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Posts posted by Underdog

  1. I would have thought anyone DESECRATING a ROYAL monument with a sanitary towel, should at least be arrested for the Thai's infamous lese majeste laws.. or doesn't this count due to the sponsors having a vested interest? And their ability to disrupt an international airport without recourse to the law! You ceratinaly can see which side the bread is buttered!

  2. We hardly talk let alone wai.

    Anyway farangs look silly when they wai. Dont you feel so?

    Of course my kids will wai to me once they get old enough to understand it. its teaching them manners.

    Exactly, we don't understand the nuances of being subserviant feudal serfs, best not to get caught up in it...shake hands, nod or whatever, the Wai is a class thing.

  3. i was in the airport the other day and I saw a farang meeting his wife and they both greeted each other with a wai. then it made me think to myself "hmm I dont recall us having ever waied each other".

    im just curious about others

    I insist my wife Wais me every day, and she also must prostrate herself at my feet before bed (in the great Thai tradition) and then lovingly clean my filthy feet! I try to get her to slither across the floor in the manner Thais do when confronted by exceptional wealth/power...like flipper the dolphin out of water, but I think she needs a few more beatings to comply!

    When in Rome! and always uphold traditions.

  4. Yes, come and watch by all means, i will post as soon as ive made an perfected it, they were very common before the advent of poison chemicals, lots of web sites from the states and europe with these guns,

    Ive tried to source one in Thailand, with no luck, so with a gas bottle,manual pressure anti-blowback valve,60ft pipe, lance with tap on, then i can kill weeds that exspensive paraquat wont, clean the dead leaves out of banana plants,turn-over dead banana leaves on the ground and exterminate the ants and snails in seconds, burn a metre circle round all papaya/banana/rubber trees and fertilize without conflict with weedkillers ect,the dry ash discouragers snails and crawlers ect, also flaming the bamboo plantation, ususally done after the new green leaves appear, it cleans the sticks and burns off all the dead leaves, saving a lot of mess, the green survives no prob.

    Having spent over 5000bht on poison and labour this year with no real solution in sight, a gas flame burner seems a good option, and a lot cheaper!! which is what farming is about, ie, to make a profit!


    Lickey, are you talking about the shoulder type paraffin flamethrower things? I have been looking for one of those here for years, and no luck.

    Any chance you can post a photo or two of your gas set up, it sounds perfect for what I need, much appreciated.


  5. When I'm very hungry I'd like to eat spicy food such as fried brasil leaves with sea food or spicy salad...something like that.. :D I love it very much. :o

    How interesting, this is the kind of quality post that makes TV number one! Every day, mass migration.Sponsors take note!

    I have yet to find a spicy "brasil" leaf, or even a Brazil leaf or even a Basil leaf. More of an aniseed taste, as opposed to spicy, curried dog has a bit of a kick!

    Heinz used to make Alphabetti Spaghetti, it was quite tasty and educational too, you could make up words before you ate them, then hopefully add to your vocabulary, to be regurgitated at a later date, maybe as a meaningful post!

  6. And the medals...my god how impressive, they were weighed down by all their regallia...does anyone know what campaign or battle they fought in to receive these awards? Or do they get them for making the tea? Maybe the "Corruption Cross" or the "Coupe Medal Of Dishonour" they did their duty!!

  7. Airsoft is great....................take a look at the sniper rifles if you want some fun...............they are no

    where near as accurate as the "real steel" but still effective up to 30-40 metres. A decent set up can

    be 10-20 k (spring or electric). The aeg's are cool but dont have the range of the sniper rifles. Yes the

    bb's do sting, but wont harm anything bigger than a jingjok.

    Beg to differ, my two dogs are much bigger than little lizards, and a shot in the balls seemed to harm them somewhat...lessons in not to steal and eat peoples shoes..volume 1.

  8. Hi All,

    I have noticed that on many of the threads that a number Ex Pats defend Thailand as if it's their own country. Whatever the case may be, murder, drug use, buying property or the drop in tourism. Its never the fault of the thais or Thailand. There are many faults in this country as indeed there are in most countries of the world, but at some point someone must accept some of the responsibility. Reading the daily news and watching the national TV news stations it's very apparent that Thailand is politically unstable even to the point of calling a state of emergency in the past months. It's also very apparent that crime is rising in the country, maybe because of the political instability. This will affect tourism in the short and long term because people don't want to holiday in countries that have these problems.

