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Posts posted by mrmajestic

  1. Hi,

    I need to ask a question.

    I have started a job with a company in Thailand.

    I have been lead to believe a work permit application is being filled on my behalf for the job.

    My employer has taken copies of my passport and the required size photos.

    However I am a bit concerned as no mention has been made of my 'o' visa.

    Only upon my suggestion did they take a copy of my visa.

    I would have expected an immediate notification that I must get a 'b' visa etc...

    My employer has been very slow to pay me. Its been like getting blood out of a stone.

    Now I am told the 30,000 baht cost for a work permit will fall to me/ be deducted from salary.

    Is this the cost?

    My current visa expires very soon. It is my concern that i am working for nothing and when I find

    out I have no visa and work permit I will be forced to leave the country. I may be being taken down

    the garden path so to speak.

    This will make getting what is owed to me very difficult.

    Is it possible to check with immigration or whoever does work permits that an application has been made.

    If I find out it has not I can stop theses bandits joking me around and take action where necessary.

    Many thanks

  2. clenbuterol is fine. Stick to low doses(20mcg a day) and no side effects occur.

    I use 40mcg a day. No loss of libido, insomnia or shakes...

    They are the slimming pills used by hollywood stars these days and pro bodybuilders for cutting.

    Other diet combo was ephedrine, asprin and caffeine....

    Speeds up metabolism but you must do this with an exercise routine for real results.

  3. Hello,

    my wife and I recently sold a few properties here in Thailand that we had sat on for a few years.

    Now with all the economic problems and the uncertain nature of the pound we are unsure what to do? Should we keep the money here or move it to the UK, offshore etc? I have never invested in anything except property before. I know nothing about the stock market, futures or investing in Gold. Does anyone have any good advice for what I should look into?

    Many thanks

  4. I had some PM's from girls that were interested in me, they said they liked my profile......

    If they would ask for a financial compensation after an intimate meeting would that also be considered as a financial service?


    Just asking.......


    At least with the girls you know you'll be getting value for money. They are honest about f***ing you. Too many of my good friends have trusted these unqualified financial advisors and now they are paying the price. Has anyone actually made money by investing with them?

  5. My company was targeted about 4 weeks ago. A foreigner, speaking English called my office. I overheard the conversation and my secretary was giving away the names of all us farang in the office. After when I asked her what the conversation was about she told me the man claimed to be working for a free magazine for foreigners. She couldn't tell me the name so I called them back. The number was for Devere and partners, not a magazine. I checked the company name on the internet. We are deciding what action to take with our secretary. She didn't understand the issue. When they call me I'll give them a good ear full I can tell you!

  6. I too dread when I get a chest infection in Thailand.

    I think it's fairly common for colds etc to progress to chesty coughs and chest infections.

    True the pollution will not help as it's a big irritant. However I think it's also the hot humid conditions.

    Bacteria etc love hot damp conditions.

    I too wouldn't suggest antibiotics as too much use will make them useless in the future.

    You just have to stick it out with cough syrup and tablets etc for that sort of thing.

    If it's very bad can get cortico steroids. Lots of rest and water. Also eat lots of fresh fruit

    to boost the immune system.

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