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Posts posted by HappyThaiLife

  1. This is not a troll, this is a scam that has been going on for awhile here in Thailand.

    It happened to me once in a tourist spot. A young thai woman and a young thai/italian man approached me on the street (he mentioned he was 1/2 italian, who knows?). I smiled and knew it was a scam at the start so I played along. I scratched 3 cards; 1st and 2nd cards were not winners but hey, lucky me, the 3rd card was a winner! And these two scammers basically jumped up and down, smiled, got really excited for me and then said we must go to their office. I then grabbed the other cards from her hand and asked if I could scratch some more...they said no. So I offered them 100 Baht and while they were wondering about this lunatic falang, I scratched about 4 more cards until the man got a bit angry and grabbed them back. He asked me why I scratched more cards when I already won! I told him I scratched more because less people could be scammed. He said it was not a scam, it was his girlfriend's job. I then told him to piss off as I wasn't in the mood to talk crap anymore on the street. She seemed upset but that was just a pouty act to grab my cash. I then motioned to a police officer down the street and told them I would go and give the policeman 10K Baht just to watch them get grabbed by the police. They ran up the street, jumped on their scooter and swore at me as they rode by. I was laughing hysterically. The policeman saw this and came up to me so we went to the volunteer tourist police and I told a Brit fella the story. He heard it all before and cautioned me on being so abrupt with them; he told me I should have just walked away. But these two scammers were persitent and it was broad daylight on a crowded street so I thought...what the hel_l, lets scratch a few cards!

    As for getting a refund? Forget it. Chalk it up to experience and go back to Aussie.

  2. Strange people mention it is the same all over the world as regards taxi fares at airports , a few flights back my arrival time was 12 am and my family interpreted that as noon hour , no one came at midnight so as the taxis finished at 12 am I was obliged to hire a limo . The driver was a bloody comedian and entertained me during the 2 hour plus journey from the airport to my home in southern Ontario , the fare was $160.00 cd ( approx. B560) , no rip off there .

    Only once in 7 years did I have a problem with a BKK taxi driver who refused to switch on the meter , I asked him to stop and let me out but he refused , the first time he had to stop at a light I got out and gave him B50 . always insisted meter on BEFORE closing the door after that .

    Dumball - 2hrs taxi in mooseland would be about $160 = approx 5,000 Baht. In thailand 2hrs taxi = about 1,500 Baht, neg.

    bkk is easy...airport first level = taxis with meters. 300 Baht to Silom/Sathorn. negotiate taxi to Pattaya or beyond.

    in bkk, always grab one on the street and use meter; don't grab one waiting outside a club/bar

    Phuket? Don't like the joint. Ditto Samui; tourist rip-off spots i reckon. Go elsewhere...

  3. Report to the police since you've got the details and hopefully the taxi driver's details too as a witness...the rest is up to them.

    Whilst I do not condone anyone waving a sword in a threathening manner for a minor incident, I also think the OP need to remember the taxi was waiting for him and presumably obstructing traffic? Perhaps a "thanks for your patience and sorry for blocking traffic" gesture may have been more appropriate than a "relax dude" look. Sorry that you are "im tired of thais thinking their generals in the third reich even when theire half your size..." but perhaps some locals are tired of farangs thinking it's quite OK to block traffic.

    bad advice i reckon...

    don't report it...walk away. always smile...it costs nothing. the fella with the sword may actually hurt you...and he is related to some man in brown

  4. Discussing the matter with your wife or girlfriend would be the best course of action. Computer based translations are often inaccurate.
    We don't discuss much at all. I might get no answer, or a wrong answer. I might make him lose face. He is no dummy, but reads very slowly and re-reads. He doesn't read much at all.

    I see that as well...she reads slowly and re-reads, then again, she doesn't read much in thai. She works in english, is fluent and therefore writes many work and personal emails in english. Very few thai books around, many english, but I think that is her personal preference...