    The news is being aired all over the world so people are aware of the problems and i think that this reflects on peoples decisions to travel here. I have had calls from my friends and family In The UK asking if i was OK because of the situations are being shown on the news. The problems that i have mentioned are real, they exist, so why do a number of Ex Pats believe that they do not.

    The usual answers are: 'You do not speak the language so you don't understand the culture'. 'You don't live in Thailand so what do you know'.

    I think that the first lines of the national anthem pretty much sum up the thoughts of the majority of the Thais and certainly the ones that have been tied up in the farang rich areas of Phuket and Pattaya.

    WE really should go through this line by line!

    Thailand embraces in its bosom all people of Thai blood. (Thai blood...what is that? a mixture of Chinese/Indian/Malay???

    Every inch of Thailand belongs to the Thais. (Apart from the bits near Cambodia and a few temples, bits of Burma....lets get a map out shall we?)

    It has long maintained its sovereignty, (apart from the 1932 overthrow..however, let's not go there)

    Because the Thais have always been united. (As they are with the Southern provinces, the Northern Thai / Burmese...)

    The Thai people are peace-loving, (Until you get involved with a demonstration..Thammarsat 1972, Bangkok 2008)

    But they are no cowards at war. (Especially if you run up against the Japs...4 hours at best before surrender and they need to outnumber their opponents at least five to one)

    They shall allow no one to rob them of their independence, (Not even the Americans?)

    Nor shall they suffer tyranny. (It would appear they are suffering it on a daily basis)

    All Thais are ready to give up every drop of blood (Yes, of their family or kids IF THE PRICE IS RIGHT)

    For the nation's safety, freedom and progress. (Progress means to go forward..delete!)

    Farangs will never be accepted by the Thais as a Thai no matter how long they live or have lived here.

    This is not a troll or a flame but i would be interested to know your thoughts on this.

    Cheers, Rick

    Mate, you will no doubt hit a raw nerve with this post! I reckon many may defend this bananna republic because they have nothing left to defend! and, the national anthem sums the place up a lot, disseminate it and you will find there is nothing to defend, nothing to be proud of...to be honest...NOTHING!(I'd like to know where the purity of the Thai blood came from!) And their fearlessness in the face of war..they surrendered to the Japanese after less than 4 hours...

  9. I'm buying some bamboo direct from the grower. The variety is Pai Tong (D. Asper), poles will be 10cm diameter and 3+ years old. The grower will cut the bamboo and we will transport it from the site.

    Does anyone have an idea of what is a fair price?

    Mai See Sook, I think that is the name here, is around 50 baht for a 6-7metre length, it is at least 10cm diameter and transport is included, obviously not if you are buying 1 piece.

  10. I'm buying some bamboo direct from the grower. The variety is Pai Tong (D. Asper), poles will be 10cm diameter and 3+ years old. The grower will cut the bamboo and we will transport it from the site.

    Does anyone have an idea of what is a fair price?

    Mai See Sook, I think that is the name here, is around 50 baht for a 6-7metre length, it is at least 10cm diameter and transport is included, obviously not if you are buying 1 piece.

  11. It is possible through carelessness that when you pulled out your camera and this

    Kratong thing you accidentally pulled out the moneybag which could have dropped onto the ground? Once this happened maybe someone picked it up and done a runner.

    As for tipping the police, just use common sense. It depends on how much you consider their kindness was worth.

    Exactly! You are in a foreign country, you have lost everything you need, and some cop goes out of his way to help...there is so much negativity about the BIB, it is nice to hear a tale like this, make his day, give him a tip, surely you can afford it! (probably a lot more than he could).

  12. I would call this extreme


    a step to far!!!

    Probably seemed like a ' cool ' idea at the time ?

