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Posts posted by kconor

  1. The Listing of Regional Offices to be used for reporting, of ??

    ...Live in Bangkok

    .variety of month-to-month, one-year, and 15day-extensions,

    ...married, with children, but not $$$ to make 'marriage' visa [assets stolen by KBank].

    ...my Immigration files record this already...it is long as a mystery novel...

    ...am almost 62yrs with 8yrs in 'T-land'

    Thus, ???continue per 15day-extensions???, ???attempt a waiver as crime victim??

    or ??? does this listing imply every 15day, report directly to soi suan plu [$$$]???

    What 'other' surprises, non-publically announced, is MFA-IBP planning???

  2. http://siam-never.blogspot.com/


    All of these bank problems: deeper and dirtier than you think. My experience is with

    Kasikorn Bank. A two owner account was contracted: either owner [or] can access

    all funds. Later when wanting said funds, the Kasikorn Siam Square Manager said:

    no, the computer says it is 'AND'..both are needed, ..we enter all accounts this way;

    besides, 'when we give you your passbook, this negates anything written on the contract', and 'as the thai's name is listed first, you will need permission to access it..

    as fahlang lie.' Yes,.....even with documents from the Kasikorn Legal Dept. ordering

    Siam Sq. Kasikorn to comply....'we will have to check again,...and get an alternate

    answer, because we cannot risk be sued by the thai partner, because they would win.'

    'To be sure we will ask the Directors to make a decision [they will only do this one time]'

    'The Directors have informed us that You must sue us.'

    So, a logical response is: go to Thai Police or go to a Thai Lawyer. No. Thai Police

    at Prantumwan said, 'we cannot make a report, because they are in my district.

    Thai Lawyers [10] said, ' no we cannot sue them, because Kasikorn is important and is

    protected by 2nd Chairman Pol.Gen Pow Sarasin.'

    So, what happened to the account? First it was cut in half value, next its contracted

    interest was reduced from 12% to 1.2%...at decided by the BOT, Bangkok Bank Authority...without any notice. And who sits on the BOT to make such decisions

    [due to the crisis of foreign investment and no $$$ to pay back]...the Presidents and

    CEO's of the Banks...and Boys Club. Not enough? Being married to a Thai and having

    two children...the assets..although not accessable..are enough to apply for a marriage

    Visa. This causes a plea to Kasikorn to issue a letter of assets,...which they did...but

    as Thai immigration wanted to 'see' a bankbook,...helpful Kasikorn would 'privately

    make a false bankbook to show to Immigration.' [which I did not do]. But there is always

    the direct approach...as my thai wife taught English to Thai Drug Police...who knew

    members of the Bank and Immigration...they would get me direct interviews...how to

    reduce my visa burden. So, I met with the then Director of Thai Immigration for some

    waiver due to being a crime victim, but married with children. He said, 'what, you are

    an American....don't worry about the stolen bank account, just go open another one!"

    A more startling fact, is that Kasikorn does not care at all, no comment.

  3. All of the comments, good/bad, in thailand or outside, will apply at sometime. However, in my experience,

    it helps to have some feel about classifiying the Img-police and knowing their education/salary, and knowing or understanding that they are police of differing experience.

    The reference I mentally use, from experience is that I will be facing a Img-police of FOUR types:

    Black, totally corrupt, makes up his own system; he can be used, while he is exploiting and using you.

    His being this way is becuase of the flexibility available and the lack of checks on his doings.

    White: by the book, knows every detail, and will never use one of them to make the process easier nor make the task easier for the 'fahlang'; they are something of a 'righteous' by the laws no matter what the damage will be. Avoid this one. Some of the thaivisa members have suggested sweet talk

    and folksy thai lingua talk. With this one, it will get you ignored or rebuked. 'don't sweet talk to me, you will get no special treatment.' My thai friends and wife have both tried to soften the journey through Immigation by 'sweet' talking the 'white' police, forget it.

