said this would be over quickly?

    The army charged toward the Reds and some men in Black opened up on them.

    The video of the army running is quite educational.

    Those guys dressed in Black are Thai military shooting at their own.

    No charge after has occurred.

    All the posts about the Reds likely losing the next election reminds me of the Republican right wing nuts in America who say they will kick Obama's rump in the next election.

    He will win again and likely win by even a bigger margin. The rightwing idiots in formerly Bush run Nazi America are upset. They hate him.

    BUT they are just shooting their fat mouths off.

    Here, you who hate the reds are screaming because you know the Reds will win.

    Quit your crying.

    It is stupid and dense.

    very well said indeed common sense prevails

  6. i really feel very sorry for you guys keep kidding yourself but don't try it on with the majority of this country :)

    some of you need to re read your history books i guess most of you are English teachers :D

    for those that have lost out financialy everyone sympathiser.s with you much like the traders in boston who lost there valuable cargo.s of tea

    but which spawned a revolution against a cruel government

    yellows can not hold this country if your tied to them make a get out plan because there on there way out and if they fail to leave before problems with the monarchy arise then this recent trouble will be but a blip :D

  7. iam set in a village up country at the moment after reading many comments i just see how far out off touch many of you are about what's going on

    in Thailand

    the main concerns are inconvenience caused buy the protests :)

    red yellow whatever but lets have a country ruled buy the majority of legally caste votes and when that party fails to live up to the promises then another party will take power without mess that we see today

    what you see happening in England is domarcry in action what you saw when Obama came to power is the power of a vote unpopular to many but its healthy to disagree

    yellow shirts have held this country illegally and failed to hold a legal election which as caused many thousands to descend on Bangkok you can say they have been paid much like the uk miners strike in the 80.s when money came from soviet russia

    but what you see is democracy at work people have the power not the elite :D

    power to the people

  8. :) whats so funny is the banner adds on this post build a home in Thailand

    never been a good idea but its getting worse not only do you have to screen your partner but the Thai government is becoming more anti western month buy month

    Vietnam is booming compared to the backward ideas on investment from Thai government

  9. you could not be further away from udon if you tried. no thank you.

    happy hunting .

    Theres loads in Bangkok ( where our factory is located ) and there is one company in Udon , would give their address but to pass buisiness to a competitor wouldn't be wise :D

    a fellow poster needs info and you tell then half the story so know they look for more info when you will probably not get the sale and they waste more time seems pointless to me :)

    what i like about the internet is people helping people

  10. A recent, personal, experience when I knew that I was in the wrong BUT!

    I think all will be explained in this email.

    Did I even receive a reply, from the crook, did I hel_l!

    Dear Sir,

    On Wednesday June 17th, I was stupid enough to attempt to bring 2 (two) cartons of cigarettes into Thailand, above my duty free allowance – wrong, yes, but hardly a "hanging" offence!

    Arising from this, though, are a few major worries.

    · I had, obviously, been "targeted" (I do not know why) as the minibus in which I was travelling, to Udon Thani, was stopped by your Excise Officials about a kilometre from The Friendship Bridge and I was the ONLY person asked to open my bags.

    · I was travelling with another two ferangs (American) and one Laos/Thai girl and NONE of those were questioned, or asked to open their luggage!

    · I was taken off of the mini-bus and driven to the Excise office, in Nong Khai, where I was subjected to extortion of money with menaces (if I did not pay what they wanted I would be taken to Police Station, locked up and never be allowed to come to Thailand again).

    · My travelling companions had used their duty free allowances, on my behalf, but these agreements were totally discounted by your staff, who seemed to view the whole episode as one big joke!

    · After agreeing to pay a "fine", for which demands started at 47,000 Baht, then reduced (with discount) by 50%, to 23,500 (approx) then again to 18,430 Baht (after I showed that they were unable to use a calculator) they then told me that they would, also, keep all of my cigarettes. I said NO WAY , take me to the Police Station and they then changed their minds and said I could retain them!

    · I was only two cartons (they agreed) over the allowance for four people, but they wished to penalise me for everything above my individual allowance.

