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Posts posted by wernerkl

  1. It depends how much it cost/rent.

    The area I want to rent at usually the rent is about 7-10% of the apartments price.

    So even if the Condo is gone in 15 years, I will have made a profit.

    But to be honest: Where can we invest in the world?

    In western countries today banks can lend out nothing and get interest on it. That have created fanatical bubble housing, shares and so on. People just don't understand that only 3% of a currency in western countries are real money. The rest is air that generate interest to the banks.

    This is exactly what happened 2008 and now i Greece.

    If to much currency are in the open market, the banks have to stop lend out money. If 3.1% off currency is outside the banks the whole system crash like 2008.

    Its not that people can't pay their loans. Its not Greece that play away money.


    Its simply that almost all people who bought for example a house in western countries: The bank calls and says: Unfourtunally we can't lend out any money anymore. Please pay back your loan. No one can do that. Foreclosure. The bank devalue the house 40-50%. Suddenly the bank have a kredit debt while the person with no house owes the bank 50% of the house value.

    2-3 years later when the bubble is built again: The bank sells the house full value and have stolen 50%. This have happened every 10 year since this creating money of thin air started.

    I don't know how it is in most western countries. In Sweden: There are no banks with currency anymore. People think they are millionaires but they can't get the money out of the bank. In Sweden we are limited to 2500 euro/month. Imagine selling a house for 300000. It takes 120 months to get the money and the government combat this by changing the bills every 3-5 years = you have to give back all bills or they are worthless.

    Now you understand why western countries wants all to use digital money.

    Its amazing how insane this is. Each time we pay with Visa/CC they get 3-5% (and countries with VAT like Sweden 25%. The government get 25% of these 3-5% = why they allow this) Why aren't milk and stuff 3-5 cheaper when you pay with cash? Nope. The banks need all cash. If they have 10 dollar they legally can lend out 100 dollar. 90 dollar created that don't exist and they get interest.

    And anyone with math skills understand this: There is not enough money to pay back all loans since 97% that generate interest don't even exist!

    This is why Thailand and non Political Correct countries have a huge advantage. They down have this insane inflated economy.

    They only way for government in west to combat this is:

    1) have negative interest. Sweden was first with using negative interest. EU followed. This have never happened in history.

    2) Print more money. The governments in west have to print enough money to pay the interest for money that don't exist. For example Sweden have last 10 years printed 10% more money each year. I have tried to find out: Where does these 20 billion SEK disappear? Cant find out. Probably are these lorries with money shipped straight to the banks each day. EU did the same. Thats why our currencies have gone down 30-40% against for example THB.

    Each 10 year with crash all western countries do the same: They GIVE the banks more money.

    Only Iceland dared to do the right thing: Let the banks close. Lock the bankers in jail. Now they are prosperous. But you will never read about this in western media since western media is owned by the same group of people that owns the banks and so on.

    Thats why people are brainwashed in west.

    Always pointing out a scapegoat. "Greece are lazy and played away their money". No. The banks had not enough currency to continue lend out money = the economic system crash. Same like USA 2008. It was not bad loans. It was not Clinton. It was not Bush. It was banks that had not enough currency to continue lend out money and since people mathematically have enough currency to pay back the loans = crash.

    Each 10 year cycle the 0.7% gets richer and richer.

    Just 1 bank in Sweden have today 2500 billions in assets. Twice the total dept of Sweden.

    Its so easy: The movement should just take control of the bank. Pay of the loans and send the bankers to their home country in the middle east. Its that simple.

    Ecellent explanation of capitalism. Nealy sounds like Karl and Friedrich. Lomg live Buddha and Jesus and Mohammed. Forget the money lenders.

  2. Don't be too hard on the lad, every Thailand newbie goes through the same stage.

    He'll learn, same as I did, same as you probably did.

    Some of us have been to Thai many times, some of us have lived in Thai extensively, some of us can speak read and write Thai and still keep our positives about the Thai people and culture. I agree with the original posters, keep the racism and the anti Thai anger and sentiment negatives to yourselves.

    It gets so tiring to read all that anti Thai people stuff, made by so many posters here. First it was all about bitching how the Thai police would not catch the bombers, now its all about bitching they are catching too many? Can they do anything right in your minds?

    If you do not like Thailand, the Thai people etc. Then why do you visit? Why do you live in Thailand? If it is such a terrible place, filled with such terrible people, then why not leave? Thailand will be a better place without you.

    Peace : )) ...Venting over...(been saving that up for a few years)


    I agree with many things said but where did in these comments anyone talk bad about Thai PEOPLE. Thai people start talking about RTP the same way as some members on this forum. Unless someone might consider the vast majority of Thais not being Thais because they are unwanted poor farmers!

  3. What do you mean with that, that is the proof that you chosen Thailand many times to spend your money, and probably motivated other people like you to do the same. Don't worry, under the nonsense facade the officers know that well and treat you accordingly. Although sometime is worth to remind which direction the money flows.

