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Posts posted by dmcrory

  1.  Hello everyone,
    Information about me
    U.S. Passport and Canadian Passport holder dual citizen
    Using Canadian Passport in Laos Visa expires on April 15, 2019
    Port of entry Vientiane Wattay Airport January 16, 2019
    53 year old male Canadian (right now)

    Almost been in Laos 90 days with two extensions. 
    A stamp states last extensions next to my last extension in my passport
    Trip And Passport/Visa history
    Thailand trip between May 18, 2018 to August 10, 2018 used my US Passport (Have 2 Medical Extensions for about 1 month)
    Laos trip between August 10, 2018 to November 1, 2018 used my Canadian passport 
    Vietnam trip between November 1, 2018 and January 16, 2019 used my US passport because I have a one-year visa for Vietnam which is given to US citizens that hold a US passport. 

    Want to do a Visa run for a Laos Visa via friendship bridge. 

    Presently in Vientiane, Laos since January 16, 2019 have two Laos Visa extensions: 
    the first on February 12, 2019 and 
    the second on March 13, 2019. 
    In my passport there is a stamp last extension. 
    My present Visa expires on April 15, 2019.
    Last time in Thailand was August 10, 2018 with a visa waiver and two medical extensions.
    Can I take the number 14 bus from the bus station or some other form of transportation to the border at the friendship bridge and do a Visa run for Laos
    Stamp out of Laos and then take the bus across the bridge stamp into Thailand and then step out of Thailand and then take the bus back to Laos Fill in the application and pay the fee. Get new stamp in to Laos. After doing all this I should have three more months.

    1. What’s the best time to go to the border? ie. Sun, Mon, Tues, Morning, Afternoon, etc.
    2. What is the best form of transportation to the border and what does it cost?
    3. What is required on the Thailand side of the border. I think I’m getting a visa waiver through the land border for 30 days. Which I’m only using one day
    Do I have to pay a fee? 
    Do I have to fill out an application? 
    Do I require a picture? 
    Should I take both Canadian and US passports?
    3. It is my understanding you can go into Thailand two times per year by land does this mean I am burning one of my times going into Thailand for 2019?
    4. On the Laos side is a Photo required and what is the fee for Canadian citizen? Can the currency be in US dollars or Laotian dollars?
    5. Anything that I’m missing?
    I am doing a visa run because I don’t want to come to Thailand during Songkran And want to get a Thailand tourist visa in the future.
    Thanks for your help

  2. Thanks  for the quick response,


     If I get the income affidavit  from the Canadian embassy am I still required to have 1.6 million baht on deposit for 12 months for retirement extension?


     Do I just show the immigration officer the  income affidavit  from the Canadian embassy and everything is good.


    What is required to get a retirement visa or what  is the process ? 


     I am trying to avoid opening a bank account and transferring funds. Can this be avoided by showing the income affidavit from the Canadian embassy?





    • Confused 2
  3. Everyone,


    I am writing this for a friend in Phnom Penh.  He needs a Nerve Block for his back.


    What Doctor is recommended?

    Can this be done in a Thai public Hospital?  If so what would the approx. cost be.

    Can you give a recommendation Public Hospital and Doctor for both Bangkok and Pattaya ?


    Thanks for your help.



  4. Hello everyone,


    Need help Root Canal gone bad.  I am in Phnom Penh Cambodia.  Went to one Dentist messed it up now at another Dentist.  Second Dentist from France and Dentist for 30 years.  Way better then the first Dentist. This has been going on for 5 weeks.  3 months of random pain before finding the tooth.  In extreme pain.  About to finish Amoxicillin prescription 1000 X2 times per day for 6 days.  Suppose to go back tomorrow.  Had retreatment root Canal 2 weeks ago.  It's inflammation that's the main problem under the tooth interferes with my balance and causes tinnitus and pain.


