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Posts posted by termsak

  1. Gentlemen, it's easy for us Thais to sit and write the future of Thailand. Reality is a completely different case. We can wish for the new blood, but his/her path will not be easy, next to impossible. To come in power, one must possess a couple of key elements: money, connections and the army's approval...unfortunately, the people's approval seems to be the least needed factor when it comes to Thai politics as the aforementioned factors will eventually stop one. We Thais are fed up with the system as it is...the same old faces around and around in an evil cycle. If you think Thaksin & Co and the Dems, BJT, CP + whoever are not the same gang, you are wrong. This country has been run by the same gang/families for a long long time behind the scenes. It's just that Thaksin tries to take it to a whole new level i.e. going against sharing the cake evenly and challenging something that we Thais cannot discuss openly. Red shirts/Yellow shirts? same people at the top (I hope you do remember that Thaksin and Sonthi/Chamlong used to be best pals)...I have been sitting and having dinner and drinks with the lead investigator and prime suspect at the same table...all laughing and enjoying their night out. It's all an act in front of camera and papers...and who suffers from this scheme? The normal Somchai and the foreigners investing in Thailand...

    Bottom line is, money is the main corrupting factor in Thailand and there seems to be no cure...it's too embedded into our culture. From the mini mafias running the flowers sold at intersections, from the Kamnans controlling the tiny areas in upcountry, our infamous BiB, the military, schools, BMA, government projects...everywhere, even public donations...Thai's will always find a way to get THB...from small gold fish to the big whale. We do indeed shoot ourselves in our feet. We will be the stagnating country relying on tourism, rice and foreign investment for as long as we can, which is a big shame. We have/had so much potential...Our leaders don't really care about this...but when that milking cow dries up...then what?

  2. It's so blatant, it's almost comical - though having T return is no joke.

    Thailand has a gnarly tradition of PM leaving in disgrace and/or by coups, and then returning again to the PM's seat.

    For many decades, it was military tough guys commandeering Thai gov't. Thaksin changes that just a bit. He's a police academy tough guy.

    If PT and Ms Yingluck could feel any shame, it would be over this sham amnesty thing. Alas, they only feel elation - that the person who thinks for them is coming back to re-take Thailand's top political seat.

    Mostly after being deposed 'most Thai leaders' left, and then quietly came back and lived quietly, and maybe 15 years later made public comments. One or two left and never dared return.

    Only Thaksin has made a huge move to take over completely rather than lose face. This is why we have had this huge problem for so many years, his ego is so overwrought, or potentially socio-pathic, he has broken the classic standards of Thai political behavior, for an all or nothing strategy his excessive wealth allows him to attempt.

    And this explains why they have had such a hard time dealing with him the last 4 years. No one has acted like this in the past; an unknown quantity.

    Exactly! Thank you for understanding what's going on. I could not have said it any better...I'm Thai and part of the political landscape here. I can vote, I pay a large sum of tax. I am not yellow shirt but I am very much against Thaksin coming back and taking over the country again. I have dealt with him and his cronies and I got only one word to describe him: Megalomaniac. In the past, it's always been the people vs Government/Military. Thaksin has created a new: People vs People and this is the reason why he is a VERY dangerous individual.

    What seriously disturbs me is that some of the "educated" posters in here can't see thru it all....anyone with a bit of education (and logic and common sense) should see this, but they are somewhat blinded by the "fight for the poor/long live democracy" mentality that they don't realize that the person they worship i.e. Thaksin, is doing exactly the opposite of what they fight for. And even if they do see it, they are held hostage by their initial stance on siding with Thaksin so changing their mind in public would be embarrassing aka losing face.

