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Posts posted by canadianmonkey

  1. You do know that theres TONS of people who dislike vegemite?

    Try something that everyone loves.. mashed potatoes, real meat with real proteins(thai food lacks every nutriment), make homemade mac and cheese with saussage.. theres not a single kid in the world whose favorite food isnt mac and cheese with sausage

  2. wow you guys have it all wrong.

    What's bad here is HIS AGE


    , he

    AT BEST BEST BEST he has 20years left before total senility. At his age he can get very sick quite fast, he already looks pretty frail on that picture..

    What kind of monster would get a kid and put him through that at such an early age? or he might just end up dumping that kid on his poor girlfriend? (obviously if she wasnt poor she would of taken a much younger male)

  3. i think not, those with good genes aka intelligent parents will GTFO the country before they get picked for this barbaric procedure that is the forced army service.

    It's not like the kids of teachers and sexpats are gonna change anything for the most part.

    And the kids from multimillionaires daddy are just gonna spend their life like all the hiso "winners".. sitting around drinking and driving cars into poor people.

  4. Well, i was looking at condos in bangkok and found metro park just outside saphan bridge. Then my friend tells me theres a bunch of quality villa parks(not those cheap ones with all the houses stuck to eachother where poor thais live) and most houses go for 2-3mil

    Im quite interested, problem is.. im in phuket and i cant spare a trip just to catch some presentation. I can't seem to find a website in english or thai like i would for condos. Anyone has a way to get them? im interested in bangkhae area and sathorn(outside of bangkok obviously or that price)


  5. so wait

    you're a lazy fat fuc_k who cant park your car A 15 SEC WALK AWAY and then you criticize people?

    You're WAY worse than those thais who stop in the middle of a 2 lane street(directly on the middle line) then get out of their car to go buy food from a stall. Why? because you've had an education and you still cant figure out if you park in front of a car, it cannot move.. YES REVOLUTIONARY CONCEPT.. objet a is stuck between wall and object b therefore it cannot move.. DEAR GOD THIS IS HARD, dam_n you logic!

    You have overlooked object "C" The Thai missus. No self respecting Object C, would be seen dead walking more than two paces between car door and shop door. Parking in front of existing car is a further walk of 3 meters.

    Walking 3 meters is a sign of low breeding so better get with the Thai way and block the traffic. This, a) saves Mrs C from appearing common and moving her lazy ass, :o gives Mrs C a captive audience to marval at her new dress, and amaze as her Hi-So falang boyfriend in Singha vest bawls "hey tee lak, get us some smokes please, LM deang and a chang beer, and C) upset mr Yabaaa who undoutedly is fuming in the first car behind, scared to come out and shout.

    a++ post.

    Realism: 100%

  6. according to multiple sources in google, thai kids have extraordinary low IQ's so maybe thats why she was impressed by a 'normal' kid

    My kid is growing at a normal rate for farangs but according to all the thai families around here, my 5month old son can do more stuff than their 7-8-10month old babies..

  7. so wait

    you're a lazy fat fuc_k who cant park your car A 15 SEC WALK AWAY and then you criticize people?

    You're WAY worse than those thais who stop in the middle of a 2 lane street(directly on the middle line) then get out of their car to go buy food from a stall. Why? because you've had an education and you still cant figure out if you park in front of a car, it cannot move.. YES REVOLUTIONARY CONCEPT.. objet a is stuck between wall and object b therefore it cannot move.. DEAR GOD THIS IS HARD, dam_n you logic!

  8. I will not answer all the posts one by one, because is just a waste of time. Why? Because I bet MANY of you here are in the same boat. To my consideration, when you are in a age where you are about to consider your self a "senior" and date a girl who is a little bit more than a "teenager" YOU ARE TOTALLY SICK. So, yeah.. He still have a brain that works, it may sound quite hard to hear this, but I think he should use it while he can, and think about it.

    Now.. all of you, yeah... hate me, reply to me or whatever, I totally don't care, it doesn't change the fact that you all very much know inside. YOU ARE PAYING FOR SOMEONE TO BE WITH YOU. and thats it. how sad..

    Last post here, enough of attention to the seniors... ha!



    Yes good job, you criticize people paying to be accompanied.. When this forum is run by them and all your e-buddies are doing the same.

  9. sorry i forgot to mention she is 22

    Shame on you. You could be her father. Don't you have any self respect at all? what does your own children think about this?

    and honestly.... Do you think she is with you because what? uh? get a nurse, have a bit of respect for your self, if not for your family, I would be TOTALLY embarrassed if you were my father. "Yes, yes.. take me to Australia, I take care of you for a short while take all the money I can, while I look for a real guy in falangland" ha!

    You realise that his brains are dying? He will be a useless piece of organs in a couple years and you want him to spend those years alone?

    Usually im appalled by all the disgusting sex tourists and Sexpats.. But this one seems fine. It seems like his 'girlfriend's enjoys his company more than the average fat old bastard and his bar girl.

    She only has to help this old dying guy for 2-5years to be able to substain her family forever. by the time he's completely gone, shE'll drop him in a nursery and keep going on with her life at around 25.. nothing wrong with that, much less worse than going in the army or whatever, also its not like they're gonna have crazy monkey sex all the time...

