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Posts posted by rbrick49

  1. leave your dogs in Australia if you love them beleive me I am a retired soldier if you bring your dogs here they will no 1 die of heat exhaustion no 2 mosquitous will possibbly give them some diseaese and 3 they will possibly get rabies

    sorry for the bad news but it is true thailand dogs are well adapted to the enviroment

    but make your own choice

  2. Please explain how the Thai Democrats would have avoided the flooding of Bangkok.

    They wouldn't have.

    But, IMO, they would have been better communicating what's happening ... as shown by Sukhumband's performance.

    no one could have stopped this here in isaan and further north have had the worst rains in 30 years according to my wife and her mother, we had i think at least 100mm last week and more to come so Bangkok brace yourself and good luck

  3. They may not have a Vietnamese version of Puket, and don't want one, but I've got a few friends, late 20's & early 30's, who went to DaNang recently and said "<deleted> Thailand!" Gorgeous beaches, which I've seen myself in the past, and while they don't have the blatant, in your face nightlife, they said that finding female companionship, of a much higher class and caliber that what they've experienced in the past in both Phuket and Pattaya, was not a problem. No rip offs of any kind, and overall, a whole lot cheaper.

    What's so great about Phuket? Dirty beaches that are overrun with food and junk carts, water that can be hazardous to your health to swim in, overpriced hotels, in your face porn, hookers and lady boys, grossly inflated prices for tuk-tuks, whose drives might decide to beat the hell out of you just for looking at them the wrong way while the BiB stand by and act like they don't see anything, and who are as corrupt and crooked as a dog's hind leg, jet ski scams, and the list goes on and on.

    yes my friend I have an ussie mate living in vietnam he keeps telling me come to vietnam you will love it its beautiful so he says and some of the photos how clean it is is unbeleivable

  4. Based on their last experience, they should have gone somewhere else for the port of call...and given another nation their money. Too bad.

    What other "nation" in the area has what Thailand has to offer? It's the perfect place for R&R, either Phuket or Pattaya, relatively safe and plenty to keep the guys occupied. What 20 year old guy wouldn't love it? :)

    yes exactly my friend I did the same thing in hong kong in 1971 when on r&r from vietnam

    and what a rest and recreation it was wow ,wow,wow I wish I could still find her

  5. with all due respect to HM, I can't get behind F1 racing. I've been to a few races, years back (my uncle was a course official and took me to Brands Hatch and Silverstone a few times, waaay back in the 1960's). However, F1 racing is on the way out, and here's why:

    1. Burns a lot of fossil fuel

    2. Hyper commercial. All drivers and cars are plastered with decals over every square inch. That's what we'd like to see politician's do, though their clothes and vehicles don't have enough yardage to showcase all the companies that prop them up.

    3. Marginally athletic skills are needed. Much like golf, it fits with the premise that: the less amount of stamina, the higher the pay-outs for contestants. Look at sports which require a whole lot of stamina & athletic skills: Iron Man/Triathlons and Rock climbing and marathons. Then look at how much they pay out compared with low-stamina sports like golf and F1 racing.

    I think you'll find that F1 driving takes an incredible amount of stamina.

    I usually agree with your posts Brahmburgers, but you got me on this one.

    As an F1 fan, I am surprised you think it's on the way out since it is the most popular motor sporting event in the world.

    1.Yes, it does burn a lot of fossil fuel, but so does WAR. I imagine what is burned by F1 cars in a year is less than the fuel for American military vehicles in one day around the world? and what about Ayton senna the greatest of all time in my book Mark Webber will be great to as I am An Aussie dont forget Jacki Stewart,Jack Brabham,stirling moss

    2. Yes, it is commercialized and always has been, since sponsors provide much of the money needed for research which in turn is passed on to the car manufacturers who build the cars we drive. Most safety improvements we take for granted were once part of F1 research.

    As long as there are rich men willing to provide the Hobitt, Ecclestone, with money, there will be F1, but Bernie is very old and who will succeed him at the head of the corrupt organization?

    3. I hardly think men like Michael Schumacher,Sebastian Vettel, Mark Webber, Jenson Button & Lewis Hamilton, plus all other drivers, would appreciate being called 'marginally athletic' since they have to be at the very peak of fitness. OK they are only in the car for less than two hours on race day, but then there are the hundreds of hours of behind the scenes training, testing, practice etc that few see. I only wish I was as quarter fit as Schumacher and half as wealthy.

    That's my ten liters worth. :D

  6. Nows thats a new trend, hope it doesn't catch on. Personally I dont have a problem with a fellow stabbing himself with broken glass and running around with his head on fire, that is his business, but fires have a habit of spreading. Hope they fine him BIG TIME.

    no send him back to pommie land and let him do it there us falang cop enough shit from these kind of morons I personally came here to live a quiet life with my thai friends none of us need this garbage
  7. Issaan the best part of Thailand

    Yes, this is why so many Thai's move from Isaan to elsewhere because its the best.

    well excuse me but many ISAAN PEOPLE DO GO ELSE WHERE TO WORK NOT TO LIVE once they have harvested their rice {cow} they dont have any income but they do come back to Isaan because it is the best place to live do you want me to tell you why,I dont think so.by the way way where do you live omg do you live in pattaya sh-t hole lucky you

    Not that is has anything to do with the thread but yeah please tell me.

    and is it possible they come back because its home and where family is??? NOT because its the best?

