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Posts posted by wolf5370

  1. I just listened to a recording of the shooting at the cafe. LINK

    1. I believe there were more than 30 shots which would indicate more than one gun because Ak-47's, M-16's and AK-74's tend to have magazines that hold either 20 or 30 rounds.

    2. Some of the bursts sounded like semiautomatic i.e. one trigger pull for each shot.

    3. A couple of bursts sounded fully automatic, machine gun style.

    4. All of the shots sounded like smaller caliber than AK-47's as in M-16 or AK-74. But, it's a low quality recording so nothing is sure. It didn't sound like AK-47 which has a deeper sound but a slower moving, larger bullet.

    5. I believe I heard AK-74's or M-16's.

    (An AK-74 is built on the same platform as an AK-47, but the bullet is smaller and faster and has a greater range. It is similar ballistically to the M-16 but not as accurate.)

    I think there may have been two shooters at the cafe.

    It's hard to know what weapon was used yet. But i seriously doubt that it was something with 5.56 ammunition, that is very rare on street level in Europe, especially Scandinavia.

    Most illegal guns comes from eastern europe(Ex. Yugoslavia in particular, mostly from Zastava Arms.) And it's not the 5.56 versions, its mostly the AK-47 knock off, with folding stock(Zastava M-70).

    But in general on street level the Zastava M88 pistol is a favorite, as it is accessable and cheap. Assault rifles in Scandinavia is very rare. None the less he acquired one, its going to be interesting to know the whole story.

    He could have been using the Zastava M84, CZ Scorpion knockoff. They appear on street level sometimes as well, and is chambered in 7.65 short. But eyewitness was saying that

    they saw a apx. 100cm long plastic-like rifle, that does not sound as the M84.

    Don't forget there are a lot of European gun manufacturers too, not limited to American and Russia (Chinese knock-offs) so much as in the USA. Not sure what "Plastic-like" means, perhaps it means "looks like a toy assault rifle" in which case perhaps Belgian FAL? or if it means "strange looking/not traditional looking/futuristic" then perhaps something like the AUG HBAR (Steyr - Austrian)???

    • Like 1
  2. " bright flashes of radio waves that last only milliseconds, but still emit as much energy as the sun in an entire day. "

    What the..? Emits that much energy...in a milisecond?

    Obviously I don't understand the physics of radio waves....what equipment could handle that?

    Much bigger stars, binary systems and black holes for starters. Our sun is big to us, but is tiny compared to some suns out there - it is too small to make a black hole (or anything like one) when it eventually runs out of hydrogen.

    Interestingly if you were a super advanced alien species that wanted to send out a message far and wide - small powerful burst is the way to go, there is less scattering that way and they stay more intact. Most signals from space are very faint, this must have sent the oscilloscope off the charts!

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  3. And here we go again. For example Swedish krona have lost almost 40% against the Baht in 6 month. Why? Because the government have printed 100% more money in the last 8 years without telling the people.

    ECB does everything wrong.

    -0.2% inflation. Anyone living in EU can tell you: nothing is cheaper. How can inflation decrease while housing for example are at record level?

    We really need a French revolution and take care of the 1%ers..

    1930-1970 No economic crash. Then 1976, 81. 91, 2001, 2008.

    Why? Because money lost it value and banks gained the ability to lend out something that does not exist and get interest for in. Best business idea ever! There are even a legal case in Sweden about this.

    Fact: When bank lend you money: they don't have that money. In Sweden for example banks are required to have 0% by law. In US its 8-10%. If I for example lend 100 dollars in US, the bank only need to have 10dollars. 90 dollars created that does not exist. And somehow they get interest on it.

    Another absurd thing is that banks threat checking accounts as assets. So when I get my 100THB saliry: According to the bank THEY have 100THB and therefore they can lend out 1000 that does not exist.

    This is exactly what happens every 8-10 years now. Still today most people don't understand what happened in 2008.


