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Posts posted by Syl

  1. I would like to also donate a two seater sea kayak with life jackets towards the raffle.

    I will PM you a contact number to arrange delivery. Again sorry for my comments.


  2. This is not a scam.

    Josh's father died 15 years ago and his mother rents a house in which she cares for her 90 year old mother who suffers from dementia.

    Please stop, whoever you are; if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all.

    Thank you kjbowman for the link. I will be making my donation through paypal.

    Sorry if I upset anybody with my comments, but I had to ask. I am sure you can understand.

    Best Regards, Syl

  3. Could a moderator please close this thread, as it is not going anywhere.

    I should have known better.

    Thank you, Syl

    If we all agreed with you we would have got there quicker.

    I will look forward to carrying on our little chats on your next thread. That is if you have the bottle to post one. :o


    If you wish to discuss more than subject of a thread do it by PM.

    If you want to, that will be fine with me. Sending you a PM now.

  4. Ask yourself one question. Why does someone who is now living in the U.K, spend so much time on the computer, being unnecessarily negative in a Thailand/Phuket forum? How lacking must your life be for you to spend your time like that? You left phuket because it wasn't for you. Move on with your life, for what it's worth, and stop boring the rest of us, who have wonderfully fulfilling lives, with your drivel.

    What makes you think that I am in the UK? I said that I moved my family back, not me.

    I spend a hel_l of a lot of time on the computer for a living, so I move back to this forum for entertainment to listen to stupid comments and stupid people like you.

    My family left Phuket for safty reasons.

    So what makes you a spokesperson for the people of this forum?

    So you have a wonderfully fulfilling live? What sort of a person sits on his computer at 03:05:24 in the morning writing reply's in a thread that he started bad mouthing the OP in the first place.

    Maybe your the one in the UK.. You are inferior to me, go and play with somone else.


  5. Phuket Needs More Sustainability to Become a World Class Destination.

    Phuket Needs:

    1: Having a beautiful and undeteriorated destination.

    2: Having and maintaining the unique Thai customs and culture to worldwide tourists.

    3: Having an unpolluted environment.

    4: Having safe from crimes, accident and sanitary.

    5: Having enough infrastructures and facilities to offer good quality standards .

    6: Having a good transportation system.

    7: Having a worldwide telecommunication system.


    Phuket has a very low average compatibility with the aspirations of sustainable development and should be improved.

    The government should give powers to localities for the purpose of independence and self judgment of local affairs without corruption or compromise. Phuket should promote and encourage public participation in the preservation and protection of the quality of the environment in accordance with the persistent development principle, as well as the control and elimination of pollution affecting public sanitary situations for quality of life.

    Fat cat tour operators and hoteliers should pay more taxes that should

    sorry for not reading the whole thread, but for me it's an english student homework for the class - and for that matter not the best written.

    "phuket needs having" doesn't sound nice in english for me, repeating "should" in each single sentense is just not correct.

    Stupid comment to make, I am sure you could do better then that.

    What sort of a person uses "better" 6 times in one sentence for their website?

    Nicest. What sort of a word is that? You forgot the A before massage too.

    Everybody knows chocolate is better then a massage.

    I think you should go back to school, not me.

    Could carry on, but I need to play with someone with a bit more intellect.


    For those who have already discovered it, massage is just about the nicest thing on the planet. Better than chocolate, better than …pizza. It's a great way to feel better, look better, treat people better and treat yourself better, too


  6. Wishing Josh a speedy recovery.

    Well known fact in Thailand is that money takes president before life & humanity.

    I do hope that TV lets this thread run for the next 24 hours or so.


  7. I have been comeing back to phuket for 3-4 years now,

    yes we do have a saying which goes along the line's of look beyond the thai smile and you will see the true thai money money and greed never trust a thai.

    How retarted do you need to be to keep coming back to somwhere you feel so negatively about?

    With an attitude like that you deserve any bad thing that happens to you.

    Talking about retards. It just goes to show how much of a retard you really are.

    Try to spell right before you flame someone on this forum, nitwit.

    Negativity not Negatively.

    Woohoo, is that not a name for a fish or is it wahoo? Either way they still have small brains.


  8. ok thanks alot! landlord did say basement of Big C, wasnt sure if there was anymore.....Em I need to buy + get installed more RAM for laptops....And find a splitter cable for Internet connection cable in apartment, cos iv got two laptops...or maybe something to plug in to make wireless connection...And also a headset...And i need to recover memory from my Spy Pen camera...

    You could do all that downstairs in big C


  9. So you never Answered the question's asked Thaiwanderer you only told us about how Phuket would be the same as it always was so as a new member to the board would you like to explain just what Phuket would do if they did not have Fallangs pumping money into it.Or are you that biased that you are unwilling to accept that without us you will be back in the dark age's scatching out a living to exist.


    If all the tourists left phuket , the thais would suffer , but you are a moron if you think they would not survive and thrive without us, I for one wouldn't mind if some of these dumb tourists stopped coming .

    Very unsophisticated thing to say 1000 baht.

    With the decline in tourism and the recession about to bite Thailand. I would have thought that even expats would welcome tourists instead of saying comments like yours.

    Look at it like this, if what you say you would like, happens ( No tourists ) on Phuket, do you think that you would be able to live your life with no fear of being robbed or your house free from burglaries. Going out without looking over your shoulder all the time?

    You would be even a bigger target then you already are, and it would be you leaving, maybe in a box. Think about what your saying, you was once a tourist too. Talk about calling the kettle black.

    Don't be hypercritical.


  10. I would say don’t worry yourself about it, the chances of her getting an unsecured loan is very small, even if she did manage to do it, it would take more then a mouth to be approved.