    By the blatant arrogant actions of this Government to bring back Thaksin during the floods, I can only see Thailand nose diving to another low with a lot of violent times coming up. Let me describe exactly what's going to happen:

    Anti-Thaksin groups are currently being assembled and grows larger day by day. Street protests will start soon. Thaksin will have his red terrorist army countering the protests. Jatuporn and his motor mouth will start spreading propaganda and inciting violence again while Chalerm and Thaksin's brother in law Chief of Police will behind the scenes make sure rule of Red mob can proceed without legal actions. Bombs will be thrown at the anti Thaksin protesters. We will have Thaksin blaming the third and invisible hand again. A red shirt is caught on camera, Jatuporn will claim the broken record of "fake Red". This time the silent majority will be fed up and actually fight back with weapons...airport will be shut down waiting for the arrival....skip forward, either (hopefully) a coup or...civil war.

    What Thailand needs is new blood. One that is neither Thaksin or Democrats...One that has some intelligence, integrity and genuinely trying to make Thailand a better place. Of course we will not get rid of corruption for the next couple of decades, but we need change NOW for a better future...but I'll say brace for the worst the next 12 months

  3. Tensions increased throughout the day, as the afternoon brought news of increased fighting

    in northern Thailand. Several explosions were heard outside the hospital. Later that day, the

    protesters extended a clear plastic tube from one of the propane tanks toward the hospital

    basement and, according to two witnesses, threatened to burn the building down. They later

    withdrew the plastic tube after negotiating with hospital security guards. That evening

    protesters returned to the emergency room to look for soldiers and police officers. They

    spoke lewdly to physicians, nurses, and other hospital staff, and threatened to return the

    next day to take them hostage.122

    The next day, April 29, at about 6 p.m. UDD leader Phayap Panket and some 25 Red Guards

    appeared at the gate of the emergency department with more than 100 protesters, some

    carrying sharpened bamboo stakes, to demand they again be let in to search for police and

    soldiers. UDD protesters shouted threats and obscenities, and grabbed the shirts of several

    hospital guards. The protesters refused to believe the senior administrators' assurances that

    soldiers were not permitted in the hospital. Hospital administrators called police, who had

    not yet established a formal presence nearby.123

    UDD leaders persisted in their demand to search the hospital. Hospital administrators felt

    compelled by the large number of protesters to acquiesce, although requested a limited

    number of searchers participate. However, several hundred stormed the hospital compound

    and began to search two of the previously evacuated larger buildings. When police arrived,

    they accompanied UDD leaders in their search of other hospital buildings, while other UDD

    protesters walked throughout the hospital and surrounding grounds in small groups.

    Physicians and nurses expressed shock at the brazen attitude of the UDD protesters. One

    doctor told Human Rights Watch, "We are neutral.… Maybe they don't understand the

    principles of the Red Cross."124

    For safety reasons, the hospital administration decided that evening to close the emergency

    room and pharmacy and moved most hospital staff to buildings further from the UDD

    encampment. Hospital administrators held an emergency meeting and decided to evacuate

    the entire hospital early the next morning. By 7 a.m. on April 30, staff began to transfer and

    discharge the remaining 600 patients. By that evening only the Supreme Patriarch,

    Thailand's most revered Buddhist monk, remained as a patient in the hospital. After he was

    transferred the next day, the hospital had no patients.

    The rush to move patients out of the Chulalongkorn Hospital was widely reported, with live

    images of terminally ill patients being carried or wheeled out from the hospital buildings.

    Among those patients, Thuanthong Vitthayacheewa died of heart failure on May 4 as his

    condition worsened during the transfer.125

    Several Red Shirt leaders soon apologized for the raid, calling it a mistake. Weng Tojirakarn,

    a physician and protest leader, was quoted as saying, "The situation got out of control. It is

    not our policy to obstruct hospital operations."126

    Many Thais were outraged by the incursion into the hospital, leading even some sympathetic

    to the UDD to question the methods and the judgment of their leaders.127

    I am really interested in knowing if any of the red apologists in here can twist this fact and justify this terrorist action? Any takers? No? I didn't think so...