    You buy a house. The bank value it at 100 dollars. They can therefore lend out 80dollars. (and again: the money they lend out: they only have 10% of it. The rest is air)

    The next day the bank calls you and say: Your house is worth 50 dollars. We can therefore only lend you 40 dollars. You have to either foreclose or pay the difference in cash.

    And when we talk hundred of thousands of dollars: People dont have that kind of money. The absurd thing is that its the bank that decides what value the house have. Even if there is a buyer who wants to pay the original price: the buyer cant get a loan for that price.

    Suddenly the bank have a "bad loan". Officially they have "lost" 50 dollars and have a house. The loss is tax deductible. The government bailed out the banks. A couple of years later: The house is worth 100 dollar and we the bank can give a loan to it.

    This is how the biggest wealth transfer in history was done. Again and again. And the winners are always the banks.

    Todays dollar: Only 3% of the total amount of money are coins and bills. The rest is "nothing". Stuff banks have created and get interest for.

    Since the banks needs to have cash to pay out to people who wants cash: If the customers want 3.000001% of all cash = the system crashes like 2008. This is the reason why they want all to pay with card. Every western countries goal is to remove all money from the society to protect this insane system,

    I dont know how it is in other countries. In Sweden: banks dont have cash anymore. I sold my house last year. Its impossible to get that money in cash. Legally I can get about 1500 dollar/week. All because the banks are protected. If the people have to much cash the system crash.

    This is why Bitcoin is such a huge treat to governments and banks.

    Banks cant lend out non existant bitcoins. Governments cant print bitcoins. Thats why they campaign against it all the time. Most security hacks against bitcoins are probably done by governments. (or more likley: MT Gox and the Silkroad owner. They have the same ethnic background. And if you check the banks 2008: same ethnic background. Just a fact).

    Take Thailand:

    One of the main reason why housing is "cheap" here is because people cant lend 80-90% of the housing price.

    The whole western economy is built on this insane hyper economy.

    Every company is recommended to have 70% debt. I buy shares in these AAA companies. Automaticly I am allowed to lend 90% of that chare price and so on and so on... They lend out far far more than the original value since this is just a money transfer.

    Today the 1% own more than 50% of ALL THE WORLDS assets.

    In Sweden: 115 years ago: State, aristocrats, church and farmers had 90% of the wealth.

    Today its the 0.7% of the population that owns over 75% of all assets. This biggest heist/money transfer have gone extremely fast.

    And yes. Its a specific inner circle that always have the money/wealth in western countries. The control media. Invented Political Correctness. "Rasism" and so on. Everything from the same Frankfurt school (just read the wiki).

    This is why the non-western world like Thai for example have a huge advantage over western countries. There are no Political correctness in Thailand. My freedom of speech is much greater here than in Sweden where they lock people up just for example pointing to academic facts. I cant even say what ethnic group that owns 90% of Swedish media. Its a fact who own it, but legally I cant say it without going to jail. "western freedom".

    Only solution is a French revolution and simply take back all assets by the 1%. Would solve all dept problems and so on.

    Then move to bitcoin or some currency that are not controlled by greedy politicians or bankers that can charge interest for something that does not exist.

    There will be an economic collapse between 2016-2018.

    It will start in the USA 2016 because of tax hikes/less money = the banks starts again with this cycle of stealing money.

    (and above is a hint why most westerners "hate" muslims. They dont have interest. Everything in western media that you read about muslims: who owns that media. What are their agena? Think and you see a funny pattern. But most people just want to live in their dreamworld. I personally am a refugee in Thailand fleeing a corrupt government in Sweden that have killed of 30% of the ethnic swedes in just 30years. Its ok. Its just evil whiteys)

    Of course this is not a new concept - just has more recently taken on monster proportions as you describe. The rot started back when coins stopped being worth their value - Lady Jane Gray was executed as a pretender to the throne although she cousin to the king and ushered in because of her religion. The reason why was that she was pushing for the shilling to be worth a shilling, which had changed very recently. Before Tudor times a coin carried its worth in metal - a golden guinea was worth a guinea in gold content - after it was less than half. Today some coins are actually worth more than their face value, which is why they are removed from tender or changed to baser metals. Notes of course have no intrinsic value, only the promise to pay. With notes came the ability to lend money that does not exist.

