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Posts posted by janetplanet

  1. Flight cancellation? Is this possible? AOT claim that all flights in and out of Swampy have returned to normal last week.

    My agent told me that my December 13th Thai Airways TG 607 HKK-BKK flight 20:45 has been cancelled so now I am stuck in HKK with baby for one night and flying the next day on TG 0601 HKK-BKK 12:45.

    So...who should pay for the hotel?? :o

    Is this the return leg of you ticket? In other words did you fly out of BKK on TG and now returning ? If so then TG should pay for the hotel as your trip has already started.

    If you are beginning the trip in Canada then TG will probably not pay for your hotel as they should be offering you a flight 2 days later when TG607 starts operation. If you still want to leave on the 13th you should ask TG to endorse your ticket to Royal Jordanian or Cathay or Emirates or Ethiopian who all have flights leaving HKG from 2030 onwards on the 13th. Should not be a problem...good luck anyway.

    Yes, it's the return end of our trip. I don't mind staying in a hotel but how or with who do I kick up a fuss and demand it? This is after a 15 hour flight from Toronto with a 1 year old.

  2. 5 days after cancelling some Hong Kong flights and Paris flights, TG now has put them back on schedule

    My agent tells me that my evening flight from Hong Kong to BKK has been cancelled on the 13th and that all evening flights HKK-BKK on Thai Airways have been cancelled. Is there still a possibility that this could change again? Lord.....this isn't fun for my husband knowing when to pick us up!

  3. Janet, my work often takes me to the airport and I will be there again tomorrow to pick up one of my children who is flying in alone. By all reports from my colleagues there today 6 Dec, arrivals are working fairly well although departures are still a bit messy as schedules are still a bit unclear for some airlines. It sounds like things should almost be back to normal in the next few days. I wouldn't worry at all.

    I'm glad I kept bugging my travel agent since the airport closed and re-opened. My connecting flight from Hong Kong to BKK on Thai Airways has in fact been cancelled. All evening flights are cancelled. So, hopefully Thai Airways is going to pay for our hotel room in HK for one night. In some ways it is a blessing in disguise because we can take a little break from the long journey from Toronto but I don't want to have to pay for the hotel!

    Now, anyone have suggestions of how to relax a 1 year old on an international flight?

  4. Sorry for my ignorance but am extremely stressed. Is this reduction just for departures out of Thailand-Thai Airways or arrivals too. I'm supposed to be flying in on the 13th via Hong Kong. My travel agent in Canada still cannot tell me if my flight is scheduled or not.... .

    If the Thai Airways flight does not leave Bangkok it will not return

    Check with Thai Airways office reservations themselves

    Apolo reservation system still has all TG's flights as schedule but when you call to reserve they say flight is not operational.

    I had a confirmed booking n 21 December from Bangkok to Paris and without informing me of the change they re-booked me on the 22nd

    Do you have a phone number to reach the TA office by any chance?


  5. I still haven't decided but have started packing our bags:).

    I would suggest that this is the correct position, but follow the news, unless the situation deteriorates, my guess with the information as it stands, you will be OK.

    Good Luck


    My travel agent (Canada) tells me Air Canada cannot confirm my flight until 3 days before departure. Do you think it's pretty much 100% that if we are supposed to land at Subarvanhumi (spell.) that it will be there not somewhere else? Landing the 13th via Hong Kong.

  6. It is a no brainer. Just wait until things are back to normal. If you have to travel for some reason, then make sure you have mobile.

    When will things be 'back to normal'? I guess sometime next week or next year? My husband will be travelling up from Suratthani to BKK to pick us up. Will I be able to assure him that we will be landing in BKK (transiting from Hong Kong)before I leave Canada on the 12th or will there still be a chance the flight could be re-routed to U-Tapao or even Phuket? That would be awful if I had to call him from Hong Kong to say the flight was landing in Phuket instead after he had just travelled 800km! I'm talking about the 13th here...am I overreacting?

  7. I am trying not be alarmist but I am supposed to be returning to Thailand with my baby after being away for 6 months. My Thai husband was eagerly expecting us on the 12th, Toronto-Hong Kong-BKK. Now, I just don't know what to do.... . I'm not only worried about the potential for violence but how will I know where to tell him to pick us up, our luggage will probably get lost and it has all of my baby's things in it. I'm worried people will be pushing and shoving at the airport no matter in BKK or U-Tapao or even Phuket... . Our baby will be so tired regardless from all the travel time and then if I can't find a hotel room or a taxi etc.

    What would you do?

  8. fare classes : baby (below age 2), child (below age 12), adult

    seats: baby no own seat, even if you pay (safety reason)

    bassinet: depends on the baby size/weight. It's quite hard to convince the airline to give you a bassinet for a 14+ month old baby

    Costs: child is approx 80% of adult, and airport tax is full

    baby is 10% of adult, airport taxes are about 50% of full. There is a big difference here among airlines, though, some will choose to use the "official fare" as the basis for computing the 10%, others will use the same fare as the accompanying adult. That makes a big difference.

    For instance, I once had two options:

    ariline 1: adult 30,000 baht + 5,000 taxes = 35,000. Child 30,000 x 0.1 + 3,000 taxes = 6,000 baht

    airline 2: adult 22,000 baht + 4,000 taxes = 26,000. Child 80,000 ("official price") x 0.1 + 2,500 = 10,500 baht

    Then it depends on the number of adults and children in your group, if you just want to find the cheapest option. But do find out the baby's fare. And do complain if the airline apply the 10% to the standard fare as opposed to your fare!

    I called my agent and he said my 1 year old would pay 80% of adult making the cost from just Toronto to Hong Kong 1500$! Is he mistaken?