    · So, after ascertaining that I only had 15,000 Baht, in my pockets, I was driven to an ATM to get the additional cash. I would add, at this point, that I was asked by my "minder" how much I had withdrawn and I told him to "mind his own business", because I felt he would then attempt to take all of it!

    · After returning and paying the agreed amount (I thought that I could argue later) I then met yourself.

    · Not only did you proceed to put the money in your own pocket, with the 70 Baht change (I had handed over 18,500 Baht) coming from the pocket of one of your subordinates but, also, then stole four cartons of my cigarettes and then went berserk (mad) when I demanded them back.

    I thought, O.K. I can report you to the police for demanding money with menaces and theft but, after being driven to the Police Station, I discovered this was easier said than done as I still had "minders" and was not allowed to spend any time with a policeman alone!

    I did though place MY comments on the report, to that effect, although at that stage I did not know your name and was only told that after we had left the police station!

    I must, also, add that in your office I had been told to sign a number of documents, which were written in Thai with no translation offered, PLUS a blank page in what looked like a ledger. I can, only, imagine the way that these items will be utilised!!

    · I cannot believe that Nong Khai Excise wish to be known as a disgrace to Thailand, with people who DO NOT kao jai Thai Law being allowed to control it.

    · You have, actively, demonstrated that the way you and your team operate is a joke and it would not surprise me if very little (if any) of the "fines" imposed ever reach the Thai Treasury and you should, therefore, never be allowed to occupy ANY position involving cash!

    · My "receipt" (00169) shows 18,700 Baht paid, for the 18,430 Baht you received – That, alone, casts huge amounts of doubt upon matters and should make your accounting interesting – although, maybe, you don't worry about that at all!

    · You acted like a thief – no more, no less!

    I can NOT believe that any sensible Thai person would wish his (and his teams') conduct to gain a wider audience, on the internet, thus adding to Thailand's current problems with tourism, but if you wish that I will be more than happy (but would be, equally sad) to accommodate you!

    I think that I have, always, shown great respect to Thai people (no matter what their social standing) and for Thai culture etc. and (maybe) because of this have enjoyed equal respect from Thai people and have a number of good Thai friends.

    I love the people, I love the country, I love the way of life etc., but this is something I cannot and will not accept!

    I have lived in Thailand for, nearly, three years and am familiar with the "Tea Money" scams but that is, normally, for around 100/200 Baht and they can, possibly, be understood considering the low, basic, pay of Thai policemen.

    This, though, is totally, unacceptable and (unless resolved) will ensure that I leave the Kingdom, never to return.

    Prior to doing that, however, I will ensure that this matter is investigated by both the Police and your superiors in Bangkok, which is something I do not believe you would welcome!

    I would add that Khun Pharadorn Phongsuwan, at Nong Khai Customs is, already, aware of this matter as I reported it to him on June 18th, thinking that Customs & Excise are one department, as in the U.K.

    I want my money back (that I paid in excess of Thai law) my cigarettes back and an official apology!!

    In Saudi Arabia they cut the hands off of thieves – Maybe that policy should be adopted here!

    I will await your response with interest.

    Name withheld.

    The name of the man I sent that to?

    Khun Pradung Inchaiya who (guess who) turns out to be the guy who gave me the hassle - who is (supposedly )the Director of Excise in Nong Khai!

    I was, I will admit, in the wrong, BUT this guy (and his team) are nothing more than bent sharks!


    Please, before anyone has a "go at me" read up on Thai law - I may have "bent it" but what I did was, perfectly legal!

    If anyone wishes me to quote it "verbatim" I will/can do.


    I am, currently, laiaising with Mrs. Sirinuch Phisolyabutr, who is (supposedly) the head of the Thai Excise Department.

    We will see what happens and (I promise) you will be the first (but not the last) to know.


    In contrast to this post I have an interesting but probably unusual tale

    Soon after SVB opened I was returning to Thailand and was also carrying 2 cartons of Cigarettes quite openly hanging over the trolley handle. A couple of customs guys stopped me and said I was over the limit - I apologised and pleaded ingnorance about the limit and they suggested I went back to baggage reclaim and asked someone else to bring a carton through for me.

