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Posts posted by Blinq

  1. I thought this site might be handy for peeps: http://www.flv2mp3.com/

    To convert a YouTube Flash video to MP3, simply copy/paste the URL, click OK to accept the terms and the application will convert it to MP3 format. You'll see the download link as soon as the conversion has been performed.

    If you're using an iPod, checkmark the option to add music manually in the iPod iTunes setup and then drag&drop the file into your custom library. There's a video tutorial on the subject over at http://www.apple.com/support/ipod/tutorials/ in case you need it. No need to buy music from iTunes ever again! :o

  2. To some considerable degree, I'm willing to cough up because the odds of finding a woman some 40 years younger than myself back home are not even worth thinking about. I think all you can really do is to set a limit on how much you're prepared to put into the pot as it were and make sure you don't exceed that figure. If she's not happy with it, then she's probably a gold digger and better that the two of you split up now and go your separate ways before you get hurt.

    That can be difficult sometimes especially if you're older. Time is not on our side unfortunately and there will come a time when travelling across several continents will become impossible due to ill health. So make the most of it while you can even if it does cost you a small fortune. After all, when the time comes for you to depart these shores, you won't be able to take your remaining assets with you now will you? :o

  3. That's weird then if they are around. I brought a ton of repellant with me on doctor's advice. He seemed to think the stuff you get in Thailand wasn't up to European standards and since reports were flowing in at the time about the risk of catching Dengue, he advised me to take a supply with me. But as I say, I ended up taking it all back home with me again without using any of it. Maybe it was the lack of Marmite in my system? I usually eat jars and jars of the stuff at home, but didn't eat any at all when I was over there because I couldn't find any decent bread anywhere.

  4. Your ISP should have an FTP server where you can download different size test files in ".bin" format. So if your ISP is called xyz.com, go to "ftp://ftp.xyz.com/pub/test" (without quotes) and download any of the files in that directory and make a note of the download speed. If it's not up to par, send the results to your ISP's tech support desk and ask them to look into it.

  5. Symwave to Demo USB 3.0 Data Link Protocol at CES

    ( Page 1 of 4 )

    Networking semiconductor maker Symwave will present the first public demonstration of USB 3.0 connectivity Jan. 6 at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. Symwave will demonstrate SuperSpeed USB 3.0, which it claims is at least 10 times faster than the current best USB performance. The ramifications for both consumer and enterprise markets are intriguing.

    Source and full story

    Slight problem in that all the components in the system need to be USB 3.0 compliant. So if your Flash drive is USB 2.0 and you plug it into a USB 3.0 port, it will only run at the USB 2.0 spec unfortunately.

  6. The CMOS battery runs a trickle charge to the CMOS memory which the non-volatile type, that is to say, it retains the data even if the PC has been powered off. The PC need to have access to that data when you first power on so that it can configure all the BIOS settings and components (BIOS = Basic Input, Output System). Once those have been verified, the BIOS hands over control to the operating system and providing everything is in order, the machine boots to the desktop.

    You could try leaving the PC running for 24 hours which should be enough to recharge the CMOS battery if it's still OK. But if it continues to lose time, or you start to see CMOS errors, then it's time to replace it. Instructions on how to do that @ hxxp://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000239.htm

  7. I'm running XP 64, not Vista 64.....

    You need to install the x64 version of Firefox called "Minefield". Download from hxxp://wiki.mozilla-x86-64.com/Download:Firefox

    Some background info on the subject @ hxxp://www.start64.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=25&Itemid=75 (scroll down a bit to get pix and more info).

  8. Here's an update re the Hewlett Packard dv 2626 notebook I sent off to the Bangkok repair center.

    Check out HP's support site for that model @ hxxp://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/product?product=3571675&lc=en&cc=us&dlc=en〈=en&cc=us

    You might be able to isolate the cause using their troubleshooting section.

