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Posts posted by marklane

  1. Ive had my xmas dinner in the Shamrock in Lamai for the last two years and also had the Thanksgiving dinner there recently.Believe me you will not be disappointed.I would book as early as possible as i have,been sold out the last two years.Enjoy and dont have any breakfast on the day,Merry Christmas !

  2. mmmmmmm Roast turkey dinner.Ive already booked mine at the Samui Shamrock in Lamai.390bt with dessert,from 7pm.San Miguel beer promotion and live music later.I hear theyve quite a few bookings so i would book ahead if you want table seating but im sure if you dont mind sitting at the bar it wont be a problem to just turn up.Enjoy!

  3. Hello all,im looking for quality food menu holders,three and a half leaf,leather bound with brass corners,does anybody know where i can buy them.I need 25 in all.Thanks in advance for your help,Mark


  4. Yes they are from the immigration dept but have decided to to a little freelancing :-).They are looking for any little problem with work permits,but especially live music permits which a lot of bars do not have.If you dont have all your paperwork in order be prepared to come to some "arrangement" and all your problems will disappear, along with your profits !

  5. I would recommend Island books across from the 2nd hand shop in Lamai.I get all my books there as theres a great buy back system.Paul from Liverpool is a good lad and he has a hugh selection of books.He also serves drinks and has seating for maybe 20 people.He might even give you a special deal.

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