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Posts posted by baht&sold

  1. Words to the 'weary' from T Bone Burnett and Ryan Bingham:

    And this ain’t no place for the weary kind

    And this ain’t no place to lose your mind

    And this ain’t no place to fall behind

    (and geographical 'fixes' prob won't cure what really ails)

    Me? Mostly I love Thailand- even with all her (& my) flaws. 2 works in progress, always :)

  2. Reading posts and comments on TV, a 'common thread' seems to be many posters are disillusioned.... (er, with Thailand;) :)

    There's plenty of valid reasons to grumble of course, but one wonders if general expectations of (mostly) 3rd world prices but WITH 1st world assurances & standards are somewhat unrealistic in a developing country? (can't have both, unfortunately).

    On that 'note' which song best reflects your current combined Thai/Self mood?

    1) The weary kind

    2) With imagination

    3) Stuck in the middle with you

    4) Neither (make your own song suggestion)

    Bottom line: wherever one goes in this world, there YE be (expectations, self-baggage and all;)

    Whether one's cup (o' Thailand) remains half full or half empty, may you always find cheers.

    Cheers! :D

  3. It was Confucius who wrote:

    "Faced with what is right, to leave it undone shows a lack of courage"

    I'll have a bit of fresh Bamboo.

    It is pure common sense which writes:

    "WHO" is right will always mew to try to obfuscate "WHAT" is right (for SELF benefit, every time)

    Obfuscate away, whinge to the wind and relish your fading 'short-time' bamboozle.

    (must be completely terrifying to see one's Walter Mitty myopic 'utopia' shrinking as a 'mere' nation tries to evolve)

    Chok dee Thailand, sadly you'll need it (especially before mid-Feb and Mr Thaksin's 76 billion baht court date)

  4. The only difference between Thailand and real democracies are the Generals."

    'THE' Generals? You must be generalising (no apology necessary, I'm not so 'high and mighty' as thou;)

    So, when you refer to 'THE' Generals, are you referring to the legions of old generals being dusted off by Mr Thaksin (for a probable coup 'attempt' to come) or the 'all-out' red-rally to come before Mr Thaksin's 76 billion baht verdict mid-feb, led by Puea Thai General Panlop (former deputy of the Internal Security Operations Command;)

    Or, perhaps you were referring to the extremely professional regiment who peacefully, miraculously, gratefully saved Bangkok and poor people in Din Daeng from being burnt down and blown up by Mr Thaksin's reds last April?

    Obfuscate away LaoPo, all prattle and pith in the face of what's *REALLY* going down (and you know it). :)

  5. This just in (predictably)

    Pheu Thai snubs govt's invitation to support charter amendments


    Mr Thaksin wants (NEEDS!) the easily manipulated '97 charter back and PRONTO, before the looming mid-Feb FINAL court date on his frozen 76 billion.

    Besides that, a retroactive switch back to the 'malleable' 1997 charter would conveniently make all charges brought against him disappear and allow himself to re-appear.

    All red-hel_l WILL break loose prior to mid-Feb (unfortunately). Afterall, Mr Thaksin's needs MUST come first (as always)

    And his needs have absolutely NOTHING whatsover to do with 'democracy' or 'helping the poor', rather helping himself, period.

    As far as 'THE' military goes, that's a red-herring and master of obfuscation LaoPo knows it.

    Mr Thaksin is currently amassing a legion of old soldier's of fortune to win back his, share in the spoils and double-up.

    Puea Thai party member General Panlop will lead the reds in a 'all-out' rally to topple the govt to this end, conveniently BEFORE the Feb court verdict.

    "Democracy", "helping the poor" If only. Unfortunately, just complete and utter prattle and pith trotted out to obfuscate what this is *REALLY* all about.


    1. to confuse, bewilder, or stupefy.

    2. to make obscure or unclear: to obfuscate a problem with extraneous information.

    3. to darken.

    And probably much to the glee of Mr Thaksin's apologists, the situation *IS* about to become darker for Thailand.

    Obfuscate away, it hardly matters.


  6. Lost in all the semantics (desireably by some) is the FACT yet ANOTHER retired Army General is about to join Puea Thai,

    with General Panlop planning to lead red-shirts in 'all-out' rally to topple the Thai govt.

    Mr Thaksin is dusting off a legion of old 'opportunist' generals...

    Why? To some it's obvious, the rest will soon see as well - before Mr Thaksin's 76 bln final court date mid-feb.

    (and all this has nothing whatsoever to do with 'democracy' or 'helping the poor', PERIOD)

    Happy 'NEW' year all (dejavu-year) :D

    Should have added Puea Thai MP General Panlop's quote from Jan 1, 2010:

    'Violence inevitable if no amnesty'

    "For our part, the only way out is to grant amnesty to Thaksin.