    As regards parts, HP has been using generic parts in all their systems since 2001. That doesn't mean to say that they're inferior to branded names since they buy in huge quantities and consequently no manufacturer is going to risk losing business by supplying defective parts.

    During my stint of around 5 years on HP's tech support desk, I was very aware of the role customer feedback plays and I know they'll usually go out of their way to make sure you're satisfied at the end of the day. So if you don't get any joy with the route you're taking at the moment, don't be afraid to write a letter to the US head office. I've known customers do just that and have had their machine replaced. Make sure you send a copy of all correspondence together with repair notes when you write to them. Address on hxxp://welcome.hp.com/country/us/en/contact/office_locs.html

  9. One of the things that surprised me while I was in Phuket mid-December was the complete lack of mosquitos. I only ever saw one and that seemed more interested in my green chicken curry than in me. I'd gone to the trouble of using about half my airline liquid quota on mosquito repellant because I usually become their 'dish of the day' whenever they spot me, but on this occasion I didn't have to use any of it.

    Back at home, a mozzie net is essential as is coating my bod is repellant from April to November. Some of the buggers even manage to survive until Christmas in spite of temperatures dropping to 7C and I've often regretted taking down my king size mozzie net too early.

    Do they usually take a vacation in December?

  10. Comes in at #59 in the corruption stats according to hxxp://www.nationmaster.com/graph/gov_cor-government-corruption so I suppose that's relatively good news and should stave off another coup for a bit. :o

    Other stats @ hxxp://www.nationmaster.com/country/th-thailand

  11. Nothing to download: just sign up to hxxp://www.jajah.com/ load about 10 euros/bucks and then you can use your own phone to make calls using the phone-2-phone option. Calling Thailand from the Netherlands costs just 4 cents a minute using a land-line to mobile phone (or to another land-line).

    There's a similar service via hxxp://www.voipbuster.com/ except that you need to install their software first. However, you can subsequently make calls via your own phone without the need to connect to their site first. They charge 5 cents a minute. :o

  12. I came across an amusing question on hxxp://www.thai-language.com/ref/phrases It's the 4th one from the bottom and it's how to ask someone if they're a man or a woman....lol.

    I must admit I was tempted to ask that question many times when strolling up and down Bangla at night and being accosted by what appeared at first glance to be a good looking lady. You just never know sometimes. :o

  13. Download the VLC player: it plays any codec including Flash movies: hxxp://www.videolan.org/

    Generally speaking though, all you need to do is to right click the clip you want to play in another media player and choose "Open With" and then select the player from the list. Initially, leave the field where it says "Always use the selected program to open this type of file", unchecked. If the clip won't play, then the file will open with whatever player was previously selected the next time you try to play it.

    But I don't think WMP supports the Quicktime .MOV codec. If it doesn't, you'll get a message to that effect when you try to play it.

    You can undo the application a file opens with by going to "My Computer", then "Tools", "Folder Options", "File Types". Click the file type by its extension i.e. "MOV" for Quicktime movies and then click the "Change" button and choose the program you want to open it with. I've included a screenshot to illustrate the steps to take.


  14. AIS is the largest GSM provider with DTAC coming second.

    Not knowing the local setup because I'd never been to Thailand before, I bought a 'Happy' SIM card online from a US company called Telestial.com before I left home, only to discover that it didn't work when I arrived there. So I bought an AIS SIM for 120 baht after which a recharge card costs 300 baht a time. You can buy those at any supermarket or 7/11. I've still got 215 baht remaining on mine, but can't seem to use it outside Thailand. The unused time also expires in three months which is pretty short.

    But it's such a small amount, so I'm not really bothered. I'll just make sure I use up all the existing minutes before buying a recharge card again next time.

  15. The closest thing to what I think you're looking for would be Amadeus. Here's a link to the timetable page:


    That's an interesting site in that they list a number of flights which don't appear on any Dutch travel agents sites. But if you configure it to show the best fares, then Malaysian comes top of the list, yet that airline doesn't appear in the timetable(?). Cathay Pacific is also missing as a carrier as is China Airlines. My search term was AMS - HKT round trip in February.