    Dark-Grey, This is one of the types to spec for, they know the loop holes and the weakness of the system and the inherent weakness and absences of documentaiton. They will find the faults, but, they will offer a solution, usually $$$ or a favor 'can you get me a russian girl???' This one is clever and could

    also become a regular asset, but the price is usually being found out by a Black who wants in on the action. This Dark-Grey type may sometimes cover/protect you, as it covers/protects him.

    Light-Grey, this is the rare one, knows the correct policy, regs, and is uptodate. Usually they are not

    in an office long enough to be useful. They sympathize with problem cases, and try to help, this can work

    out, however, the chain of command usually does not go up to another good guy. You can also run into

    a good guy going down to a bad guy. Myself, I was connected with a 'big' good guy who ordered that

    somethings good be done to help....the job went to a black, bad guy, who took it as an opportunity to

    enrich himself or to destroy me if I didn't comply.

    My own wounds with Img-police and thais...has made for some requests, extension due to cirucumstances of being a crime victim, but not complaining that part of the crime elements came from police. Being helpful only goes so far and will never consistently make things smooth; it usually requires an intermediary friend, a friend of the salawat=officer....then I become VIP or become best police-sponsor. A friend with

    higher level contacts is useful sometimes, but I have found it always is like drinking vinegar, 'I will help

    you because your friend is thai, but next time you come, you had better speak better thai language.'

    Or, 'I would like to help you because you are a crime victim, and I could give you a waiver, but then

    someone will ask why I am so nice, couldn't you just go open another bank account...you are an american' !!!.

    The other tag idea toyed with by the members, is the background and gender influence. Females are

    generally the worst, afraid to make a decision, make an error [you visa begins today and ends tomorrow...

    so 'don't call me stupid' Women are far lazyier......I met one Img-police woman..who refused to lookup my

    record or case files...'becuase she had already decided without checking that I had no case and she was not going to change anything anyway.' The Img-police men, usually for border crossings, it becomes

    an issue, 'you are an old man, how did you get a sexy thai wife??'

    The sinister side of police background experience is this, a number of police from Drug Suppression, after

    the last sweep thru chiang mai....decided the 'they could have more freedom with less pressure and more

    'opportunity' if they transfered into Immigration Police as they would not be watched so carefully.

    So, when you get eye-balled and looked over, think carefully about what this policeman...has also been

    doing in his career.

    I will say, honestly, I never would wish to have aquired this kind of knowledge, but in this -land, it becomes useful.

  4. Comment to the comments:

    The apartment manager is 'culpable', jailable, if he permits an alien to reside in his building; the manager is driven by fear and paranoia. A 'managed' building, usually requests a xerox copy when appling for a room.

    The afair becomes more slimy and dank for small, small, nearly invisible rooms. My wife, is thai-ishan and part burmese; as she looks more burmese, she gets strange looks from

    real 'thai'. We found a cheap, 1k/ month room in prakanong area, woman manager was

    'overjoyed' to have a couple with children, she even offered the usual 'lucky' dead chicken upon our move in. However, she continued to visit at all hours, to socialize and

    view...and as the youngest child was often with babysitter and sometimes overnighted,

    this 'manager' became too curious. The curiosity advanced to her sneaking into the room

    and searching for identity cards [my wife discovered this]. Later the manger said: 'she

    is not supposed to let burmese stay, but she would make an exception to help us, if we

    would pay and extra months rent deposit,...every month,....as she also had some other

    burmese staying in her building' [that was actually true] However, as she wanted the

    money quickly, I found she was also prone to maliciousness,...as tossing my sneakers

    off the rooftop, or tossing my laundry to her dogs that were housed on the roof.

    Outcome. Late night, fast exit via taxi to a cheap hotel. The people, who live in

    T-land, and pass themselves off as 'civilized' or 'helpful' are more abundant than most


    As for a passport belonging technically to an embassy, this is technically true, but

    if thai police or someone wants to see it, mine is as thick as my arm from all the in/outs

    [mr thaksin implimented]...I never carry it, I never show it...to anyone, and just say

    a simple, direct NO.

