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Posts posted by Pax50

  1. where it seems the entire local economy revolves around the sex trade and which is known for tolerating prostitution by underage boys and girls.

    Self righteous ignorance. Do you get paid for this? Please open your eyes.

    Open eyes, look around, to be safe just remove the 'underage' part :)

    Sex Trade in Thailand? In case you didn't know, prostitution is illegal in Thailand. Nana, Patpong and Pattaya are just entertaiment centres. Tea money for policemen? Just some other rubbish to damage the good reputation of honest individuals in uniform.

  2. I think the reds are basically peacefull, but Abhisit always changes his mind saying I will desolve parliament and organise elections, the putting all this on hold!

    How can anyone trust him?

    I would get violent too

    Abhisit has to resign if he wants peace back in Thailand!

    Have you only just been born?

    The Red are basically peacefull!! Where have you been hiding for the last two months? Give your head a real good shake.

  3. "Please heed my call for an end to the rally so that we can continue fighting to advance democracy for the future," he said.

    PRICELESS quote......continue fighting to advance democracy, yeah right. PATHETIC attempt. next?

    Funnier still, this government boycotted an election, most probably will get caught out for electoral fraud shortly, are responsible for killing dozens of unarmed protesters and unarmed foriegn reporters, muzzle the media, got into power via a parlimentary deal rather then through elections , and only because the opposition was disqualified for a cooking show. And the most ironic thing of all, is that these people call themselves the DEMOCRATS !

    At least the foriegn media for the most part knows that this goverment is full of sh## , pity some of the expats are still clueless though.

    What a bunch of Sh...... To suggest that a dozens of innocents and unarmed protesters were killed is a lunacy. Were you turning your eyes away from the TV screen when the press, foreign and local, was showing and describing several hundreds "black shirt" individuals, within the Red Shirts encampment, were openly showing off and using rifles, molotovs and improvised explosives. How about the kidnapping and abuse of several army officers? You missed that also? Too bad it had to turn this way. There was an opportunity totally mishandled by the reds, probably because of their in fighting.

    All this for what? The greed and ambitions of a power hungry fugitive who has been financing this charade?

    This Government is legittimate, it was organized by parliament after the fall of the previous administration and as a result of various political group shifting their supprt. Some of the red shirt parties actually joined Abhisit in the coalition. That was done democratically.

    I think the expat community is a bit more knowledgable and educated than you think. Possibly your Esan wife may have brainwashed you a bit. But then, they are quite good at doing that with Farangs.


  4. Would you call that boy looking over the tyres a human shield.I suggest you print something factual.My thioughts would have been,he is showing the boy to the soldiers to show that he is there.


    If someone had said the boy should not be there i would have agreed but dont spout crap on here

    What's wrong with a proud father showing off his beautiful boy? Doesn't this remind you of Michael Jackson?

  5. 'without probation' doesn't say that anything about bail. As usual the culprits will go to court, bail is set at 10 baht and they go free, bloody joke........

    Bail is for when there is trial/verdict/sentencing set for a later date. It seems here that if they already received their sentences, then they must have been put through some super-expedited trial procedure. I'd assume then that their 6-month sentence would begin immediately. If they already confessed and pleaded guilty I don't think there is much chance of an appeal, though I'm no lawyer.

    Let's not forget that these sentences were handed down based on State of Emergency Law which, most likely, gives Judges additional, and extraordinary, Judicial Powers, expedites the trial process and eliminates the need for bail postings.

  6. This sounds very nice and like a possible breaktrough ... Reds would be crazy to refuse after the bad days they had. However, with terrorists charges threatening and no mention of amnesty in his 5 point program, they might ask to have amnesty added as a number 6 prior to give in.

    Yes I think this is a main point. Amnesty! Most of them out on bail already. Difficult question, but i think they must face justice, because many of their crimes is to serious.

    Amnesty for whom? Minor offences OK but for homocides, terorism NO!!! Abhisit, under difficult circumstances, made a bold and compromising decision. Will all parties respect the results of the November election?

  7. No end in sight. Is there a way to end this peacefully?

    Well, why not let them vote? Plus, it just might save some innocent lives - and some people say, the economy too.

    No government should be forced to call elections by violent mobs.