    As for face....hmmmm, that is another story...wow, a large topic and one that I find very much fun with her. I don't mind losing face...

  5. Discussing the matter with your wife or girlfriend would be the best course of action. Computer based translations are often inaccurate.
    We don't discuss much at all. I might get no answer, or a wrong answer. I might make him lose face. He is no dummy, but reads very slowly and re-reads. He doesn't read much at all.

    I see that as well...she reads slowly and re-reads, then again, she doesn't read much in thai. She works in english, is fluent and therefore writes many work and personal emails in english. Very few thai books around, many english, but I think that is her personal preference...

    As for face....hmmmm, that is another story...wow, a large topic and one that I find very much fun with her. I don't mind losing more face...

  6. this wishful thinking at best

    samui is dead (ok just 80 % of the places not all true) and its not looking like this will change anytime soon

    better for living here for locals in quality of life but incomes are way way down that's for sure

    This article is another PR campaign to boost confidences... however, it is completely false. We haven't hit the bottom yet, definitely not.

    Hotel prices are a bargain and deals are everywhere. The big spenders are just not in thailand at the moment.

  7. Housing prices expected to rise 6-10% next year

    BANGKOK: -- Housing prices are expected rise by 6-10 per cent next year in part due to reduced launches by property developers, particularly small ones, according to a bank executive.

    Siam Commercial Bank (SCB) executive vice president Rungrueng Sukkerdpiboon for retail lending products said interest rates are forecast to edge up and the government's measures to stimulate the property sector through tax reductions are unlikely to be extended next year.

    Simultaneously, prices of construction materials have begun to increase.

    These factors could fuel housing prices next year.

    He said SCB has targeted making Bt55 billion in loans for new homes this year. In the first nine months of the year, the bank had already loaned Bt40 billion in the housing market.

    Mr Rungrueng said he believed non-performing loans would continue to decline as the economic slowdown had not made it difficult for customers in the housing group to service debts.

    NPLs in SCB's housing loan portfolio are projected to remain below 2.5 per cent of the outstanding loans for this year.

    In the first nine months of 2009, NPLs stood at 2.5 per cent against 2.6-2.7 per cent at the end of the previous year, he said.


    -- TNA 2009-11-03

    The is a typical example of irrational propaganda intended to bolster the weakening Thai estate market. Most of the article doesn't make sense at all.

    The unnamed "bank executive" that was quoted in this article should be demoted to sweeping floors. He obviously didn't take economics 101 in college(if he ever attended college in the first place!).

    He was named twice in the article. Or am I seeing things which aren't there? Mind you, I agree that he is talking rubbish. I bet he was smiling when he said it, a sure indicator that he is talking crap

    I think this banker ought to start looking for a position on the survivor banker show. That is a fantasy show where interest rates increase, prices increase while no one is buying. The winner ends up flipping burgers at MacDonalds...

  8. Either way, the production cost of houses may go up. So what? The costs could go up 1000%, but all that would mean is that no one could afford them and developers wouldn't make any money, demand and prices for older houses would go up.

    Eureka! You have pointed out the reason I am expecting the value of my condo units to increase 15-18% next year, and doubling in 2015.

    Location, location, location for condos in Bangkok. By 2015, hopefully all of the condo projects that have just started now will have sold out. I wish you luck. :)

    How many stalled/unfinished condo units are there in bkk? I can count more than 2 hands worth from my window...

  9. This is in keeping with the (confirmed) idea that property bubbles are forming in a number of countries throughout the region so perhaps not as silly as it seems.

    Optimists? Property bubbles? That sounds good.

    Well, maybe you should be working for GM.

    The bottom line is what buyers are willing to do.

    Where are the buyers? Thais? Foreigners?

    The real estate market has not yet hit bottom.

    I agree entirely... we haven't hit bottom yet... I've been researching it for only 1.5 years and I can see that clearly...