    The tooth is not filled.  The Dentist looks at it and then puts antiseptic in it files it out.  I just want to pull it.  He's be optimistic. laugh


    My main question:  Can you pull a tooth that has had a Root Canal that has not been filled.  Is there issues with infection.


    What are the disadvantages if I pull it. 


    Will it relieve the pain (Inflammation), fix the imbalance (walking) issues and tinnitus.  Since the first Root Canal the imbalance and tinnitus seem to be better at times.  Rang loud after the second root canal.  Now with the Antibiotics usually a Low 1 or 2 at night.  The imbalance has been better at times since the first RCT.  Inflammation in my body is down.  When it's all done want to get another ESR to see if it's dropped from 64


    There was originally a crack in the tooth under a silver filling that's why the root canal. 


    I have been sick many times since the 90's because of the crack in the tooth.  At least I think this is the reason.


    Could a ESR of 64 be caused by a crack tooth.


    Could a crack tooth under a filling cause inflammation throughout your body.  Are even an auto-immune responds.

    What is the best method for pain I am in extreme pain at times.  Take ibropean and panadaol.


    Should I get it pulled.  It's on the lower RT side 3 from the back tooth.


    If they pull it do they put stitches in it.


    Is there any info I should know about pulling a tooth with a bad Root Canal.  Any tips.


    Sorry for my rambling in pain.


    Thanks for your help.



  5. The initial problem was Vestibular Neuritis and Tinnitus diagnosed by this Doctor a GP.  A steroid is given in some cases.  I could have just done the exercises.  I didn't know.  I went to 5 Doctors at a well know private hospital and they didn't diagnose anything after $4000 and 5 months.  I had a $40.00 Doctor's appointment where I was told to go to two other Doctors.  I had a ENT do $250 worth of tests then disappear for 1 month and the best I wanted to see a heart Doctor for Hypertension made an appointment then called back by his nurse to cancel the appointment told the Doctor is to tired because he is old.  There is more.  I think I gone to hell!


    I think his diagnoses is correct but the steroids weren't necessary with these risks but I didn't know the problem with getting off steroids. The symptoms of Vestibular Neuritis are gone overall and I suppose once the steroid is stop the symptoms will come back.  Tinnitus is still there at times.


    When I went off the steroid Sunday my ear rang like a 20 alarm fire dispatch and my sinus around my RT eye felt like they were going to explode.  MY RT Jaw had a sharp screaming pain.  RT Abdominal had a sharp screaming pain.  If I go down to one pill and stop are these symptoms going to be there forever.  I would rather die.  Time will tell.






  6. Everyone,


    I need help I can't get off Prednisolone.  I have almost die twice.  Doctor doesn't take it seriously.  I am not sure why he put me on this in the first place if it was so dangerous.  Inflammation of a nerve.  I trusted him and I didn't know.  


    I was put on Prednisolone 5mg 42 tabs prescribed 3 tabs twice a day


    Take 3 tabs twice a day for a total of 6 tabs per day for 60mg/day for 7 days


    Went and saw the Doctor on the 7 day had me go immediately off it.  No tapering

    Was good for the 8 day on the night day woke up with a acne broken out and very very very sick felt close to death sick.

    Mid-afternoon toke 2 Prednisolone and symptoms went away felt normal.

    Called Doctor told me to take 2 in the morning and 2 in the Friday evening and slowly go off

    Told don't want to make it about this.

    Saturday toke none felt great.  Sunday morning felt as thou I was going to die.  Pain RT abdominal 10/10, pain in jaw 10/10, and pain RT sinus 10/10 screaming pain.

    Finally, 3:00PM I toke 2 Prednisolone and it all went away with slight pain.


    Went to the Doctor Monday didn't seem to concern.  I appealed to him.  Still not to concern.  Told his mother was on a lot stronger dose and went off it quicker then me. Gave some statistics. BS I told him many people on the internet have huge problems getting off of it.  He told me that's for a stronger dose and longer period of time.  Not according to what I have read it's for 5mg and 7 days many.


