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Posts posted by JoeThePoster

  1. "Contrary to the government's propaganda, the economy has contracted for two consecutive quarters, he said, emphasising this was the first time the country had suffered such a decline when not facing an international crisis."

    If this is true then perhaps we will see the Baht weaken and the value of my pension worth more. smile.png Or maybe not. sad.png

    My crystal ball is in the shop, so I had to use the Taro Cards in conjunction with reading chicken entrails. From what I see, the Baht will weaken and lots of us retired folk will eat imported steak soon after. :)

    That imported steak will cost much more when the baht devalues, I suspect.

  2. He is reaping what he has sown.

    Fast living his stress and general dissolution.

    We might wish his family well, wife and children,

    if we didn't know how corrupt they are right there with him.

    Sons get of for murdering a cop, absconding with dad's help no doubt,

    and then right back into the country a few years later, and eventually a government position.

    This is not the familial actions one should expect from and upright citizen.

    Yes he has his entertainment value, and leaving Plodshrop as the

    only verbally unleashed fool in government is a shame.

    But Chalrem has more than stepped on thousands of toes,

    Smashed with a jack-boot is a better description by far.

    He's been an obsequious sycophant to the leader who dare not return,

    and zero concern for the well being of the average thai, let alone the underclasses.

    Few will be moaning his departing the stage besides comedians and ass-kisser under-pols.

    Sure there will be duplicitous platitudes and false witness made to his life.

    But in reality, there will be much more drooling for his chair at the trough,

    and inward smiles at his finally getting his back.

    A sad balance sheet on a life, but the partly concealed wealth

    and ostentatious displays, a pink Bentley, seemed to clearly

    mean more to him than anything else.

    Great obituary.

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