  10. Housing prices expected to rise 6-10% next year

    BANGKOK: -- Housing prices are expected rise by 6-10 per cent next year in part due to reduced launches by property developers, particularly small ones, according to a bank executive.

    Siam Commercial Bank (SCB) executive vice president Rungrueng Sukkerdpiboon for retail lending products said interest rates are forecast to edge up and the government's measures to stimulate the property sector through tax reductions are unlikely to be extended next year.

    Simultaneously, prices of construction materials have begun to increase.

    These factors could fuel housing prices next year.

    He said SCB has targeted making Bt55 billion in loans for new homes this year. In the first nine months of the year, the bank had already loaned Bt40 billion in the housing market.

    Mr Rungrueng said he believed non-performing loans would continue to decline as the economic slowdown had not made it difficult for customers in the housing group to service debts.

    NPLs in SCB's housing loan portfolio are projected to remain below 2.5 per cent of the outstanding loans for this year.

    In the first nine months of 2009, NPLs stood at 2.5 per cent against 2.6-2.7 per cent at the end of the previous year, he said.


    -- TNA 2009-11-03

    Don't mean to sound pessimistic...but I don't believe one iota of this. It is a PR campaign to get people buying. They can't give away houses, land or condos at the moment. A buyers market still...

  11. Prosecution order on Saxena delayed due to technicalities

    Public prosecutors have asked police to comply with two legal technicalities before deciding on the prosecution order against Indian fraud suspect Rakesh Saxena, chief prosecutor Seksan Bangsomboon said on Wednesday.

    The five-member prosecution panel found two flaws in the police report on Saxena's involvement in embezzling Bt1.6 billion from the defunct Bangkok Bank of Commerce in 1996.

    First the translated transcript of the police report has to be revised. Second police have not complete the prescribed steps for notifying the charges to Saxena as per Article 134 of the Criminal Procedural Code.

    The notification of charges is incomplete due to the fact that Saxena was just sent back from Canada on Friday. It is expected to take no more than three days to revise the translation and notify Saxena his charges.


    -- The Nation 2009/11/04

    He'll probably get acquitted and then Thaksin will return...

  12. Tonight me and my girlfriend had planned to go to Queen Sirikit park for Loy Kratong. We had planned to go at 8:00 but then at 8:00 her sister called and said she wanted to eat with her. My girlfriend asked me to go, I declined and told them to call me when they were done, and I said I didn't mind if her sister came with us to Queen Sirikit Park. So I get a call at about 8:40 that they are done eating and I go and meet them. We then walk to their apartment so her sister could change and then walk to her sisters work (none of this planned but whatever). We are standing around forever waiting outside her sisters work and finally 6 Thai girls come out and my girlfriend and joins them and motions for me to come over. They then all start talking in Thai and saying up to you up to you, they are trying to figure out where to go as only Thai's can do. They finally decide upon Suan Lum Night Bizaare, a place I have no particular affection for and can't see the point of visiting on Loy Kratong. So they all start piling into taxi's and I make sure most of them are gone before I tell my girlfriend I'd rather go home and work - I said I wanted her to have fun with her friends and it would be odd for me to be the lone guy with 8 girls. She seemed upset about this and tried to resist getting in the taxi but I told her to go and come back to my place when she was finished. A secondary reason for me not going was that I'm sure I would have been expected to pick up the tab for whatever drinking they did - something I don't mind for 2 or 3 people but 9 is a bit much. However I wouldn't have minded if there were at least one or two other guys there.

    So my question is, is she going to lose face with her friends when they all arrive at Suan Lum and I'm not there? Was I a dick for doing this or would other guys have done the same thing?

    You did the right thing I reckon. You two should have spent the evening with each other...I did with my gf. 9 girls is a bit much and you had to wait for them as well.

    However, I read some of your other comments and wonder what sort of deal you have with your gf? You set the precedent in past that you always pay for her friends? I don't do that; no chance. I'll pay the odd time with one of her friends.