    I didn't fancy doing that so decided to go through the red channel, quite prepared to have them confiscated. I was bringing my golf clubs in with me and they suggested I opened one of the cartons and hid the packets in the pockets of the golf bag. I was a bit hesitant about this so they actually hid them for me and waved me through.

    I dined out on that story for a while having customs official hide my contraband for me. I later heard that the airport police were running the airport and they were searching people and taking bribes after coming through customs. The customs guys hated this and did everything they could to thwart the police.

    When I got outside there was no taxi rank and was accosted by a driver in a legitimate cab who told me that every time he arrived at the airport he had to pay a bribe to go into the short term car park which was costing him about 10k a month.

    As we all know the scum even rip off the taxi drivers who can't earn all that much - not just us Farangs

    my god another falang who bends the rules and then moans stop bringing more cigs into los then your allowed the warnings have been up for the last couple of years and its pretty normal to be stopped

    coming down from nong khai hello you broke the law you are at fault if there was a problem you should have phoned the tourist police simple

  11. We are mostly all familiar with the saying 'set a thief to catch a thief', but the rule here seems to be 'licence/empower a thief to rip off as many thieves as possible'. That way we can all get rich! Stealing from a shop or not, is beside the point, the main crime here is legalised extortion. Not a pleasant choice if the Bangkok Hilton is an alternative to paying the (law)?


    the reason these scams are going on is the fact as you point out the scammed are not so innocent and do rightly have fear of been thrown into jail till trial

    so if your honest and don't steal then you should be ok and if your not then your in trouble so do the time our pay for your crime literally seems a little harse but that's life

    the moral to this story is don't steal our you will regret it

    i wonder also if the shop girls are deducted thefts from salary every month if so this could be a reason why there have been so many spotted

  12. What is required are websites of western embassies and consulates to warn of the threat by "law enforcement persons" to their money. Maybe somehow it will get through to some people at the top. Thailand will NEVER get away from its reputation of cheating and corruption and the good honest Thais , the poor people will suffer , as they always do in any country when the Corrupt and powerful remain immune and wealthy.

    the main trouble i feel is tourists that take a 2 week holiday with there eyes closed tits and <deleted> hanging out no respect to them selves our others playing the big i am card

    if you where in London our new york you could find the same scammers looking for easy meat like this

    i doubt you will change Thailand they are not soft like us westerners

    the current Thai government are of the opinion if you don't like it p-ss of in fact even if you do still p-ss of

    welcome to thailand

  13. the trick to surviving Thailand is don't drop you guard but don't become paranoid Thai law is Thai law it don't work but

    that's not out of place for a Asian country

    i doubt very much all these cases are so innocent for sure its a good job they where not in some of the country's where they still can cut your hands of for theft and that's what it is when you leave a store without paying for goods that belong to them yes it seems they are milking it but who is at fault think about it

    Thais are not perfect and neither are some falangs

  14. I have some audio conversations that need to be first transcribed and then translated into English. How would I find someone qualified or a translation service in the area? Not much in Google.

    in udon thani there is a shop just down from Oscars fish bowl i am sure the lady ther can do it for you sorry don't have the address but its down back into udon about 100 meteres near corner with the open ground where the december fair is held

    i used her for tranlateing documents before audio should not be a problem

    try asking steve at the irish clock udon thani :)

  15. Finally new bikes in Udon,

    Yong Yontrakarn Co Ltd

    It's located across from Ratacahbat University not far from the Circle


    He currently has the following bikes in stock.

    250 D ttraker price 149,900

    The Klx same Price

    Nijna 250 R 144,900

    No 900 Vulcans in stock he can deliver in a week. Unforntunatley no financing available

    These are new bikes with good books

    He is builidng a new service center adn will haev the proper equipment adn trained Mechanics to take care of them,. I donlt know him but his brothre owns PP motors and they are good people so I hoping he will be the same or I woudln't post this

    good advice very usefull finding a good place to buy from is really important with big bikes hopefully it will be me one day

  16. Issan Politics Exam Question:

    Q. If the blue party give you 400 Baht to vote for them and the orange party promises to give your family a cow if they win, who do you vote for?