    There are only two ways this ends: A revolution (likely post huge global crash); or technology makes wealth obsolete. Neither likely any time soon as they are controlled with little bubble bursts that still profit the big money and decimate the poor guy on the street.

    The other thing in your time scales is that during 30-76 period you mentioned there being no crashes, the world was still reeling from and paying for the Wall Street Crash that caused (with a little help from the French and the Treaty of Versailles) the second world war.

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  4. Please do not fret, my friend. Costas, rubl & djjamie will be along shortly to explain why these measures are to be applauded and how the west is far worse.

    Did you miss me wink.png

    Actually I'm disappointed that such snooping will be allowed without a proper warrant. On the other hand sometimes time is of utmost importance. With proper justification I would allow warrants to be asked after the snooping event and insist warrants are ALWAYS asked whether before or after.

    Snooping is a hot issue for governments. The terrible attack in Paris a week ago puts pressure on governments to prevent such attacks. I'm afraid that at times freedom and security do not mix well.

    "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Benjamin Franklin, one of the original founders of The United States of America.

    But, I expected you would be along to stick up for the status quo.

    A mis-interpretation.

    I have no good answer how to balance security and freedom and looking around me neither does the 'World'. Does that mean I 'stick up' with the status-quo? Can or should I alter something in here ? Does my attitude as professed in the post I wrote before make me much different from other posters here?

    "If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh?

    If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?"
    Othello. Act III Scene I
    William Shakespiere

    Oh I really must disagree - it's Merchant of Venice Act 3 Scene 1. Shylock says it to Salarino.

    • Like 2
  5. some beer drinking/ barhopping sad farangs who hate anything thai.

    The prejudice of Issan people by farangs

    The intereference of thai politics by know all wannabees.

    The disgust of thai driving, then farang do the same

    The hatred of corruption by farangs, who then want to bribe police, and have the right to buy themselves out of trouble

    The wannabee hi-so farangs, that think they are better than thais

    What about "The prejudice of Issan people by many Thai people" ?

    Indeed, one of the reasons farangs are looked down on, sneered at and laughed at behind their backs, is because they are happy to marry a dark skinned northern lass! In fact I;ve been here a long time, and yet I have not ever heard a farang slagging of Isaan people as a group - although I have often heard Thais do exactly that. Farangs may comment on their lack of education, families being often happy with sending their young daughters off to the city brothels , and their aptness to take loans for silly things like mobile phones, parties and cars when they have no way of repaying it - however, this always seems more aimed towards the government for allowing the continuation of all that, than the people themselves.

    To BF - what is a Hi-So Wannabe? If you mean the Nouveau riche, well the west has had them longer than Thailand has existed, so who is the wannabe? If you mean poor farangs trying to look wealthy when they are not - Thais have us beat here too - just check out the monks with their bling and tech; or just about any dirt farmer with their IPad and IPhone. I agree about the corruption and driving comment however. The rest is just drivel.

    • Like 2
  6. Just a quickie, Macro Hang Dong have a special on Danish Blue - got 100G for 80 baht. Emborg Danablu (imported of course). Get it while it lasts - treating myself right now ;p

    //Edit: Jus to add - not at Deli counter, over with the milk and bulk cheese at the back right of the store

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  7. .

    In my café we would buy a tray of eggs (size 2 - 30 per tray) for 60-65 baht (seasonal) for years up until 2011. 2011 the price shot up to 105 baht (same farm - excuse was that most eggs were being mass purchased and shipped to Bangkok - this is Chiang Mai btw). Now prices are 97-102 baht per tray, with a large over surplus. Shopping around (as we do often to ensure the lowest price/quality) - and our supplier has changed their suppliers several times for the same reason - we see this the norm in the industry - at least locally.

