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Posts posted by jasonstod

  1. I am currently in a long distance relationship and just recently got married. We've been together well over a year and i have been away for 95% of the time. We talk on a daily basis and although it is very hard being away from each other, i would say that it makes the relationship stronger when we do get to spend time together. We only get to see each other every 4 months or so and then its only for a couple of weeks. Trust is the biggest concern. You have to truly trust the one you are with. I know that I can call my wife at any time of the night or day and she is there and willing to talk about anything. I say yes it can absolutely work! Follow your heart and trust your instincts. I am soo glad that we decided to make this work, my life has never been better!

  2. oooo... i almost forgot, one thing that i think would make it better or sometimes easier to use is more of a BROWSE feature. Being able to browse through words would be GREAT! Maybe this is in the new version but if not...hey MIKE....(hint, hint) BROWSE FEATURE...

  3. Whats up everyone,

    I have purchased this and I am pretty happy with it. I was a little saddened by the change in the online version. When I am at work I sometimes go to the online version if my wife doesn't understand a particular word and it WAS great! I haven't been there in a couple of days as i started using another site while i'm at work. I guess i need to update my paid version if there is a new one out there.

    I am pleased with the first version i paid for! i hope this new one is better!!

  4. My very first trip to Thailand was extended an extra week because of the good old yellow shirts. lol Did it really effect me? NOT AT ALL! I have been back on a number of other occasions and never truly worried about it. I am no expert but I say go to Thailand and ENJOY!! If you hear about something on the news, just plan for something else in a different area!! ALL TOO EASY!!! Thailand is GREAT!!

  5. Amusing posts!!!

    I see that this is a very touching subject. The whole weight thing only gets to me when you get these cocky gym freaks that start running their mouths on these boards. LOL Yes, I am overweight, i do not consider myself extremely obese or anything. I am of course not an average size man, but i would put just about any amount of money that i could out run a good majority of the so called "average" yet lazy guys who have all the free time in the world to post on here...lol. My wife and I are in our mid 30's and I have done some time with the good old US Army, so i know what it means to be lean and mean...just now that i'm out i too have gotten a little lazy and it shows. I'm just here to stir peoples brains and have a little fun.

    There was someone who wanted to know more about me, well i don't see how that matters any. But unlike the majority of people here, my wife is actually a couple years older than I am and yes, I make a healthy living for the time being. When I came to Thailand I didn't go around flashing money like a lot of people I have seen. And it's unfortunate but those are the people who get taken and maybe they deserve it.

    After a while of being together I made it a point to talk about money and expectations for the future and so she is fully aware that if she was looking for someone with money she was hangin around the wrong person. I made it clear that I make just the average wage, and I can not afford to go out shopping everyday or partying every night. She is not worried about that. She is more interested in having children, starting a family...and away from Thailand because I have met her family and some of them...well...i'm sure we all have questionable family members.

    I don't want to get too deep into my personal life here, but there was a time that I actually had to ask her for a hefty chunk of money because I could not access mine and there was absolutely no hesitation. Just a little more that lets me know I have the perfect woman.

    I would also be willing to be that most of the people who do pass judgment on others are also not happy with themselves for whatever reason. I say stop worrying about others and do like your mother told you, "if you don't have anything nice to say....DON'T say anything" it works...trust me. LOL!

    Keep it coming people, I know there are those out there that pick apart every word in a post and try to assume this or that....its amusing!!


    Your note: "Or should we only be with fat women?" suggests that there is something wrong with fat women. But, it does not appear to be saying there is something wrong with women. So, in it's context, you give the impression that there is something wrong with fat. If there is something wrong with fat, then you have answered your own post.

    no no no lol. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with people who are fat. What I assume from other peoples posts are that fat people are only supposed to be with people of the same physical build. lol

    I understand that in any relationship, women would rather have a little financial security even if it means giving up a little on the physical appearance. Really, what woman would honestly want to start a relationship/family with someone who doesn't have a job? :)

  7. Mooncake, I was just asking the question why soo many people make it out to be a big deal. My first assumption when I read peoples posts about this is that "oh, I guess overweight people aren't supposed to love or be loved or have any sort of relationship." I dunno, I had to vent a little today. lol

    I do have to say that I don't think that all fat people come to Thailand simply because it's easier. You ever see that white girl back at home that only likes black guys? It's almost like that for me, I am attracted to Thai women!!

  8. Didn't expect many replies!! lol..some interesting thoughts and some funny!! dumball....lets not make that assumption either...i'd hate to prove ya wrong lol. I'm not tryin to justify myself here but i like to think that while i may be a little overweight and considered by Thai's to be Poong pooi or uan or whatever but i happen to be pretty good lookin and very active for my size, at anyrate lol, keep it coming yall. i know personally two people can truly and deeply love each other for whats goin on INSIDE the book ya know.

  9. As you all can see I don't post much on here, but I do a lot of reading. I find something hard to understand that seems to be a "big" subject of discussion. Why do people make the assumption that because a man is fat he should not be with a Thai woman or that the Thai woman would not want to be with a fat guy unless it is for of money??? You know, this is not just Thai women either. When people anywhere around the world see a beautiful woman with an over weight man they assume she is only in it for money. So, I guess men who do not fit the "average" should not be with any woman? Or, should we only be with fat women? I would also guess that because we do not fit the "average", we have no personality or no charm or intelligence or.....what is it, really? So people are only supposed to fall in love based on physical appearance? I'm just looking for a little help in understanding some people's posts. It's not just on this site I read over on Bangkok Post as well and it just blows my mind the things I read. Regardless of what some of yall think, people CAN connect in other ways than just physically. My wife has explained to me time and time again that she has been with the "sexy" man type, and they all are SHIT! Ego's bigger than Texas, don't treat their women with any kind of respect. At any rate, like I said before, I'm just looking for a little help in understanding other people's posts..........

  10. This is all too funny...i mean..you guys are all right that if this was switched around it would be a far greater case. I just know that when i was in that age range....i was very curious about sex and i know its not just me. i would venture to say that most young males around 13-15 have seen some sort of porno and are curious. Unless the the kid was forced into doing it i don't think this should be that big of an issue...the boy should have just said "holy shnikies....thank you!" but...just like all men...when we get something we like we have to tell our buddies....its just a part of life. I also think that parents now are soo paranoid they hinder child development and experiences...sex is a natural thing and is just plainly put...a part of life.. If it is forced on someone that is another issue, but i dunno....thats my two cents.....


  11. Hey everyone!

    My name is Jason and....i'm an alcoholic. OK not really but i am new to this whole forum thing. I've been reading this forum for a few months and now i think its time for me to come out of my shell and get krazy.. Just so everyone knows a little about me, i'm kind of a smartmouth but i try to keep it in a fun way. I am from the USA if you couldn't notice from my American english. But i work and live in Iraq for now. I find it interesting to read the way other people talk from other countries. At any rate....the name's Jason or fatboy, pillsbury, azzhole, MadMan, you say it i'll probly respond to it. :o I look forward to shootin the shiz with yall.

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