    You are absolutely right. Furthermore, what happends if the Red lose the next election? Would they respect the mandate?

  8. Civil Court grants injunction which prevents PM from using force to disperse red shirt rally

    Perfect timing! As soon as grenades start flying, the PM is told that he cannot use force.

    Amazing Thailand. :)

    Great News from a Civil Court! How could Abhisit resolve the present and difficult situation while confronted with fully armed (Reds) individuals without the use of force? It is quite obvius that the demonstrations are not peaceful, are incited and sponsored (financially) by a convicted fugitive, therefore they are not even spontanious political expressions against a system, or state, by oppressed or grevious people. Maybe the judges from the Civil Court are not following the news or political development in Thailand. In case they have forgotten, a State of Emergency has been declared in the affected areas therefore the Army and Police are entitle to use whatever means necessary to disperse unlawful gathered crouds of people who, by the way, are also harbouring 24 individuals who have refused to surrender to the authorities. Until November, whether we like it or not, this is the government we have. Compliance with the law is essential if we want any future administration to survive and rule by mandate.

  9. Big deal! A lot of those people need to cover their expenses at home even if they get a free ride to Bangkok and a few free meals while they are there.

    I agree, these are people who need a few bucks to send back home and cover food or lodging, so let them. Dont get your panties in a bunch thinking I support this rally, or ANY RALLY for that matter. I dont.

    So what happened to free expression of political views. Demonstrations used to be about your personal political and social problems and people went to demonstrate on their own will (no incentives) with passion and desire. They never asked for financial support for their time. It used to be a spontanious action against injustice and corrupt administrations.

  10. Donald Whiting and his wife Dolly contracted Regal Thailand Group to build their home in Hua Hin but the contract has not been fulfilled and remains in dispute. The managing director of Regal Thailand Group is George Mastrokopolis, a well known figure in Hua Hin and the proprietor of the periodical Hua Hin Today.

    The Whitings alleged that Regal took 13.6 million bt but failed to build anything beyond a half finished concrete monstrosity constructed out of sub standard materials, 80% of which has been surveyed as dangerous and uninhabitable. Mastrokopolis has countered allegations by stating that his erstwhile partner, Mario Aiello ( a Canadian/Italian ), was responsible for the contract and that his Group was no longer concerned. Mr.Aiello has since faced censure in the Thai courts for other contracts and is currently under legal obligations to remedy these.

    The Whitings have been vociferous in their condemnation of Mr Mastrokopolis and his Group.Their complaints have been published locally and in Europe highlighting the plight of expat retirees who have been defrauded by unscrupulous developers.

    Mr Mastrokopolis enjoys a reputation in Hua Hin fostered by his paper, Hua Hin Today. A report in August 2006, featuring a property promotion at the Sofitel, described Mr Mastrokopolis as the chief organiser of the event which had been graced by a surprise VIP guest, police Lt.General Chaiyan Maklamthong, Deputy Commission General, Bangkok. A recent report in the Berliner Zeitung states that Mr Mastrokopolis' head of PR is Hua Hin's former police chief.

    Assassination as an extension of normal business practice is a recognised phenomenon in Thailand. The more professional of those contracted to kill are reputed to come from the South but in practice many engaged in this work transpire to be policemen or members of the forces.

    Having been a friend of Mario Aiello and Donald Whiting for a while and being somewhat familiar with the case surrounding Donald unfortunate experiences in HH, wanted to clarify some of the information that was posted by Thucydides. It is true that Donald Whiting contracted Regal Thailand Group to build their fream home. It is not a fact that he paid 13+ Million baht. He actually paid 9.6 million baht (no that it makes the case any better). Donald, presently his wife under very difficult circumstances, is still negotiating with Regal for some sort of settlement. This indicates that Regal is still very much involved in the matter. Mario had signed and registered a Lease with the Whitings and has no longer any obligations in this matter. Furthermore, it is not a fact that Mario has been censored by the courts. The public apologies, in favor of Mario, published in Hot Line news for three months running clearly indicates that he was exonorated of any wrongdoing. As far as I know he has remedied his legal obligations (lease registration) with customers. Regal and Mario are still fighting their many disputes in the Law Courts of Thailand.


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