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Posts posted by RubbahSlippahs

  1. I totally agree with you.

    All these donkeys spend too much time on the computer and complaining.

    They need to take it easy. After all, it is Songkran and TIT.

    Why all the moans and groans about this - TIT things change instantly - So go with the flow and enjoy an extra couple of days holidays, beer, sun, cute girls in wet T-shirts, what more could you ask for.

    Speak to your friends back home ask them what they'd prefer beer and sun or work !!

    Right I'm off the protesters are going home, I'm gonna go get wet


  2. It's probably these loser KOOKS who can't succeed where they're from with chics, jobs, etc..

    When they realise they're losers here too, their anger mixed with alcohol reveals their true loser selves.

    Farangs like this talk sh*t and can't do sh*t....These are the types of Kooks that give good Farangs a bad name.

    In fact, these type of Farangs are stereotyped in ALL parts of Asia, broke losers, big mouths...

    Anyway, just avoid dodgy places with loser foreigners.

    Stay cool and respect the locals, everything should be fine.

    Thais are so tolerant, but eventually will lose their tolerance, esp to these loser dudes...

    Take it easy.

    I have been here for a few months now and met many foreigners in bangkok.

    I've met some of the Bangkok bangers team which are a great bunch of blokes who I hope to be playing with next month. Meet some really down to earth foreigners also.

    But I have met some really miserable blokes, I'm a pretty friendly bloke and talk to anyone and I have met many miserable blokes and notices that they are usually in group.

    One group of about 9 guys who my friends and I challenged for the table were always puting down Thai's and saying how stupid they are, telling the girls behind the bar to get them a drink in a rude manner. After we beat them for the table they wanted a rematch, after we beat them again they started blaming the table saying how Thai pool tables are all crap etc etc.

    I mean we just left before one of us got set off, I mean plently of people here know the faults here and are aware, but we seem to move on. But I have never seen so many miserable foreigners talking down to the locals anywhere I have travelled.

    Why is this?

  3. There are dozens of other beautiful, remote, and safe places in Thailand to hold a meeting.

    Why on earth Pattaya of all places?

    a more accurate and informative report in the Australian newspaper this morning

    Protesters shut down ministers' meeting

    From correspondents in Pattaya | April 11, 2009

    Article from: Agence France-Presse

    THE foreign ministers of China, Japan and South Korea cancelled a meeting at an Asian summit in Pattaya after Thai anti-government protesters blockaded their hotel, officials said.

    Hundreds of demonstrators calling for the resignation of Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva prevented the Japanese minister's car from entering the venue in the beach resort, reports from the scene said.

    The meeting, which was set to discuss North Korea's recent rocket launch and economic issues, was called off after the ministers had waited for an hour, officials from the Chinese and Japanese delegations said.

    It was the first time that the red-shirted supporters of fugitive former Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra had managed to disrupt the summit program since they descended on Pattaya a day earlier.

    About 2000 demonstrators laid siege yesterday to the main venue of the meeting of 10 Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) leaders plus their counterparts from China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia and New Zealand.

    They had dispersed overnight but returned early this morning to block the road outside the meeting of the three east Asian nations with taxis and at least two large trucks, witnesses said.

    AMAZING THAILAND.....having a Summit in a in a Russian Mafia controlled city. No to bright.

  4. Thanks for the website as I've been looking for this medication in Thailand and no one seems to know what I've been talking about.

    YES there is an online pharmacy that I've been ordering from for the past 3 years (to Thailand). It is a reputable UK pharmacy and they sell Modifinil, made by Sun Pharmaceuticals. I believe it's a lot cheaper than many other sites I've seen as well. Fast delivery too! (URL link deleted, contact poster by PM for details)

    I've never had customs or anyone for that matter open it up or take it. When I lived in the states, however, that did happen one time. Good luck. I know how you feel! I'll be ordering more soon too.

  5. I agree with you and it sucks to start the NYR off like this. I used to frequent this club in the past and they do cram the place unitl it's packed as every other venue, bus, etc. This goes for other clubs on Silom Soi 4 etc..

    My heart goes out to the people and their families.

    As nationalistic as the people are here, they really don't seem to care about safety, the environment, education, and the list goes on!

    It makes me sick to see such negligence.

    RIP :o

    This is sad news for Thailand.

  6. It's a nation wide problem and loud noise is prevalent everywhere you go from dept stores to supermarkets etc...

    Numerous complaints have been made at the private school I work at concerning the loud noise made by the school.

    The school expects the students to be quiet yet the Thai teachers and the loud speakers in the morning etc. reinforces the students to speak louder.

    Thai administrators continue to deny the fact that loud noise affects students learning behaviors.

    It is to my strong belief that the school I'm at is either totally ignorant or xenophobic to accept valid foreign research to prove this.

    Logic is non-existent here. Sometimes I wonder whats the purpose is of hiring foreigners.

    The Twilight Zone

    I have built myself a little sanctuary in a small town near Lopburi.

    Since coming back from Dubai last week the local government has put a loud speaker on the telegraph pole right outside our bedroom window.

    I swear to Jesus Christ they start up at 5 in the morning and go on nearly all day long.

    Not only that but some idiot comes around and rings a f#ing bell every hour in the middle of the night, all night long!!

    The wife seems to be oblivious to all the racket...it's doing my head in.

    Anyone else got this problem?

    My sanctuary has turned into hel_l :o

  7. this sounds interesting. :o

    I wonder what directors of some big bi-lingual schools are thinking since a high percentage of their staff are illegal, uneducated, and unqualified.

    It's about time this happens.

    Will these directors or owners of schools get punished severely for allowing their businesses to manipulate the system and use 'education' 100% for business?

    shouldn't the MOE and authorities crack down on these big 'business' operations now.

    Parents are being mislead thinking that their child is having a good education all due to the facade and marketing strategies of the school.

    Then again, the parents are so stupid and lazy to even inquire about their children's education. :D

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