  9. My husband was refused twice for a TRV to Canada. The first time we weren't married yet, I was still on a Non-Imm. B Visa, I was pregnant and had not been working for at least a year, living in his home and was living off my savings from my last job. The second time he was refused, our child was 5 months old, I was still not working. My husband owns land (showed his Chanot), he owns a truck(showed his regular car payments) and showed he has a steady but small income from palm, there is no bank in his town so we were dealing with cash receipts from the palm company. Now, I'm starting to work again. I have an 'O' Visa. I have travelled to Canada with our child alone and am returning to Thailand.

    Do you think he has any chance of getting a TRV after being refused twice seeing as our circumstances have changed? or is it impossible???

  10. Yes, do call the airline directly to book the bassinet. If there is an airline office near you go inside and book it. Don't trust your travel agent as they can only request it and then they put the blame on the airline when you don't get it. If you do use a travel agent and ask them to request the bassinet, again call the airline to make sure they have it in the record. I have lost number of the countless times I've been told by passengers that they booked a bassinet and it was not on our list of special items. This goes for baby formula and baby food as well. Bassinets are free. If your also lucky someone like me who is a "designated baby minder" may also be on board.

    Flightcrew, would a seat for a 1 year old be 'just the cost of taxes' or an under 2 price?

  11. Thank goodness I found this Forum. I wonder if I can find a high quality mosquito net in Canada to bring over... . I have to buy a bed, no more sleeping on a mattress on the floor. I have to buy some screens to put on the window near where we sleep. Thank Buddha that nothing happened to my baby...when I look back....there were so many times....better to forget.

    I think you found already much good advice.

    The mosquito net you can find here in every shop and cheap. But have you no other woman around there that can give you an advice?

    The living condition you be scribes is normal for poor Thai people and everybody like to help you with every comfort the have. I know this stile of living now for 25 years and there has been a lot of improvement and of course I live today comfortably.

    You will get used to it and you have to adjust to this standard of living, and you will survive. (Your Question? :o )

    I have a small Rubber Farm not so far from your home, in Ban Rai Yao. I gave it to my brother in law, for handling. But I am quite often around in this area because of family members all around there.


    Glongi, where is Ban Rai Yao? I'm lucky that my Thai family is so wonderful to me. They are very kind, caring and generous. Of course they give me advice! And of course I had a mosquito net that I bought at Tesco...but it wasn't enough. From the advice I have been given on this thread I now realize that it was totally my fault for not being more diligent, especially that night with the centipede. It was raining a lot thus increasing the chances of something trying to crawl in. I should have bought a screen and tacked in on the windows and I should have double, tripled checked that the mosquito net was tucked under the mattress. Live and learn.

  12. I will be traveling over to the UK on Qatar air next month with my wife and our new 5 month old baby. I have just been asked by my wife " where is our baby going to sit " ?

    I could not answer her question as I had never thought about it until she asked me.

    So you all know what Im going to ask you.... where does the baby sit ? :o

    Air Canada promised us a bassinet on our 11 hour flight to Toronto. There were about 6 babies on the flight, no bassinets for any of them, no empty seats, baby was on my lap the entire time.

    just pray for a miracle.

  13. I earn 3 times my husbands salary but it has never been an issue. He contributes equally to the household costs & our son goes to a childminder. No one in his family or his friends have ever mentioned mine or his earning abilities. It is generally not something that is discussed. As for being a stay at home dad, my husband is a wonderful father but I would not be happy with him taking care of our son in leiw of working outside the home. Apart from his own need to work I don't think he would provide our son the right type of developmental skills or provide the kind of attention & play skills that our son needs. His cm provides these things & he socializes with the other children she looks after, something we would not be able to provide.

    This is my predicament. In my home country father's often stay home and look after the children when the wife is working. It is becoming more and more common. When I go to the community centre for some play groups there are at least 30% men and their children joining the group. I really doubt this is happening in Thailand or Asia. So, what you are saying is that it is perfectly reasonable that I am earning more than him but it's the child care that is the issue. Perhaps we could find a 'part-time' child minder and then he would be able to share the caregiving with them?

  14. Here is our little angel. No one can pinpoint what she looks more like Thai or Falang she is simply perfect!


    I'd say, "she looks like a Falang noi angel". She looks about the same age as our little 13 month. How old is she?

    Yes, she is 13 months old too:) Your little sweetheart looks like she's having fun at the beach, can't wait to do that soon.

  15. what is wrong with a mosquito net with flowers all over it? i love my pink double sized net with flowers but anon says it keeps too much 'air' out, wehn we have a hamsin and the air is like furnace. my kids each got one also and a hammock. both are used when camping or living in army standard living quarters (giant tents, lots lots lots of bugs). torquoise, pink and baby blue. love em.



    Sorry, Bina i don't understand. Did you say that you have your kids in a hammock at the same time as the mosquito netting...? how does that work?

  16. quote]

    Who says the OP live on Thai style wages? I believe a Thai or Foreign company hiring a foreigner know they will have to pay more than to a Thai.

    BTW, wasn't the original question about accommodation near Big C and not about getting a judgement from someone who seems to believe that their standard is right for everyone.

    Basically, I can handle the truth no matter how harsh it is. I have 2 job 'offers' at 2 different schools. One is on Chao Fa west road somewhere near a big temple/big C the other is in North Phuket near the police station. They are both offering me about 30K a month salary. What accomodation can I find near either of these that isn't a rat hole but won't eat my entire salary? If it's not possible, I'll have to take a job in Surat or Pang gna or Hat Yai or ....please not Bangkok...

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