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Posts posted by Lucky_Boy_Farang

  1. Could anyone here please explain how bad and dangerous "ecstasies" are ?

    They are no worse than Alcohol or cigarettes.

    10 people die each year in the UK from ecstasy.

    100,000 die each year from smoking related deaths. which cost the NHS billions.

    60,000 die each year from drink related deaths, which costs the NHS, Police billions.

    The only reason why Ecstasy makes the national papers for is because it's illegal and the government cant tax it.

  2. Could anyone here please explain how bad and dangerous "ecstasies" are ?

    And when comparing to alcohol, what difference does it make?

    Its easy to see what the difference is between the two.

    On a saturday night go and stand out side a dance club and watch everyone come out. You'll see everyone happy and laughing and saying what a brilliant night they've had and watch everyone disperse without one single fight or trouble. Ecstasy.

    Walk to into the city centre and watch revellers come out of pop clubs. You'll see mass brawls, fighting with the police, Windows being smashed. Cars getting kicked in. Alcohol.

    Thats the difference between the two.

  3. You speak of compassion and then you speak of people who were kidnapped illegally, tortured for two years and then let go because of the lack of ANY incriminating evidence, as terrorists. Who was caught fighting against the UK/US troops?

    They had all been training in terrorist camps, One got shot and caught fighting us. They are scum and shouldn't be in the UK and claiming benefits.

    Get your facts right belend before you say anything else.

  4. He'll be back home aged 31, if not before on prisoner exchange. Still has a life.

    He'll be 33 when he gets out. Prisoners usually have to serve 8 years in Thailand then another 5 in the UK.

    There isn't a chance of educating him in Thailand, He'll be out on the streets with no money, no where to live, no trade.

    If he had that sentence in the UK, He could of got degrees, several trades and on release could of found a good paid job and look forward to the future. There isn't a future for him really anymore.

  5. I was hoping the young lad would get 25 years not life. Surly the Thais must give sentences reflecting the quantity of drugs one has seized on them.

    Michael had 3,200 ecstasy pills and that john fella who got caught with 9,000 'E' nearly three times as much will also get life.

    And another thing, Is it really needed to have judges in Thailand? Why not get jo bloggs of the street and be judge and jury.

    Young Michael will be spending his first night in BangKwang tonight. I'll be sending another £20 out today for abit of pocket money.

    You see I show compassion. I feel that everyone deserves a second chance.

    And another thing, Terrorists fight against our UK troops in Afghanistan, get caught, get locked up in cuba and our government bend over backwards to bring them home and live off benefits. How about british prisoners abroad who are innocent? They are left to rot.

  6. I'd say he's looking at 25 years at least. You must remember it doesn't matter if you had 4 or 50. The sentences are the same out in Thailand. :o

    Take young Michael, He had 3,400 ecstasy pills and will get life. Then take that english chap who had 9,000 ecstasy tablets, He'll get life as well.

    It's not like other countries where the sentences are different for what amount you had on you.

  7. Singaporean faces death penalty over drug charges in Thailand

    BANGKOK : A 54-year-old Singaporean man faces the death penalty after being charged with drug trafficking in Thailand, police said Tuesday.

    Koh Hoon Seng was arrested in a sting operation by undercover officers who attempted to buy ice, a type of methamphetamine, from him.

    Police said he confessed to the charges and admitted to selling drugs, including ecstasy, ice and cocaine, to Thais in Bangkok's nightlife districts.

    A variety of methamphetamine known as "yaa baa", which means "crazy medicine" in Thai, is extremely common here, but narcotics experts said ice was another form mostly produced in southern China.

    Police searched Koh's residence on the eastern outskirts of Bangkok and found 12 small bags of ice along with 3,400 ecstasy tablets, seven small bags of cocaine and a handgun.

    He was also charged with illegal possession of a firearm.

    - AFP 2004-03-02

    Would they be the same 3,400 ecstasy pills the Thai authorities seized from young Micheal? :o

  8. When i first read your comments i honestly thought you were talking about ALCOHOL.

    ALCOHOL ABUSE is worse than drugs. Everytime I go out I see drunks fighting, I see people getting glassed, I read in the papers that a drink driver has killed someone but it's legal.