    "Shopping around (as we do often to ensure the lowest price/quality) -"

    Nice to see that you shop around to ensure the lowest quality. Good PR for your caff.

    Shame your reading ability is not in the same league as your foot-in-the-mouth posting eh? I clearly said Price/Quality - is that sum a little difficult for you? Let me help you - if the quality is high and the price low, then that is best - or would you prefer expensive crap instead? If the price is high and the quality low, that is the worst. Everything else is a balance between price and quality - with a sweetspot at the best quality where price is not an impact to sale price of the meal. Sheesh! Some people really like to advertise they are dumb as bricks!

  8. Been here a long time, so little surprises me personally with respect to Thailand itself. What does surprise me is the tourists and new expats that fall for the same cons time and time again - with the internet brimming with stories for years, and sites like this one continually reporting people being scammed. Even world press/media broadcasting the big cons like Jet Skis etc - yet they still thrive.

    Though, having said that, peoples till fall for the Nigerian Princess type scams the world over - some people are just too naïve and gullible (and should probably stay home).

  9. In Chiang Mai

    A couple of months back size 2 were 110 bht for 30.

    Today they are 80 bht for 30.

    These announcements make no sense at all.

    Have a look here, this is the site to look for egg prices in Thailand http://www.egg-thailand.com/%E0%B8%A3%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%84%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%9B%E0%B8%A3%E0%B8%B0%E0%B8%81%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%A8.htm

    I am a whole seller for eggs in Chiang mai since 7 years

    Wow goes up and down like a yoyo on speed! As that page shows swings of more than 10 satang several times a month, why the announcement ???

  10. So Khun Arkhom had lost his bank-books??cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    As stupid as that excuse is, it is even more stupid of NACC to accept the lie!!

    1. Mr Arkhom did not declare his money on deposit when he was appointed NLA member, citing that he had lost his bank account books.

    2. Arkhom Termpittayapaisith and his wife declared total assets of Bt24.77 million upon accepting the ministerial post, according to NACC.

    Chain of events?

    So it not of public interest to know, what happened between #1 and #2 ??

    Hen found his bank book again :D ???

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  11. Two weeks ago (?) Thailand celebrated "World Egg Day" because of overproduction, and now they raise the prices!!whistling.gif

    But seriously, for the average consumer does a 20 satang hike make any difference??

    If the money end up with the farmers, I will happily pay more!

    The average consumer eats at cafes and food halls most days - especially in cities (farmers are less affected as they "grow their own" anyway). Almost every Thai meal has an egg in it somewhere. 10-20 satang per egg will push up costs to these food establishments and they will be passed along to the consumer. I.E. here it is a good single product interpretation of inflation at the street level (normal households). Eggs have also continued to rise very high since before the 2011 floods, and have seen little real reduction even though production has gone up across the country - 2011 floods was expected as demand outstripped supply; priced near doubled during that period, but after when supply and demand fell back to norms (i.e. over production!) prices fell nowhere near as much as they had risen during the crisis.

    In my café we would buy a tray of eggs (size 2 - 30 per tray) for 60-65 baht (seasonal) for years up until 2011. 2011 the price shot up to 105 baht (same farm - excuse was that most eggs were being mass purchased and shipped to Bangkok - this is Chiang Mai btw). Now prices are 97-102 baht per tray, with a large over surplus. Shopping around (as we do often to ensure the lowest price/quality) - and our supplier has changed their suppliers several times for the same reason - we see this the norm in the industry - at least locally.

    This is all due to the government price fixing - obvious by the fact that they can make statements about the price across the country and vendors! Competition breeds the best price/quality -- always has, always will.

    Eggs are where a lot of the poorer people get their protein from in this country too - raise prices further and hey will drop it from their diets altogether.