    You mentioned that you could have one of your friends and she would be back at your feet? Well, if that is really the case, she could be just playing you for your wallet and that is YOUR problem not hers. You let it happen; it is your wallet.

    Curious what sort of girl she is? Office/restaurant/pub job? or BG? Farang hunter?

    If you are on a wallet based relationship...look out, you are in for a fall soon enough. There is always someone out there with a larger wallet and more...

  13. Tonight me and my girlfriend had planned to go to Queen Sirikit park for Loy Kratong. We had planned to go at 8:00 but then at 8:00 her sister called and said she wanted to eat with her. My girlfriend asked me to go, I declined and told them to call me when they were done, and I said I didn't mind if her sister came with us to Queen Sirikit Park. So I get a call at about 8:40 that they are done eating and I go and meet them. We then walk to their apartment so her sister could change and then walk to her sisters work (none of this planned but whatever). We are standing around forever waiting outside her sisters work and finally 6 Thai girls come out and my girlfriend and joins them and motions for me to come over. They then all start talking in Thai and saying up to you up to you, they are trying to figure out where to go as only Thai's can do. They finally decide upon Suan Lum Night Bizaare, a place I have no particular affection for and can't see the point of visiting on Loy Kratong. So they all start piling into taxi's and I make sure most of them are gone before I tell my girlfriend I'd rather go home and work - I said I wanted her to have fun with her friends and it would be odd for me to be the lone guy with 8 girls. She seemed upset about this and tried to resist getting in the taxi but I told her to go and come back to my place when she was finished. A secondary reason for me not going was that I'm sure I would have been expected to pick up the tab for whatever drinking they did - something I don't mind for 2 or 3 people but 9 is a bit much. However I wouldn't have minded if there were at least one or two other guys there.

    So my question is, is she going to lose face with her friends when they all arrive at Suan Lum and I'm not there? Was I a dick for doing this or would other guys have done the same thing?

    You did the right thing I reckon. You two should have spent the evening with each other...I did with my gf. 9 girls is a bit much and you had to wait for them as well.

    However, I read some of your other comments and wonder what sort of deal you have with your gf? You set the precedent in past that you always pay for her friends? I don't do that; no chance. I'll pay the odd time with one of her friends.

    You mentioned that you could have one of your friends and she would be back at your feet? Well, if that is really the case, she could be just playing you for your wallet and that is YOUR problem not hers. You let it happen; it is your wallet.

    Curious what sort of girl she is? Office/restaurant/pub job? or BG? Farang hunter?

    If you are on a wallet based relationship...look out, you are in for a fall soon enough. There is always someone out there with a larger wallet and more...

  14. I love how so many people have found this guy guilty already.

    not things went bad with the bank, he was an advisor, well he was out of the country, please correct me if I am wrong but he is not Thai???

    I wonder how many of the people that were guilty pointed the finger at him???

    advisors dont normaly get to sign the checks or transfer the money!!!!

    as for his day in court, we will wait to see as I can see something along the lines of a plea bargin going on here, I bet he does not so much of have dirt on people but more of a sespool of information!!!

    I for one will wait and see before I class him guilty, after all I would like to think that all are inosent untill proven guilty. to many people here judge and exacute people I hope they never get to do jury duty!!!

    this will be a fair trial bring in the guilty!!!

    Ah... I think the fellas track record shows what sort of person he is...(or was)

    he has had his holiday in canada and now has to face the music. unfortunately that music could have many lyrics. with enough money, he could dance to his own tune in thailand...

    i consider him lucky...deemed under "house" arrest in a $ 1.5M Vancouver house?

    fair trial? dont be so naive bangkokumpalumpa. impossible to have a fair trail now, anywhere, and certainly not in thailand. he'll buy his way out of this one... he is a lucky guy

  15. wow, it is interesting to read these posts. The different opinions certainly show what kind of thinking is out there...

