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Posts posted by ReeBkk

  1. Oh come on. Thailand is as safe as most places in the world if not safer. Wait a year or two until the depression has bitten into every urban centre in the world and then you'll see what trouble is ! Stop moaning about Thailand and enjoy the amusing posts earlier in this thread.

    Finally some sense! You think thailand was this safe 10 years ago? I can tell you first hand that it wasn't and I'm sure many of you on here would agree.

    People have always known what Thailand is like, Amazing right? But 'with the pro's there are always con's'...Nevertheless, it's not going to stop people coming here to reap the obvious benefits this country has to offer. * edited spelling *

    And if you think Thailand is danerous, lol, search out the polls recently conducted on violent crimes in the UK = the most violent country in Europe, more dangerous than Johannesburg, SA, and all of the US. I think the study focused on how many violent crimes per population.

  2. After a quick search on the forum, it seems like it's easy to obtain a single entry tourist visa from the Thai embassy in KL.

    I know Vientiane is the only place issuing double tourist visas with relative ease, but say I just wanted a single entry tourist visa, is the embassy in KL as easy-going as the one in Vientiane?

    The reason I ask is because the last time a friend of mine went to the Thai embassy in Singapore, he was asked to show 2000 dollars in a bank account as well as an onward ticket from Thailand.

    I am I likely to have to go through this hassle in KL? The only money I can show is in a Thai bank, and of course, I don't want to come across as being employed out here.


  3. What a bunch of dim-witted censorious moralists!! You actually seem to think that the mere carrying of drugs is evil, and that taking them is terrible, and that this poor woman deserves this sentence. You obviously think that prohibition is sensible and right.

    The "war on drugs" is an idiocy that has created most of the criminality in the world today and cost society untold billions and untold misery. Drugs should be decriminalised and state-controlled, with support and care for addicts. That policy would be an immense improvement on the current state of affairs worldwide (except in a few enlightened European countries), costing the whole lot of us far far less in taxes and suffering.

    People who support the current drastic penalisation of drug-takers and drug-traders are simply out to lunch.

    Finally some sense!

  4. Prime Time Thai TV is on a Par with Kids TV in the UK, in my opinion..

    I always wonder why Brits think their TV is superior. From the samples I've seen, it's as crappy as any other TV.

    Americans at least created some truly amazing shows like Lost and Heroes, comparing to that Brits are still in the high school amateur category.

    Both Lost and Heroes have lost the plot after first successful seasons, but that's not the point.

    Well, I'd have to disagree, you obvioulsy haven't seen many 'samples'.....or just didn't pay attention when you did.

    Sir David Attenborough? Need say no more....

    The BBC? While all news is a form of propaganda, who you going to believe? Fox, CNN, or the BBC?

    Comedies like the Office, Yes Minister, Have I got News For You, Alan Partridge, Mock the Week, Quite Interesting (QI) this list is endless and spans back generations.

    Eastenders. In my personal opion, crap, but its loved by brits all over the world, plus its is older than I am.

    Channel Four and all Flim4 Films??? Bet you've seen those without even realising...

    Real documentaries like the Cook Report, the Real Football Factories.....crazy documentaries such as Bear Grills.....

    One thing American can claim is its unmatchable status for big screen productions

    TV is entertainment.......like it was already mentioned, the broadcasting companies will push what's popular.... I can't see Cultural programs being top of the list for the Thais. Nevertheless, I have seen many a Thai fixated on Discovery Channel and Animal Planet when Bilingual settings are switched to Thai.

  5. I guess I will be hoping that I land something out of contacts or maybe stumble on something while im there.. but I know thats unrealistic.

    Perhaps not so unrealistic, my friends and I, who have all managed to live out here for the last 5 years, have all done so with jobs obtained through contacts "we stumbled upon" whilst we were here, two of which are doing very well in the exact field you are wanting to work in.

    Anything is possible.....good luck!

  6. Got to be true....

    6 of my friends and I moved to a large house in Bangkok, all of us experienced more than one encounter......It would be far too long to try and describe everything that happened in that year, but let's put it this way, we all saw 'her' on several occasions, bad things happened to those who disrespected the house, good things happened to others....

    no slight of the hand, trickery of light, drunken episodes, etc....this was real and happend to all of us....phi baan phi ruern's are there to protect the house, its their's, not yours, but they don't mind us being there if you respect them and their traditions.

    sounds far fetched, I now....you gotta see it to believe it right? well, we saw, we didn't want to believe, but sometimes in the end you have no choice.

  7. First off.... sorry if there is already an answer to my question posted on here, I did search but turned up nothing...so..

    I am trying to find out the average price for filling up and maintaining a pool that measures approx, 17m x 5m, with the depth ranging from 1m to 1.5m.

    Right now the pool is empty and requires a new filter.

    I have no idea about pools and though this might be a good place to start, I'm looking for a rough quote on:

    How much for a new filter (no sure of the size, but it must of been adaqute for the size of the pool), we had previously been quote 5, 500 baht.

    How much to fill the pool

    How much to keep the pool clean, per month.

    Thanks in advance for your help....

  8. Any of the popular schools mentioned in this topic (thong lo language school, unity, piammitr, aua, aaa) offer student visas?

    note: I can see the adverts for MTL and Walen flashing in front of my eyes...... looking for other options, thanks.

    Through AAA, you can obtain a 3-month student visa. You can do the paperwork yourself, or they'll do it (and deal with the Ministry) for 2000 baht.

    They take it seriously though. Last year (before I had a 1-year non-O visa), I had a 3-month visa through AAA. I prepaid 3 months of classes, then attended September and October. I planned to do the 3rd month in January, after some travel overseas. They asked me to fill out special forms since I wasn't doing the 3rd month of study during the 3rd month of my visa -- the forms included a signed statement saying I'd be out of the country, and returning to do my 3rd month later.

    Thanks for that info, commitment isnt a problem so I'll check it out.....any other info on obtaining a non-ed from the above schools much appreciated....thanks

  9. Any of the popular schools mentioned in this topic (thong lo language school, unity, piammitr, aua, aaa) offer student visas?

    note: I can see the adverts for MTL and Walen flashing in front of my eyes...... looking for other options, thanks.

  10. Overhearing a conversation or two over recent months I have become aware that many Brits residing in Pattaya are actually claiming invalidity benifit from the Uk. Doesn't sound right - considering that to claim such benifit they are supposedly unfit for work, yet they are obviously fit to travel long haul and holiday.

    surely this cant be legal?

    Of course "stealing" benefits is completely illegal......nevertheless there are people who genuinely need the financial support, regardless of where they chose to live in the world.

    (Some) People on benefits aren't really the type of stereotype one would like to weed out from Pattaya, how about getting rid of peados, child molesters, slave trade runners, and the thousands of other types of "scum" that chose to reside and do business there....that might be step in the right direction.

    (before I get slated, I am in NO WAY suggesting that all (or even most) people in Pattaya are scum, I'm simply singling out the people who know who they are.)

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