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  12. Still misses the point though. Jet Skis should have a pre-paid deposit (1 or 2k max - cars are 5k!) and insurance that covers all eventualities above and beyond the deposit; and illegal for charges outside of this and rental fee (under existing extortion laws). Sign with fixed dimensions and font size, in Thai and English explaining all that, in full sight at every rental location, along with the number of the tourist police for disputes. full stop.

    Are you sure cars are 5k. ....i just rented a car from Budget in bangkok for 4 days..they took 20 k off my credit card as prepaid deposit. .Re credited to account after return...if everything ok...and I had taken out full insurance charged separately. ...just saying.

    Yes I bet you used Hertz or some other big name eh? I rent cars several times a year (when visiter come over - between 3 and 5 times a year I guess - last time was March this year) and have done for many years - prices for rent has gone up, but the deposit stays the same - passport or 5k deposit. That is for a small Honda (like a Jazz) or equivalent - I only once hired a ORV/4X4 and the rent was more (by 200 a day) but deposit was still the same. All cars under 3 years old - as I am a regular, I usually get newest cars (free upgrades if no Jazz available) and lower rent - and all have full insurance. This is CM though. Use a high street, well known (as a resident expat if you don't know one - or ask here) car rental and the deposit will be more realistic.

  13. I was getting billed on a True post pay contract for junk texts - came to about 600 baht a month. I told True that I wanted to cancel the contract because of it, and they said they can just cancel the SMS "contracts" instead. They did that, no more charges (of course no refunds either).

    Was this a prepaid phone? In my case I haven't paid and have never agreed to pay. I remember somebody calling to ask if I was willing to receive free texts for 7 days, however they never mentioned being charged after this period and were deliberately vague. They've since rang AIS, told them somebody agreed but haven't even been able to get my name correct.

    AIS claims they are just collecting on behalf of someone else, but it's difficult to believe they don't benefit in some way.

    Erm no, post paid - as I stated. I received no requests at all, just SMS appearing on my bill with strange names that were obviously info services. I get the feeling that someone is being paid to collect subscribers for these companies, but instead just signs up any number that they can and pretend they agreed - and rake in the affiliate fees!

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  14. I was getting billed on a True post pay contract for junk texts - came to about 600 baht a month. I told True that I wanted to cancel the contract because of it, and they said they can just cancel the SMS "contracts" instead. They did that, no more charges (of course no refunds either).

  15. I once thought Abhist would have been a good PM for Thailand, but was quickly, and hugely, disappointed when he turned out to be nothing more than a "front man" for the real power brokers, and had no will of his own. Yeah, he's got the looks, he's got the personality, he's got the education, but he's lacking one vital thing - a spine. Just as Yingluck was "controlled" by her brother, Abhist was equally controlled by higher powers. Too bad, he could have been something good.

    This is partially true. Abhisit had a very weak Dem government due to the mass (and mess) or coalition partners. It is not that he didn't have a spine (he fought quite hard against the road dust damping bills from coalition partners which was a ticket to graft) - but his hands were pretty much tied by his partners and his own party, and he had only a few months to get policy done before the Red mist descended on the Capital!

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  16. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    EricBerg post #7

    Mr. Abhisit had his chance as pm. He could not do the job.

    Indeed true but why could he not do his job?

    Because there was a campaign being conducted, financed and orchestrated by one person to establish a new ruling political dynasty family.


    Abhisit failed because he was self serving and beholden to a power elite that were determined that the great mass of the Thai population should not have a valid voice in the way they were governed.

    Every academic study of the last two elections has determined the last two elections were the fairest and most representative elections in Thai history - the people voted for whom they wanted in power. You may not like it, and it may not agree with your parallel-worldview, but so be. You stating otherwise over and over in these forums won't change that.

    you have a good point about to whom he was beholden.

    in my opinion, his one and only job had nothing to do with "ruling" - his one and only (real) job was to win the next election. This would have given the royalists and their military backers some legitimate claim to a mandate and to a democratic facade. In this he failed miserably.