  4. So, we have a short video of some people (who?) appearing to stoke the fire in Zen (a promising start), and confirmation that one particular Red Shirt militant wasn't there (useless info wrt this discussion). Anything more? We might be onto something.


    Do you intend to add anything useful to this discussion at some point, or are you just going to continue hurling childish insults?

    Simon, so you are telling me that I don't add anything and that my comments are childish and useless? Do YOU think YOUR comments add anything useful? Because in MY opinion, your comments are so insulting to intelligence it's almost funny. Actually bordering to insanity..

    As I said, please use some common sense and logic will ya? Have a re-read of my initial write up and try to think. Shouldn't be that hard. Maybe ask yourself: Why would the Government wait 2 months before burning our country's own buildings? Oh, probably because they wanted the red shirts to block traffic, storm a hospital with patients, throw some M79's at innocent citizens, hold people hostage in their own neighborhood before starting this "Black Ops". Geez!

    Even the stray dogs around CTW knew it was the red terrorists doing the mayhem.

  5. Seriously????! Are there people here actually believing that the Red shirts didn't burn the buildings down? That it was an act by the government to tarnish Red shirt reputation? Really? Seriously? OMG! Are you telling me that you would burn your own house to make your neighbor look bad? Every building burnt were pre planned and strategically targeted. Buildings known for not supporting Thaksin were burnt. Is that a coincidence? How come all Shin buildings in tact and fine? How come Paragon not a scratch??

    The Red's that stormed the hospital...fake reds? This is like me saying Yellow shirts never closed the airport. It was Red shirt disguised as Yellow shirt.

    I really underestimated stupidity.

    Black ops ;) .

    Siam Simon....You officially top my list of (insert) people I've ever come across this year.

    That's a feat, and you truly deserves it along with your peaceful innocent red shirts fighting so bravely for our country's freedom and democracy alongside the "prai" Thaksin.

  6. Seriously????! Are there people here actually believing that the Red shirts didn't burn the buildings down? That it was an act by the government to tarnish Red shirt reputation? Really? Seriously? OMG! Are you telling me that you would burn your own house to make your neighbor look bad? Every building burnt were pre planned and strategically targeted. Buildings known for not supporting Thaksin were burnt. Is that a coincidence? How come all Shin buildings in tact and fine? How come Paragon not a scratch??

    The Red's that stormed the hospital...fake reds? This is like me saying Yellow shirts never closed the airport. It was Red shirt disguised as Yellow shirt.

    I really underestimated stupidity.

  7. Cock and Bull boy. The poor have aligned to Thaksin bcos he is the only person to keep his promise to them after being elected, whatever his motives. Having seen years of fat arsed lazy Dems only sufacing out of BKK at election time with statements that go something like 'vote for us it will be different this time' so they did and the Dems retreated back to BKK and did nothing after winning the election. I have never agreed with his motives but he gave them what he promised. Their agenda is to get somebody to power who helps them, it could be anybody. Dont try to taint peoples struggle to escape poverty with a man on his own mission.

    Perhaps you'd like to share your knowledge with the forum and tell us:

    Just how many seats the Democrats have ever won in the North and Isarn?

    Just what promises Thaksin made prior to the 2001 election (other than "I am already rich, so I don't need to be corrupt)? (Or how about "a phone line in every village?)

    Just what Thaksin did to ease the real problems of the poor, such as improving education, dismantling the rice barons and their price fixing cartel or revamping the land distribution laws?

    Just how many fresh new candidates Thaksin put up for election in Isarn, rather than buying out the same corrupt MP's and their families / proxies who are the real reason the poor are kept in their place?

    Why all these people struggling to escape poverty are quite happy to take 20 baht and a bottle of fish sauce and continue to vote for those same dirty politicians?

    Where the growing middle class comes from? The ones who have made the effort to improve their, and their childrens', lives. The ones who invested in small businesses, only to see them ruined by a bunch of those same individuals who quite happily sit on their <deleted>, selling their votes and their attendance at rallies, no matter what colour they are?

