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Posts posted by ernest1966

  1. Wow! A Sarcastic comment from the moderator (super) of the internet section. Lets see, I have used bbs and forum for coming close to 17 years now. If I want a sarcastic comment from a moderator because of a PERSONAL VIEWPOINT , (clearly stated, can you read) I will ASK YOU FOR ONE.

    Now, onto your comments.

    Put a man and a woman in a room together, within 30 seconds they know if they like each other.

    Test drive a car for just 5 minutes, you know if you like it.

    For myself I have used PC's and Mainframes (I was a mainframe Operator, a computer programmer) all versions of DOS , most versions of Windows barring Vista, yes I can pretty much make up my mind within 5 minutes if I like it or not.

    You can't disguise shit, no matter how much you try, I'm talking about Win 7 here, just in case you thought I was having a go at you.

    And yes, I can get all my old progs to work, not in XP, its called a seperate partition.

    Guess what, that's a personal opinion or are we not allowed these on TV without having super mods take the piss, oh sorry you're a super mod and know more than me.

    And again, All I have stated are personal opinions if you want to get personal (via your fantastic sarcastic wit) as a super mod, go ahead but you shouldn't even be one if you act like that.

  2. So, I have just spent 5 unglorious minutes with Windows 7, after a quick install and a quick boot up, yes it is quick but I have decided to take it off, mainly because:

    - the UI is too different in places to XP

    - it doesn't adhere to KISS, it comes accross all flash and no substance - for gods sake its just an OS

    - it really is over complicated it parts, just opening up a torrent file in utorrent is yuck

    - it wants to "mother" you too much

    I love xp because it is SIMPLE, its not snazzy, hasn't got a million windows opening up god knows where or a million options, when xp gets killed off I will go to linux, but I will never touch vista or win7

    After all, all win7 is . is vista lite, a rebadged vista to fool people

    This is all a personal viewpoint.

  3. PattayaParent/Lami,

    Its a widely misconceived idea that muslims can have 4 wives. It depends on the country and culture of the muslim community. It was done originally (so I am led to believe) because of the crusades and the lack of men folk and the need to keep the population up.

    And, more than one woman (I'm gonna get crucified here) well, it may be a blessing but I am sure it could turn to a problem.... (phew, i think i saved myself there!)

  4. My father in law doesn't go to a bar, he drinks at home and spends almost 100% of his time with his wife, same as a lot of folk here from what I have seen in the last few months..

    If want to go out, to get some space, fair enough, try and explain that to her.

    But if its to cheat and you're jelous of thai mens ability to do so, why on earth did you get married ? Sorry its not a critism of you but a question? I'm 42 and got married because I wanted to settle down, start a family before it was too late, I enjoyed my fun and freedom for a LONG time.

  5. I thank everyone for their useful replies. In about a month my wifes sis comes back from BKK, her command of english is better than the wifes regarding these sorts of issues, so I will wait till then and then talk to her and try and get something done.

  6. Sorry i hope i haven't come accross as callous but i've been told by about 3 people in the family not to interfere already and that its nothing to do with me and yes it pisses me off seeing her everyday not go to school just wasting her life.

    But when you keep get being told mind your own business you sorta give up. I can't exactly force the kid to come with me to the goverment offices , nor the grandmother. One of the aunties works in the local goverment offices and she's done nothing either.

  7. t.s, yes it comes accross like that, but on the whole they are a fairly decent folk, but thais don't seem to want to interfere.

    My wife's sister has a got money, is clever, has a car, well read, intelligent and if she wanted to she could easily get this sorted out.

    At the end of the day I don't anyone wants to interfere in what happens. My wife said it won't cost more than 3k to sort out the paper work, get her registered etc, but no one wants to do it and she certainly doesn't want me to do it (no it isn't a scam).

    The parents are just not interested, they haven't once come down from BKK since the birth of their son. One of my other cousins left his wife for a FOURTEEN year old girl, he's got a son of 10, which he seens occasionally. The fourteen year old g/f beat up the ex-wife and has been to court, she is now pregnant.

  8. My wife mentioned she is the same as someone from burma, said the best she can hope to do is work in a bar if she is lucky with absolutely no education thats the best she will get it seems. Once her grandma cops it i think she will be homeless.