    If this is not met by the other party, it [conflict] is not likely to end.

    And if it doesn't end, I'm afraid things will inevitably turn violent

    when [red shirts] assemble around February," Panlop said.


    PS, final quote from General Panlop:

    Asked if he or the red-shirt leaders could contain rangers planning to join red-shirt protests,

    Pallop said he and his peers would "try" to do so....

    tic-toc... :)

  7. Lost in all the semantics (desireably by some) is the FACT yet ANOTHER retired Army General is about to join Puea Thai,

    with General Panlop planning to lead red-shirts in 'all-out' rally to topple the Thai govt.

    Mr Thaksin is dusting off a legion of old 'opportunist' generals...

    Why? To some it's obvious, the rest will soon see as well - before Mr Thaksin's 76 bln final court date mid-feb.

    (and all this has nothing whatsoever to do with 'democracy' or 'helping the poor', PERIOD)

    Happy 'NEW' year all (dejavu-year) :)

  8. Google:

    Panlop confirms to lead anti-govt rally


    Thaksin 'will stop protests if govt spares him from jail'


    Thaksin counts the minutes to his B76bn fortune

    Therein is the reason Thailand is being held for ransom.

    Pity the fools who believe this has anything to do with 'returning democracy' or 'helping the poor'...

    It's all about Mr Thaksin, megalomaniac/victim, period.

  9. 'Opportunist' soldier o' fortune/Thaksin proxy-pawn/Puea Thai MP/General Panlop/Pallop, former deputy director of the Internal Security Operations Command, has also said he will LEAD the re-shirts in an ALL-OUT rally "around February"...

    COINCIDENTALLY, Mr Thaksin's FINAL court verdict for confiscation of 'his' frozen 76 billion baht (approx 2 BILLION USD) is also to be handed down mid-February... :)

    This is becoming more blatant and the ONLY threat of a coup (or rather re-coup of Mr Thaksin's fortunes and a share of the spoils. plus a chance to share even more in a double-up;) is coming from the legions of old Generals dusted off to 'serve and protect' Mr Thaksin (and for the 'privilege' to lick his fading honey-jar;)

    All this has NOTHING whatsoever to do with 'helping the poor', or 'democracy', rather simply helping HIMSELF, as always, period.

    Choke dee Thailand in 2553 (you're squarely gonna need it, unfortunately/sadly predictably...) :D

  10. ChiangMai, to summarise your argument 'you get what you pay for'. Is that what you're saying?

    If so, what happens when people get better value for their $ in other locations, such as India, Laos etc? That's going to be Thailand's loss.


    Exactly, and that to some degree or another will be part of the Thai learning curve on its path to becomming a first world country in the future.

    'you get what you pay for'

    Yet should Thailand ascend to a 'First world' country replete with 'back home' certainties (with prices commensurate to 'desired' nanny-state assurances) most rightfull whingers would likely head straight to the NEXT cheapest under-developed country (and continue to rightfully whinge)

    Personally, I won't shed a tear for the demise of Phuket's and other Thailand locations' tuk-tuk cartels, but many here will be gone to 'greener/cheaper' pastures whilst still DEMANDING nanny-state 'perfection'

    end of.

  11. There are no "red" generals

    Legions of old soldiers o' fortune have 'opportunistically' signed on to Mr Thaksin's Puea Thai Party.

    Here's just one:

    "Puea Thai General to lead red-shirt rally"


    That would be General Panlop of Mr Thaksin's proxy-Party Puea Thai, who will *lead* the reds in an *all-out* rally next month.

    Several other Puea Thai MP's are also red-leaders.

    This is all to take place before mid-Feb-

    (conveniently just before the verdict is read on Mr Thaksin's frozen 76 billion;) :)

  12. What a sad and tragic event. The Phuket tuk-tuk 'mafia' are clearly out of control (or sadly 'in' control) and obviously this NEEDS to change.

    On the 'upside' is the return for TV from typical hi-lighted low-brow breaking news alerts... =


    All in all, a collateral narcissistic reciprocal recipe for 'disastrous' success!


  13. if this country disgusts you so much , you may consider to go back to yours , where everything must be soo much more perfect ......

    what is it with all the bitter farangs on thaivisa who live in a country they despise so much ? ... there is not a single thread on this forum where there is not at least one posting insulting Thais and/or Thailand...

    Don't you just hate free speech?

    i don't see what free speech has to do with an established fact that Thai visa's crowd is always bashing Thailand ... the country they chose to live in !!!

    Call it bashing if you want but when it comes to safety standards (or lack there of) in the country where we work, visit, spend our money in, I won't appologise for criticising those who put people at risk - Thai or farang.

    Call it 'reality' if you want but most seem to expect cheap girls, grog, vice, price AND 'high standards' plus enforcement...

