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Posts posted by Emeritus

  1. Why does the developer write the app in such a way that it gets access to all this information? Why does the app for example need to know the number of the person I am talking with on the phone? Why would the app not be able to function correctly without this access? I see no logical reason for it. Do you?

    You seem to be knowledgeable about phone apps. This is the app I am talking about: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.inspireapp.inspirethailand998439&hl=en. If you have the time, will you be so kind as to look at it and see if that permission makes sense to you?

  2. I was about to download and install an app that promises to give me information about what's on in Bangkok, but then I looked at the permissions it requires and decided against it.

    post-70988-0-67450000-1456252803_thumb.g Location: OK

    post-70988-0-36593400-1456253009_thumb.g I don't want the developer of the app to view and download images, videos and audio files from my phone to his computer.

    post-70988-0-21330500-1456252807_thumb.g Microphone: OK. Perhaps the app accepts voice commands.

    post-70988-0-94049900-1456253575_thumb.g I don't want the developer to see and download the information about my LAN and the devices connected to it.

    post-70988-0-25752900-1456252811_thumb.g I don't want the developer to see and download my phone number, device ID and the phone numbers of the people I speak with on the phone.

    Last time and looked, this app had been downloaded only about 50 times and I wonder what the developer does with all the information he gets access to. Might he be selling the phone numbers to spammers and the other data to others who can use it for monetary gain?

  3. Google has not yet upgraded me to 15GB, so I signed up with Copy today after seeing this video on Youtube:

    Got 15 MB free storage plus 5MB extra for installing the app on my mobile phone. I haven't looked at it in detail yet, plan to see tomorrow how it works. Wonder how its functionality compares with Google Drive.

  4. First you'd need to setup a Bitcoin wallet on your computer, and the person you intended sending the money to would also need a Bitcoin wallet on their computer.

    Then you'd need to buy some bitcoins in your home country, let's say you are in the USA you could use:

    http://bitinstant.com or https://localbitcoins.com/ to buy $10 worth (as per your example). Let's say you use bitinstant which charges you 3.99% fee. So you could get about 0.079 bitcoins (at current market price).

    You then send this .079 bitcoins to your friend in Thailand (this is the part that is instant). And your friends sells the bitcoins on a website such as the ones mentioned by Buckaroo. At the current rate they would be able to sell the .079 bitcoins for 260 THB, which would be transferred to their Thai bank account.

    Just like with real currencies there are of course fluctuations in the exchange rate. Based on historical rates I would have received 0.0376 bitcoins for $10.00 on 10 April 2013 and the following day my friend in Thailand could have sold it for $4.14

  5. Nothing in this whole thread about bitcoin mining. Can somebody explain what bitcoin mining is? I have seen some impressive racks of hardware and people claim to be making hundreds of dollars per month mining bitcoins.

    You mine a bitcoin by using a computer or many computers to solve a difficult problem:


    I suspect that the mining pools mentioned in the above linked article use trojans or other malware to highjack the computers of unsuspecting people to help them mine bitcoins:


    Another method mentioned in the first link in this post is to include a particular script on a web page and every time somebody goes to that page his computer is helping you to mine bitcoins. This works especially well of course if your web page is a porn site, a gambling site, a popular blog or forum. For all you know, while you are reading this your computer is helping someone mine a bitcoin.

    Happy mining!

  6. topelement.jpg

    “Elvis lives – as a monkey in Burma” is the translation of the headline of an article in today’s issue of a German-language daily newspaper. A search in the English-language press does not go that far but news articles based on a WWF report liken the monkey’s hairstyle to that of Elvis, the King of Rock’n’Roll. One example:

    … Then there is a black and white snub-nosed monkey whose head sports an Elvis-like hairstyle, found in Myanmar's mountainous Kachin state. Locals say the animal can be spotted with its head between its knees in rainy weather as it tries to keep rain from running into its upturned nose…

    Source: http://www.abc.net.au/science/articles/2011/12/12/3389174.htm

    WWF report: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCAQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fassets.panda.org%2Fdownloads%2Fgreater_mekong_species_report_web_ready_version_nov_14_2011_1.pdf&ei=_r7lTvrxG6eg4gSEuPisBQ&usg=AFQjCNGBtD1juX8VNIgQhH7I7smim2ZK8w&sig2=QpIVcaoWiBXmDyzADq3W-A

    The WWF report is about the discovery of hitherto undocumented species of flora and fauna in the Mekong region and the concern that many rare species may become extinct if insufficient efforts are made to preserve them.

    "Mekong governments have to stop thinking about biodiversity protection as a cost and recognise it as an investment to ensure long-term stability," says Chapman [Conservation Director of WWF Greater Mekong].

  7. ...If he did not get it here, he is no longer here, and there are no related cases how is this news?

    Does the Gazette not get that we are in an economic downturn and we need every advantage we can to survive it - such irresponsible reporting only harms the island...

    Shooting the messenger, aren't you? I have seen other posters other posters in other threads ask why Phuket Gazette did not print some negative news about Phuket that were published elsewhere. You see, they are damned either way. But please, don't be shy and write to the editor of Phuket Gazette with your suggestion.

  8. ...I have become rather interested though in how doctors in places like Thailand, once they are qualified, get their information about new or improved methods of treatment, and in this case, pharmaceuticals...

    The salesmen (medical representatives) of pharmaceutical companies or importers/distributors talk the doctors into prescribing/selling the latest, most expensive products.

  9. The problem exists between the keyboard and the user's chair...

    You have such a subtle way of putting it :) but I recognise myself in that description. After all these years of using Windows at work I lack the courage even to try Linux. If Linux had been around in the early 1970s when I first started using computers I probably would have used it and never looked at Windows for my personal computers.

  10. From the Letter of Confirmation: "We [foreign husband and Thai wife] together confirm that the money which [Thai wife] shall expend on the purchase of land...is wholly Sin Tua or the personal property of [Thai wife] alone, not Sin Som Ros or the matrimonial property between husband and wife."

    This leads to the question: how does money, or property in general, become Sin Tuan, ie the personal property of one of the spouses?

    1. Property owned before marriage.

    2. Property received as inheritance.

    3. Property received as a gift???

    Does money that a Thai wife receives as a gift, regardless from whom, become Sin Tuan?

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