  9. I pay nothing for their upbringing, my wife and I have a child of our own. It's not my concern and none of my business to interfere, even if I wanted to I'd get told to back off.

  10. One of my wife's cousins (male) has two kids.

    The girl, about 10 years old was from a gf. When she was born, there was no paperwork done for her. No birth certificate, nothing. She officially doesn't exist, doesn't live anywhere, so can't even attend school.

    The boy, about 3 years old was from an official marriage. Parents bothered this time with paperwork.

    The girl has lived with her grandma since she was born, she looks after her half-brother, because the new wife and the hubby up-sticks and left for BKK.

    The grandmother is in her 80s, can hardly walk and the parents send max 200-300 baht a month for the upkeep of both kids. The girl is dressed in rags, can't attend school (never has) and even if she could couldn't afford the books, school uniforms etc.

    The girls future is pretty bleak and I think so is her halfs brother.

    My question, is this common as it seems so, there are other kids in the extended family from products of a broken home who get no contact with the parents, are dumped onto the grandparents.

    And no, I am not knocking Thais, in the west you have child care, maintenance and fairly decent support network. It's just thais are poor I understand that.

  11. Well, things have quietened down. Baby is now 1m3wks old nearly, and the family is definately less interfering. Still get the odd idiot but I'm learning not to want to smack their heads in.

    After I had a go at one of the family I think word got round it pisses me off. But thais are thais and their way of doing things is totally different. I think I have come to terms with that, no matter how annoying it can get.

  12. I used to live in Turkey. My ex-wife still does. The complex she lives in (29 villas) is all owned by english peeps (she's scottish), they all use the villas as holiday homes, only she lives there full time.

    Now they have formed a residence committee, with rules and regulations that are primarily aimed at regulating the complex on a basis that no one actually lives there.

    Here is her reply. She's normally quite vicious with things like this, but was quite restrained.

    İ have been reading the attached management plan and have one very large issue on this. İ have emailed only you in confidence and would be extremely grateful if you could see that my points are noted but my email kept in confidence.

    The plan has been written solely for the purpose as though we are all holidayers... İ would be extremely grateful if you could point out at the meeting that my house is actually my home and many of the rules and regulations are hard to adhere to.

    İ would like other owners to appraise the rules and regulations as they would be enacted on thier own homes in the UK and realise the restraints of living within them.

    İ have gone thru the rules and found i have broken all of them except the brothel !! or put another way they were in existence before the plan was agreed.

    İ am all for exceptance of an agreement with all owners of the communial areas, swimming pool, paths etc.. but the restraints based on a resident are unfair, and should be consider if anyone else wishes to live permantly in Lissalinks.... i cite certain examples:-

    For sale banner - What harm does a for sale banner do ? owners should be allowed to advertise and compete in the housing sale market equally to other complexs and properties. Would we also see a rule for the banning of Lıverpool, Chelsea, Arsenal towels being hung over balconies?

    Parties - Calis is a small area with many friends, even though i have no intention for midnight raves, i have held Christmas, iyi bayram, birthday parties and general bbqs with my friends... no different to being in the UK.

    Pets - again Calis / many friends etc and many single people... it is normal here for residents here to have pets (especially single people for company) and in conjuction with friends visiting me or just passing , pop in for a cup of coffee along with thier dog...i am not much of a dog lover myself but i do not want to alienate my friends by not allowing thier pet onto my property.

    Obviously any pet is not allowed to roam around aimlissly (my spelling is awful !)

    Gambling - not to be admitted in court ....but thier is a texas holdem group and horse racing that go to each others houses ( have you tried getting 20 horses into one house lol lol).

    Setting up a commercial enterprise - firstly this would prevent all owners from renting thier properties out... secondly i or my previous partners have operated buinesses and have a registered business for tax purposes from my home, on a small basis.. i,e web developemnt.. catering.. İ also dabble in a bit of catering of pies etc for extra cash.


  13. Longballs, a friend of mine moved into an exclusive gated community west of the city 2 years ago, paying 17m Baht for his luxurious 6 bedroom home.

    His Thai neighbour on one side has 37 dogs that crap all over the place and no one ever cleans up the mess and it stinks so bad when the wind is in the wrong direction. The neighbour has now erected a 7metre high fence around his home constructed of metal tubing and black plastic netting so no one can see the mess the dogs make. The stench is vomit making. The Thai neighbour is, unbelievably, the head of the Environmental Health Department !