  10. with voip you can have a UK phone number in thailand with no fees..

    Xcept you have to move somewhere where the DSL is good. many areas have huge lags at peak hours.

    I know Sathorn is fine for a fact, dunno about the rest of the city

  11. well coming from an area in canada where theres a ton of jap immigrant opening sushi restaurants... ill tell you

    Oishi taste like rat poop

    Fuji's sushi is average at best, rest of meals are GREAT though...

    The thai dude making 6baht sushi at the market, easly destroy those 2 places..

    I hope everyone boycots oishi, not only are the staff rude, the prices are terrible and the food is uneatable. Oishi express in central was my worse experience in thailand, and their delivery last year was one of my worst diarrhea right after the unboiled squid salad.

    death to oishi.

  12. Why would you pay your girlfriend to be a girlfriend? I am sorry, but I don't understand those posters who talk about an allowance. Would you do this at home? Of course not, why is it now acceptable here?

    Seems to me that many men here are doing far more thinking with the little head than the big head and that is the cause of all their troubles, not some girl who is smart enough to get the money while she can. You are the one paying, so you are the only one responsible for getting ripped off, cheated, or used.

    CAuse 90% of the people who post here and total life losers.

    They dont understand that if a woman loves them, all they need is to pay for their rent,food and sometimes a gift here and there and if their gf want to buy clothes or cellphone related crap they can find a small income.

    My gf takes care of the kid, the only $ i give her is to go buy our food, if she wants more baby clothes, creams and shit she gets herself about 20k a month doing stuff online and in a shop.

    Anyone doing otherwise is a loser, no matter how many excuses they have. Like my girlfriend's two ex's (1 of them is a big poster on thaivisa) that gave her 100k a month and have begged her every single day for more than a year to come back. and btw she only slept with him once a month.. she actualy liked him but was a huge insecure pussycat even though he's pretty rich and decently good looking like most of the expats in their 20-30's

    But my post will be deleted because a huge majority of the mods fall into this category.

  13. As soon as we see Thai/Laotian/Cambodian/Burmese men travelling to or working in the US or Europe and marrying significant numbers of "our" women and bringing them back to live here, then I'll believe that it's not...of course, Thailand has BKK/Chonburi and the Philippines have Manila and Cebu, but the rest of those countries could certainly be described as 3rd world by almost any measure.

    3rd World countries and not one mention of Thailand in any of the following catagories:

    Third World Countries in terms of Political Rights and Civil Liberties.

    Third World Countries in terms of their Gross National Income (GNI)

    Third World Countries in Terms of their Human Development

    Third World Countries in Terms of Poverty

    Third World Countries in Terms of Press Freedom

    I rest my case.

    Rat infested 'secured and clean' villa parks

    Hole on the sidewalk on major intersections

    Food vendors all over the streets

    dogs walking around the streets

    list goes on for 50 pages of things that only happen in 3rd world countries and that also seem to happen in thailand.

  14. OP, just go sing some christian pop in front of your converting church and leave the world alone


    seriously, why do christians always need to tell everyone they are christians for absolutely no reason?

  15. If you love your child, you will get out of this country ASAP and send him to a REAL western school.

    Or at least get him into a very expensive school here with a 100% western program.

    This is a third world country, everyday you see people with lots of education and that still know nothing and cant form a tought that a 13 yo could in the west AND every single young thai person that has studied abroad as said that they were way behind.

  16. lol i didnt say that you should listen to opinions, just basic news imo.. read the rolling 24/7 news on the bottom
    If you believe both the selection of the news and the wording etc. is not opinionated, you'd better think twice.

    seriously this bullshit that people have against american news being biased is a total nutjob.

    Canadianmonkey you completely lost me with this rant. You contradict yourself in a couple of different ways but lets certainly be clear, the news networks are owned by large powerful companies (i.e. Time Warner) that definitely have interest in politics therefore will have their agenda.

    Maybe that's what the Phuket Gazette lacks..........

    I'll just never forget the time George the II was up for re-election. All the network news shows had the "Terror Alert". This was a bar that was on the screen that would climb and decrease as the "threat of terror" either climbed or decreased. The Republican party was the only party that could keep America safe (although they were in office during 9/11, when not out golfing) and this "terror alert" would climb, climb, climb when there was any type of Democratic news, and would decrease when George the II was on the screen.

    So Canadianmonket, I could not get what you were trying to say in your rant, but lets be perfectly clear. Media in the U.S. is as big a propaganda machine as there is in the world and the Rupert Murdochs will be sure that their political interests are put forth on the networks they own.

    i dont see what that has to do with the rolling news? i mean im not watching the dow jones sign or the terror bullshit, the rolling text just tells you the headlines. They dont really have the space needed there to actually be biased even politicaly. just dont listen to those dumb presentators and you're fine. Also what does it matter if theres propaganda? 90% of the population is on the border of legally retarded, hoping that they form their own opinion is a waste of time , the tards are always gonna make bad decisions no matter what. at least that way they stay inside on the couch and dont bother the rest of the world.

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