    The majority Thailand bashers (who appear to be TV's core demographic) would probably no longer be willing, able, or wanting to afford 'to visit or spend money here', *IF* all the ills described were corrected, ala 'back home'...

    Still, one sincerely hopes standards & enforcement WILL be raised (and they will, albeit slowly, eventually...)

    But then, ironically, one by one, many core Thailand bashers will probably leave for the next cheapest under-developed country offering cheap girls, grog, vice and price (yet continue to demand high standards, safety, enforcement, etc, etc, etc...) zzzzzzzZzzzz....

    Or, one assumes many are heading for safer, higher standard countries in this hemisphere like say, Singapore??

    (not likely) :)

    Meanwhile perhaps just try to enjoy (with care)

  14. Don't Swim With Shocks - CPSC, American Red Cross Warn of Electrocutions in Swimming Pools, Hot Tubs and Spas

    There have been 60 deaths and nearly 50 serious shocks reported over the past 13 years involving electrical hazards in and around swimming pools.

    Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupters (GFCIs) – the best safety device to prevent electrocution.

    "The best protection for families is inspection, detection, and correction of electrical hazards in and around swimming pools, hot tubs and spas," says CPSC Chairman Hal Stratton. "CPSC strongly encourages residential and commercial pool owners and operators to upgrade protection of the lights, receptacles, and switches with GFCIs. Older pools are the biggest concern, as underwater lighting fixtures may have degraded with age and may not be protected by GFCIs."

    The CPSC and the American Red Cross are also warning swimmers that electrical hazards around a pool, hot tub or spa can lead to multiple deaths or injuries. This occurs when an individual becomes incapacitated by stray current in the water and one or more persons jump in or reach out to save the victim, resulting in multiple electrocutions or serious shocks.


    Additionally electrical appliances such as radios and TVs and extension cords falling or being pulled into the water are as well causes of electrocution.


  15. A lot of assumeing going on here you know what happens when you assume. You make an as- out of you and me.

    It is unbelieveable how these stories brings out such stupidity in some of the posters here.

    It is a shame that a young man has to die no matter how.

    Lets wait and get more info about what happened before making more assumptions

    I agree, thanks for one of the few intelligent remarks.


    Sincere condolences to the family.

  16. Thaksin's side having a coup?

    Wouldn't succeed anyway, without approval. They never have, over the course of history. :)

    But try they will, try the must.

    Tough spot for 'the victim' Mr Thaksin, self-saddled with several troublesome red-herrings:

    *Can't win a majority if an election were called (without the nefarious Newin/Bhumjai faction).

    Thus Mr Thaksin's current proxy-party would be out on the first house floor vote (and he knows it).

    *Can't keep claiming it's 'THE' military who are the baddies as they dust off legions of old Generals to join Puea Thai.

    *Can't claim the red-shirts are a 'people's movement which he can't control' as they're led by his Puea Thai Generals and MP's.

    *Can't change the constitution without a referendum- to get rid of 'pesky' vote-fraud rules, exonerate all corruption charges and therefore 76 billion (and a chance to double-up;)

    *Can't be an effective opposition 'for the people' as everything they do revolves around Mr Thaksin's needs, not the people's.

    Meanwhile, the clock on the final Feb court verdict is ticking, LOUD.

    'Poor' Mr Thaksin, what a conundrum with few options left (except, attempt a re-coup)

    You know, to 'restore democracy'... :D

  17. UPDATE:

    From today's Bkk Post:

    "Panlop confirms to lead anti-govt rally"

    (that would be Puea Thai's General Panlop, former deputy director of the Internal Security Operations Command;)

    Also, Google:

    "Thaksin counts the minutes to his B76bn fortune"

    ('all-out' red rally led by Puea Thai's General Panlop before early February "when the people would be ready to fight for democracy"...)

    Yes, a re-coup 'attempt' is coming, to re-coup Mr Thaksin's er, fortunes... and there appears to be no shortage of old opportunistic soldiers o' fortune willing to share in the havoc and hoped for spoils.

    ('best before' date? before the now revised mid-Feb final B76bn verdict, conveniently). :)

    Tic Toc. :D

  18. With the recent signing up of a legion of old Generals to Mr Thaksin's Puea Thai party (led by a dusted-off General and whose chief adviser is yet another) and with 76 billion in the docket, best keep one's eyes on any news regarding the Thaksin clan going on another 'emergency' overseas shopping trip (as happened pror to black Songkhran)

    Sorry but I don't think this thread is about Mr. Thaksin, why do you need to change the subject?

    Sorry, thought it was obvious (and inherently related).

    To summarise:

    There won't be a coup next year but there will likely be another 'attempt' at one, or rather a 're-coup' attempt.

    However, first one must ensure the strategic, opportunist, loyalty count is one's favour to tip the balance.

    We all good here then?

