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Everything posted by dyertribe

  1. Ever walked down Soi 9 in Sukhumvit? It's a rear laneway for the businesses in Soi 7/1. All the vendors from Sukhumvit road go there to urinate ... It's the same by the canal paths in Bangkok and Chiang Mai and no doubt other places in Thailand. Let's not get emotive and blame the tourists.
  2. Just stop pumping sewerage into the ocean. No chance I'd swim there ...
  3. What is more of a mystery is "Why is the Air Conditioner compressor mounted on the wall inside"? EDIT - Looking at the photo again that may be an outside wall in a carport, so no need to howl me down ... I retract 🙂
  4. I wonder what visa they actually have ... probably Elite
  5. I can not understand Thai parents who allow their children to ride unlicenced and (usually) without helmets when this country has such a high road toll. So many drivers here have no understanding of the road laws or a total disregard for them. Two 14 year old girls dead and I blame the parents as much as the drunk driver that hit them.
  6. There is no excuse for pack violence or even individual attacks.
  7. They really need to stop children riding motor scooters. They have no experience and pretty much fail to react in a serious situation. No licence or insurance so their victims get nothing.
  8. People have forgotten the gift from the Russian Government to Afghanistan (A beautiful Super Highway) that was then used in 1979 to invade the country ... Being able to move troops quickly is vital.
  9. This is the perfect way for China to quickly move tanks, equipment and troops through South East Asia once they fire the starting gun.
  10. Maybe they can spread April Fools Day across 3 weeks as well
  11. I love how this works ... announce a 3 week Songkran, then have a meeting to discuss and plan it. What could possibly go wrong. The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) will hold meetings next week with the Culture and Interior ministries, the private sector and other relevant agencies to discuss details of this year’s Songkran celebrations,
  12. Without jumping out to the full article on Thaiger, I didn't see any reference in the AN post to indicate she was unlicenced or didn't hold a motorcycle class licence ...
  13. I'd even be happy if they bought back the 45 day visa exempt ... longer is better but 45 is better than 30 🙂
  14. As Thailand is a signatory to the Rome Convention (membership to the International Criminal Court) they would have to arrest him when he touches down on Thai soil.
  15. Brake failure, Micro Naps, Wet Roads all may be part of the cause of an accident, but they are not an excuse ... negligence should be prosecuted. Saying you had brake failure does not excuse you from the results of your negligence.
  16. After a year underwater it isn't worth salvaging. The money should be spent on stabilising the wreck to ensure no further environmental damage. Drain the fuel bunkers, remove any explosives and let the diving community use it. Of course, as it was not prepared as a dive site, there is considerable danger and snag hazards.
  17. That seat is not properly anchored and is more likely to cause more harm to the child. Proper fitting is vital.
  18. My question is "Why is there a camera in the bedroom"?
  19. The weekly piece was better, even with Rooster disrespecting his reader base. I don't watch the other daily news vids on AN ... now it's 3.
  20. I'd prefer to see people losing points due to bad driving (speeding, alchohol, failure to stop at pedestrian crossings etc.) rather than for administrative offences (not paying your rego). That would at least show that the police were serious about road safety ...
  21. I call BS - nice day, 4pm ... no reason for a micro sleep. Of course, I don't know his exact circumstances, but even so, while a micro sleep may have been involved, it is NOT an excuse ... Charge him with dangerous driving.
  22. This is true of every country. Individuals are usually fine and genuine, but in a pack that all changes. I try to avoid large groups but will chat with anyone one on one ... and I seem to meet great people.
  23. So this guy who likely had a pass through to airside carried a firearm with him ... that is a concern. Sympathies to the family.
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