    Just why, if Thaksin was so pro-poor, both TRT governments spent far less on the North East (by around 30%) than they did on all other regions, including the South?

    There are many more questions I have, but let's see you handle these ones first.

    Save your strength...one of the basic skills red shirts lack is the skill to answer questions.

  8. Actually in France and around those parts,

    Roses are an EXTREMELY socialist , populist icon.

    I suspect this was his iconic gesture,

    which may have been lost on many.

    But I saw it as such immediately.

    Do you think he makes such a gesture who no one including the receiver won't understand?

    So, He comes from Newcastle, and is giving out roses? He would get punched really hard if he tried that in Newcastle! :o:D:D


    Are you trying to say that one can get punched by giving red roses in Newcastle? What kind of society is that? Valentine's day must be the biggest massacre day there then.

  9. Abhisit Vejjajiva Elected New Prime Minister Of Thailand,

    Elected by who? Certainly not the people

    Elected by MP's, who were elected by the people.

    When no Party has an absolute majority, coalitions must be formed and whatnot.

    It's called a Parliamentary Zystem.

    December 23, 2007

    News Desk

    As the nation completed the much awaited task of voting for their future, it became clear from the unofficial results that their favorite has been People's Power Party. With 80 per cent of the vote counted, the People's Power Party won 230 seats. Rival Democrat Party won 161 seats.

    Guess Democracy does not matter to much to the Democrats.

    We in Austria had a coalition of the second and third strongest party in Austria. The third strongest had the PM. I can't recall that some one told that this isn't democratic.

    Exactly! Imagine an election contested by one ultra-right wing party and 10 centre-left parties, with the ultra-rights winning the most seats, but still less than a minority. Would it be "good practce" democracy if they were to form the new government? No! But if a coalition of the centre-lefts were to form the government it would be much more democratic. OK, so that's not exactly the case here, but just because the party with the largest number of seats doesn't form the government doesn't make it non-democratic. In addition to the Austrian example, it nearly happened recently in Canada - no-one was complaining!

    Don't bother explaining this to them, it's the Thaksin camp crying...they cant seem to find another thing to whine about...just like the convict they worship. Again, this is a sad day for them. Let them blow off some silly steam. One day they might realize that things were not as bad as they thought.

    Pammy, I think it is a bit embarrassing to post year old news today...especially when it's about a party that does not even exist. Just doesn't prove any points.

  10. This is a good day for the country, in my opinion. That they finally managed to put a politician in office who is educated and articulate, with a clear passion for developing education in the country, is one of the best things Thailand could hope for. I wish him nothing but success, as he has a huge and difficult job in front of him.

    If you hear that banging sound, that was the final nail in Thaksin's coffin. (or was that T's head against the wall, either way...)

    A good day indeed. An anti-democratic , monarchist puppet in charge. No doubt the first act will be to repay Bangkok bank for the cost of the demos. The Lady may think she's won, but this may mark the end for her and her son.

    Adichai, I hope you are not Thai, coz if you are the real Thai's will give you a nice round of beating.

  11. It's funny to read some of the posts from the T camp. Before, they were crying that their puppet government was democratically elected. Now that the Dems has won Parliament vote BY THE SAME ELECTED MP's, they cry something else. Would it please you more if PTP won? A party that NEVER contended the election. Where is the one person one vote arguments now? You are arguing a lost case. Get over it...or better, move. We don't really need the Farang Thaksin camp in this country.

    Oh, you think we will miss your $? Why is it that foreign companies still pours $ into our country? Does it have to do with the fact that Thailand is one of the high potential country for investment in Asia? Undervalued price of estate, cheap skilled labor, strategically located, cheap alcohol, nice beaches, never a boring day AND you get treated like Tom Cruise here. Feel free to miss the train.