    To me, different countries or cultures make no real difference; there are difficulties, yes, but honestly I believe that the original common ground is important, the family element, our environments that we were brought up in (meaning parents), our morals, ethics, abilities, respect, trust and compassion...those are the things that are important...those are the things that start a union off well and then make us happy. When we lower our standards and ONLY consider wealth, possessions and image...well, we all know what occurs eventually...

  16. Happy: I have read evey single post already, I know it's not real. When I said "nice handsome rich gentlemen" that was a joke! - not emphasising, since most of us are anything than rich. More the attitude of foreigners ourselves, than the native.

    I missed the point of your multiple criteria?? ok whatever lol. I dont have many criteria my gf must meet (only honest and desent) as I am not shopping. I am not jumping into relationship, but take my time, and build it from friendship over months. Gold diggers is simply not an issue if one use time as friends first. Seems that you have too many demands or in a hurry, therefore you go through all these relationship.

    When 2 last only 1 week, was it real love or lust only?

    Why did 2 only last 1 week, and another 1 lasted only 1 month?

    If your "manual to succeed" is working, why the above?

    You had more gf in 3 years than I had living here 9 years ... :)

    (Sorry mate, not being personal, but after all YOU started this topic)

    Still I would not started this thread. I am still learning every day. And there is no "manual" how to make a relationship shure / guaranteed or whatever you will call it. But I dont see financial issues with my relationship as I set the limits from day 1. Telling her and her family that I am not Thaksin. Tell them the extra expences we foreigners have living here, compared to Thais. Not buy everything she want just to get her to love me more. Be fair rather than extragavant works better IMO. That might be why I dont have to pass any money requirements as a2396 mentioned. I use time as friends first before going into a relationship. In that time I never throw money around, but doing as I would back home (pay dinner/movie - but no gold or mobile).

    Get it? Well, it works for me, but still no "manual to succeed" for others. :D


    Yeah mate, I think you got it? The entire story was a fable... even the part about 5 gfs in 3 years...

    I was alluding to the fact that:

    To me, different countries or cultures make no real difference; there are difficulties, yes, but honestly I believe that the original common ground is important, the family element, our environments that we were brought up in (meaning parents), our morals, ethics, abilities, respect, trust and compassion...those are the things that are important...those are the things that start a union off well and then make us happy. When we lower our standards and only consider simply wealth, possessions and image...well, we all know what occurs eventually...

    Thats the deal as I see it... some people (men & women) think wealth, possessions and their image will make them and their partner happy; that is what they use to attract the oposite sex...they soon find out that they have lost the match before the game began... a bit of humility and compassion goes a long way, especially with a woman. forget that you have money, things and a 6 pack with the hair to match...that stuff aint real fellas...it is fake shit and that wont make you happy with a woman...

  17. quote from OP:

    I just rejected 4 out of 5 women in 3 years rather than ending up being their ATM. And those foreign men in the LOS that feel the same can understand this I'm sure.


    Op:How many women should we reject before we found one suitable for us nice handsome rich gentlemen?

    How high should the criteria be?

    Whatever nationality the lady has, I am worried that most of us would end up alone if we followed your advice. I feel you lack understanding for the native and their situation. And we foreigners love to judge them, rather than try to put ourselves in their situation.

    1 more quote from OP:

    I've been in LOS for about 3 years and have gone through about 4 girlfriends. 2 lasted mere weeks, 1 lasted 2 months, 1 lasted 7 months.


    Op: "gone through"? Might it be that the lady could feel that your sincerity was not there?

    Turn the table: what if the ladies should test us nice handsome rich gentleman in a similar way?

    Max2000 - Sorry mate, go back and read page 2 onwards. This entire post was a ploy...the story is NOT REAL...it was meant to show that monetary tests are the reasons why things go bad...dont judge by country or culture...dont attract by wealth, possessions, image...

    To answer your questions...

