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Posts posted by johndoarung

  1. My wife is struggling after many hours of study to get much more than 30% in the test results ,,,,when the minimum pass mark is 75% ,,its not as if she is some thicko as she has 7 university degrees and is a schoolteacher
    If her English is not of a sufficient standard to understand the study materials and the test then she can enrol on an ESOL with citizenship course instead.

    Johndoarung, the Africans and Pakistanis you dislike so much are subject to the same immigration rules and visa requirements as a Thai, including the prohibition on public funds. In fact anyone from outside the EEA who wishes to settle in the UK has to apply for a visa, live in the UK for the required time and take this test before they can obtain ILR.

    Please take your ignorance and racism elsewhere.

    Well my post wasnt a racist or ignorance post it was a fact. Ive been away from my wife for 4 months now working to get her visa sorted the last thing we need is this test, after a 2yr period its a con a farce really. England is a joke now really, to be honest i dont think other nations need these tests i think thats a load of crap. These tests are here to grind more money out of the working class. To be honest the worst thing you can be in England now is a working white english male and that is a fact. im not a racist i am a realist i work 50 hours a week and i just want a break really, from all these stupid things my wife has to obtain and do to stay with me its absolutely ridiculous. Also in my post i never said i dislike Africans and pakistanis i just said why do they get such an easy ride into England whilst OUR wifes have a HARD time its pathetic.

  2. The more i find about the visa applications and after it the more stupid it comes. How stupid is it that these tests exist. i mean i see African and Pakistani families coming to my country and claiming of the state whilst we working class get shit on basically whilst we go through all the stress of getting our wifes here and then find out about this stupid test. Do other nations need to take this test? argh it makes me soo angry

  3. Hello i am on the way to getting my wife a spouse visa to come to England. I have all the required documents wage slips, place to stay phone logs, e-mails marriage photos of us both etc. The 1 thing im missing is photos of us together besides marriage. I obviously didnt take photos of us together because i didnt plan to get a spouse visa before is there any way around this i have 1 years worth of call logs and over 1000 e mails

  4. Hello, i recently married my thai girlfriend of 2 years in Thailand, im now back in the uk and i wish to bring her to England to come live with me. Im 23 and for the last few years ive done a lot of travelling around the world, getting to the know the world and so on :o and ive been studying for 2 years. Now though i am working as a Residential Support worker for disabled people, a job i really enjoy. I currently live at home with my parents but i have asked them if my wife can come live with us in our home and they said yes. I currently do not have much money as im 23 and been around the world travelling for a long time and such. What i want to know is if i make a application for a spouse visa (1 or 2 year visa sorry im not familiar with all visas) will i have a good chance to obtain one? My parents are going to act as my sponsor ie they can help us financially and they can let us live with them. i am working at the moment also and ive obtained 1 months wage slip. ive gathered all the other information i need ie phone logs, e-mails, photos and such. Thank you for your input i really appreciate it John thanks again :D

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