    Likely that his girlfriend ( if he ever gets one ) is not too keen on the missionary position. :D

    :D or boyfriend ..... wonder what the petrol station attendants in Thai motorways would think when this guy steps out the car to pay for petrol :o

    Nothing a little make up wouldn't cover! Do you think he socialises a lot, like night clubs, disco's etc?

  13. PALEEESE, spare me the lectures on air gun safety and injuring animals!!! As I clearly stated in my OP.....

    "My intended use is simply to plink at cans and to occasionally give a stray dog a little sting when they get too close to my chickens. 2 or 3 pumps will just give a stinging reminder to a dog without breaking the skin. I will not kill or injure any animal!!"

    I wouldn't 'sting' the dog if it laid eggs. I just want to discourage future attacks from dogs on my helpless chickens.

    And PARDON ME, if i get a little enjoyment from shooting tin cans!!! What a wonderful sound it is when you hit a can and it goes flying!!

    Soft air guns are available in most toy shops in CM, but the problem with them is that they use lite weight plastic balls with little accuracy.

    I just wanted to know the Thai laws re: pump pellet air guns, no lectures please.......

    Most of the do gooders here have probably never tried these guns, nor will ever appreciate the fun you can have, but as another poster mentioned, it can get expensive and is addictive!

  14. I see these 'soft' air guns all over LOS and at the indochina markets and I have seen 'real' air guns, but usually under the counter and semi-hidden. Have also seen these homemade long barrel rifels that shoot steel balls...mostly for shooting [endangered?] birds by the locals.

    Could you or anyone please say where you buy these "soft air guns" in Chiang Mai?

    Go to the Airport Plaza, park in the open air car park round the back, then walk up to near where the fountains are (usually has a stage set up) as you walk in on your left, before the main mall, is a stall that sells loads of camouflage gear, they have a great assortment, machine guns, pistols etc. etc. It is about the first stall on your left walking in.

    Hope that helps.

    They had an EG720 Colt for 2900 Baht, pretty good compared to the usual rubbish....but some of the stuff will set you back 10K!

  15. some foreigners in Thailand are into tattoos, one can see few shops in tourist areas that cater for this fetish. I don't have any tattoos, never had but I'm curious to know how you define someone as "heavily tattooed". At what point does one become heavily tattooed? Sleeves? Backpiece? What we talking in skin estate, 40%, 80% or more of your skin covered in tattoos? Also were these people heavily tattooed in their own country or become so after emigrating to Thailand?

    What is your opinion? It'd be also interesting to know if they face discrimination from Thai society, be it at work, socialising, dealing with landlords when searching for rented accommodation, dealing with bank managers, in restaurants, shopping malls etc...

    And some of the orange dress brigade are the most heavily tatooed of them all...

    Yes it probably would prevent them getting employment..if they actually wanted it, but who employs ex cons and Paedo's these days anyway?

    true, seen a few, it looked like they went into monkshood as kind of short rehabilitation course, merit making exercise. But I wouldn't classify them heavily tattooed as compared to pics shown here

    Well, you need to take a little look at the "tattooed love boys" in the temple near me most foreigners would not tatoo their heads! (but yes, there is the exception)

  16. some foreigners in Thailand are into tattoos, one can see few shops in tourist areas that cater for this fetish. I don't have any tattoos, never had but I'm curious to know how you define someone as "heavily tattooed". At what point does one become heavily tattooed? Sleeves? Backpiece? What we talking in skin estate, 40%, 80% or more of your skin covered in tattoos? Also were these people heavily tattooed in their own country or become so after emigrating to Thailand?

    What is your opinion? It'd be also interesting to know if they face discrimination from Thai society, be it at work, socialising, dealing with landlords when searching for rented accommodation, dealing with bank managers, in restaurants, shopping malls etc...

    And some of the orange dress brigade are the most heavily tatooed of them all...