    I do get the distinct impression these days that travel agents sites only display the airlines which sponsor them and to get a good deal, you've got to invest time and energy looking at them all.

  16. @ klons, go to hxxp://www.seasite.niu.edu:85/Thai/maanii2/download/software/windowsXP.htm which shows you how to install the fonts and the Thai keyboard. Once you've got both installed, you'll be able to switch the keyboard in Firefox to type in Thai via a link in the Windows Taskbar. For example: สวัสดีครับ

  17. Airlines are a bit like the gas industry: they buy on a contractual basis usually three to six months in advance. So if they signed a six month contract back in July when oil was at its peak, then that figure will still be in force up until tomorrow. It depends on what happens to the oil price beginning of January which will decide what they're going to be screwing us all for I think.

    Passenger numbers will also influence their pricing strategy. I've been looking at flights to Phuket for mid-February and many carriers are fully booked for the dates I want to travel. Not a good sign if you want to encourage the airlines to reduce their tariffs. :o

  18. you shouldn't be overly paranoid, for one thing. but some signs are- poor family, speaks good english, happily takes money when offered (or even outright asks for it) and doesn't pay it back, drinks/smokes/gambles a lot, has a "brother" hanging around all the time... i am sure many of the men on here can contribute.

    I don't think even those reasons are an indication that you're caught up in a scam of some sort. My GF comes from a poor family and will happily take money from me when offered and has even asked for it, but in a nice way. If I refuse, she still behaves affectionately towards me and sms's or phones me every day even though there's some 6500 miles separating us now. She doesn't drink or smoke though, and there's never been any indication that she gambles. Neither do I expect her to pay back any money I give her. After all, with an average monthly wage of only 6000 Baht a month in the hotel & catering industry, where would she get it from? Even teachers with a university degree only earn 11000 baht a month, a sum which wouldn't even pay two weeks rent on my own flat back here in Amsterdam.

    But it depends on your circumstances. Has she ever posed the question on whether you have a "good heart"? She's not talking about your ticker and the first time I heard it, I thought she was asking me if I was a good natured individual. But I've since discovered that this phrase is Thai speak for being willing to support her financially. If you said yes, then she's going to expect you to do just that even when the two of you are thousands of miles apart. If the requests for money are flowing in now, maybe that's the reason. :o

  19. I've just returned from my first trip to Phuket and loved every minute of it. The people are so warm and friendly and I felt really at home there. So I'm also proposing to learn Thai. I bought vols 2, 4 and 5 of "Speak Like A Thai" each of which includes a CD and a book at Phuket airport. I also bought "English-Thai" phrase book which includes two CDs in Jungceylon shopping mall. In addition, I bought a dictionary called "Thai Made Easy" written by Andreas Schottenloher, and "Speaking Thai" by Sunthorn Kohtbantau. When I arrived home, I figured I'd have more than enough to get started.

    However, all the CDs lack one important feature (for me) which is the ability to repeat a given phrase. Other than by dragging the slider in the media player to roughly where the sentence starts, there's no way to repeat the same phrase again which I find a bit frustrating. In addition, the phrase in spoken English is translated and spoken in Thai by a woman. So instead of hearing the polite article "Khrap" at the end of each phrase, you hear "Kha". No problem if you're woman, but you do have to make constant adjustments to ignore "di-chan", or "kha" when you hear them if you're a guy.

    I think these home study courses are OK once you've got a basic understanding of the language, but not much use if you're a complete beginner. So for the time being, I'm sticking to the sites I found before I went there which include audio playback. That way you can replay each word/phrase as often as you like. This site doesn't allow me to link directly to the sources I use, so all I can suggest is to Google for the following:

    Seasite spoken Thai


    Learning Thai

    Each of the above will be the first one in the list on Google.com if you copy/paste those search terms.

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