    Told me to take 2 for 3 days, 1 for 3 day and then 1 every other day.

    I think it should tapered day over 2 months a lot slower.


    I told him I don't think that's realistic.  What do I do if the pain comes back live with it according to him. 




    1. Should I have been taking immediate off of Prednisolone?

    2. Is there any Doctor anywhere that has a clue and will take this seriously and help me?

    3. What should I do if I can't get off of it on his schedule.  He doesn't listen.  Should I go die in his waiting room.

    4. What is a realistic schedule.  I feel as thou I could die.  Should I just believe him.  Isn't every situation different.  Maybe there is more to my situation shouldn't he investigate that.  He has no understanding of my concerns I feel.

    5. Is there anyone that will work with me to get off of this and be concerned in Thailand?  Is there any medical test to see if the Adrenal glands have shut down and much they produce.

    6. Is there anyway to get off of this.  Any steps that would help.  ie. other meds, acupuncture, holistic doc, herbs, etc.  Should I take pain meds for the screaming pain when I go off of it.  Is there any medical checks to make sure my body is adapting properly to the withdrawals.

    8. What damage am I doing by staying on it and tampering it off.

    9.  The Doctor acts as thou he doesn't want to hear it.  He got me in this mess already was seriously sick.  Not his problem now.  Horrible!  Absolutely Horrible!  That's my opinion.

    8. Think he is a good doc but brushing me off and not taking my concerns seriously.  What should I do.  I will start with his schedule tomorrow.  What if I do all of it and have a reaction.


    According to Clinical guidelines below.


    • If high doses were used for six to 10 days, reduce to replacement dose immediately and taper over four more days. Adrenal recovery can be assumed to occur within two to four weeks of completion of steroids.


    According to this.


    During this recovery time, the patient is vulnerable to adrenal insufficiency during times of stress, such as illness. While suppressive dose and time for adrenal recovery vary widely, clinical guidelines have been devised to estimate potential adrenal suppression and recovery, to reduce risk to the patient. The following is one example:

    • If patients have been receiving daily high doses for five days or less, they can be abruptly stopped (or reduced to physiologic replacement if patients are adrenal-deficient). Full adrenal recovery can be assumed to occur by a week afterward.
    • If high doses were used for six to 10 days, reduce to replacement dose immediately and taper over four more days. Adrenal recovery can be assumed to occur within two to four weeks of completion of steroids.
    • If high doses were used for 11–30 days, cut immediately to twice replacement, and then by 25% every four days. Stop entirely when dose is less than half of replacement. Full adrenal recovery should occur within one to three months of completion of withdrawal.
    • If high doses were used more than 30 days, cut dose immediately to twice replacement, and reduce by 25% each week until replacement is reached. Then change to oral hydrocortisone or cortisone as a single morning dose, and gradually decrease by 2.5 mg each week. When the morning dose is less than replacement, the return of normal basal adrenal function may be documented by checking 0800 cortisol levels prior to the morning dose; stop drugs when 0800 cortisol is 10 μg/dl. Predicting the time to full adrenal recovery after prolonged suppressive exogenous steroids is difficult; some people may take nearly a year.
    • Flare-up of the underlying condition for which steroids are given may require a more gradual taper than outlined above.






  7. Hello Everyone,


    I have to questions:


    Question 1


    Can you recommend a good Doctor that will work with me to regulate Hypertension Drugs.  I need someone that can explain and take the time to work with me.


    Seen recommendation for Dr. Aram Chusid he has canceled the second appointment with not wanting to take Hypertension patients.  Who do I go to.  I have gone to two other Doctors and they are of no help they don't take the time.


    Question 2

    I am on Candesartain Blopress 8mg been on this since Aug 1, 2016.  I started with 4mg and went to 8mg been on it for more then 5 weeks. 

