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Posts posted by JoeThePoster

  1. Can this government get any lower?


    I have just (3 minutes ago) been told by a Thai colleague that Thaksin has "bought" some Cambodian troops and that they are on the way to Bangkok to cause trouble. There were photos on Facebook.

    I am not sure whether to believe it or not. I am looking for the source now.

    As long as they have work permits, we can't complain !!

    and 30 day visa's.

    And full medical check certs.

  2. asked for an extra budget of 15 Million Baht to purchase two new patrol boats and to employ an additional 24 support staff and patrol officers to ensure that Marine Safety is improved

    Milking the disaster has started already.

    And pray tell, what would your comment have been if the democratically elected Head of State had not attended the site of a disaster?

    I woulda said "Thaksin, where's your stooge?"

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