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Posts posted by spacefruit

  1. the number of threads dedicated to how bad TRUE, TT&T and TOT are. Mods should think of coming up with a pinned thread so that everyone can let go of their frustrations there.


    Is there a space shortage?

    Always intersting to see the latest speeds.

  2. The OP must have a bit of a Troll about him, no?

    Well, I did live in Sweden for a couple of years, but no, I'm genuinely interested in others' ideas (not necessarily too serious) of how to make the place feel more Thai, than it currently does.

    So far it seems a fairly harmless, and sometimes entertaining, thread. Isn't that worthwhile ?

    I thought the motorbike-taxis & tuk-tuks, to bypass the long walks & queues, was a good start ! :)

    It was a compliment!

  3. Wife #1 gets the bulk, 25,000 per month. That includes all shoes.

    Wife #2 gets 20,000 but she has to run her little pied a terre out of that.

    G/f #1 gets 15,000, but she doesnt have to do too much for that, except keep her unifoem clean and passport up to date.

    I have cut G/f #2 and Wife #3 due to the economic downturn.

    I hope this info helps

  4. Hi,

    I'll just state the facts here and ask for someone to please confirm if I'm on the right track or otherwise;

    I have 30 days left on a tourist visa.

    My wife is a teacher here and has a work permit.

    My two children go to school here.

    I spoke to the people at the school where my wife works and they have told me that I can go to Bangkok - (they say I don't have to leave the country, which sort of goes against what I've read so far) - and in Bangkok I can apply for a non immigrant '0' based on the fact that my wife has a work visa.

    I have to have 21 days left on my visa - which means I need to get this done quick smart.

    They also told me that I'll only need to show them my marriage certificate and my wife's passport.

    Going by my previous experiences with Thai immigration, this all sounds a little bit too easy to me and I'd appreciate the input of anyone who has any experience with this particular type of visa application.

    Very best regards,


    My wife has a dependants visa based on my WP.

    I suppose TIT so a husband cannot get a dependant visa on wifes WP?

    I am afraid I dont know, anyone?

  5. This thread was very funny.

    But it made me ask myself at what point does the focus of this thread deserve my compassion rather than my ridicule. I think once more than about four people are after him.

    For me it stops being fun when (a dozen?) people are ready to go and simply bait him for their amusement.

    I have to admit initially I would have gone along myself, until I gave it some thought.

    Still, is this the longest thread on TV?

  6. Hi

    I am visiting Chiang Mai next month and have booked a neat guest house (well it looks pretty good to me) with interneat access as part of the deal.

    I need to continue running my business in New Zealand and for e-mail would prefer to use my existing Outlook 2007 program. I presume that I will therefore have to change my SMTP settings to match those of the guest house ISP.

    I tried to do this last visit but was unable to make it clear to the hotel owner what it was I was looking for and in the end I used webmail instead for an easy life.

    I don't even know if the guest house uses Outlook but am sure that I can find out the SMTP setting if i know the ISP.

    What would you advise. Ask the owner for SMTP settings or ask for their ISP and try to get them for myself. Any ideas?

    If they can't understand me, is there a simple question in Thai which would give me the required information?


    Not necessarily so.

    Are you brining your own computer to use "your" outlook? In which case the smtp settings will become obvious when you get here. Usualy your home settings work, occaisionaly you have to change the port, but less so nowadays.

    Or are you asking the guesthouse owner to configure his outlook on his computer? (Insecure, no?)

    I think the reason they cant understand, is because you dont (yet) have a problem!

    I suspect when you get there, you wont have an issue. If you do, repost. It will be a simple thing to configure

  7. Smash up the floor tiles and make it really uneven and covered with rubble. Add a few unnecessary steps here and there to make it hard for anyone with trolleys or mobility issues. Crack a few pipes so there's smelly water streaming across the floor. Make all the electric cables dangle about 5'6" off the ground with a few exposed wires. Replace every shop with a 7-11. Introduce middle aged women beggars with moribund looking kids flopped across their laps drinking milk from bottles despite being about 7. Make the entire floor area open to motorbikes.

    shall I go on?

    Agree with above.

    The OP must have a bit of a Troll about him, no?

    But to answer:

    More traffic cones at departures approach.

    Loads of staff shuffling around like they only started using shoes in thier teens. And with no apparant goal in mind.

    No toilets

    Shoddy build quality

    Loads, I mean Loads of shops, preferably blocking anywhere you might want to find...like immigration.

    Immigration staff so fed up with dealling with rude people they cant bring themselve to be polite evern to those that are not singlet sexpats.

    Just enough signage to confuse.

    An arrivals meeting point that involves walking through a valley of hawkers, touts and thieves before you can reach it - and then have to go up a floor, re-trace all the way back to the car park. The entrace to which is right above where you left immigration. Nice 200 yard walk

    ...hang on...its all already there.

  8. I am having problems with my acer laptop when i want to listen to a live sports audio it will only work when i disconnect my network cable and go wireless and then its ok.

    Can anyone tell me what the problem could be i am using vista and media player 11 i have http selected in network settings for pc and have tried many settings.

    Sounds like a hardware problem. Perhaps the network cable is shorting something.

    How is it if you use headphones?

    Please let us know what it is if you solve?

    Good luck

  9. That is just like saying your thai is better that that os a thai. My son had an American english teacher pulled him away from the american real fast so did a number of other parents he was soon dismissed from the school as he was teaching the american version and not correct english.

    Would you like to try that again?