    When I see people on 'E' They are loved up and happy, When I see people stoned they are happy and keep saying peace man, Peace!!and these two type of people dont cause any trouble what so ever.

    The only reason why drugs arn't legal for is it can't be taxed!

    ALCOHOL is the evil drug!!

  9. Well if you do the crime, you should do the time. I agree that a Thai jail isnt fun and can be a real ###### on earth but you must know what yype of mess you git in when you got caught. Again, 50 yrs or more is an extreme punishment and I dont agree with it but who am I to say that. You are breaking the law in another country and should face up to their punishment.

    Just a small note. If you are really that desperate then there are plenty of easy runs like curacao to holland where you will only get a slap on the risk. Any if you were to be so stupid to do a run then why only takw 120 grams. Go for a kilo then which is an average what they swallow (the drug runners) instead of going for some measely profit/fee.

    And the member on this forum who visits some folks in the Bgk Hilton, great inniative. Although I feel that they deserve their punishment, I do feel that its great if someone visits them and thereby makes their lifes a nit better. I would like it if I was stuck their.

    I agree with what you're saying about do the crime do the time but only for the likes of that alan bloke, He's 34 and should do the time. But Micheal is 19 and naive and stupid. He is deaf in one ear and has serve learning problems.

    And one watch the TV series....The bangkok Hilton? Nicole Kidman? That lad in it reminds me of little big ears.

    I'm not going to post about this subject anymore, It seems everyone is happy with thier little lives they lead and couldn't give a monkey what happens to anyone else. I can understand where your all coming from but that is your opinion and I respect that.


  10. Lucky, that is noble of you. Not many will take the time or make the effort so to speak. I am a softie by itself, and if i say something i get crucified one way or another. I understand him being a kid, but at the same time bringing in that much dope is another bees wax. I give him that much being a kid and being stupid and naive. Anything else no. He knew what is right from wrong. Old enough in that department, but not educated enough to use his brain the right way.

    And to Spellbound, let me ask you just one question????? How come Thailand and its neighbors produced so much heroin in the earlier days????????? One was white heroin and the other brown heroin. White is a 1,000 times more pure than the brown and more expensive. It most certainly did not come from USA or from Europe!!!!!!!! South America was no where near being in the picture Heroin wise besides Marijuana which at that time was their main production such as Columbian Gold, Mexican, and Jamaican. The reports showed indeed a proven fact that Thailand (being in SouthEast Asia) was a major producer of such drug, being the poppy fields, and were the biggest exporters of such for a long time smuggling it into this country.

    Or did you forget the past???????? People are quick to point out the wrongs but simply forget the past that they once were involved with at one time or another.

    Yes White Heroin.

    Daveyoti :o

    A good % of people was young once and was naive and done some really dum things and regret the actions they took.

    White heroin? The CIA used to export white heroin back in the 60's when the Vietnam war was going and made billions of dollors from it. Then they sent the DEA into Thailand to clamp down on it because it was flooding the USA and they couldn't get away with it anymore.

    The CIA are the main culprits in the drug war In south east asia. It makes me laugh how the Thia's catch the users or small fry but never seem to catch the king pins, I wonder why that is?

    The pot calling the kettle black springs to mind here.

  11. PS  Also this might apply to the two english dope heads arrested recently.  They just might only do a 10 ball in Thailand, and then go home, depending on what sentence gets handed down later on.

    Daveyo, Please show abit of compassion towards our young big ear friend (Micheal Connell).

    I'm visiting Young Micheal in Lard Yao (Bangkok Hilton) in July as I'm in Thailand for a month and again in December on my way to Bali then New Zealand then again on my way back home.

    People might think I'm stupid for doing so but I really feel for the lad. And will drop of books and fruit and a bit of pocket money for him.

    I've been in trouble when I was young and spent 4 months in prison myself as you proberly know from reading my post last month, So I do know what he's going throu but 20 times more worse.

    I sent him a Christmas card in December and he received it at the end of January, Plus £30 pocket money.

    How do I know he received it? Prisoners abroad informed me as I'm in contact with them.

    Dont worry my little big ear friend, there are people in the outside world who haven't forgotton you rotten away in that snake pit. Lucky boy is on his way :o

  12. I agree Huski, what happenned to the mashed up pills that they reported as damaged?????? Did they replace it with asprin to make it look like the same????