    Yes it probably would prevent them getting employment..if they actually wanted it,

  17. Hi Forum,

    I'm a newbie here but happily surprised to see this Farming in Thailand Forum! I have spent the past year living on my husband's farm near Krabi. I gave birth at a rural hospital and have been raising our daughter on the farm. They grow rubber and palm oil. There is no bank in his town, no internet cafes, no falang except me. Sometimes I love it, sometimes I hate it! I love the fact that we live off the land, we eat fresh food, the air is so clean, the people are pure and simple. I hate the fact that I have no friends there because my Thai is pathetic and no one speaks english. Also, I want to know how people protect themselves from all the creepy critters that are everywhere. I'm in Canada now visiting the family but the last time I was on the farm it was awful, horrible terrible night when a centipede crawled into our bed and was inches from my baby and I had to kill it with my hands! So painful and so much drama in the middle of the night!! How do I prevent this from happening again?

    Creep crawlies are part of rural Thailand - though having a centipede crawling around the bed is no laughing matter: a couple of the big ones have the potential to put an adult in hospital so I'd hate to think what distress they'd cause a baby. But they aren't lethal - despite what you may have been told.

    In the broader context a bigger issue here is going to be intergrating yourself culturaly into the community and way of life: if the "honeymoon" hasn;t worn off yet, it's about to, and the biggest step you can take towards finding a genuine a long longlasting hapiness is to learn the language. My advice to you is put your heart and soul into learning to read & write Thai - not just speak the language. It will boost your self confidence no end and give you a sense of independance and self reliance I think a lot of ex-pats lack in the long run because the are unable to communicate beyond a basic level.

    All the best

    You can deter the centipedes by boiling up a good strength brew of chillies and garlic in water, let it cool overnight, strain it and spray it around the outside of your house (into the soil) around door frames, window frames etc. it can be quite effective, and is organic. Make sure you don't get it in your eyes though.

    Those centipedes, the Jackep, or Takarp, CAN KILL a baby, there was certainly an instance where a baby died after multiple bites to the head, and once provoked will keep on biting until you get rid of them. No laughing matter. There is also another option - however, you might want to think hard about it if you have kids - Get a proffesional pest control company, they have a wonderful "white" liquid (apparently it is licensed as it is extremely toxic.) But once applied to your soil around the house, the centipedes are lucky to get more than a couple of metres before they become extremely "drunk" then die. It is effective for months and is not weakened by the rain. It does have a strong smell that lasts a day or two, but is almost 100% effective....god knows what it is but...it cannot be good!

  18. If you manage it please let me know as I want to do the same thing.

    The law here states that any weapon that uses "compressed gases" (and that covers air guns) require a firearms certificate.

    Those long barrel pump guns are extremely powerful and could probably kill if aimed properly.

    The airsoft guns, well there a couple of different types, the gas fired and the motor operated. The gas ones I am almost sure would be a problem, however the machine gun type work on an electric motor, so I guess it is a bit of a grey area, I suspect however that the motor will compress a spring or cylinder, therefore back to the problem of compressed gas.

    The plan I intend to use when I next visit the home country is to dismantle my pum guns into small pices and hand carry the piston section back here. The trigger and firing mechanism could go in the post, stocks and barrels could be remade here.

    You could take your chances and have them shipped, but what the consequences are if caught....maybe more than simple confiscation!

    Some of the Airsoft guns available here are pretty good for plinking, have a look at the EG720 Colt, semi automatic and reasonably accurate at about 20-30 yards.

    I was wondering if it is possible to convert these to compressed air or CO2? There would be an issue with lubricant I believe, but it may be possible...any ideas?

  19. You may never forget that Thailand is still a feudal society, mixed with Confucianism and Buddhism.

    Ad on this the root learning education system who make it impossible for students to think for themselves. Also the incestuous political cast who only think about their own interests is a great handicap. In every western country, political parties try to find new young politicians staff and prepare them to take over from them. Also this is not happening in Thailand, where the real power is in the hands of the military who have such economic and political power who is unthinkable in any democracy.

    A Thai always confirm himself with his surrounding, he never show any sign of individualism. Just look to the cars , 95 % of all the cars are black or grey. When I drive around the country I always surprised that all the houses look almost the same. Sometimes I think that there is only one architect in Thailand. The new build shops all over Thailand look exactly the same.

    My wife who stay 35 years abroad feel always suffocated when she is in Thailand, simply because she can't speak freely as she get used to it in Europe. Because an open conversation is just impossible in Thailand, you must always be cautious not to offend people, and of the many taboos in society, even with her on sisters, brothers and children she can not have an open minded conversation.

