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Posts posted by Chip73

  1. I have to go back to the UK for family reasons on 6 June. Unfortunately, my retirement visa extension expires on 5 June. It would appear to be more time- and cost-effective to pay the 500 baht overstay fee rather than get an extension for around 2,000 baht. However, I will want to return to Thailand at some indeterminate point in the future and want to be sure (or as sure as is possible) that I will not be blacklisted or encounter other difficulties when that time comes. Frankly, I do not particularly like the idea of deliberately overstaying (this would be the first time ever) and would appreciate any rational advice on the matter. 

  2. On 8/26/2017 at 6:45 AM, cyberfarang said:

    The best places to exchange sterling to bahts are those that give the best rates, and what I`m saying is; wherever you go they are all going to be roughly the same.


    At the moment the Bangkok Bank is offering 42.27 for £1 (TT) and unless anyone knows of anywhere else, which can improve on that, then best to use the banks and no point in shopping around.

    Interesting - I had assumed an exchange bureau would be slightly favourable to a bank but will clearly need to do some legwork...


  3. Many thanks for all the helpful replies! I am a little surprised that several of you suggest the Non - O as according to the embassy website, this is for retirement WITH state pension. Ideally, I would like to apply in Thailand (Chiang Mai if possible) and it seems from what some of you say that I CAN enter on a single-entry tourist visa or even a visa waiver. Does anyone have actual recent experience of this - I would hate to find it would have been easier to sort out while I was in the UK after all? Cheers.

  4. I am a UK resident and over 50 but not yet of pensionable age. How do a apply for a Thai retirement visa? The consulate in Hull told me they can no longer help but felt that I would need to go through the Thai Embassy in London and apply for a Non-Immigrant O-A. Is this correct? Also, is it possible to apply for the O-A visa in Bangkok and if so, what type of visa would I need to enter Thailand? (The Hull Consulate did not think I could apply for the O-A on the strength of a tourist visa.) 

  5. Can anyone recommend somewhere to buy good quality, up-to-date, preferably cotton print material to make dresses? All I found in Chiang Mai was rather staid, maiden aunt type stuff and garish synthetics. Is all the good stuff made for export only? Once found a few off-cuts of some lovely Laura Ashley and Liberty destined reams but nothing since. Any suggestions?

  6. Last night a friend and I went along for the first time to see Monty Python and the Holy Grail. It was advertised as showing at 7pm in the Auditorium. However, the doors were locked at 7pm and there was no-one else around that seemed to be there to see a movie. We then checked out the Arts Centre across the road as we had noticed in the past that the movies were normally shown there. Same story - locked up and no-one around. Given that the schedule says they show a movie every Saturday night, I reckon someone who's seen one there and maybe has a clue as to what happened last night might read this. No big deal, just curious. Also in two minds as to whether to try again in the future.

  7. I'm about to make a flying visit to BKK from CNX and would love to be able to pick up some polo shirts in 100% cotton (preferably piqué). Thai shirts are just too short so I suppose I'm looking for either imported or made-for-export ones. I once got a fab J Crew one in Vientiane but when I went back for more they were all gone and I found out from the website that they were a discontinued line - strange given they're such a classic. Oh, and I'd also prefer no logo although at this point I'll take what I can get! Please let me know if you've got any tips but bear in mind I'm not too familiar with the city. Thanks, ladies!

  8. Thanks for the speedy replies! No, I am not a Thai national but this is my country of residence and it is my recent record that is most pertinent. (Overseas police clearances are similarly required of returning UK expats for some occupations so this is not so unusual.) I will try the main police station here in CNX and hopefully they will organise it for me for a reasonable fee!

  9. I will shortly be going to work in Vietnam and need Thai police clearance (a letter from the police to say I have no criminal record in Thailand) in order to get a work permit. Does anyone know which police station would be the best place to start? I assume I would need a Thai speaker to help out given that my Thai is pretty awful.

    I also need to get various documents notarised which is something else I have never done in Chiang Mai before. Does anyone have any recommendations on that score (and maybe an idea of the fees charged?)

    Many thanks in advance.

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