    A. Take the money, chase the orange party for the promised cow regardless of the outcome because you will vote for your uncle anyway.

    To be successful and happy as an expatriate it is important to recognise and accept that there are differences in the way of life between 'home' and a 'foreign' country. Study and research beforehand will be beneficial, but only time and the experience of living, working (or retiring) in one or more different countries will ensure settling into new environments and feeling almost 'at home' again. It is possible, usually after a period of adjustment.

    also understand that the things that you hate about Thailand are maybe someof the reason.s you stay :o

  17. Ist class insurance or nothing GD.

    You'll find anything else may have limited payout due to the accident event.

    E.G. I found one place paid out only half of what the vehicle costs if the accident was your fault.

    The devil is in the fine print.

    Insist on 1st class insurance and nothing else.

    Good luck.

    lek car rental in udon should be your first choice been a tight arse yorkshire man thas got to keep all angles covered

    theres so many stories of customers getting stuffed with dodgy car companies so if your not sure first do your research it could save you a lot of problems if you have a smash god forbid

  18. Membership not required

    The Eagle Rider and every one who like to have a chat, we

    > are meeting every last Freiday of the month at Freddy`s

    > Place. No time limits, say between 18:00 - 20:00, for

    > few hours,or more, as you like, no formalities!

    > I`ll try to explain how to find Freddy`s haus: BAN KHAU

    > SAN

    > Coming from Udon, take the highway Nr.2 to Khon Kaen. After

    > the last traffic light from the Ring Road, on the highway

    > take the 4 U-turn and drive to Udon Thani, on the left side

    > you see the Police Stastion, in front of you, you will see

    > a overfly bridge, and right after this bridge to left in to

    > the lane, the 4th. Hause on the lefthand side, Freddy is

    > well known in the village, so you can ask anybody in the

    > village for Freddy and Nee. OK:


    > Coming from Khon Kaen, highway No. 2 to Udon Thani, about

    > 18 km before Udon Thani, the last big village is NON SUNG,

    > about 7 km after this village you see the Police Station, in

    > front of you the overfly bridge, just after the bridge turn

    > left, the 4th. hause is Freddy place.

    > If you still donot find the place, give me a call, I`ll try

    > to help you.

    > Till than.

    > Fellow Biker

    > Khurram

    My thoughts sounds like a good get together to plan rides, or just simply to tell each other a few war stories, should be fun.


    have a good one guys i miss rideing my bike in thailand ok i mean scooter :o but its still good fun

  19. Does anyone know if there's a shop selling second hand TVs in Udon, sometimes repair shops sell them?

    Last night I watched toads, frogs, house lizards, field mice all pass through our living room (we're right in the fields) so I'd rather not get a new TV. The house lizards love to walk on the screen if I turn the room light off- it certainly improves the adverts and can be quite fitting when certain politicians appear.

    :o:D i have seen them but god knows i can not remember where good luck best idea rent a bike ride round udon and your sure to see something

    regards john

  20. Does anyone in Udon want to sell their bicycle.

    I did see some being sold in a 2nd hand market in Chiang Mai. They were next to all the old clothes etc.

    But I never saw any in Udon.

    I was quoted over 10,000 baht for a 19-120" frame 26" wheel 18 speed road bike at a local city shop.

    Surely there must be people wanting to flog one ?

    i paid 3000 baht for a new one at big c iam 90 -95 kilo :o the bike lasted 2 years i would not touch a seconhand bike waste of time unless marin our ridegback like i have at the moment

    if your in udon put a notice up in a couple of bars and tray your luck

    ps if your there in december can i join you for a ride :D

  21. yes i use the terminal car park very easy to get there from arrivals should be the same story next month picked up at bangkok then a nice drive up to udonthani about 5 hours nice and steady stop buy the water for a good feed :o

    ah life is good

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