    FYI: Also, on Singulair 5mg twice a day and Loratadine 10mg twice a day for allergies and asthma. Self prescribe.



    51 years old





    Numbness burning sensation (not sure how to describe it) in legs/ankles/feet at time.  Sometimes troubles walking.


    The Loratadine made the Tinnitus drop in volume and sometimes it's gone.  Also, helped with the numbness.

    Recently, tingling in hands and feet at times.


    1. Could Blopress cause Tinnitus to get worst?  I had it before taking the Blopress but it was random now it's more consistent.

    2. Do you need a Blood Test with Blopress now and then?  Tingling in hands and feet at times potassium deficiency????????

    3. My Blood Pressure hasn't dropped that much what is my next step.







  8. Everyone,


    I have a unique situation.


    I came into Thailand on a Thai Visa Wavier and then extended it once for 60 days. (normal procedure)   Then because I had medical issues Immigration at Bumrungrand Hospital gave me 2 more Visa Wavier's with a Doctor's consent based on my medical condition.  Good until Oct 1, 2016


    Here is my question:


    Can I "change the Status of my Visa Wavier to a Non-O Visa for Retirement Purposes." based on Immigration already giving me 2 extra Visa Wavier.  I am concern about leaving the country because Laos and Cambodia have limited Medical Resources if something happens.


    If so where do I go and what is the process?


    1. 50 years old Yes

    2. Income Letter from Embassy Probably can get

    What else?

    Where do I go?

    Will they do it?


    Thanks for your help.






  9. Everyone,

    My Khmer Girl Friend came to Thailand with a 60 Day Tourist Visa can this be extended at the end of 60 days for 30 more days.

    I have to do a Visa Run to Vientiane, Laos before Aug 08 and I have a Khmer Girl Friend who just arrived in Thailand with a 60 Day Tourist Visa last Saturday.

    When I go to Laos is it possible to get a Re-entry Permit for my Khmer Girlfriend. Where do I do the re-entry permit at the border or in Nong Khai what are the days open and hours. What is the cost of a re-entry permit.

    Can the re-entry permit be done at the Airport in Bangkok I am going to fly ThaiSmile.

    What's the best way to do it.



  10. Everyone,

    Can you get a "90-non immigrantion Visa" for retirement in Cambodia or Laos at the Thai Embassy? If so what is the process. Do they have single and multiple entry? Do I have to show a Income Affidavit from U.S. Embassy? Do I get it then come to Thailand and extend after the 90 days? I am new to this so sorry for the stupid questions.

    How can I meet Thai Immigration Requirements for monthly income if I get my income in one lump sum.

    For example: If I got $100,000 (a random number) income in March 2016 can I use this to meet the Thai monthly Income requirements.

    I think the U.S. Embassy doesn't care but Thai Immigration may require me to show proof. Will they except a bank statement that shows the $100,000 (a random number) was deposited.

    Can this be done and how do I go about doing it. Would a letter from my Accountant satisfy Thai Immigration monthly income requirement.

    When I show proof of Income in Laos and Cambodia are they as strict? I read somewhere that in Laos they are satisfied with just the affidavit but it was old post.

    Will they accept a savings account with a large sum of money in it? Let's say over one million. (random number again) I don't want the 5 year privilege visa or whatever it's called because I don't know if I will stay that long.

    Can I setup a bank account then start paying my self their monthly income requirement for a couple of months and then show them this.

    Once you set this up do you have to show Thai Immigration monthly income verification every time you do an extension or is it just the first time?

    This is all new to me so trying to understand.

    Thanks for your help


  11. Thanks I did not know this.

    This will save me from doing a Visa Run to get a Tourist Visa which sounds like the incorrect Visa.

    I am presently in Bangkok

    How do you apply for a conversion to a 90 day non immigrant visa entry?

    Do you need an appointment for the US Embassy to get income verification?

