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Posts posted by mc2

  1. there were 2 protest, reds was peaceful that day, yellows was violent.

    covered in the report from the BBC


    By early evening, several thousand demonstrators had joined the protests, police said.

    "This will be a peaceful protest and will end by midnight if the government does not use violence," Red Shirt leader Jatuporn Promphan said.

    The yellow camp, meanwhile, battled riot police and local villagers near Preah Vihear, the temple complex at the heart of a border dispute between Thailand and Cambodia.

  2. Under instructions from the child bride again ? :D " Who are these Red Shirts " You certainly had a good idea who was who quite recently. Early onset of Altzheimers ? :)

    'child bride' ? <deleted>

    no need to make those types of accusations.

    Perhaps they escape you. The one eye makes it a bit hard to grasp everything about you Squire. It is sad to see.

    what on earth makes you think that comment of yours was acceptable?

    taking a dig about another posters wife is wrong for starters. then, saying she is a child.... and everything that it implies.... I hope i don't have to spell it out.

  3. BTW, mc2, friendly suggestion, if you wish to stick around here to push your red agenda, I would lay off the crude personal attacks.

    twisting things as usual eh jingthing? no suprise there

    I was warned for apparently being too pro-thaksin, not for making "crude personal attacks".

    Of course I don't know about your personal history and don't care. Just noticed on this thread you are getting very crude, that is all, no twist.

    please jingthing, show me one post of mine on this thread, just one, where i was crude.

  4. Thaksin wants a violent revolution. We know that.

    how do you know this ? any proof ?

    didn't think so.

    Pattaya Asean conference and Black Songkran are the only "proof" reasonably rational people or governments need. I think we know any amount of proof will be inadequate for the TRUE BELIEVERS among us.

    that proof of yours doesn't prove anything at all. just hot air.

    whats the next piece of nonsense you will make up ? "thaksin wants to take over the world!" why? "black songkran!"


    Hooligans ordered to incite unrest : Suthep

    Several groups of "hooligans" have received orders to create unrest during the red shirted protest on Saturday in Bangkok, Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban said Saturday.

    Citing intelligence reports, Suthep said that the groups are from Bangkok, Nonthaburi and Nakhon Pathom provinces.

    They were ordered to create violence during Saturday's anti-government United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) movement in the capital.

    The protest marked the third anniversary of the coup that ousted then PM Thaksin Shinawatra.

    Suthep said that however the groups were under close watch.

    Declining to identify the groups, Suthep called them "hooligans" and said that are notorious, but that the police are well prepared to deal with them.

    He was speaking after meeting with acting national police chief Pol Gen Thani Somboonsap at Government House where tight security has been imposed by both police and army personnel.

    Those guarding the area were equipped with only shields and batons, while barbed wire was installed around Government House to prevent UDD protesters from getting close to the building housing the prime minister's office.

    Gen Thani told journalists briefly after a one-hour talk Suthep that the deputy prime minister ordered him to closely monitor the third-party groups which might incite violence during the rally.


    -- The Nation 2009/09/19

    thats a really funny article .

    wasnt Suthep the one who organised the blue shirts in pattaya to fight against the red shirts ?

    sounds like propaganda bs from Suthep .... "intelligence reports" .... "decining to identify the groups" .....

  6. I'm confused by the heading of this article.

    Who are these Red Shirts?

    Certainly an odd way of describing political movements.

    I understand some of them support the previous prime Minister, but what is their political context?

    A local told me that one side of this political problem wants to abolish elections and simply appoint legislators, while the other side wants to have elections.

    The side that doesn't want elections....why? Is it because they cannot win them or are they merely anti-democratic?

    Where do these "Red Shirts" fit in, other than the association by some of them with the previous Prime Minister? Are they the ones wanting elections or do they want to appoint legislators without elections?

    Under instructions from the child bride again ? :D " Who are these Red Shirts " You certainly had a good idea who was who quite recently. Early onset of Altzheimers ? :)

    'child bride' ? <deleted>

    no need to make those types of accusations.