    Thai people are not learned to think for themselves, and they feel comfortable to do so, because its easy and you never have doubts.

    That's why the changes in Thailand will be slow in fact very slow. My grandsons who are University students and all others of that age in my Thai family think exactly like their grand grand parents. And the few who are not, feel frustrated because they are not allowed to express their ideas. One of them studied a few years abroad, and he know the difference. He said once he ask the professor the fatal question WHY YOU THINK ITS MEANING THIS, WHY IT CAN NOT MEANING THAT, (in an lecture about an modern sculpture). The answer was staggering, BECAUSE THE TEXT BOOK SAY IT. He never asked a question again. My Grandson study political science. I asked him what he thought about the Iraq war and Bush. His answer: we don't learn about it in University so I have no opinion about it.

    The same answer I get from my other grandson who study architecture, when I was asking about his idea about a building problem. And those are really no exemptions as I found out in my many talks with young people all over Thailand. I only listen, never give comments about it because its will only make them feel uncomfortable(I follow the Thai mentality when I'm here)

    Its seems that the only goal of University students is getting their paper and not really interested in real learning and find out new solutions.

    We as farangs have not a real idea how introvert Thai people really are, because that's how you have to be if you like to survive in this kind of society.

    How Many of you ever had an meaningful open minded conversation with different point of view and given arguments by both sides. And I don't mean about Football, cars or your Mia Noi. :o

    That's why we think that Thailand seems to be modernising, but only on the surface but there is no changing in the society since the last 500 years, and that's why they will not make a real progress because deep inside Thai people don't like changes at all. Just look the farmers, they still use the old ways, and are still mostly poor. While in western countries farming became an high tech industry, with farmers who are more and more managers with an university degree.

    And the reasons why, I mentioned in my first sentence.

    Some people mention how modernised BKK is in the last 30 years. My foot 30 years ago BKK was an nice town to live in. Now is a polluted town with 24 hours traffic jam. Most European capitals make great efforts to keep traffic out and create traffic free shopping zones where its great to stroll. But Thailand decided to create more large roads and junctions, who make the inner city almost unfit to live in;Just look to Chaeng Wattana, 15 years ago a nice lane with trees , now its have almost 24 hours traffic jam, no trees left. Modernising a town is more than building sky scrapers(most of them almost empty) and shopping malls. But its creating an pleasant environment for his inhabitants

    They talking about building an nuclear power plant, but the electricity cables are still hanging in open air instead of putting under the ground. That's why the constant power interruption if there is a little bit storm. And than I not mention the way its hanging like leafs in the wind.

    They talking about an High Speed train, but they still use an antique narrow-gauge railway with most of the time only one track. Where trains have a speed of 60k.

    I have no doubt that some will cal this Thailand bashing, but I care about Thailand and his people that's why I feel sad about the things I see and experience.

    You pretty well summed it up there, good observation! The place is a joke!

  20. Thailand will make progress and will get there but at their own pace. Anybody going to live in Thailand hoping to see western style "progress" at a western rate is in the wrong place. We can, and often do, moan about it but that's the way it is. So feel free to sound off about it, we all do from time to time, but just remember you are no more than a dog howling at the moon. The howling makes you feel better but the moon carries on just the way it always has done.

    <deit : btw Thailand will almost crtainly get there but "there" may not be where you wanted it to be>

    You should get a job with TAT, they would love your progressive thinking!

  21. Perhaps there is no solution to this one.

    I cannot eat food that is even a little spicy. My mouth feels like I'm eating fire.

    This happens with boring frequency in Thailand and I'd like to find ways of alleviating this reaction in ways that don't involve staying out of Thailand.

    I've asked around for ideas on remedies for this burning mouth - eat a sweet - drink a hot drink -

    Do you have any other remedies I can add to this small group?

    I love being in Thailand and intend to move there soon, so finding ways of adapting to the local world is very important.

    With these types of remedies, I hope to acclimatize my mouth, to raise its sensitivity to spices.


    etr :o

    Not hot enough eh? "to raise its sensitivity to spices." like you want more?....jesus,

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