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Posts posted by thirrouard

  1. If I understand this correctly, one of the ringleaders of an event that featured vandalism, criminal mischief, contempt of court (there were court orders to leave the premises), extortion, large financial loses incurred by hundreds of thousands of people if not millions, was allowed to participate in a "ceremony" whereby, he and his organization temporarily withdrew from the airport?

    And the Thai people wonder why every foreign country still has travel advisories in place and the civilized world watches with disgust?

    Well, everybody here seems to all agree that PAD are terrorist etc., but did one of you ever thought about some of them just having different point of view than you? like being critical about their own governement. Because having your own thought about the governement and politics doesn't seems a very spreaded idea.

    Just my two cents.

    I don't say they were right to do that, but your story just seems too black and white to ba accurate... the vilain coward PAD that steal and destroy Vs the good holly governement...

    I'm not saying that just to defend them, but I also been in a similar position. Our governement was puting some insane law, many students and teacher were against it, but the governement was ignoring us, explaining to us like little kids the official aim of the laws...

    But we wanted to be hear, so we had to do some crazy stuff. Thing is, in the medias, they always put it in way so we looked like criminals. For exemple, we decided to take over a famous University in Paris (Sorbone), sleep there the whole night, but of course it was out of question NOT TO respect the place. We are students, why would we destroy our own univerities? Thing is, the police did, when they kicked us out. And of course, afterward, on TV, it was said the studends did. And ho yeah, they also said most of people there were NOT students...

    So of course if you listen blindly to the TV and journals that are most likely handled by officials, you're not going to hear anything nice or even neutral about people who did something again the governement.

    Just wanted to remind you to stay critical and think by your own. It's important, people. I mean, don't take my word for granted either. This would be non-sense. Just listen, watch, get info from people, and think about it with your judgment.

  2. If you want to do a calandar, watch out the few pix I put online from my trip to Thailand, it's not in public domain but under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. This mean you can use it and modify it as long as the end product is also distributed under the same License :o

    In few words, you can use it for your calendar without problem as long as the calendar is distributed freely :D

    Check out my signature (i'm not allowed to post URL)

    There is a lot of pix that cannot be used for a calandar; as it's mixed with some "holiday" pix, but anyway...

    Ho and, there is like 10 times this amount of pix to come, I just need to work on them...





  3. The longer you leave filthy "new furniture" plastic protective wrapping on anything you buy be it: chairs, tables,photo frames etc ...the longer it will last.

    Why do the Thais do this...it drives me nuts

    Well not only thai people. I see a lot of people do this too in France, and also they leave the stickers that are only designed for marketing purpose, on electronic stuff, like "10Mpixel" "Windows Vista Bullshit Premium" "Intel Core 2 Duo" etc.

    Some people leave it because they think they think it will be hard to remove (but it's designed to be removed... execept with really stupid brands), some others think it look cool (well more like "kewl").

    Anyway... that also drive me nuts haha...

  4. Also Thailand has the Spiciest cuisine on the planet (Arguable)

    More than Arguable I think. I really doubt so. I was very worried when I saw the menus with "spicy" everywhere in the english translation, but the dishes were not quiet as hot as I thought. It was more than mild, Mexican or Indian food is far more spicy I think.

    by the way, I think that it's a good thing, because most thai meals are very well balanced the spices really are there for the taste, and not to hide the lack of it :o


    It took me awhile to get Thais restaurants to pay attention that yes, I like my food Thai spicy. They'd tone it down to barely a spike in heat. Boring. Most Thai's I've met for the first time don't believe a farang can eat food as hot as a Thai can, so unless I can get them to understand, they tone it down so I won't be uncomfortable. It's thoughtful of them and all... but... bring on the chilis!

    That's why I think Thai food is not THAT spicy. Go to an indian restaurent, even if you tell them that you want the food not spicy at all, you will barely be able to handle it (well me at least), wether in Thai restaurent they can do the food very mild without problem. And it's not boring at all, there is lots of other things to taste!

    But well, do you smoke? Smokers like salt and chili because it's almost the only things they can taste...

  5. Also Thailand has the Spiciest cuisine on the planet (Arguable)

    More than Arguable I think. I really doubt so. I was very worried when I saw the menus with "spicy" everywhere in the english translation, but the dishes were not quiet as hot as I thought. It was more than mild, Mexican or Indian food is far more spicy I think.

    by the way, I think that it's a good thing, because most thai meals are very well balanced the spices really are there for the taste, and not to hide the lack of it :o


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