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Posts posted by paulward

  1. If GMM and Thai terrestrial tv allow true visions to show the games they should stipulate that true should also show there advertising and not substitute their own. That way none of GMM's business partners suffer. In fact they get free ads to a further 2 million households. Whilst true get to show the games to their customers. Everyone is happy!

    PS I find that an old metal coat hanger in the back of the tv works exceptionally well !

    • Like 1
  2. I hope so too - but as thailand is also #3 in world for shootings this year - there are alot of people out there with guns and strong beliefs - be they right or wrong!!!!

    Where exactly did you get this number from? I have a hard time believing that thailand beats mexico, us, israel, gaza, colombia, pretty much anywhere in africa

    1. Columbia

    2.South Africa

    3. Thailand


  3. on the subjiect of guns !!! my wife has one!! she says it's for protection - i think it's just incase she need to claim my life insurance money! Honestly she keeps the gun in one house but the bullets in another!!!! I guess train of thougth as the army shooting blanks!! She doesn't want to shoot me by accident!! (unless she really wants to!)

  4. last year during songran over 1500 people died in thailand as a result of drink driving incidents - I predict this year that figure will be down and certainly less than dies as a reult of this fiasco!

    I DONT WANT TO BET BUT I HOPE IT WONT BE MORE THAN LAST YEAR with some fopund dead from gun shot wounds :o

    And M16's

    I hope so too - but as thailand is also #3 in world for shootings this year - there are alot of people out there with guns and strong beliefs - be they right or wrong!!!!

  5. Visit My Website

    Hats off to these people ... normal citizens of Bangkok who did what the police should have been doing last week and every week over the past year or so.

    If more people showed the same courage to stand up and do the right thing, then Thailand would be in a much more favourable position and might just (maybe) be run by a government consisting of people with higher moral standards. Unfortunately, most people stand by and watch, or not even take an interest, while various degrees of madness unfold.

    If the government are going to earn any respect then they have to tread carefully - minimize the loss of life. As they have done so far. As usual there are a few trouble makers amongst the majority of people trying to make their poimt.

    How to separate themnow? And let the honest protesters go home and detain the trouble makers.

    Future demonstrations should require ID cards to be supplied and demonstration performed in agreed areas in advance. If you are honest then what would be the problem with this. After all tourists have to supply passports and ID in the same when they stay in hotels in the kingdom.

    Thai vigilantes are not the way forward.

  6. Reports seem to say that locals who stood up to the red shirts were ignored by the police.

    How can the police/army defend the locals? They only have paper bullets, as they said themselves.

    that's the desparation of the reds - now they are trying to incite the army/police to fight back by attacking neutral and residents

  7. April 13, 2009

    By Thanong Khanthong

    22:00 hours:

    Red Shirt protesters have failed to garner critical mass support because they rely on urban terrorist tactic to plunder Bangkok. Many Bangkok residents have come out today to lash out at and attack the Red Shirt protesters.

    Two people are reported to have been shot dead by the Red Shirt protesters, one at Nang Leng and the other at Wat Sommanas.

    So where is Thaksin Shinawatra now? He is believed to be commanding the raid of Bangkok from Koh Kong. If the situation is ripe, he will make his way to Bangkok. But will he?

    The Red Shirt protesters are now retreating to the area surrounding the Government House. They are fortifying their position from there.

    The security forces are expected to quash the Red Shirt protesters tonight or tomorrow.

    The government might find it necessary to declare curfew to deter movements of Red Shirt protesters and prevent them from reinforcing additional support.

    bbc say he's in Dubai? A ruse you think?

  8. its clear you have never been near a gun

    please bear in mind its more interesting to read when you talk about things that you think you know something about than when you talk about things that you clearly know nothing about but think you do.....

    I have 2 rifles in my home country (I don't bring them to Thailand because they're too valuable) and have been holding a license for nearly 8 years now. For all we know, the soldiers are handed the loaded guns right when they jump out of the pickup truck.

    who cares?

  9. I never imagined things would get to this point but I am now serioulsy considering my options and am mostly inclined towards leaving. Logic? Mob rule seems to be the pattern for the future and the prospect that the former PM might be allowed to return, given his criminal record and his past non-performance as PM are pretty strong motivators. Too much BS for too long for me I'm afraid and little chance of change.

    it's a shame - i know how you feel. don't these thai people (both red shirts and yellows) that feel it necessary to protest in this way that they are just puppets of these political leaders to gain power and ultimately wealth!

  10. Yes . With a Multi Entry Non O visa you have to do a border hop every 90days.

    As said you can get a years extension at Immigration with the income requirements.

    Apply around 30 days before the end of any of toy 90 day stays. The cost is 1,900 Baht .

    You would then have to eport to Immigration every 90 days rather than doing border runs.

    Thanks for that

    I think that's best thing to do and then I won't keep having to go back to the work permit place every 3 months.

    Although they might miss me - I have become quite a regular visitor for them in the last few months!

    It's pnly taken 7 years to get this far - and now I am beginning to get to grips with it all - lets hope they don't change the rulings!!!

    Paul :o

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