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Posts posted by MarkOZ

  1. Posted 2015-01-03 15:53:43

    I posted this a year ago. Police at the time said they could do nothing !!!!



    My daughter was attached on White Sand beach at Koh Chang Lagoon Resort on Tuesday morning whilst we were having breakfeast.

    She was biiten in the face by a beach mongrel and the staff at the hotel were no help. We rushed her to Bangkok Hospital in Koh Chang and then had to take her to Bangkok Hospital in Chantaburi because the was no surgeon at the Koh Chang hospital but she also needed an eye surgeon and Plastic surgeon.

    We were terrfified of the outcome. 4 hours of surgery and a lot of stitching and it looks like things will work out as well as can be expected. Needless to say the Bangkok Hopspital bill was huge.

    Two days later back in Koh Chang we had to retrieve our belongings and informed the Royal Thai Police what happened. We were taken back to the scene of the crime and the owners of Koh Chang Lagooon entered the discussions about the incident with the Police and us.

    At the end of the day I dont think much will happen. We had photos of the dog that the police did not seem interested in but the hotel owners requested a copy so they could inform the staff to keep an eye on the malafactor. The next day the dog was back on the steps of the restaurant.

    The reason for this post is to warn people about the risks of beach dogs not just at Koh Chang but everywhere. In my experiance once a dog bits a person he will do it again. In my country a court order would be issued and the dog taken away.

    I made this known to the hotel owners and if it happened again and the outcome was worse they would be in serious trouble. I hope I am wrong but if the dog is not removed odds are it will happen again. No matter how vigilant you are as parents these freak things can happen.

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