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Everything posted by Dean1953

  1. I think that it’s clear that I should have kept my mouth shut and fixed it when I come back in December. From now on, any project that isn’t done before I leave gets shelved until I return because of the Thai losi face concern
  2. A neighbor built my upstairs patio out of tile and concrete. He would have concrete drill bits but was too busy to spare 5 minutes to drill my holes.
  3. The local shop sold me the concrete drill bit. When I took it back because it would not fit my U.S.drill, they said Thai drills allow bigger drill bits. I wasn’t going to argu with her. I’ll bring a set of concrete drill bits in December.
  4. The wood would have been fine before I had the stone veneer installed last September. Now, other than taking the piece of wood off would be to prime then paint it black to match the numbers. I’d still prefer the numbers directly on the stone.
  5. I just got back to the U.S. from 3 weeks of working on my house. I got done with everything that I wanted to finish. Except that I had a metal sign made that I was going to screw into the stone facade, using inserts that would go into the holes and the long screws would go securely into the inserts. Unfortunately, I only had wood drill bits for the Milwaukee cordless drill that I had brought with me from the U.S. I bought a concrete drill bit but it’s diameter as too big to fit into my drill. With 4 days before leaving, I couldn’t find anyone that could spare 5 minutes of time to drill 4 holes. I explained what I wanted to the lady that takes care of my house ( and handling the supervision of teak window screen frames that I’m having made). I even started the 4 holes in the facade, so there was no guesswork in where to drill the holes. I just got pictures of the finished work by the person making the teak frames. Not exactly what I wanted and I don’t think that it looks nearly as good as it would have without the piece of wood. I told the lady that I wasn’t happy with it and would fix it when I returned in December I should have told her it was fine and just fixed it later. After having worked with Thais in construction for 20 years, I should’ve known better, leaving the completion to their devises but I thought that my instructions were clear. Now, I feel bad, telling the lady that I didn’t think it was beautiful.
  6. I thought that I could get some recommendations from locals where I live, in Bosang, but haven’t found any to date. My neighbor, who takes care of my house while I’m in the U.S., had a local carpenter come do a small job at her house (next to mine) yesterday and was supposed to come by my house to look at what I’d like done. However, I guess party time trumped my estimate and he never showed. I’ve got a teak house that’s had a small amount of termite damage that needs to be replaced. I’ve got teak windows that push open. When the house was built, the builder put in screen coverings. The downstairs has screens with wooden frames. I’ve never had any problems with them. The upstairs has screens with metal frames. I do have problems with them and would like them replaced with the wood screens like I have downstairs. I’m here for another 2 weeks. The work doesn’t have to be done in that timeframe but I’d like to get the details sorted out and my neighbor can handle letting him in to do the work. If someone knows of a shop or person that can build and install the wooden screens, that would be helpful. Thanks in advance
  7. My wife owns a restaurant in Kansas City, Lanna Thai restaurant. She asked me to find someone who can carve Lanna Thai or Lanna Thai Restaurant into a teak board and frame it. Any suggestions?
  8. I leave for Chiangmai in a week. Coming from my house in Bosang, is this shop just before I would cross the Ping river, to the right? If so, they worked on the first Used Honda mower that I bought 20 years ago. I’m curious if honda dealerships in Thailand offer the same warranty offered in the U.S.? I’ll probably buy it regardless but would feel better turning a brand new lawn mower to a neighbor while I’m in the U.S. I have a lot less on my list of projects this time. I have to hire someone to monthly spray my teak house for termites. I’ll finish the painting, which should take about a week. I may work on the lawn, although I won’t try to kill the weeds and bad grass until I move back permanently. I may try to do a small area behind the house It won’t cost much or take much time The house will look nice when my wife and 2 of our children come over this summer. I stay at home to watch what my step son does and make sure he doesn’t burn the house down smoking in bed (and having parties).
  9. I leave for Chiangmai in a week. Coming from my house in Bosang, is this shop just before I would cross the Ping river, to the right? If so, they worked on the first Used Honda mower that I bought 20 years ago. I’m curious if honda dealerships in Thailand offer the same warranty offered in the U.S.? I’ll probably buy it regardless but would feel better turning a brand new lawn mower to a neighbor while I’m in the U.S.
