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About sjoegge

  • Birthday 06/06/1947

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  1. I just did my 20th yearly extension based on retirement with 800000 baht in bank account.Did extension at Chaeng Wattana Bangkok. All they required was letter from bank stating amount in my bank account and then copies of my bankbook for the last twelve months, so they could check money transfer from overseas to my account.Also required to see original bankbook with update on day of extension.I never had any problems in the twenty years I did extension, maybe because my account never goes below 800000.
  2. I had the same experience.Submitted my 90 days notification on Thursday the 24th and got message immediately that it was received.But just got the approval yesterday monday 28th.So there seem to be a delay of about 3-4 days, so just be patient.
  3. Sorry to hear about your problems with residence certificate.Every time I have bought a new car or sold the old one, I went to my embassy and had them issue a residence certificate.It cost a little more than at the immigration, but it is very convenient, sometime if the embassy is not to busy, I sit and wait and get the certificate same time. Of course I don't know your nationality, if it is even possible, but I am danish and it works every time.No need for agents or immigration, where it takes 2-3 weeks just to get a letter, crazy in my opinion.For selling the old car I just made a copy of the original residence certificate, but for buying a new car you need the original certificate.

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