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Posts posted by David73

  1. Yes thanks, I am going to hold fire until he explains what exactly it is needed for. I have had the house 8 years, and never been asked for it before. I will watermark it.

    Does anyone know how easy it is to check the registration details of a property at the land office, check all is as expected - is there a website ?

    Pays to be paranoid.

  2. I own a property through a company. A couple of weeks ago the lawyer who takes care of the accounts requested a copy of my passport, said the tax authorities needed to verify my ID. I now have a request to send a scanned copy of my Chanote in Colour, as the auditors need to verify I still hold it.

    Does this sound normal ? Anyone else been asked for similar.



  3. I am after some advice please on the best option concerning renewing my non-imm 'O' based on marriage.

    My existing visa (which is non-imm 'O' based on marriage expires on the 02/09/12). I plan to leave shortly before or on this date and re-enter allowing a futher 90 days.

    However, what are my options then, I normally return to the UK and renew through Hull, this time I was going to renew in Jomtien, but I have only transferred the funds (400K) to Thailand within the last couple of weeks, so has not been in the bank two months etc.

    1) Can I renew at Jomtien before my next entry stamp expires, that will be end of November, or is it too late for that, as my actual visa expires 02/09.

    2) What is the best country I can visit in terms of ease to attain a new visa (non-imm 'O' based on marriage)

    Thanks for any assistance.


  4. Thanks again for the replies, I have also just had a message back from Hull confirming that providing all information is submitted they do not see a problem with the visa application for my brother.

    Someone suggested on Thai Visa that for the purpose of an O Visa to visit non thai family working or living in Thailand, it did not apply to siblings, just Parents, Spouse & Children. My response from Hull suggests it does in fact cover Brothers/Sisters, so they can be added to the list.

    Hope this helps anyone in future, as it give better length of stay and less hassle than a Tourist Visa.


  5. My brother will shortly be taking a career break, and is looking to come to Thailand and stay with me, I live in Thailand and I am married to a Thai National.

    He is looking to stay for up to a year, so I want to try and establish which visa is best, and if indeed he can do that.

    I looked on the Hull website and Cat 0 - visiting non Thai family working/living in Thailand seems suitable, would he qualify under that, if I was to provide a) Our Birth Certificates and a letter from me and relevant stamp from my passport showing I am here. (i.e. the requirements highlighted on the additional docs required information).

    Any advice you can give, would be greatly received.

    I have emailed Hull and chased, but after 3 days nothing !.



  6. I have just had the front garden area of my house tiled and I am looking to buy a sun canopy that fits to the wall and covers part the area, where I can place a table and chairs etc. I live in Pattaya - any ideas where I can find something like this (I was thinking of something fibreglass or transparent plastic/type glass).

    Thanks in advance


  7. Thanks again for your help, all is clear now.

    I am going to apply for the extenion when my existing visa expires, as I can satify the financial requirements and it will prevent the need for VISA runs in the future.

    It's just I had to return to England for a few weeks, and didn't want to miss any opportunity to obtain a visa here, if that was best.



  8. Thanks for your replies guys. What do you think my best option is, just get the Visa in England, or transfer the 400K Baht and when my exisiting Visa expires in June (I can re-enter June to get me another 90 days) go for the extension at Jomtien based on marriage. Would this way prevent me from having to do border runs.

    It seems pointless getting the visa in England, if I still have to do border runs.

    Thanks for your assistance.

    I'm off to the airport now.

  9. Tomorrow I will be returning the the UK for a few weeks and whilst there I thought I should renew my visa which is due to expire in June.

    This time I can apply for a non Imm 'O' based on marriage and it seems a lot less hassle do it in England (just a copy of the marriage certificate). When I return to Thailand do I no longer need to do visa runs, just 90 day reporting, what will I receive as a stamp on arrival back in Thailand, previously I got 90 days, will they stamp for 12 months, or will it still be 90 days and I get a new stamp on my 90 day reporting.

    Thanks for any assistance.


  10. I am currently staying in Thailand on a Non-Imm B Visa. This visa is due to expire on the 16/06/10. I understand that if I leave and re-enter Thailand before the 16/06/10. I will be allowed to stay a further 90 days from by date of re-entry.

    I recently married in Thailand to a Thai National, therefore I understand I can apply to get a 1 year extension to my visa based on this. My question is, what is the latest time I can apply. Do I need to apply before the 16/06/10 when my visa expires or if I was to re-enter on my existing visa, it would give me a further 90 days to September, could I then apply anytime up to this point.

    I am going the 400K in the bank route, and with the recent dip in the GBP, I was looking to wait to see if things improve.

    Thanks for any assistance you can give.

  11. I am just finalising my flight for the 04/03/09, I will be staying on a 60 day tourist visa that I will extend by 30 days, locally in Thailand.

    How does this work exactly, if I arrive on the 05/03/08 (overnight flight), does my return flight have to be the 04/06/08 3 Calendar months or the 02/06/08 exactly 90 days.

    Also can anyone confirm, after this trip I will be staying in the UK 3 months and will repeat the above, am I correct I can do that on the Tourist Visa again on the 05/09/08, providing I do not exceed 6 months within a year.

    Thanks for any help.

    David. :o

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