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Everything posted by rvdk

  1. Yes, I had enough of all those "influencers" on Youtube. Why do you think we want to be filmed? He deserves a good punch.
  2. I am talking about the people of Gaza, not the terrorists. The normal citizens need help and quickly. Imagine you live as a normal person amongst terrorists, would you talk like this?
  3. Give the 8 billion USD to the poor people of Gaza. The world asks for a ceasefire but keeps sending weapons....moneyyyyy. War sucks.
  4. RIP for the guy on the motorcycle. Killed by a drunk fool. Don't drink and drive.
  5. Believe me, I have been boozing hard every weekend before weed became legal in Thailand. I smoke weed in the weekend now instead of boozing and my mental health is way better. Alcohol sucks big time.
  6. What a nonsense, that guy didn't smoke weed, he was on yabadabadoo. How many times do we have to say here that people who smoke weed are relaxed, and non-violent.
  7. There are so many people wrong around this "person". Nobody was missing the children, neighbours, the mothers of the children, teachers at school etc. Disguisting this
  8. Yesterday I read that you can't be an agent or a broker as a foreigner. This German guy is a real estate agent, is that not illegal?
  9. Can we also think about nature instead of money?
  10. RIP Jo. You were a friendly guy with a passion for bodybuilding. Your movies on Instagram were motivational, thanks.
  11. Phraya is a Thai rum and it is great, not the cheapest, 990 baht per bottle. PhrayaElementsRum_600x.webp
  12. That is something else than Ganja, weed makes you relaxed. Alcohol makes people crazy and the hardcore drugs, not GANJA.
  13. What a terrible place Pattaya is. Thefts, people get beaten up, scams in the bars. Beach is nothing special. Why would you like to stay there?
  14. Absolute nonsense. And what about alcohol are you ok with that? How old are you?
  15. This has nothing to do with weed. How old are those guys who always say that it has to do with weed? Old boring guys who sit with a "happy" hour beer in a cheap beerbar all day long?
  16. RIP young lady and young man. So they let a crazy guy get back on the streets and that is why these young people lost their lives. Wish they still hang people like this, no trial, just hang the bastard.
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