  5. It is good to be praised and also to be errored: but, check with google on Thai Human Rights Commission and with the United Nations committees that Thailand has been on: answer:

    Thailand has voiced for rights, but has not signed for childrens rights under the United Nations

    as it is 'intrusion into thai sovereinty'. The current Director of THRC...will tell you directly,

    'we have not signed for that one' Signing for some things does not mean coverage for all,

    and for children, if they cannot sign it, the should lose voting rights in UN. What happens

    to children and to elders...among the worst things.

    As for the claim, thai's love children, yes it obediant and quiet. My daughter had a thai, with

    her mind on buying a loto ticket, step on her foot, bloody....breaking her sandal....a request for

    at least an appology and a new sandal....' she is a child, I do not have to be sorry for her, she

    should have waied me for getting under my foot'

  6. I do appreciate the MEMBERs are answering, in any way. However, DO a google on

    Child abduction, Thailand or Child rights, Thailand [Commission of Human Rights, AMLO]

    ...and the reply will be the US Embasssy, the British Embassy...and both will inform

    Thailand, has NOT signed the UN Hague accord and YOU cannot reabduct, and the

    Embassy will not intervene nor assist. and custody....may go outside of mother/father

    ...and FOREIGN COURT ORDERS will be ignored..no one tells thai courts or police what

    to do.....

    I do not need to put 'force' into this outcome....it was already there.

    Also, yes it is sometimes possible to win custody...if you have $$$ for the thai lawyer

    and the case is only civil... mine is also criminal against a big bank and against thai

    police and the US Embassy...and I have met a thai lawyer who will take the case.


    DISCLAIMER: The information in this flyer relating to the legal requirements of specific foreign countries is provided for general information only. Questions involving interpretation of specific foreign laws should be addressed to foreign legal counsel.

    GENERAL INFORMATION: Parental Kidnapping is not a crime in Thailand and Thai authorities will not issue a warrant or become involved should one parent take a child without the other parent's authorization. The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction cannot be invoked if a child is taken from the United States to Thailand, or vice versa, by one parent against the wishes of the other parent or in violation of a U.S. custody order.

    CHILD CUSTODY: Under Thai law, the question of child custody is addressed in Book Five of the Thai Civil and Commercial Code under the general headings Termination of Marriage and Rights and Duties of Parent and Child. The relevant portions of the law follow in full:

    Section 1520.

    In case of divorce by mutual consent, the agreement for the exercise of parental power over each of the children shall be made in writing. In the absence of such agreement or (if) an agreement thereon cannot be reached, the matter shall be decided by the court.

    In case of divorce by judgment of the court, the parental power belongs to the party in whose favor the judgment is given, unless it is decided by the court that the parental power shall belong to the other party, or that a third person shall be the guardian.

    Section 1521.

    If it appears that the guardian as provided in Section 1520 behaves himself or herself improperly or there is a change of circumstances after the appointment, the court has the power, after taking into consideration the happiness and interest of the child, to give an order appointing a new guardian.

    Although the parental power belongs to one party, the other has the right to continue such personal relation with the child as may be reasonable according to the circumstances.

    Section 1522.

    In the case of divorce by mutual consent, an arrangement shall be made and contained in the agreement of divorce as to who, both of the spouses or either spouse, will contribute to the maintenance of the children and how much is the contribution. In case of divorce by judgment of the court or in case the agreement of divorce contains no provisions concerning the maintenance of the children, the court shall determine it.

    Section 1566.

    A child is subject to parental power as long as he is not sui juris. The parental power is exercised by the father or the mother in any of the following cases:

    (1) The father or mother is dead;

    (2) It is uncertain whether the father or the mother is living or dead;

    (3) The father or the mother has been adjudged incompetent or quasi-incompetent;

    (4) The father or the mother is placed in a hospital by reason of mental infirmity;

    (5) The parental power has been granted to the father or the mother by an order of the court.

    The parental power is exercised by the mother, when the child was born out of wedlock and has not yet been legitimated by the father according to Section 1547.

    Section 1567.

    A person exercising parental power has the right:

    (1) to determine the child's place of residence

    (2) to punish the child in a reasonable manner for disciplinary purposes;

    (3) to require the child to do such work as may be reasonable to his ability and condition in life,

    (4) to demand the return of the child from any person who unlawfully detains him.

