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Posts posted by Spalpeen

  1. Spalpeen, have the farmers been paid yet?


    Well if they haven't then they could have expressed their dissatisfaction by voting for the Democrats. Oh no, hang on a second, the 'Democrats' didn't give them that option. And then, whoever they did vote for, their votes were chucked back in their faces by a tiny cabal of judges.

    Little wonder that 'fight' and 'battle are now on the agenda. If only the rice farmers votes had been respected this wouldn't be necessary.

    Or don't vote at all. PT got 8 million votes in Feb 2014 against 15 million or so in 2011. Got the message?


    Perhaps the message would be clearer if you could tell us how many votes the 'Democrats' got.

    8 million people turning out to do this......


    .....in defiance of this.......


    ......is a pretty clear statement.

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  2. There is a similarity between running a company and running a country. The general however, missed the details.

    1. The elected government has a similar role to a board of directors

    2. The employees are the government workers in the various departments.

    3. The electorate are the shareholders who can kick out the board of directors any time they want if they feel the company is underperforming.


    True enough. This is the reason why the Feb 2nd election was obstructed. Everyone knows that the shareholders would have given the directors a renewed vote of confidence by a comfortable majority.

    • Like 1
  3. 73 political parties and only one that refuses to take part in elections. It's a mystery to me why the 72 other parties can't sweep the coup mongers into the dustbin of history and just get on with running the country.

    was it only 1 party?

    On a different note, it's no wonder things can't move forward - what other country has 70+ parties running for office?


    I'd say it was a sign of a healthy democracy. The USA has only two parties, in effect, and if you're not in one or the other you have no chance of getting elected to anything. A two party state is only slightly better than a one party state.

  4. What an unmitigated pile of steaming drivel. Is this guy really the leader of an army? Call on all Thais blah blah work together blah blah restore order blah blah respect laws...... I mean seriously, he'd have more success calling on all Thais not to drink and drive over Songkran. This nonsense bears no relationship to the real world, and to think this guy has tanks!

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  5. Good to see that the military have finally realised that their coup-every-four-years business plan doesn't work any more. Now they need to complete the journey and understand that they are the servants of the democratically elected government of the people, and not some independent agency with their own agenda. Hosting talks between a would-be demagogue and a democratic government is not rational.

  6. In other words you are condoning this attack and other like, aren't you?


    I don't know anything at all about the circumstances of this attack. For all I know it might have been his girlfriends husband, or a gambling debt. What I am saying is that the blanket statement "all violence is wrong" is untenable unless you're willing to stand idly by while evil is done.

    In his early life, Albert Einstein was an outspoken pacifist. He spoke out strongly against armies and militarism of all kinds. After 1945 he ruefully admitted that he had been wrong and that sometimes violence is justified in defence of freedom and basic human values.

    I agree - with Albert Einstein.


    I just can't see how anyone could possible see a terrorist group, headed by a dubious convicted criminal, as being in defense of freedom and basic human values. This being the same group that tries to stop free speech, censure anyone who speaks against them, acts illegally, repeatedly makes promises and vows with no intentions of honoring them, and refuses to be held accountable, reveal true figures and answer questions. More recently they have openly called for treasonable rebellion, secession, and admit freely to recruiting, training and arming their own private army. Notice the threat that they will enter Bangkok. A criminal gang entering politics and subverting true freedom and democracy by pretending to be democratic and for the people has been scene a few times before in various emerging countries. This gang is no different to many of them - simply corrupt thugs out to enrich themselves and their gang. The problems in Thailand won't go away until this ruthless and very dangerous criminal gang are behind bars where they belong.

    Speculating that this was not a red shirt militia murder, when they even pre-warned of the attack is like suggesting Thaksin was not involved in the 2010 insurrection.


    Glad that the three of us - me, you and Einstein - are agreed that violence is sometimes justified. The debate over who is justified and when is an entirely different matter.

  7. It was headline news in some of the main newspapers yesterday, posted on some red shirt's facebook, so hardly inside knowledge. But ok, you may not have heard it on red shirt radio, and if you did by accident, you can always pretend you did not hear it :-D


    I personally don't give much credence to what people say on their Facebook page or on some partisan local radio station but hey.....up to you!


    Hmmmm....."Monkeycountry"? I hope that's not a racist reference to the country where we live.

  8. In other words you are condoning this attack and other like, aren't you?


    I don't know anything at all about the circumstances of this attack. For all I know it might have been his girlfriends husband, or a gambling debt. What I am saying is that the blanket statement "all violence is wrong" is untenable unless you're willing to stand idly by while evil is done.

    In his early life, Albert Einstein was an outspoken pacifist. He spoke out strongly against armies and militarism of all kinds. After 1945 he ruefully admitted that he had been wrong and that sometimes violence is justified in defence of freedom and basic human values.

    I don't know anything at all about the circumstances of this attack.

    Then allow me to clue you in, there have been dozens of unprovoked gun and grenade attacks against anti-government protestors in the last three months or so, this particular one was announced beforehand by a Red Shirt DJ, part of the same group that a few days ago was found carrying war weapons of the same type and with the same lot numbers as those used in previous attacks.

    Of course if you'd rather stuck your head in the sand and pretend to think that this attack was the act of a cheated husband as to ease the pangs from your cognitive dissonance, then so be it, it doesn't make you look good though.


    You clearly have a much more detailed inside knowledge of what they red shirts are up to than I do. I was merely pointing out that, in general terms, violence is not always unjustified.

  9. In other words you are condoning this attack and other like, aren't you?


    I don't know anything at all about the circumstances of this attack. For all I know it might have been his girlfriends husband, or a gambling debt. What I am saying is that the blanket statement "all violence is wrong" is untenable unless you're willing to stand idly by while evil is done.

    In his early life, Albert Einstein was an outspoken pacifist. He spoke out strongly against armies and militarism of all kinds. After 1945 he ruefully admitted that he had been wrong and that sometimes violence is justified in defence of freedom and basic human values.

  10. It's a dreadful thing. Both sides are quite willing to use violence against each other but the truly innocent also get caught in the crossfire

    Not quite true. One side has used violence against anyone they don't like for years. The other side uses violence to defend itself.

    But you just can't admit it.

    Try telling that to anyone who saw the violence at Rajamangala last November...just one example. There are many. This should not be a question of which side has the greater capacity for/willingness to use violence. All violence is to be condemned.

    Sorry Prbkk, normally I'd agree with you but it's overly simplistic to say that all violence is wrong. People who live in nice safe democratic western countries can afford the luxury of taking the high moral ground but, if your home country was invaded and occupied, would you not support the use of violence in resisting it? In Thailand, violence was used to deprive more than 20 million people of their votes. If that anti democracy violence is allowed to continue then there will inevitably be a backlash.

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  11. People power in action. Congratulations to the pro democracy activists who stopped this performance from taking place. If anyone thinks these "musicians" are just harmless entertainers, here's an example of the kind of bands appearing on the Bangkok stages.


    Notice the swastika? Pattaya doesn't need performers like these.

    So you agree with censorship and freedom of choice then? Providing it's not the side you support negatively impacted of course.

    Still you refer to red shirt fascist storm troopers as pro democracy activists. Wonder if they managed to find a monk to beat up after this.


    Many of the speakers and performers on the Bangkok stages have expressed racist views towards the good people of rural Thailand. Some openly display Nazi symbols, as in the photo above. All are engaged in an enterprise to deny the votes of more than 20 million people in the recent election. I certainly agree with the censorship of people who promote treason. Pattaya has no place for them.

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