    And if it was the best, do you think there will be a need to go work elsewhere? because by definition "BEST" means the most advanced; most correct or/and complete along with the most advantage; with the most success, case, profit, benefit, or propriety.

    So if it was the best, with the most advantages, most success, most profits and most propriety's what would be the need to go work elsewhere?

    And if it was best, would there be a reason for the region to be the poorest in Thailand?

    I allready admitted in my post it was poor.I said once they harvested their rice they went elsewhere to work the living standards are better here crime wise compared to those southern regions,dont get me wrong we still have crime but only minimal
  8. Issaan the best part of Thailand

    Yes, this is why so many Thai's move from Isaan to elsewhere because its the best.

    well excuse me but many ISAAN PEOPLE DO GO ELSE WHERE TO WORK NOT TO LIVE once they have harvested their rice {cow} they dont have any income but they do come back to Isaan because it is the best place to live do you want me to tell you why,I dont think so.by the way way where do you live omg do you live in pattaya sh-t hole lucky you
  9. I think I would be suicidal also if I had to deal with corrupt,cheating governments, poor prices for my hard labour then to be wiped out with no insurance and still be expected to supply the lazy fat cats in Bangkok with rice...Shame on all you supposide Hi_So's that just sit around on you ever fattening asses and sip coffee at Starbucks pondering which handbag should you buy to match your new shoes..:(

    ....yeah and the "fiddler on the roof", all are responsible, the Emporium Folks, the Starbucks and McDonalds fans, the "fat cat's" should be hung high to dry, THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE, that's for sure!

    Katherine devastating New Orleans, the recent Indo-Tsunami, the outbreak of the Mount Merapi Volcano, Haiti, the cholera outbreak there now, it's all because there are some "fat cat's" in Bangkok, let'em rot in their BMW "innocence", but "they" simply aren't responsible, no one is....!

    Anything more irrational and infantile then this?

    It's sad, natural desasters do strike, again and again, let's get together an HELP - what have YOU done?

    Stop the finger pointing and blame each other, instead let's work together and HELP!

    thank you my friend I applaude you this is not one solitary person fault if only everybody thought like you if everyone just gave ten baht to help that would be a great help but we must make sure it goes where its needed, but better still by some food and clothes because the will surely die from the cold if something isnt done in this respect comeon who is going to start one blanket 150 baht some rice these people will live on good old rice full of protein if someone starts this I will personally buy 5000 baht worth of supplies
  10. Being a humanitarian I hope they transfer him to a prison that's a bit easier to bare so he can serve out his term without the fear of being rapped or killed.

    rapped or killed ???

    I don't like the idea of death, but being 'rapped at' for many years makes death seem like a pleasant option.

    'rapped at' for many years makes death seem like a pleasant option.

    Are they gonna sing to him?

    he better take his vaseline
  11. I see some truth in this story.

    Thailand is just the kind of place that your fellow foreign colleague, who himself engages in illegal activity, will turn around and report you to police to score points, cash, to evade his own arrest, or just to get rid of you. There are plenty of psycho farangs here in Thailand, in part as can be evidenced by all the "hang him high" and "hope he rots in hel_l" responses that fill this Thai Visa forum -- the kind of foreigners that always side with a very corrupt police and judicial system just because they have the power.

    Corruption and torture run rampant within the Police. A farang friend's nephew was arrested for theft of a gold necklace. The nephew had visited a lady's daughter and she didn't like him - then she couldn't find her necklace, she had the police arrest him. He spent two full days and one night in jail hung by his wrists being shocked and beaten, before the lady found her necklace behind her bed.

    Apologies all around made it all OK...

  12. what do these sadistic children killers think this country is, a haven for them to peddle their wares and kill babies and young adolescents so they get rich by illegal means, die you sick lying mother f----ker

    who cares about you I see young boys with brain damage in the village where I live caused by all kinds of this crap it makes me sick to see your pathetic excuses when you get busted

  13. all you need is proof of income papers stamped by your embassy in Thailand or a letter from your thai Bank saying you have 800,000 baht which has to be in bank for previous three months,or letter saying you receive more than 65000 baht per month via a pension it is a good idea to have a Thai bank account your house book. if you have a Thai wife take her with you also just tell the immigration officer you want a retirement visa also passport size photo to put on paper work they will give you, and last not least a medical saying you are ok to live in thailand done by a Thai doctor and of course take your passport

    if you take a letter stating your pension it must be also stamped by your embassy in Thailand.it is ver easy if you do it right the first time if you forget something they will tell you to come back when you get it right believe me I know.

    check list

    passport current

    papers of income stamped by your embassy

    photo copy of your passport also, saves time

    passport sized photos get a few

    medical from Thai Doctor,must be up to date

    all the best Ronnie

    ps do a few photo copies of everything in paper work it is good to have

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