    His Thai neighbour on the other side has a double size lot and holds bird singing competitions every weekend and holiday, and rowdy drunken parties almost nightly with Karaoke where the guests block the access road with their inconsiderate parking. Rubbish litters the lot with beer bottles etc piled everywhere.

    Immediately opposite lives a very high ranking Policeman who has 3 sons who race around the community roads on un-silenced motorbikes with impunity. This family also use the car port at the front of their home as a rubbish dump where they have old furniture, fridges and lengths of timber (looks like Teakwood) and dismantled motorbikes with other parts littered in the front garden and six vehicles parked on the road outside the house making it difficult for my friend to enter his drive. The Police owner shot a neighbour who complained about his sons.

    Sounds like you would be better suited to living in a more Thai-flavour community such as this, maybe you would have less to complain about than having to drive slowly through your present community!!!

    My word, what a rant. Another anti thai thread hijacking.

    Hmm, lets see a counter argument.

    The guy in the UK who won the lotto, was a "perp" lol, bought a mansion and raced quads , had parties, drunk all the time and was a complete tosspot to the neighbours.

    The guy who died because he collected rubish (again in the UK) and it collapsed in on him.

    The fact in the UK if you complain about loud music or parties you're likely to get your windows bricked or a good kick in by the kids...

    For every denouncement of thailand or thai people I can give you 10 for the UK, or for that matter any western country. People everywhere are both good and shits.

  14. Extremely well said. It is the same in every country and I think I have been ripped off more in Western countries than Asian. Mainland China tries very hard though.

    One question Ernest: Was that you who personally posted both posts??

    Unless I have an evil twin sibling, er yes...

    (looks confused)

  15. I was at the begining one of those who bitched, not on TV but was very fed up at first. Mainly culture shock, the way that thai culture is etc. I have lived in Turkey and the UK and travelled a fair bit.

    You have to remember as texpat says that this is a third world country - and that is not to put it down in any way, just don't expect the same ethics, standards as in a first world country, on anything, you are the one living here, you're the foreigner, it is up to you to adjust, not up to the thai people to bend to your ways.

    Life is what you make it, if you hate yourself and your lot, then nothing on earth will make you happy.

    Turkey and Thailand have funnily enough many similariities. One thing a turkish friend said to me about going into a shop or buying from a market "if you get scammed it is your choice" and that's it in a nutshell. It's all a personal choice. The turks will try and scam a turk as much as a foreigner, except in Turkey it is the women who get scammed by the turkish guys, for money, phones, houses, gold etc.

    At the end of the day poverty is rife here and to be overcharged here by a few baht by someone who is skint to me is more honest than to have my pension f*cked over by some corporation, or by my employer in the uk or something similar.

    Always ask how much, if you don't like it, IT IS UP TO YOU. Sorry for the caps. That applies to everything, every shop, every contract, every agreement. Ask questions, I am not saying Thai people are dishonest, but if you go into a deal with your eyes half open, that is your fault.

    If you think something isn't covered in a contract, ask why, take along someone who can speak good english (thai) to translate. Pay them, give them a good tip and they will work for you.

  16. smile, don't look grumpy, be over polite, but be aware, don't jump at the first thing, look around, just be 'aware' if you dont want something smile and say no thanks, don't be rude, don't go with a bg, don't give a sin sot, don't give gold

    i only by pressies for the wife when its her birthday or a special holiday, she explains all the bills, shows me all the home bills (i live in HER house), give her amount of dosh for the food bills, she doesn't work and yes she is from a hair salon, so not a hi-so girl and yes we live in isaan, laid back and 1/4 price of BKK

    do not live life in a bar, beleive it or thai ladies like european ladies do like a bit of love and affection!!!! if you show the girl you are not a mug then she won't treat you like one and learn the lingo, i am trying, but god its hard work, specially when you are tone deaf

  17. got a 2mb line, normal average around 160kBps on torrents or usenet on a good day

    today getting 40-70kBps on torrents/usenet

    had a severe thunderstorm last night, about 6-7 hours

    do the atmospherics affect the lines, or the line is just soggy, lol....

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