    As shown above, the question of child custody under Thai law is addressed mainly in the context of termination of marriage. It is therefore difficult to speculate about what kind of stance the Thai courts would take toward a custody decision made in the absence of the termination of a marriage, e.g., in the event of a legal separation.

    As a matter of law, foreigners are treated on an equal basis with Thai citizens in matters relating to child custody. Thai law makes no distinction between the rights of the father and mother on issues of child custody.

    ENFORCEMENT OF FOREIGN ORDERS: Foreign orders (including U.S. custody orders) are not enforced/enforceable in Thailand. American citizens who travel to Thailand place themselves under the jurisdiction of Thai courts. If a taking parent chooses to remain in Thailand with a child or leave a child behind in Thailand, the U.S. Embassy cannot force either the taking parent or the Thai Government to return the child to the United States. American citizens planning a trip to Thailand with dual national children should bear this in mind.

    S. Department of State

    SA-29, 4th Floor

    2201 C Street, N.W.

    Washington, D.C. 20520-2818

    PASSPORT APPLICATIONS FOR MINORS: A person applying for a U.S. passport for a child under 16 must demonstrate that both parents or legal guardians consent to the issuance of a passport to the child or that the applying parent has sole authority to obtain the passport. This law covers passport applications made at domestic U.S. passport agencies in the United States and at U.S. consular offices abroad. Exceptions to this requirement may be made in special family circumstances or exigent circumstance necessitating the immediate travel of the child. The purpose of the new requirement that both parents' consent be demonstrated is to lessen the possibility that a U.S. passport might be used in the course of an international parental child abduction.

    CHILDREN'S PASSPORT ISSUANCE ALERT PROGRAM: Separate from the two-parent signature requirement for U.S. passport issuance, parents may also request that their children's names be entered in the U.S. passport name-check system, also know as Children's Passport Issuance Alert Program (CPIAP). A parent or legal guardian can be notified by the Department of State's Office of Children's Issues before a passport is issued to his/her minor child. The parent, legal guardian, or the court of competent jurisdiction must submit a written request for entry of a child's name into CPIAP to the Office of Children's Issues. The CPIAP also effectuates denial of passport issuance if appropriate court orders are on file with the Office of Children's Issues. Although this system can be used to alert a parent or court when an application for a U.S. passport has been executed on behalf of a minor, it cannot be used to track the use of a passport that has already been issued. If there is a possibility that your child has another nationality, you may want to contact the appropriate foreign embassy or consulate directly to inquire about the possibility of denial of that country's passport. There is no requirement that foreign embassies adhere to U.S. regulations regarding issuance and denial of passports.

  7. Bold, forceful...yes. All true.

    Damage to children and to me father, is one year already. Thailand may on/off committees...but Thailand HAS NOT SIGNED THE UN HAGUE ACCORD on Childrens Rights,

    US Dept State, US Embassy, Thai National Human Rights Commission...have all said this.


    /childrens rights and USA Fathers Rights..groups have both backed

    off on intervention due to this. A thai can abduct and go to Thailand and a Thai can abduct inside of T-land..it is considered 'normal' A foreigner abducting out of T-land or

    into T-land...will be arrested...as it is thai police policy 'to aid thai's and to protect thai's from fahlang' and 'we do not care that that mother, has a history of mental-emotional-personality disorders and has attacked you and has beaten the children and

    burned them and broken their teeth...children are always happy with mummy' Klongton

    Police. 'we will not make a police report for you as you must be trying to hurt her legally'. and 'do not worry about the police report she made against you,,as the police do not take this seriously [and the thai court will take it how???]

    And what about when the US Embassy called, you lied or the girl at the embassy got

    the story twisted around to 'the fahlang was a bad guy and was beating the thai'????

    So the manger of ACS due to policy of silence and due to the thai police would not advance my case.???