  11. What tourists perceive is on offer by way of promotions from holiday magazines, Internet holiday sites, etc. is in most cases not what they expected ounce over here, and tend to push it aside in order to still enjoy their well earned holiday.

    - like every other destination in the world!

    I would say a large number of tourists return for one thing only. ( Well not only one thing! ) And almost all expats settle in Phuket for the one thing that they came to Thailand for in the first place. You can take that from an expat who has done the same....... So what, are we still in denial?

    - you have put you thong away and want to play at being respectable so Phuket should honour your enlightenment?

    What is so wrong about wanting what is best for yourself & your family, as long as your not hurting others in the process.

    - well if its the best for you and yours Phuket should change??????

    Thaiwanderer, you are so wrong in your comments, maybe Thailand should have a public health warning on advertisements, like a packet of cigarettes have. If people do not express their opinions, then how would other people know their dislikes and likes. Because you don't agree, you call in moaning.


    Well I don't make the mistake of calling someone else's opinion wrong as you do. Opinions are like a**holes - everyone has one but that doesn't mean they HAVE to be aired / respected. That goes for mine aswell as yours.

    I respect your wish to voice you opinion but I am not so arrogant as you to expect that it has to count for anything.

    Phuket is well aware of all the bad things you and others perceive. Should they be changed? Well its not your decision is it? Its called self determination and sovereignty. You can tell someone they are going to shoot themselves in their foot but it is none of your business whether they end up doing it or not. It ain't your foot.

    This forum is for the use of people to air their concerns and seek out more information of Phukets offerings.

    I would expect you of all people would understand Phukets needs, but it seems that I was wrong on that score.

    Phuket might be aware of what's happening around them, but it is people like you that criticise the changes needed that holds Phuket back.

    I am glade that you are happy with your existence here on Phuket, as I was once.

    Stop comparing phuket and people with ass-holes a feet, and look more at Phuket with an open mind, and stop being so melodramatic. :o


  12. I do my part by walking as much as I can and by putting my trash in a garbage bin. Positive change starts by example. Instead of pissing on the locals, how about the foreigners consider simple things like not leaving their garbage at the beach, not tossing their ciggie remains all over the place or screaming at people? My Thai friends do use the trash bin and they do try to be responsible, but how do you think they feel when they see some slob tourist leave his crap behind?

    Phuket is in large part a reflection of the people it attracts. Short timers come to live fast, party hard and then bugger off. They do this at every resort destination. it is not unique to Thailand.

    You want change? Then start with your own life. The rest will fall into place.[/quote]

    Very nicely put. So its farangs that litter up Phuket.

    That's the best laugh I have had today, :o open your eyes to the type of rubbish that litters Phuket.

    From: Usually behind the dog. Why tell everybody about your fornication habits with K 9s. Are you some sort of sicko or what? :D

    Or is it you only shoot your mouth off while standing behind your dog? :D

    You started it, not me. :D


  13. I have to say, even for you Syl, you have made a decent point.

    As I see it, until Phuket enters the realms of reality and the people of importance start to give a shit (and not pocket so much cash), then this island will steadily decline. Even more so with a nice juicy recession.

    Thanks for that johnboy72. Its nice to know that not all TV members think that I talk out of my natal cleft.
  14. What tourists perceive is on offer by way of promotions from holiday magazines, Internet holiday sites, etc. is in most cases not what they expected ounce over here, and tend to push it aside in order to still enjoy their well earned holiday.

    I would say a large number of tourists return for one thing only. ( Well not only one thing! ) And almost all expats settle in Phuket for the one thing that they came to Thailand for in the first place. You can take that from an expat who has done the same....... So what, are we still in denial?

    What is so wrong about wanting what is best for yourself & your family, as long as your not hurting others in the process.

    Thaiwanderer, you are so wrong in your comments, maybe Thailand should have a public health warning on advertisements, like a packet of cigarettes have. If people do not express their opinions, then how would other people know their dislikes and likes. Because you don't agree, you call in moaning.


  15. Phuket needs less pontificating Farangs.

    If that is the case then Phuket should not aim the tourist industry at the farang market, then us farangs wont be so dogmatic towards Phuket.

    Try to understand what farangs expect from their holidays in Phuket and stop thinking about what Thais expect from farang tourists.

    Open your ears and act, then there will not be any need for pontificating.


  16. I have not much to say on this subject that I haven't already said in the past.

    One thing that I do know is that the OP posted this thread to promote Sichon.

    I believe the OP has a few business interests in Sichon and most of his comments about phuket is unfounded.

    So call me what you may, but I think the OP is a troll.


  17. Phuket Needs More Sustainability to Become a World Class Destination.

    Phuket Needs:

    1: Having a beautiful and undeteriorated destination.

    2: Having and maintaining the unique Thai customs and culture to worldwide tourists.

    3: Having an unpolluted environment.

    4: Having safe from crimes, accident and sanitary.

    5: Having enough infrastructures and facilities to offer good quality standards .

    6: Having a good transportation system.

    7: Having a worldwide telecommunication system.


    Phuket has a very low average compatibility with the aspirations of sustainable development and should be improved.

    The government should give powers to localities for the purpose of independence and self judgment of local affairs without corruption or compromise. Phuket should promote and encourage public participation in the preservation and protection of the quality of the environment in accordance with the persistent development principle, as well as the control and elimination of pollution affecting public sanitary situations for quality of life.

    Fat cat tour operators and hoteliers should pay more taxes that should go back towards the upkeep and protection of Phukets environment and infrastructure.

    It is imperative to adopt a controlled growth construction strategy for tourism development.

    Maybe Phuket has gone past the point of return!

    Please feel free to add your views or more recommendations.


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