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Posts posted by Jolyn

  1. I had the tumor remove thirty years ago, and no I didn't change at all, I don't even take syntheroid now, but losing weight is a problem.

    Generally you perk up more when you get your thyroid or thyroid substitute working again.

    So you might be more active or cheerful. But not manic or crazy or a completely different person....

  2. High blood pressure is when your blood vessels (the tubes that carry blood around your body) are slightly narrower for some reason causing pressure inside them. It could be due to cholesterol (which is like plaque that builds up in your blood vessels). A high calorie diet with inadequate exercise could cause cholesterol build up. Very high blood pressure due to very high cholesterol levels can lead to heart attack and stroke if not dealth with. However, some people's blood pressure has times when it goes high for a little while. Maybe you should get them to check your cholesterol level. Then they will be able to tell you whether or not it is due to something serious or not....

  3. Hi...

    The two key areas of safety that runners and joggers need to be aware of are injury and victimization. Injuries can stem from tripping on a crack in the sidewalk while jogging to being hit by a car. Very serious injuries can come from very small things, like misstepping. The second, victimization, is much less likely, but extremely dangerous. Let's see how a few easy steps can keep us clear of both of these....

  4. Hi...

    an alcohol is any organic compound in which a hydroxyl group (-OH) is bound to a carbon atom of an alkyl or substituted alkyl group. The general formula for a simple acyclic alcohol is CnH2n+1OH.

    The word alcohol was introduced into the English language circa 1543 from the Arabic: الغول‎, "al-ġuḥl". In layman's terms, it usually refers to ethanol, also known as grain alcohol or (older) spirits of wine, or to any alcoholic beverage. Ethanol is a colorless, volatile liquid with a mild odor which can be obtained by the fermentation of sugars. (Industrially, it is more commonly obtained by ethylene hydration—the reaction of ethylene with water in the presence of phosphoric acid.[1]) Ethanol is the most widely used depressant in the world, and has been for thousands of years. This sense underlies the term alcoholism (addiction to alcohol)......

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