    The low wages in manufacturing will always attract gready companies, the problem is that countries poorer than Thailand are now attracting these same companies and jobs are going fast. Thaksin realised that Thailand is competing in a global market and investment from outside helps the econamy to grow thus helping the low paid. He also realised that lots of money comes from ex-pats and tourism benefiting the Thai economy.

    To think Thailand will prosper or even just survive by herself is wishful in the very least. Those days are long gone.

    Credits to you Peecee, not many times I see an educated and grown up response.

    Thaksin as CEO=great, Thaksin as PM=disaster. Thaksin during his times actually had policies going against foreign investors except for the policies that would benefit his own empire. I have worked in multinational companies and they all complained the same thing. Anything that touched on Telco and IT quickly faded away. If it were not for the Thaksin politics and greediness, we would have seen 3G ages ago. As you correctly pointed out, poorer countries, such as Vietnam, will surpass Thailand if we do not move forward. The only way to forward is without Thaksin and his uneducated puppies.

  12. It's funny to read some of the posts from the T camp. Before, they were crying that their puppet government was democratically elected. Now that the Dems has won Parliament vote BY THE SAME ELECTED MP's, they cry something else. Would it please you more if PTP won? A party that NEVER contended the election. Where is the one person one vote arguments now? You are arguing a lost case. Get over it...or better, move. We don't really need the Farang Thaksin camp in this country.

    Oh, you think we will miss your $$$? Why is it that foreign companies still pours $$$ into our country? Does it have to do with the fact that Thailand is one of the high potential country for investment in Asia? Undervalued price of estate, cheap skilled labor, strategically located, cheap alcohol, nice beaches, never a boring day AND you get treated like Tom Cruise here. Feel free to miss the train.

  13. These politicians were not voted in by the Thai people and neither was the new Prime Minister, there should be new elections called for. This would also inject billions of bart into the country as the corrupt officials would have to spend some of their stolen money by trying to buy votes again. I would bet that UDD would win by a landslide again. :o

    Like PAD, UDD is not a party and cannot win election.

    Just proves the IQ level and understanding of Thai politics from the Farang Thaksin camp.

  14. Latest I heard, it's really game over now. Friends of Newin has decided to stay together in a Bangkok hotel until this is done. No phones are to be carried and they all move and eat together. The 7 Friends of Newin who moved to PTP is now in discussion to come back again.

    My friends told me that the tyrant really went ballistic when his phone call was turned down. Promises of death to them and their families flew left to right.

    I am meeting someone tonight so lets see if I can get something out. Will share if details not too sensitive.

  15. I doubt the parites would make this announcemnt without being fairly sure. Also with bombs thrown at friends of newin's houses and our old friend Khwanchai marching around Udon with a mob to initmidate a friend of newin MP it looks like that divorce is becoming final. Interestingly Khwanchai - he of police stood aside while his mob attacked opponents in Udon fame - stated he had spoken to th egreat leader and that he had said anyone who leaves the aprty would be considered as having betrayed him. The vitriol is rising and I fear Old Wanderer may be right in what he wrote a while back.

    You are right. I myself wonder what the other PTP members are thinking now. Even Newin, his right hand man (and the most influential person in NorthEast), get's the hammer treatment of this tyrrant, what about the no-name PTP MP's? They should start thinking that the criminal tyrrant has no respect to anybody at all. They should start realizing that they are only used as pawns in a psychotic game of this tyrrant's neverending lust for power. He never thought of anyone as friends. "It's either my way or the highway" has been his motto all along.

  16. Termsak, go to sleep and don't wake up, I'll ignore this post as it's as uninformed and as full of BS as your very first post!

    Sorry, my insult was aimed at someone else, please accept my apologies. I have tried to edit my post with no luck.

    My point stays though...what the Red shirts are being told is ten times worse than what PAD was telling the yellow's, and that you should wake up. Please don't wish someone to sleep and not wake up. That's real bad kharma.

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