    We don't see that in this picture the damage pills alleged. Hmmmmm. Maybe those are on the left side of the picture that is not seen.

    Still the size is unbelievable never the less so to speak.

    Oh to Mr. Vietnam, wow you mean to tell me people supposingly were high on cocaine drinking Coka Cola!!!!!!!!! No wonder I was having fits back then :D:D

    LSD with pot in the 60's yes I would think to believe that is true. That is why they were called hippies!!!!!!! Flower power years so to speak. Remember the Vans so decorated with the flowers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also I do remember that LSD was indeed a very popular piece of medicine and I would think that is how John Lennon might have made his songs seeing the psycho colors move in his head, as they may have have described in his music.

    Anyway so much for tit for tat :o


    And another thing I can't workout DaveYo is the amount the Thai's say the drugs are worth. Something doesn't add up.

    Take this chap with 9,000 and our young little big ears friend (Who I feel deserves a second chance in life) who had 3,400.

    Two things I would like to ask is........

    1st thing, Alan John Kiernan had 9,000 = $127,600 according to the Thai Customs.

    2nd thing. Micheal connell had 3,200 = $85,000 according to the Thai Customs.

    Now where do they get there sums from ? Isn't Alans haul surposed to be about $250,000 dollors going by Micheals haul ??

    It all sound fishy to me.

  13. Of all things getting caught just because of no T-shirt and was at some park. Wow.

    I'm not suprised that he got asked to cover up! He looks like a lager, Tatoo beer monster. Even back in England I would expect him to show some respect and cover up.

    He seems and sounds by the news report as the type who couldn't give a monkeys about anything in life and would be happy to get the death penality.

    Never mind. Write then board....Whats the odds on another briton being arrested next week ? :o I'm open to all bets lol :D

  14. That's unbelieveble!! :o

    He'll soon regret his actions. I think it's about time Thailand executed a Farang and show it live on television. Not Micheal Connell as he's 19 and deserves a second chance in life,but if they did execute a Farang then it might send out a clear message that drug smugglers/Trafficers will not be tolerated.

  15. If he got no money, who is paying for the lawyer there????  Do they have public defenders???????  paid by tax dollars and cents???????

    Also from what I see it looks like he lost some weight and appears thinner.  I am surprised he has lasted this long up to date.

    Also his father made some visits to him.  I feel sorry for the father who has to suffer of this pain seeing his son in such terrible conditions and knowing the fate of his son is out of his hands. 

    I would say 10 years be the longest to serve for such offense.  The person deserves at least a second chance in life to do good.  But pleading not guilty is like playing hard ball and that is a chancy gamble under the circumstances unless he can prove otherwise.


    Shut up Dave. What a load of <deleted>.

    I'll second that, Every one deserves a second chance in life. 19 years old! If he was in his mid 20's, 30's then tuff luck.

    I came from a broken home when I was 8 years old, got kicked out on the streets at 17. Couldn't claim any benifits, didn't have a driving licence so could find work or get to work.

    When sleeping rough, I met some criminals and got involved with crime, Got arrested and ended up in prison for 4 months. This carried on till I was about 22. And decided crime was for mugs. Got a labouring job then saved what I could for driving lessons and my test and passed on the second attempt then got offered a better job which I snapped the mans hand off and now I'm 35 got a nice house, car, pay my taxes, NI. and enjoy what life has to offer.

    What I'm trying to say is that this 19 year old lad and many his age take many years before they are muture enough to realise what is wrong and what is right. H e deserves a second chance in life to better himself and pay his taxes and contibute to the country.

    People who say he spongers of the state ? Look at these millions of gipsys who are heading to England ? They are coming because they say they will get a nice big house and car. So it's ok for them and not our own ?

  16. Hi, I was a member before but it wouldn't allow me to post, So I'm now under this name.

    Just wanted to no if there is a site that shows young micheal going to court and a news story ?

    Really can't believe he's going to plead not guilty, I've never known a Thai court to find any person who had been arrested for a drug offence tnot guilty.

    Don't no what he's playing at but like someone else said a couple of months back that they'll not sentence him to death as he's a farang. But saying that the Thai courts might make an esample of him, Scary thought :o

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