    Edit to add: 'sorry'

  19. With the recent signing up of a legion of old Generals to Mr Thaksin's Puea Thai party (led by a dusted-off General and whose chief adviser is yet another) and with 76 billion in the docket, best keep one's eyes on any news regarding the Thaksin clan going on another 'emergency' overseas shopping trip (as happened pror to black Songkhran)

  20. They will never change the STATUS QUO in our livetimes they love the rich getting richer and keep the poor in their place.No matter who runs the country.At least Thaksin sturred the pot a little and now he is everyones wipping boy.

    Hardy 1943, YES His Excellency Mr Thaksin stirred the pot (for HIS ultimate benefit) but please do not edit my post to make it appear as my statement, as it was YOURS. Perhaps this is too much to ask of a Thaksin arse kisser.

    PS: YOU said" "they love the rich getting richer" Now that is RICH, as in 'His Excellence' Mr Thaksin....

  21. A friend's daughter works at KFC here in Bangkok. She gets 27 baht per hour. An 8 hour shift = 216 baht. She's lucky. Air-con atmosphere, relatively light work.

    Meanwhile, up on the farm another friend's daughter is pitching in on the rice fields. Work begins about 6 a.m. and finishes at dark (approx 6 pm). HARD work comparatively, open to the whims of the environment, bent over most of the day. She gets 90 baht per day (and that's regarded as decent).

    Meanwhile, a hand-full of filthy-rich well-fed rice baron's meet in a shop in Bkk's chinatown every week (as they've done so for years) and decide rice prices over a nice meal (whilst their drivers polish their mercs out side...)

    Wages and standards (along with costs) will have to rise in Thailand and I for one would gratefully pay more (if it went to advance or better the lot of the worker).

    Something to consider then when you compare what this current government is doing for the Thai people. At least you are not trying to blame it on Thaksin

    The fact is no past or probably future government of any party- in the short or medium term - is going to take on the mercedesd driving elite.

    Which 'elite' are you referring to? The bond slave-esque 'owners' or??

    I won't 'blame' it on His Excellency, the Honourable Mr Thaksin. There's enough blame to go around.

    However, it was Mr Thaksin's various govt's 'perfection' of systemically favouring connected TRT (Thai Rak Thaksin-Thaksin Rak Baht) pui yai's & rice miller's (you know, the one's who pay their 'grateful' bond-slaves a pittance for a right to subsist and serve their 'masters') far, far, far under the 'artificially' designated/back-handing price, all subsidised via fudget-budgets- with the Bkk Chinatown cartel never, EVER losing in the back-handing (and laughing) scheme, yet to great unknowing/kow-towing populace applause.

    Meanwhile, back in Bkk's Chinatown, smiles, shiny mercs, full tummy's/off-shore accounts and back-handing wais all round.

    One should reap what one sows but the prime vote-growing (fiefdom) region of Isaan constantly gets left with the shaft... (and the TRT, PPP, PTP and 'HE' Thaksin= LOL)

    This IS a travesty (which some apparently wish to see perpetuated, at any cost, as long as it benefits THEMSELVES) :)

  22. "Frank"= His Excellency, His Eminence, The Right Honourable Mr Thaksin. The one whom some clamour to kiss his ring finger (or ass, so to speak, within current reference;).

    "Frank" was the popular term given to HE Mr Thaksin by the 'once pleased' Man City fans (until the penny dropped, as it always does). Frank was in reference to Frank Sinatra, famous for 'Myyyyy Waaaayyyyyy'... (which ironically still resonates for HE Mr Thaksin and his fan club)

    We all good here then?

  23. Not fear mongering either but //edited by Admin// Thaksin squarely wants his loot back, pronto (and apparently there's no shortage of those willing to join in with hopes or promises to share in the spoils). Also, this time last year there wasn't an imminent date for confiscation of almost 2 billion USD in assets looming.

    Confiscation verdict date was moved up yesterday to mid-Feb due to more witnesses etc being called. That's the final call.

    Unfortunately, between now and Feb, it's coming. Tic-Toc...

  24. A friend's daughter works at KFC here in Bangkok. She gets 27 baht per hour. An 8 hour shift = 216 baht. She's lucky. Air-con atmosphere, relatively light work.

    Meanwhile, up on the farm another friend's daughter is pitching in on the rice fields. Work begins about 6 a.m. and finishes at dark (approx 6 pm). HARD work comparatively, open to the whims of the environment, bent over most of the day. She gets 90 baht per day (and that's regarded as decent).

    Meanwhile, a hand-full of filthy-rich well-fed rice baron's meet in a shop in Bkk's chinatown every week (as they've done so for years) and decide rice prices over a nice meal (whilst their drivers polish their mercs out side...)

    Wages and standards (along with costs) will have to rise in Thailand and I for one would gratefully pay more (if it went to advance or better the lot of the worker).

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