    My son was taken Oct 5 by the 'wife-mother' going mental, throughing everything,

    and grabbing him [not a first time] She returned 7 days later, for the daugher...but

    came armed and protected by a mafia guy from Buddapest..who centered himself in the

    middle of my room...he is about 6'6...rambo...while the mother trussed up the girl and picked her up..she was screaming to stay....A call to Klongton Police resulted in zero.

    I have not seen them in one year, she intents to hold them captive until they are 14

    thai legal age,...then 'you can send them to school in America...I will not let you use them.

    I asked Rep Nancy Pelosi to query this and all that came up to this...and the US Embassy said, 'he has never asked us for help and we do not know about this'.


    I also asked the US Embassy, FBI, and ICE-immigration-border police to take some

    action or at least action on the causatives [i sponsored a thai to USA who ripped off

    all of the USA and Thai assets with Kasikorn Thai]...neither would do anythings as

    'we like thai police do not like admitting error...and the policy is to stay friends with

    our thai partners' [partners in crime???]

    interrim ref: spirit6x8 blog...search

    Back in 1992...I wanted to do a medical consultancy...USA-thai...and sponsored

    and 'educated' thai ...he, ripped off my USA bank account, credit cards, and my KTB

    accounts; KTB went silent and froze the account for 4 years...until the thai returned

    and then informed me 'yesterday he returned from america..and the acount is now empty. One month before KTB offered to make a FAKE bankbook to present to thai

    immigration to secure a marriage visa [a little crime for KTB]

    My thai wife, an english teacher petitioned her boss,...director of drug police in charge

    of yes-live, no-shoot,...to ask KTB to settle privately...also as 2nd chair is Pol.Gen Pow

    Sarasin...whose son was in drug police. next day, 2 days before xmas...I have decided

    not to help you and am canceling your job with us. Enough to make her a little more

    crazy perhaps?? So assets gone, children gone, citizen rights gone. all a great story.

    And some wonder why this little story explodes all by its own content??

    And some also wonder why I do not vote for a country that turns its back on its citizens

    and its elder crime victims...but, the Embassy wants you to pay for your repatriation back to USA...it is what we can do to help you with what we can?

    ps. as I have actively attempted to get a reply, any reply out of US Ambassador Eric

    John, the GW Bush appointee..is near invisible recently.


    1. do not go to thai police for anything

    2. do not go to thai government with a problem they caused

    3. do not request 'guest' Embassy to assist you, they will not

    4. do not request home office or home government, 'it is outside our soverienty'

    5. do not trust the sympathetic thai, who will 'call you tommorrow to help you'

    6. do not trust USA-International police: FBI, ICE, IRS...they do not like admitting that

    they too make mistakes.

  8. Welcome to the forum. Interesting - and quite strong - views. What made you decide to drop this bomb out of the blue? You seem very informed, either for many years working in these matters, or for personal experience. Anticipating some dissenting replies and more questions from other readers, I encourage you to dwell (factually) a bit more on the subject.
  9. T-Land and Tai Chi...or yoga.

    The three of them are incompatible.

    Tai chi principle is based on centering and not going to physical or mental extremes;

    it is a soft, gentle, dynamic flexing; thus most presume it is for old people and useless

    for combat.

    Yoga, usually associated with or derived from Hatha [sun-moon] yoga, works the body

    to its physical limits..the stretch;..and advances to the mentality of meditation. Tai

    chi has no meditative aspect other than feeling and observing ones self.

    the last difficulty, the Thai. Most want the 'latest' 'greatest' known, popularly recognized

    exercise workout, so when name dropping, it brings accolades. They not practice

    muay thai, but will do tae kwan do, aerobics, and jogging or capeiera.

    Yes, tai chi can be found in park area around bangkok, but few, very few are qualified

    to teach this correctly. I have met only two teachers, both chinese, very chinese,

    and both would not teach non-chinese; one was became a friend, the other only wanted

    to test fight. This is the aspect to contend with: teacher, vanity, and martial conflict.

    For Bangkok, going to the park, meeting 'friends', practicint out of doors, regular schedule,...this in itself will satisfy most.

