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Posts posted by GuestHouse

  1. That is precisely the kind of thing I was thinking, get a webpage up and invite people to add the names of businesses that are double pricing. Perhaps three reports being sufficient to put their names on the list of shame.

    I'd certainly be willing to pay for the web space.

  2. Many, if not all of us moan about double pricing, it is a common topic in letters to the press and on any Thailand discussion board, yet nobody ever suggests doing anything about it.

    How about setting up a register of places that operate double pricing policies, and those that don't. The next step is to let those charging double prices know that we are recommending foreigners, those living here and visitors, withold their business from the double pricing establishments.

    What do you say? With the backing of the expat clubs around Thailand it could work.

  3. Some time ago my wife, who is Thai, inherited a piece of land, on which there is an existing family home.

    This land is in a location were there is a demand for tourist accommodation.

    We would like in the future to add to this some adding some small buildings as guest rooms and perhaps a small restaurant.

    Can anybody please advise us if there are any special regulations or licenses that we need to meet and obtain?

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