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Posts posted by dandun

  1. go to google and type top 10 athletes cheated in their sport. the first result was to me viewmixed . com , below are the results

    Lance Armstrong "American"

    Baseball star Jose Canseco " Cuban-American"

    Marion Jones "American"

    Fika Motsoeneng "South Africa"

    Ben Johnson "Jamaica"

    And the list goes on, I am not sure if their grand grand fathers or mothers DNA have any "thainess" in but i am sure all over the world cheating happens in sports .

    I really do hate people live in a country which they hate the most but still continue to do so. This is what i suggest . Since you are better in every-way than thai people and since you are so unhappy to live in this 3rd world country, why don't you leave? Why not go to a country that you can be happy? Why you have to be irritated and uncomfortable everyday in your retirement life in this "unworthy" country?

    Just because people on here make a comment on a sports cheat doesn't mean they are unhappy or hate the country. Having an opinion doesn't mean you should then pack your bags and get out. I bet you would love to be in power so you could expel and deport those who have a different view. Having everyone programmed with exactly the same thoughts and walking around like robots would be boring, no more sports, discussions or humour as all would be identical.

    Yeah, except that the vast majority of posts are not commenting on an isolated sports cheat, they are making blanket statements about how Thais are corrupt and cheat.

    I don't like doing multiple quotes but its easy for you to scan back through the posts and see exactly what I am saying.

    There is obvious Thai-bashing on this thread.

    Exactly my point. Not only this topic but 90 percent of the forum is about how thai people are corrupt and cheat, how this country is unsafe to live in, how thai women are only scammers, blah blah blah.

    Yes this country is not perfect and yes this country is not the most safest place on earth but i do live in here, i make my money in here and i MUST respect their way of live and i must obey their laws if i want to continue living here. There is a famous saying, Don't sh.t where you eat.

  2. go to google and type top 10 athletes cheated in their sport. the first result was to me viewmixed . com , below are the results

    Lance Armstrong "American"

    Baseball star Jose Canseco " Cuban-American"

    Marion Jones "American"

    Fika Motsoeneng "South Africa"

    Ben Johnson "Jamaica"

    And the list goes on, I am not sure if their grand grand fathers or mothers DNA have any "thainess" in but i am sure all over the world cheating happens in sports .

    I really do hate people live in a country which they hate the most but still continue to do so. This is what i suggest . Since you are better in every-way than thai people and since you are so unhappy to live in this 3rd world country, why don't you leave? Why not go to a country that you can be happy? Why you have to be irritated and uncomfortable everyday in your retirement life in this "unworthy" country?

  3. Changed to normal tyres and very happy. Have a spare.

    Anyone can show me a sample of a repair kit ? Would like to get one and maybe leave the spare as it takes up alot of room

    My f10 is 18 months and due for a tyre change as well. Although i have 30 percent discount letter from bmw, i am thinking if to use it or not for the run flats. I have been quoted 12,000 baht per tyre "run flat" so that will be 48,000 - 30 percent = 33,600 "8,400 per tyre". I am thinking regular tyre will be similar price so i am not sure which way to go.

    • Like 1
  4. I had the same problem about the remote control, cth sent tech guys and they did update on the box and now no delay on the remote . update is very simple that you can to it your self too. i can not remember the exact steps but it was done from the box .

    Thanks for information. I tried the OTA upgrade but it fails every time.

    After they fixed the remote time delay did you get TV schedule via EPG too?

    Unfortunately not. I only got the remote control fixed. program guide is still not working. But at least i am happy with the remote. i can tell you the delay before was making me want to throw the whole thing off the window. i suggest call them and let them send tech guys. i called in the morning and they came same day with in couple hours.

  5. I had the same problem about the remote control, cth sent tech guys and they did update on the box and now no delay on the remote . update is very simple that you can to it your self too. i can not remember the exact steps but it was done from the box .

  6. GTR vs Truck = Apples vs Oranges.

    But i also do agree about the road conditions of Bangkok streets "excluding the highways" . 11 months ago i got my 5 series bmw and it lasted only 2 months before the entire interior start giving weird noises. But again that did not stop me buying my second car "my fun car" convertible E series. Some people likes to keep the cash under their mattress and some people like to ride on their hard earned cash, i really don't think any one deserves to be criticized because they don't like to drive a truck or an SUV made out from from it.

  7. I have tried to find the Bangkok Drag Avenue on google maps but nothing comes up. Anyone have directions to the place?


    Never mind found the address by just a simple google search, i guess 5.00 am in the morning brain not work as it should be :)

  8. I shall wait for what will most likely my last Car. The New 4 Series B.M.Petrol Engine. Had enough of driving a Benz, or a Taxi as its known in my homeland.

    The new 4 series is a joke believe me on that. And the thai version will have no extra options . This info straight from bmw thailand as i wanted to book the 4 last month at the bmw expo. I currently have a 2013 520i and i was looking for a 2 door as a second car and decided to go with merc instead of bmw for 2 reasons, #1 bmw loose value a lot faster than merc and #2 the built quality is a lot better on the merc cars.

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  9. I see that many of the TV user are comparing Thailand to a First world country, instead Thailand should be compared to its neighbors. I have been living here in Bangkok 5 years now , My 1st and 2nd year was crazy for me as i moved here from Miami and could not understand the system , the mentality etc. But from my 3rd year to now i learn to accept that this is not my country and i am here based on year to year visa with no hope of being a citizen. Now all i do is drive carefully, respect the laws which are more sensitive to us then the local people and have a happy family life and not put my nose into Thailand internal problems as even if i wanted to change something i can not because i can not vote or i can not get elected. There for I mind my own business and let them sort out theirs.

    • Like 2
  10. Dotography is one of the best in thailand. they have built and managed 2 of my websites and so far they are doing an outstanding job, They are not cheap but you get what you pay for. Their office is located very near to central world and you can check their website for what other sites they have built .

  11. I hope you do know that HTC HD2 runs a discontinued operating system. Windows mobile 6.xx is no longer supported by Microsoft or the community who makes apps for it. Windows Mobile 7 is going to be released at the end of next month.

  12. Its great to have options such as shipito.com, they give good discount but the delivery a little longer than what i expected, i just did a quick calculation through their site and 5*5*5 package to Bangkok takes 15 to 25 days for $5.65 where fedex delivers the same package for $25.00 3 to 5 business days.

    But as i said its always good to have options.

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