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Posts posted by nickan

  1. Just to keep the questions coming...

    Does anyone know if a transit visa is required for a (most inconvenient...) 22-hour stopover in Beijing? Are transit visas issued at the Chinese embassy in Bangkok and is the price any different from the regular tourist visas? Will I need to make a hotel reservation to get the visa? I have a Swedish passport.

    (And should I fail to get a visa, is the Beijing international airport the kind of place where you can get some sleep and kill 22 hours without going absolutely insane?)

  2. My Thai student visa is about to expire but I plan on staying in Thailand for about another month after it does. Just before my student visa expires I have a short trip to Laos planned, crossing the land border both ways. If I don't get a re-entry permit, am I correct in assuming that my student visa gets automatically cancelled upon leaving Thailand for Laos and that this will allow me a visa-exempt entry back into Thailand for an additional 30 days? Or will I be charged money for a new visa at the Lao-Thai border when I attempt to cross back into Thailand? How much would that cost? (I'm an EU passport holder)

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