  10. Thanks Dr. Treelove. I’ve been messaging Buriam for 2 months. I didn’t realize until last fall that Husqvarna has gotten out of the push mower business. I’ve also been corresponding with Husqvarna in Bangkok over whether they can supply parts for my 2006 Husqvarna and have that one fixed to keep as a spare. They also gave me the name of a shop in Chiangmai that works on Husqvarna mowers. I would really prefer to buy a honda lawn mower locally, where I can drop it off for repairs if necessary. I get back on February 16 for 3 weeks and plan on going by Sriyont to buy the J216 and possibly a trimmer, if the one in my garage can’t be fixed. Now, I just have to find someone locally that is willing to cut my grass in Bosang.
  11. I did use Denral world last October. He also pulled a tooth that didn’t have much left above the gums. To replace the pulled tooth, I considered an implant. However, it was a two step process. The first, installing a plate that will hold the implant. Then, 4 months later, installing the implant. I think at age 70, I’ll leave the space open.
  12. I changed my mind. I’ll still have to replace some gutters, probably before the next rainy season. But the worst rusted gutter, in front of the roof over the outdoors kitchen, can be discarded. I’m having the back roof removed, reinforced with iron supports, and concrete 4 by 8 foot sheets installed over the iron supports. Concrete will be poured over the slab, with concrete gutters poured near the edge of the 3 sides. Then, stainless steel railings will be put over the tile. This solves the problem of the galvanized gutter and the leak where the previous roof joined the concrete wall of the house. All for 130,000 baht, except for the railing. It more than doubles the size of my existing patio in back and overlooks a factory that closes at 5 PM. Today, I spent 45 minutes helping the Thai that is primarily responsible for building it put up plastic tarps to keep water off of the concrete slab and to keep water from getting into the gaps between slabs.
  13. I’ve managed to finish most objectives (Dentist, 10 trees, remove teak spindles from front wall “windows” and install blocks with holes, strengthening existing perimeter wall and a few other things) on this trip but the rain from yesterday showed that I need to replace at least 2 galvanized gutters on my house. Since I’m not going to be here much over the next 4 years, I’m open to putting in non rust gutters. Any shop or individual recommended in the Chiangmai area would be appreciated. I do live in the Bo sang area, so any shops in the San Kamphaine area could be included. I leave for the U.S. on October 31st. Thanks in advance!
  14. Sorry for the delay in replying. I got here September 3 and decided last Thursday to go to the tree market neat San Kamphaine hot springs. I bought 4 coconut trees to go near the driveway gate and 1 apple tree originating in Taiwan. I'm not renting my house out anymore because the damage by rwnter's dogs was greater than was described to me over the phone. Because of the wet weather over the last 10 days, the grass height is between my knees and stomach after 1 month since the last cutting. Because of cost and the chance of someone ruining it while I'm in the U.S., I won't be buying a riding lawn mower this trip. My thai neighbor wants to rebuild my 2005 husqvarna and I gave him my blessing. He will cut my grass sometime in the next 4 to 5 days, with a metel bladed week wacker. Then, the guy that put in my sprinkler system will send over a couple of Thai laborers to dig out the wild grass that took over my landscape after the neighbor used chemicals to kill the old grass. Since i won't be moving back permanently for 4 years, i won't have the yard sodded till then. I hope that whatever grows will be managable till I move back. In the meantime, I'm still looking by motorcycle for local crews to cut the grass for less than the 3,000 baht that my neighbor charges. The only other thing going on now, besides moving my furniture out of my car park, cleaning it after 10 years of storage and putting it in house, is concrete work being done. There are various spots on my wall that need to be re enforced with double blocks and rebar between the columns. He will then move to some concrete steps outside, going to the 2nd floir, that have developed one large crack and several small cracks. Finally, i have a concrete sidewalk on 3 sides of the house. They have lots of cracks which, he says, occured because the original concrete pour was too thin. He will at least double the thickness. I want to take care of any major expenses now while I'm still working in the U.S. when i move back, I'll be on a fixed income.
  15. One nice thing about Thailand is Dentists are afraid of being sued. I told him about my American dentist wanting to do a root canal 2 years after the 2 teeth were prepped and ready with new fillings. He agreed that the nerves had not died since i haven't had any pain in those 2 teeth after 4 years since the prep work. I had my dental work at the American dental school downloaded and he said it was very helpful. Most American dentists would want to re do all the X rays.