    Never mind. :)

    Speaking like you've got a mouthful of marbles does nobody any favors. I'll take Obama's diction over Brown's any day.

    Gordon Brown is Scottish, and most English people would love to shovel a load of marbles in his mouth.

    Never let the facts get in the way of a good sweeping generalization.

  10. Give it a try nothing to loose and possibly something to gain.


    I might loose my HD space and my temper for nothing. That is a lot :D

    To try, I first installed W7 on a second disc - disconnecting the origional one and thereby isolating my origional setup.

    Now I love W7 as I do a lot of OS installs. What used to take a lot of time with XP (Most of an afternnon on average) is done in under an hour, with 40 minutes of that tweaking. The quickest was about 25 minutes. Extraordinary.

    In use, so far it is very smooth and none of the seven instalations I have running have yet complained. Even the wife likes it better than the Vista she had before.

    For me its the ease of setup, usualy no further drivers are required.

    I also have a short fuse sometimes, and W7 hasnt even lit it yet. (As for OSX....<picture smashed macs>)

    As a side bonus, it means I can run several older machines in the office on a LEGAL O/S. Something the sstaaff dont comprehend but I do try to be legal. It also means come march 2010 I will have to fork for licences or revert to dodgy 2000.

  11. There have been several requests like this from potential traders, and its good to hear that some of you can do it.

    Which makes me think, you cant possibly NEED 3mb or none of you would be trading?

    I have tried all providers and they are not what I would think of as "mission critical", though to be fair, the last two years have been quite reliable, if slllllooooooooowwwwww.

    Just remembered, last week, internet kept disconecting and required router reboots every 20 minutes. It was just like the old days. All ok now.

  12. Anyone seen one for sale I've hunted high and low on the net in Thailand but no luck

    Near Pattaya, on the way to Asian U, (from Bangkok) just as you turn onto the road number 36 is what looks like an american car restorer, whos stock changes so often he must be a dealer. I passed it regularly, I really liked the look of the cars - although they may have just been freh paint over rust, I never looked closely (Always late!).

    I think it was called Route 36.

    Let us know if you get something!

  13. The sentiment that elephants should not be encouraged to beg in city streets is one I fully support.

    The OP was over dramatic but I also know from first hand experience here in Thailand that there are very few people here with ANY empathy for animals. For heaven's sake even Emporium had a baby elephant in a pen all day in the sun during a "promotion". (I say even as I hear it is owned by western educated people who might have known better).

    It is also true that the traditional work, as well as the habitat is fast disappearing and there is no longer a place for any elephants to live naturally.

    An elephant in Thailand also supports a lot of humans, however it works. So persuading the handlers to change lifestyles has to be made attractive.

    Its a can of worms, and often attracts ignorant liberals as well as careless fascists from all sides of the argument.

    Neither help the elephants.

    I can, by not feeding them on the streets.

  14. [

    And since I suspect you are not from UK, Rozzers are just the Filth. Hope that clears that up

    Oh, you ruined it!

    I wanted to come back with the rest of the slang words!



    Some of my friends (Who's first bird was in the late '60's) are now refering to Hendon's finest as "The Teenagers"

    So we could call then the Kevins? (Appologies to Harry E.)

  15. Since one sees young cuties with similar (and worse) slogans on their t-shirts I doubt it very much.

    What would be the penalty in your home country?

    Written on the walls are different than you humiliate or say and In case when you have enough proof of sender.

    In My country it is crime whether it is sent in the form of written media or digital media.

    Please explain what law has been broken in your country? It would help understand I feel.

    In UK it could be harrassement, (though not for just once i doubt) or sexual harrasment, or intimidation, but again, not just once.

    I cant really see the public interest in persuing one abusive text, so I am guessing there is a deeper back story?

    Tell us all.

    And since I suspect you are not from UK, Rozzers are just the Filth. Hope that clears that up

  16. I know nothing.

    I do talk to (sometimes rather worthy) NGO health workers and the HIV infection rates in the last couple of years are frightening from what they say. Usualy frontline people.

    As for all the mathematical guff: too many variables and error margins to tke seriously. However they still made me think.

    So I think I'll stick with the wife!

  17. For what its worth I was a die hard Windows XP person, must have installed it over 40 times, on all sorts of configs. I thought it was easy - (it was compared to earlier versions), but lengthy. Finding drivers, especially on Vaio's was a chore, but doable.

    Windows 7 in both formats installs very quickly, (installs, not starts - but it starts quickly too), and drivers are usually found automatically. I especially don't miss the interminable amount of time XP used to take to format.

    Windows 7 seems to do anything on anything, from high end to old P4's with small memory. I love it, and I am feeling myself being sucked into M$ evil plan where all machines I look after will need to buy new licenses in January!

    So be it. For once, I think they have produced an OS that I might actually buy, and that is actually worth buying.

    Very clever marketing to let us all have it free, so that by January we cant do without. I do wonder if they have caught me before I get sucked into the MAC system. Trouble is, macs don't go wrong/need new os/do everything out of the box so I get bored.

  18. There is VERY little software that is without cost. "Freeware" usualy has a cost - installs something you dont want, or bugs you in some way.

    There is nothing to be gained by installing them, in fact I believe it is detrimental.

    There is really nothing wrong with VISTA now. I was a staunch anti, but now I use vista 64 happily.

    My own experience is that I do a clean install every few months. All data is backed up externaly, and each re-install means I only put on what I really need.

    On a couple of machines I dont even run anti virus.

    BTW Vista 64 installs so fast, and with nearly no extra divers needed, I do it more often.

    I know. I am a nerd.

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