    I don't have income coming in but I have access to my savings which is a healthy amount several times the required amount.. I was told by the Canadian Embassy they take what you have in your savings and divide by 12. Will the U.S. Embassy do the same thing.

    What else do I need to do?

    What application?

    How do I meet the accommodation requirement? I mainly concern about the 90 day non-immigrant visa right now.

    Thanks for your help


  12. Everyone,

    I came into Thailand with a 30 day Thai Visa waiver I extended it once and have until Aug 08, 2016.

    Can you get a Thai Retirement Visa with a Thai Visa Waiver?

    What is the process?

    How much does it cost?

    How long does it take? (Do I have enough time)

    Is there a Multi-Entry Thai Retirement Visa or do you use re-entry permits?

    I am 50 years of age have a Passport good until 2026. Presently, living in a Hotel and plan on travel around living in Hotels until find a spot to stay. Do not have a Thai Bank Account. Have adequate income.

    Thanks for your help


  13. Everyone,

    She cannot get a 60 day Thai Tourist Visa in Vientiane?

    Is what your saying: "A Cambodian Citizen cannot get a Thai 60 day tourist visa in Vientiane at the Thai Embassy there."

    If this is true.

    She should get a 60 day Thai Tourist Visa in Phnom Pneh then when I enter Laos to get my 60 day Thai Tourist Visa she can get a re-entry stamp for her present 60 Thai visa.

    Can she get a re-entry stamp?

    How do re-entry stamps work? Do you have to give the date your going to re-enter by?

    I will be in Laos for about a week to get my 60 day Thai Tourist Visa?

    What is the best way to handle her Thai Tourist Visa?



  14. Everyone,

    I am presently in Bangkok with a Thai Visa Waiver that has 20 days left on it

    My Cambodian Girlfriend is in Phnom Penh and is suppose to have her Cambodian Passport by Tuesday night.

    Can my girlfriend fly to Bangkok with a Thai Visa Waiver for 14 days? What are the conditions?

    If she flow here with the Thai Visa Weiver with 14 days then we could both go to Laos and get a Thai Tourist Visa in less then 14 days.

    1.Can Cambodian's get a 14 day Thai Visa Waiver?

    2. Can they fly with a Visa Waiver?

    3. Do they need a onward ticket?

    4. Can they get a Tourist Visa in Laos?

    Someone is telling me that they can only come in by land with the 14 day Thai Visa Waiver.

    Thanks for your help


  15. Sheryl,

    Thanks for the information. I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon at Bumrungrad with the rheumatologist. I not worried about money just want to get a diagnoses and treatment plan.

    My ringing in the ears is gobe and right now 9:00PM I feel better. It's random. Hopefully, it can be treated and I can get on with life.

    Thanks for your help! I'll keep you advised.

  16. Everyone,

    Thanks for the information Sheryl.

    I am in Bangkok.

    Today, the worst I have been for a long time ringing ears and nausea

    Symptoms are Random have lasted for at least 7 months

    Ringing in the ears at times, had today

    Nausea (feel terrible) at times, had today

    Disequilibrium when walking (unsteady walk, like I am going to fall down at times, walking on uneven surfaces like I am going to fall) had today

    Stiffness, Burning, numbness (use to be tingling) in the legs and feet had today

    RT Mid- Lower Abdominal Pain Sometimes with Nausea - After Levoflxacin gone so far

    Consistent dry lower cough - Start Prevaid 2 days ago little better but still there.

    Went to local clinic referred to Rheumatologist Bumrungrad,(why I not sure)

    Levoflxacin 500mg finish 2 days ago. Stomach pain gone so far

    Enlarge prostate done in Feb 2016 Ultra sound

    Blood test ESR 62 June 2016

    WBC 13.24 June 2016

    ANA Titer Positive 1:320 June 2016

    Anti CCP Negative June 2016

    H. Pylori Positive blood test last Feb 2016 Cambodia

    H. Pylori Negative stool test June 2016 (Did not take the Triple Therapy) June 2016

    I don't understand what ANA Titer is Lupus or Anti CCP.