  16. Sorry for the long delay in replying. My house doent have internet service and i dont feel like paying for an installation charge and 2 months use. Concerning Dentists, because i live just outside of Bo sang and most of the recommended dentist are in central Chiang Mai, i went with the last one recommended, dental 4 you. It was easy to find and a straight shot from Bo sang. I went Tuesday to have 2 crowns made and, after he decided not to try to crown the 3rd tooth because the remainibg tooth was at gum line. I had it pulled and at least he pulled it in one piece in 5 minutes, unlike the American Dentist who snapped the wisdom teeth at the roots. He will put the 2 pernament crowns on Friday and hopefully, no adjustments to them will have to be made, requiring a 3rd visit. The cost for everything is 28,000 baht after applying a 10% discount for cash. At some point, i will have to decide whether to spend $1,100 for an implant. It wont be this trip. Thanks for all the rwsponses.
  17. My wife’s friend speaks a little English. However, she will be working in a Thai restaurant with other Thais. The requirement shouldn’t be a problem. A friend of mine in the States that brings in cooks for Hilton told me language isn’t an impediment when they all speak the same language. Insurance is a concern but can be complied with, depending on how bad my wife wants her friend here, as an employee that she can trust.
  18. One of the things that im handling while in Thailand for 2 months is checking the possibility of getting a J1 visa for my wife's best friend. She has a 2 year old thai resturant in the Kansas City area and is periodicalky understaffed. As she is the only cook, she works 6-7 day work weeks. Teaching the friend the ends and outs of the resturant business would be beneficial to both. Im going to meet with the best friend tomorrow and periodically until i leave October 31. Im pretty sure that it is a 4-6 month process, so a local agency in Chiang Mai would be extremely helpful. If anyone had dealings with any of them, any advise would be much appreciated.
  19. I brought my Samsumg galaxy 7S phone which works alright with a new sim card, even though the screen is shattered
  20. I’m here now and am ready to call or talk to a Dentist about 2 and possibly 3 crowns done by the end of October. Someone mentioned clinics near the CMU School of Dentistry. Does anyone have a name, address or phone number associated with those clinics? If not any recommendations at a clinic will do. I need to get it started this week, if possible. I have too many things needing attention, like my house, my pond house in Saraphi and my wife’s ex house that doesn’t have a roof in Hong Dong. If you could PM me the information, that would be great!
  21. I did buy a ticket on Thai airways. I’ll be 24 kilos over, at 60 baht per kilo, which comes to around $41-$42. I never could find an option to pay it in advance I finally talked to a Thai reservation agent and she said it isn’t offered online for domestic routes. I’ll pay the 60 baht per kilo charge.
  22. I’ve got a decent husqvarna lawn mower but the guy across the street doesn’t want to use it. He uses his weed eater that has a metal blade. I’ll probably take the lawn mower to get it tuned up. I’ll only look at riding lawn mower if I decide not to fix the roof on my wife’s Hang Dong house. I’ll just keep looking at Moo vans for lawn cutting crews
  23. The inherited house in Hong Dong came up a year ago and is the principal reason for my trip. From what I understand, it needs a new roof and other work. While that is my priority in seeing it structurally fixed so it can be rented out the next 4 years and I can recoup the money that I am using to fix it. I will also be doing work on my house in Bo sang. The interior is fine. It’s just landscaping, repairing cracks in the perimeter cinderblock wall, and some other things that I may do now or wait until I move back permanently in 4 years. I’ll wait until I move back to replace existing grass with new sod. I’m bringing with me 24 new Hunter sprinkler heads for my sprinkler system. The system uses well water which has lots of minerals in it that clog the heads. Between the 2 houses, and getting 3 dental crowns, I’ll be fairly busy.
  24. After an absence of 3.5 years, I’ll be back in 2 weeks for 2 months. My wife inherited a house in the Hong Dong area about a year ago but it is in bad shape. I’ll have to decide if it can be fixed and whether it’s worthwhile. I’ll also be working on my house, which includes landscaping required after my last tenants left early in April, 2020. They wouldn’t let anyone on property, primarily to activate the sprinkler system. I’m posting a picture of 2 mature tress planted in March, 2019. The tree in the middle of the picture is fine. The coconut tree in the background to the right died. Besides planting trees, I’m still looking for a Gardner that can spend a couple of days a month at my house. I’m tired of paying my next door neighbor 3,000 baht every time that he cuts it I’m looking at buying a riding lawn mower, preferably used in good shape, either on this visit or on my next trip in 2 years. The plan is to move back for good in 4 years when my son graduates from high school. If anyone knows of any gardeners in the Bo sang area, please let me know.
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