    A passport full of Thai stamp should make one being admired when showing it to any Thai person.

    Thanks for this reminder. I am sometimes made to forget this aspect. I will give myself some attitude adjustment. For a change I am not being sarcastic!

  4. Would be very helpfull to know wether they charge per second from the 1st second or after the 1st 30 secs or 60 secs or 90secs or 120 secs.

    OP says per actual time used.

    yes anybody checked this information by making a 5 sec call?


    All bla bla.

    At least for my AIS 1-2-call prepaid.

    Credit before call: 220.03.

    5 sec call to wife.

    Credit after call: 217.89

    Thats the same old BS. 2 Baht for first minute plus TAX, 2.14 Baht for the test.

    Where can I send the bill biggrin.png

    Another quality report from the quality Thai media bah.gif

    Bet you have to "do something" to enjoy the new tariff?

    This is why I asked this stupid question, the moderator without any connection to his customers (TV readers?????) made me. Such blunt advertisment needs a liitle stir. So thanx for your answer this is exactly what I thought as one cou8ld have expected by my way of contributing. And to another reply: of course I am in TH and of course I not need to try myself: I make others!

  5. I lost my crystal ball too, so I am trying to answer from the political science point of view: What wil the USD do? This will affect the currency of any colonial ally the most. What will the Euro do, pretty low at the moment and how will the islanders react on continental policies. Affects again. What about the Rubel, Yen, Rupee ????? And the THB is dropping already anyway vs. VND and so on. I just realize only my crystal ball can answer your question. F..k.

    Good answer anthony what are you even doing on this thread ?

    Giving silly answers to silly questions.

  6. Well if the police say they didn't do it then that's OK.

    Happily it looks like they don't have enough"evidence" to prosecute two innocent men.

    They only do not have enough evidence because they assume the whole world (Myanmar and GB) are watching. If they (prosecutors) would not assume that the whole world was watching they (suspects) would have been executed already as the suspects seem not to have enough money to buy their way out.

  7. There are many young people here, Lets keep to the point that they were not for-warned . Thailand allowed this behavior for many years so i think they should be a little more carful about making swift changes. I am also not against what the military are doing, but it is not good to leave so many people stranded like this..

    Not many people like freedom of speech but I do. This is not a free world this is a free economy!!!!!

  8. OK but looks like they are just small time dealers which hardly rate a dent in the drug trade. It is long overdue for an actual drug lord to be arrested.

    how one can arest one thousand generals. it´s been known for a long time who runs the drug business in thailand.

  9. why is it, that some (most) far(lllll)angs living in thailand for some odd 10, 15, 20, (and after that i think they would not do it any more - no i am wrong it is a matter of nationalities, colonialists) years are still always trying to teach thais and bashing them for theit chosen style of life. Such comments are even against the roayal family as they advice them to do what they do: self sufficiency?!?!?!?!?! if someone does not want to support their chosen style of living there is a simple answer:"keep her in doors" and go for a piss up with my mates. As my mates are very similar - criticising thais all the time - i stopped drinking with them.

  10. Good news, everyone should have legal counsel when jailed guilty or not. However, this will not help those who cannot accept the overwhelming evidence against these two or those who want to believe it was the rich Thai kid (for no other reason than he is rich and Thai) that did it who was taking an exam at school in Bangkok and appeared on security cameras that day in Bangkok.

    No doubt the lawyers will be able to collect new DNA samples from their clients and have it compared against the DNA results from the semen taken from the scene originally and sent to both Thai and Singapore labs. But again, doubt this will convince some of admitting their original suspicions were wrong.

    While police may have done things wrong, there is no plausible way they could fake the DNA and expect to get away with it unless these two accused disappear from the planet and nobody can ever check their or their family's DNA ever again.

    What exactly is the "overwhelming evidence" you keep referring to? I think most people have very little faith in anything the BIB say especially after their lamentable performance in this case and we only know what they say about the DNA.They seem to be mostly relying on the "confessions" which are not evidence.

    Again based on what is being reported ...

    There friend who was with them right up until the crime will be a witness against them.

    Witnesses have put them around the scene at the time of the incident as well as video.

    They didn't come forward despite weeks of the publicly stating they were looking for those singing/playing guitar and in at least one of the videos.

    A phone of one of the victims was found at their place. (not the phone Facebook forensics keep showing that was collected and displayed by police in the first days of the investigation)

    They confessed

    They reenacted in front of hundreds of people.

    And the big kicker -- their DNA matches the semen on the victim.

    And to add ...

    The Semen DNA collected well before these two identities were known was also sent to Singapore. So, at least two labs have typed the DNA. Now we have two suspects who match that DNA. Two suspects unless who disappear from the face of the earth (along with their family) will be able to be checked again by their lawyers, NGO and others who want to prove their innocence down the road. (something the police know)

    #(something the police know)

    ..and what if the two hang themselves in their cells before Monday morning? ... or someone kills them?

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