  7. > Would it be accurate to therefore define the Reds as Democratic, and the Yellows as Undemocratic?

    that's certainally one way of defining it.

    yellows are anti-democratic, afraid of elections, prefer coups, and are driven by hate.

    reds are democratic, pro-election, despise coups and are driven by love.

    Hahaha, best joke-post of the day.

    Driven by love, haha, I almost spat my lunch out.

    not a joke.

    ask any red shirt, they will openly confess their love for Thaksin.

    ask a yellow and they will openly express their hate for Thaksin.

  8. I never considered myself pro-Thaksin. I have critisised thaksin a number of times on various issues in the past.

    That is possibly the biggest load of crap you have posted to date, to say you are not pro-Thaksin is ludicrous.

    for arguments sake, even if i am pro-thaksin, so what ? plenty of obsessive, relentless, anti-thaksin posters on here that seem to be doing fine.

  9. that's certainally one way of defining it.

    yellows are anti-democratic, afraid of elections, prefer coups, and are driven by hate.

    reds are democratic, pro-election, despise coups and are driven by love.

    Or another way of defining it is that most if not all of these people (yellow and red) are mindless <deleted> just doing what they are told and accepting the payments. BOTH are actually the minority but as all ways in Thailand the loudest voice wins.

    at the end of the day, its not about the loudest voice (or the majority voice for that matter), its about what group has more financial and social power, and if push comes to shove.... military support.

    Your team seems to have a way of spreading largesse, so what you just said is very true.

    I don't belong to any team. I certainly don't subscribe to the anti-thaksin hysteria and the "if your not with me you must be against me" attitudes that seems so prevalent on this board.

    Im just one poster giving my opinion like everyone else, that's all.

  10. that's certainally one way of defining it.

    yellows are anti-democratic, afraid of elections, prefer coups, and are driven by hate.

    reds are democratic, pro-election, despise coups and are driven by love.

    Or another way of defining it is that most if not all of these people (yellow and red) are mindless <deleted> just doing what they are told and accepting the payments. BOTH are actually the minority but as all ways in Thailand the loudest voice wins.

    at the end of the day, its not about the loudest voice (or the majority voice for that matter), its about what group has more financial and social power, and if push comes to shove.... military support.

  11. So considering that you defined the "Reds" as election focussed Democrats, and the "Yellows" non-electoral anti-democrats, who is in power now?

    The "democrats" or the "non-democrats"?

    Does that mean this "Reds" focussed rally I have been reading so much about here, suggests they are not in power, and want Democracy returned??????

    they call themselves the "democrats" but they where put in power via the military (yes, the ones who did the coup and outsted the longest-serving democratically-elected Prime Minister of Thailand, Thaksin). perhaps they should be called "non-democrats" as you say.

    Abhisit, leader of the non-democrats is actually a puppet.

    Yes, that's what the rally is about - returning power to the people, returning democracy.

  12. Thais ask me this question all the time and i am unable to give any satisfactory answer.

    I say, "why don't thais like darker shades of skin ?" they say it looks dirty, and are amazed at why farangs are attracted to dark skinned females. truly amazed. and they seem to think or expect me to have the answers.

    does anyone have an explanation for this (perhaps false) perception ? BTW this sterotype that farangs love dark skin is huge, up there with the walking ATM stereotype.

    You must have some funny Thai friends mine have never mentioned it to me, they just ask how I am??? I must meet more people to fully appreciate this Thai culture malarky

    where did i say my Thai friends asked me this ? i never said this.

    these were regular thais like som tam seller, hairdresser, etc, when i started a conversation they are asking me annoying questions like "u have thai gf" "why farang like dark skin" etc.

    i get tired of these same questions over and over.

    i need a dumb/silly thai style response that will counter this question, the truth of the repsonse is not important, some silly response that will satisfy them is fine.

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