    Who cares if you are rich? All falang here are deemed rich. Why bother emphasising it here? It doesn't matter and makes things worse for you.

    Criteria? Are you shopping for a boat, car or negotiating a stock option? You missed the point of this point entirely...go back from page 2.

    Alone? Tonight I was out with my gf and we met up with various friends. Among them were about 7 single thai women; all with office jobs. I asked my gf...4 of them would date falang, 3 wouldn't date a falang. Made me wonder why these women were single... where are the good falang men they asked? And they also said...don't want no butterfly.

    Get it?

  18. I am deeply humbled that so many people have read about the death of my son and have taken the time to comment and send condolences. Thank you all for your kindness.

    It is true that we asked the authorities and the British Embassy in Bangkok to plea to the Thai Court that Paul's murderess should be excused the death penalty - we could not see the sense or purpose of another young life being taken needlessly.

    Renu Tabtim who stabbed Paul through the heart with a knife was released in June 2009 having served just over 6 years imprisonment including her time on remand.

    Perhaps this is not an excessive sentence for such a wicked act but this is the judgment of Thailand and we abide by the decision.

    Nearly 300 people attended Paul's funeral service in our parish church in Bury and recently a small memorial rockery was placed at the head of our cul-de-sac by neighbours.

    We know that soon we will need to empty Paul's wardrobes and go through his belongings in his room, we are dreading this moment and not able to face it yet.

    An innocent and treasured life was extinguished on that terrible morning in February 2003 and we are still unable to understand the reason or come to terms with our loss. Paul's death seems so pointless really.

    Many thanks for this update; I can only imagine how difficult it must be to write this.

    Could you please let the forum know more about Renu Tabtim? Her location, photo? I realise this is not a very nice thing to ask but it could help someone in future...honestly.

  19. Came across a report on this murder while Googling for something else. Just wondering what the outcome of the trial was. Does anyone know?

    Thank you so much for your interest in my son's death.

    Paul went to Thailand to teach English, his mum and I bought his airline tickets and pre-paid his hotel costs as a Christmas present. In December 2003 his murderer received 18 years imprisonment which was reduced to 12 years for her original plea of 'guilty' when she was first questioned by the authorities. She told the police that she killed Paul because she was jealous that he was speaking to two British women.

    This wicked act took away a wonderful young life and totally destroyed our family. Our lives and hopes for the future are now in ruins.

    Paul is now buried in a peaceful woodland cemetery in east Manchester, England.

    The autopsy found no drug in Paul's body, this was confirmed by the British coroner.

    My deepest sympathies.

    She should have received the death penalty.

  20. Sad, if a man feel the need to "test" his prospective wife, whatever nationality she is. If the trust isn't there from the beginning, how can it ever be more than only "prospective"?

    Keep your eyes open shure is a good thing, but from that to check her every move day and night?

    If a man have to test her past history down to the smallest detail, honesty, etc, isn't it doomed from day 1?

    Divorce rate are high worldwide, whatever nationality you choose.

    Sorry Dr.Ruth, I dont buy your reasoning for starting this topic.

    Agree with all mate.

    He didn't mention check her every move day and night.

    He started this topic as it is a forum, an open forum, simply. Check this one out:


  21. i don't know the answer, and it begs the question, but that is for another thread i will not bother to write.

    Oh, go on please, I've only lived here since 1990, I could do with an experienced view.

    I really appreciate your input, it's certainly made me sit up, or wake up.

    I kicked my Missus out this morning just in case she was in for the long term scam ! She protested, she held up my child and asked how could I be so heartless, I logged into ThaiVisa, pointed out a few threads to her saying what a bad person she was, because she's Thai and these threads were written by Farangs, and Farangs are right, right ?

    Us Farangs can't take any chances, cos we all know that all Thais are out to get us....

    Any discount one way fares back to UK ?

    Maigo6 - hmmmm, not sure I believe this... I reckon you are making this crap up.

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