  10. What is the Mentality of T-land authority on Children's Rights?

    The half-thai child, is given over [by thai police or thai amphur] to the Thai mother

    ...thai's help each other, thai's protect thai's, thai's do not hurt other thai's.....

    the Thai mother, gains 'custody' and control of the child, under thai law, is then free to control, educate, beat=punish, and isolate the child...to be...as the thai mother wants.

    {my own daughter was beaten everyday in thai school by the thai teacher...as the

    girl spoke better english...and this embarassed the thai teacher....}

    The thai mother can have legal, unjudicated [police supported] control of the child until

    they are age 14, the age of maturity and self-determination...meaning isolation for 14 years, sanctioned by Thai 'authority'. Foreign Embassies may not like it, but being

    diplomatic guests, will not intercede to protect the child from this abusive victimization.

    Thai Police will also take a draconian, down the middle attitude. ie. if the mother of the

    child is an illegal-alien from Cambodia, and the father, a famous UK piano player, the

    thai Police will take no report nor take no action against either. Why? Because, the

    mother from cambodia should be deported, but that would fault police; the UK father

    should be arrested for aiding an illegal, but that would leave no $$$ for the wife and for

    the child; so, no report, no action, no fault of police, case files [never made] void.

    As for the usual alternative: get my Thai friend t help me with thai police, to translate and to make a police report. The Thai Police, avoid such reports as it makes police and thailand look 'evil', and the thai friend will not want to talk to the police as he could be

    probed for how much $$$ can be paid for encouragement or the police may take action

    because the thai friend didn't report for military servive.

  11. For case files: regarding Childrens' Rights and Abduction of Children of mixed parentage,

    T-land is NOT a signer of the United Nations Hague Accord for Childrens Rights.

    T-Lands' National Human Rights Commision has NO AUTHORITY for legal action.

    T-Land Police policy is extra-judicial, disputed children custody is ALWAYS given to the

    thai side and usually no report-record will be made

    T-Land court usually judicates in favor of the Thai side, especially if Male.

    T-Land is in diplomatic collusion-complicity with foreign Embassies which, although they

    know of Human/Children Rights Abuses, will NOT comment, will NOT intercede, will NOT take action for fair justice; the claim that Embassies take no sides is untrue,

    .....silence, is collusion ....and a breech of Oath of Office.

    T-Land Ampurs-marriage offices usually will decide divorce and cutody of children, extra-judicially; if custody become the issue, children will remain with thai side and case goes

    to thai court and thai judical 'authority'. Nothing good comes of this.

    T-Land Lawyers, a mum to Police and to Court, polite, and ineffective.

    Cases usually are complex, foreigner will also be defrauded, so no money for court or lawyer; Embassy, being a diplomatic-guest, will never assist nor protect the victimized

    citizen. Foreigner can also have been defrauded in business or defrauded out of Banking assets [to benefit a Thai, to protect a Thai, or to protect the Bank from litigation]

    Thai authority side will look for every reason to 'fault' the fahlang. Embassy

    authority will look for every reason to say it is a 'civil' case, and stay silent. It the abducted child is registered as a Embassy citizen...how can it stay silent?

    The function of Embassies, is to 'cooperate' with the thai authority, not to place blame

    and responsibility on them, and to grant 20Millon in military aid and 2-5 million to temple

    beautification....not to aid Citizen Victims of T-land injustice and indifference.

  12. There is always so many topics on here about custody of children that it has made me start to worry that I do not have legal custody of my son although it is mutual between his dad and myself.

    My son's father is Thai and so my son is a Thai citizen with Thai passport but he also has NZ citizenship and a passport. I was never married to my son's father. We split up 2 years ago after I found out he'd been cheating on me (do not have hard evidence of this anymore as accidently deleted the incriminating email - friends saw it though) and we've lived separately ever since.

    My son stays with me full time and sees his father once a week or so. I am much more financially able to take care of my son and provide a better life for him, but it worries me if his father finds himself in a better position financially in the future (he works in an industry where this may become a possibility) and decided he wants my son to live with him. Or what if I decide to leave Thailand - would he legally be able to force my son to stay here?

    Do people think I should be getting legal custody or do you think it's safe to continue as we are? At the moment it is all agreeable between us.

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