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Posts posted by Basher

  1. Might I suggest that if anyone wants an inside view of the Muslim World and the possbile causes of Muslim extremism they read

    "The Trouble With Islam" by Irshad Manji ISBN 0-312-32699-8

    She puts the case that the Islam faith has been hijacked by the Mullahs and provides plenty of historical evidence to demonstate her point.

    Excellent post, great book and the reason for all the troubles, Guesthouse has ended the thread as far as i can see and on the right note


  2. I might take the time to bring my original post back in to perspective - I am fully aware that I should have had my licence with me, I'm not a complete <deleted> and agree rules are rules. I am not a backpacker, I spend a fair amount of time in Phuket when not working in Myanmar. And up until now the local fuzz have never taken this much interest in revenue raising.

    I am posting simply as a warning to those who may have become a bit complacent of late (as some of us tend to do from time to time while travelling or living here) - to carry your licence with you each time you go out for a drive/ride in future. Take my 300 baht inconvenience as a warning for the rest of the readers of the forum.

    If I had my licence with me on Friday night, I would not have been fined. And yes, both Thais and Foreigners were getting fined when I got pulled up. And it is no longer enough to show a local driver's licence from your home state - they want an international licence as well. So whereas before you could get away with only your normal licence, now it would pay to have an international licence on your person as well.

    the baby is awake already thanks, bash - and it doesnt need the finger pointing cheers.

    Wot you do need to do mate is chill out a bit,

    Newbys, put your euro/uk/us/licence under the seat with 100 baht and even with a UK/us/euro original licence you will pass these checks, this of course is only for f*cking tourists, local expats deserve all they get if caught, you know the rules...

    What you really need is an international licence for your hols, but be warned they are only legally valid for 30 days in country per visa stamp


    PS I don't like tourists

  3. I don't think it belongs on a serious forum mate, I find it offensive and degrading to Thai ladies in general and the fact it is posted by a moderator multiplies it's implications

    The seppo thing is just to show that you lot are the favoured ones, that 'bloke' in Chiang Mai can carry on with his miserable denouncing rubbish un fettered but we colonialists get censored... that is my gripe


  4. Riiiiiiight

    so back to the original thread content....

    I say..

    Spend more money, re-educate the poor, show them that earning money helps their lives much more than listening to a few mental Mullahs who aint getting any rumpy pumpy...

    Kids listen up, money aint what it is all about but it makes it all a little easier to get on with, Bombing folk don't get anyone a meal, get out there and work boys and girls, and start to think for your selves


  5. You knew you were going to rent a vehicle, then didn't you do any research?

    If you were going to the states would you check then?

    Children think of this as a lesson then...YOU NEED THE RIGHT PAPERS, ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD... RULES IS RULES

    then the baby awoke


  6. does my AV bother you in any way Basher, i can't help that you don't have one to call it your own.

    I did have one mate, but it was even to riskay for here, I will get another soon, I am biding my time looking for the right fit.... so to speak.

    I ain't putting yours down mate, I am just observing, Bum Mee was the detractor (safe seppo)

    I like the way you dance young man, and one day you may make money out of it... though it might be at 'Uncle Rays house of Boys'....


  7. Sweetheart, we all can't shake the attraction can we...., you look good they come a flocking (is that a word??)

    Right now in Phuket I am a 'Handsum man'... I love this time of the year, next month I will be Adonis, or at least my wallet will be...

    Who cares!! Whoo Hoo!!!

    It's a great life


  8. Actually I don't feel picked on, as I was not alone...

    And especially as the preferences were directed towards mental cases??

    Anyway I am just pointing out injustice bit like Batman or Superman but without the Gay clothes...

    Bet you have a batman suit though Boony.... cum on let us know... maybe PJs?


    PS Hang on I just thought of a Basherman suit....

  9. Mate

    that is a good question

    you will just have to stay quiet and look at every aspect, there is no clear cut answer, if you have the funds hire a private investigator, if not just wing it, get him out of the bar area, take him home or the equivilant ( I am not gay so am new to the man on man life, he may not be able to go home?)

    Keep your eyes open and your hand on your wallet, when the demands for more cash (sick buffalo etc) you will know if it is real mate

    Good luck


  10. Quote

    title and text,....

    yes you privilaged seppos.. and don't kid yourself it is skating close to the edge, you can say what you want mate so long as you aint colonialist you are in the 'in' crowd

    carry on, keep up the good work,


    To produce such a posting I think, it is mandatory to be fully drunken.......

    This posting should be pinned as an unique example how funny it is to read the thaivisa-forum topics....


    Like anyone listens to your ramblings

    For the record

    Not drunk

    Not American

    Been banned

    still can't workout why

    Not American again

    still more interesting than you Johan


  11. Tonight Phuket was great, has a couple of beers with me mate The Gent in Karon, alone I had another in Greenman and had to leave as some pisshed up Brit thought he could sing really good with the band.... he couldn't!! I was driven out!

    Went onto Freedom Bar, empty but the barmaids (not hookers) are a good laugh.

    Came home to a nice malt whiskey... beautiful wife asleep on the sofa, I ain't pisshed, so I will have a great day tomorrow with no hangover ...

    Doesn't get much better than that does it?

    Happy basher

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