    Whenever the next junta constitution is ready, this gentleman will probably run for the ant-democrats again. And if the table is tilted hard enough in one direction, he might just win.

    But given Abihisit's proven track record of political/campaigning incompetence, if he does win, then it will be due to an overwhelming advantage built into the system.

    I'm waiting on the next constitution... I don't think the junta will make the same mistake as in the 2007 version.

    His campaigning might not be so incompetent now that he would be able to actually campaign in the north and east without being attacked by militant Thakisnites!

    Of course Thaksin's campaigning was great - the only election he ever stood for, he lost!

  17. It seems from that spiel that Khun Abhisit is having a p!ssy fit that he is not getting his way and is p!ssed that he is sitting on the side lines twiddling his thumbs. Perhaps he is not seeing many Democrats being accepted among the nominess for the reform groups...tuff...same applies for his crap as it did with Thaksin's lackies...it was you politicians that led or rather misled the country to the mess that it become so collectively shut the f...up and take the medicine the same as all politicial groups in their lawless, corrupt and incompetence self interest over the countries needs should be.

    And if he bothered to read news articles Khun Abhisit would see that Khun Prayuths brother and the rest of the military people in the reform groups are happy to provide their assetts statements prior to the September 7th (? think it is that date but could be wrong) deadline. More bleating about nothing. No wonder the Junta seized power of these lemons

    The Junta seized power from PTP and he is a Dem.

    So, your idea of democracy is that opposition politicians never comment on current policy - or call for elections when under a military junta? The only "democracies" that follow that line, are hardly well known for actually being democratic!

  18. What an utter charlatan Abhisit it. How he can so brazenly call for elections after boycotting elections that weren't going his way.

    My money is on him being the post-coup PM, with or without the popular vote.

    Why does one follow the other? (fair) Elections are democratic - not standing in an election is also a democratic right. No? I'd take you bet to!

  19. If the police cannot find any evidence about the accusation, I hope that Cliff will sue the accuser for as much as can be obtained to discourage anyone else making false accusations. He can sue the person for defamation, which in the case of a public figure such as Cliff, will be a major issue and deserving a massive payout.

    That's a ridiculous concept as well, as anyone with a lot of money is almost going to be untouchable. No one is going to come forward if they think they are going to be counter sued. It's not the accuser that puts it in the media anyhow, it's normally the police or CPS. The system is flawed, we all agree on that. However victims should feel safe to come forward. There will be cases where guilty people will be found not guilty to. Just sayin

    That in itself is another problem. In so far as the system is flawed, the only recourse he would have would be to sue the accuser. Most government departments and services are protected from legal action in the UK - they have to be put through commissions like the Police Complaints Commission - guess what, it takes years and at worst some lowly cop gets fired. No news and no recoup of his reputation. Therefore, a few very public crucifixions (financially speaking) of false accusers might stir the authorities into action on covering those flaws, they certainly have little momentum thus far!

    The amount of false accusations of high profile people since Saville has been growing steadily. It is currently a free for all - and you can guess the amount of blackmailing going on behind the scenes that we never hear of, if so many are getting as far as court.

  20. I had a dream that I was raped by Elvis Pressley...no...I believe it was real...wonder how much the Pressley Estate will pay to keep this quiet...?

    I can't help but wonder, if people decide 30+ years after the event to make a police complaint because they need some money or they see an opportunity to make some as the expense of someone else. Maybe their retirement pension isn't enough.

    If the abuse hasn't bothered them for 30 years, then why does it suddenly bother them after 30+ years? Money has to be the issue there.

    Have any victims ever received money?

    I quite agree with others that the present witch hunt style of justice by media frenzy is an embarrassing farce for a country that prides itself on its judicial system.

    That said, if this latest one finally sorts out Christmas muzak once and for all there'll really be no excuse for anymore bah humbug.

    Yes of course they have. They sell their stories to red top papers for six or seven figures. Then do it again for the magazines. There is also the civil suit after the criminal one - with hope for a big settlement.

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