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Posts posted by koolbreeze24

  1. Finally, a Thai leader who makes sense. I hope he means it. A coup will just set the country back further then it already is and hurt busines and tourism, which is still realing from the airport closings and demonstrations in the streets by both the yellow and red shirts. Please, alittle common sense and a drive towards TRUE democracy.

  2. With PTP 313, Dem's 152, all other parties seem to have been more than decimated. BJT, CPPP, CTP had 89 seats, but go down to less than 35? Ah well, maybe the quality of polls hasn't improved yet ;)

    When will the Thai people, whether they be elite, poor or the military, realize that true democracy relies on election results, not coups. Thaksin has now won twice in two different elections. Whether you like him or not, his party has won. Let them take power and see if they can keep it. Coups are not the answer because they take away from the word Democracy and make this country a military dictatorship.

  3. But what does state of emergency actually means?

    Does it mean police and army will now use the force? or all of us people living in Pattaya have to walk around in fear of being attacked?

    Lucky for me, i live 100 meters away from red shirts camp(which was overnight near Big C)

    Not only i was unable to go get some food, but had to listen to the crap all night long. Mind you with so many people all 7 elevens and family marts were emptied out of food and drinks in under an hour.

    So not only i could not buy any food, i also could not order any food.

    So state of emergency means, they will use force to move the camp or does it mean i have to starve to death or ????????????????

    Do not need to worry about my other half, she can cook and eat all the bugs and grass around the condo, but i am not at that level yet

    Your joking. These cops won't do nothing. There useless except at collecting bribes.

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