    I think I have a blood circulation problem but I don't know.

    Blood pressure

    07/06/2016 150/96

    09/06/2016 139/90

    Doc I went to thinks autoimmune whatever that is.

    How much to see a Rheumatologist at Bumrungrad. I think I should be in the ear and balance clinic.

    Freaked out and panic

    I have lived in Asia for 10 years mainly Cambodia only been back home for 3 months in the 10 years. I don't mine spending money if someone takes the time and actually problems solves and isolates. I don't know anyone here. I stopped drinking and coffee so hard to met people.

    Went to a doc here at a local clinic doc to busy for my case I feel. They didn't know and to busy. Probably wrong place to be. I don't think a easy answer.

    Broken toe that sticks out and swollen from walking I it was definitely inflamed at the time of the blood test. Will that cause a elevated ESR.





    B-12 supplement seem to help before Apr with the tingling and numbness in the legs. Was walking 4km each day before June 01, 2016 and coming here. Some bad days but over all ok. More stomach pain. Had gf hold my hand for balance back in Cambodia. Was good here for 5 days now the worst it's ever been.

    It's like I would walk and all of sudden the rug is pulled out from under my feet.

    Walking across a slope such as a driveway through my balance off.

    I don't know and I am extremely worried. I can't function to well because I can't walk so well at times. Help!

  17. Everyone,

    I came to Bangkok for the Medical Resources. I have gone to a local Clinic and the Doctor has brushed me off because she doesn't know and it isn't a quick fix procedure at least that's how I feel.

    I have been sick for over a year I need help in finding a Doctor that can diagnose what is wrong and stay with my case until it is resolved. Run tests to eliminate things. A Doctor that I can meet with for 30min Consultation and it won't be interrupted every 3 min's someone that will gather the facts and then through a process of elimination tests and find the answer or at least eliminated it down to a short list of things.

    Is there any Doctor capable of this in Bangkok?

    Am I asking to much maybe I am dreaming.

    I am not from here so I don't know where to begin. I don't want to go to a brand name big hospital and have then start emptying my wallet. I want a Doctor that can problem solve when someone is sick and eliminate it down. You know good old problem solving.

    Any recommendations or suggestions. I just want to be healthy tired of being sick.



  18. Mission Accomplished. Arrived at the Airport Bangkok Airways had the Indemnity form ready. I decided to go to a Travel Agent and get a booking which work fine so didn't have to fill out the Indemnity Form. Exited using my Canadian Passport with my Cambodian Visa - Exit Stamp Cambodian Immigration. Flew to BKK. Switched to U.S. Passport and absolutely no problems. The Immigration Officer just stamped me in for 30 days didn't even look up. Presently, my Canadian Passport is at the Canadian Embassy being renewed should have soon. Might get and extension for my 30 day Visa Wavier. Thanks for your help!

  19. Everyone,

    I should state that I haven't been to Thailand since 2012 2 visa exempt stamps then 45 days (don't have many visa exempt entries but have 2 tourist visas I didn't use because one death in family Mother and other I was sick with H. Pylori) and my present home has been in Cambodia for 10 years shown in my Canadian Passport by 5 1 year visas. I would purchase a 1 year Cambodia Visa or a Thai Tourist Visa but am limited by my Canadian Passport expiring in Sept. from what I understand I have to exit by air to switch from my expiring Canadian Passport to my U.S. Passport then I can get a Thai Visa exempt entry stamp and eventually fly back to Cambodia and get a Business Visa and extensions for whatever period I desire.

    I plan on dropping off my expiring Canadian Passport and application at the Canadian Embassy in Bkk then flying back to Cambodia entering with U.S. Passport and have Canadian Embassy in Bkk mail my new Canadian Passport to the Consulate in Phnom Penh this will limit my time in Thailand to less then 30 days.



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