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Posts posted by mp413

  1. Thanks a lot, actually we live in Rwanda, you would be surprised, it's an immaculate country... Pests are actually not a problem here! No rats, no snakes, very few stray animals, but yes we do have insect pests. I don't think our cats are any kind of match for rats of the likes I've seen in BKK... I am actually more afraid they would be harmed by rats! Helpful to know about snakes, although the NY Times article from a year ago ("Snakes of Bangkok Move In") seemed to indicate that far more harmful/deadly snakes are actually not at all uncommon in the city... 


    Any other advice/thoughts?


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  2. Hello, we are a couple moving to Bangkok with our 2 cats. We like the idea of a house as coming from Africa we are used to having space and a big garden. I have been reading about lots of snake encounters on the rise in BKK, and of course having visited I have seen the rats for myself! Someone also mentioned scorpions to me... With cats (and planning for a family) - are these kinds of pests a real concern for safety of our pets and ourselves with a house (indoors and/or outdoors)? Are there precautions people take that work well? (Not rat poison- or pouring gasoline-type precautions, but hopefully less harmful ones.)

    An apartment would be a difficult adjustment for us and our cats, and we would love to have outdoor space, but not if any of us would be constantly facing encounters with pests. Many thanks!

  3. I've seen a wig shop on Petchaburi Road opposite the soi leading to Bangkok Hospital. It is almost opposite the Bangkok Hosp. Dental offices which are on Petchaburi Road. The shop appears to be primarily for women (long hair wigs in the window) but no idea of the quality or price.

    Another avenue would be to talk to the cancer dept of any large hosp. and ask them where they refer their chemo patients for wigs.

    Good luck.

    I appreciate both those recommendations. Hadn't thought of the last one, a bit morbid but probably a very good lead actually!

    Can I just say, I don't live in BKK (hardly know it in fact), I live in Mae Hong Son. So more details on how to find these places e.g. when telling a taxi driver would be great. I don't know any of the landmarks you all are referring to, I will basically be making a trip to BKK just for this so probably heading straight from airport in a cab to wig shop so will need to know how to explain how to get there!

  4. I brought my girlfriend a silk Paul Smith scarf...

    Great idea! This will probably last months, though so while I will definitely try to pull off the Grace Kelly-in-a-convertible look a few times, I need an everyday kind of solution :D I'm a brunette, so I kind of have a fancy to get a really nice long blond wig. If I'm going to get a wig that is apparent to everyone, may as well have some fun with it :)

  5. I was severely ill 2.5 months ago (dengue) and in the last 2 wks more than 1/2 my hair has fallen out. Drs. seem quite sure it's a side effect of dengue and it will grow back, but in the meantime I think I am going to need a wig. Is there a professional wig store in Bangkok? I'm not looking for one of those cheap-y bright pink or green wigs, but a proper wig. I mean, everyone will know it's not my hair, but I don't want it to look totally silly either, I will need to wear it to work.

    If anyone knows if such a shop exists I would appreciate it!


  6. Um, why are we presuming that I'm a guy?! Like I said, budget is flexible, because it's a splurge night. In general we're not into really stuffy, formal places (which tend to be the places that charge a fortune) - that's not our idea of romantic. There seems to be a bias toward really expensive places - that's fine, as long as we're not confusing expensive or pretentious with romantic!

    For us, really nice view, good music (no elevator music please), intimate setting, and good lighting is what we're after in terms of the 'romantic' part. Good service and good food is what we're after always, of course. I'm not interested in paying a fortune for a meal unless it meets all those critera and the food and service are truly memorable. I hope that makes sense. I also agree that the dinner cruises tend to be really tacky, if that helps.

    I'm tempted by Vertigo and Sirocco (although after waza's comment I wonder...) because of the rooftop setting.

  7. Hey I appreciate the replies, could you also mention why you are recommending a particular place? I have read a lot of recs for Banyan Tree, is it really that nice? I kind of get the impression it's a little cheesy and pretentious. It looks like the views are really nice, does the atmosphere match?

    It's a splurge night so expensive is doable.

    Rib Room looks kind of stuffy - I just checked out the website which doesn't have a lot of info from but from the photo it reminded me of the top floor at the Hancock Tower - place for a drink but probably not dinner. Please correct me if I'm wrong! Also it all looked indoors - do they have tables outside?


  8. I live in Mae Hong Son, boyfriend coming in from Canada, we're meeting in BKK. I know nothing about Bangkok, we are staying at Hotel Uno Sukhumvit Soi 19 - are there any outstandingly romantic restaurants anyone can recommend? Or alternatively, just really neat, special restaurants (and I don't mean neat as in Cabbages & Condoms, been there done that and not romantic enough). Not necessarily within walking distance or anything, though that would be a big bonus. But we can handle a Skytrain or long cab ride for the right place.



  9. I have seen a couple of elephants in Chiang Mai since I moved to Thailand but always from a distance. Tonight I saw one very up close as I was in one of the red public "buses" (trucks) in the Night Bazaar area. Cars were honking and the poor thing was trying to maneuver itself in its slow, lumbering way to avoid the traffic. It was one of the most heartbreaking things I have ever seen; elephants just do not belong here.

    I can't stop thinking about it - is there anything one can do to try to put an end to the practice of walking elephants through the city for tourist change? I am kind of surprised the Thai govt. allows it given their claimed reverence for elephants. Should I write to the Tourism Authority?

    thanks for thoughts - I am sure I'm not the first person to have these concerns.


  10. Come on now blinky, I really should report that. Not at all tasteful. Of course you shouldn't have guessed, I just meant that a) it's not really your business, so why bother asking when there are probably a million explanations. My boyfriend and I both love sushi (actually, I am still looking for an amazing sushi restaurant in Ch. Mai, know of one?), that's about all I will get into. I want to sunbathe this weekend in Chiang Mai; I want a brazilian wax on my next trip in about 3 weeks.

    Now: anyone with a salon rec., please reply!

  11. "Thai women just aren't that hairy."

    hahahaha! stereotypes that like just make me laugh. there are hairy and non-hairy people in every group, I have seen more than a fair share of Thai women who seriously would benefit from the concept of hair removal. Just like there are women of other backgrounds who are (fortunately, for them) naturally un-hairy. The vast majority of women (women, mind you - not prepubescent girls) have hair, totally up to personal preference whether to remove it or not, and how.

    Ratika may very well be near the airport, but if you read above they do laser, not brazilian waxing, so doesn't answer my question.

    Again, still hoping for recs. of good general waxing salons!


  12. hmmm...i don't know if that is quite what i'm looking for! are we talking "massage" parlors or massage parlors? if the former, no thank you. if the latter, still probably no thank you! i am just looking for a straight-up professional massage by a man, and a place that advertises that it's man-on-man strikes me as somewhat less than straight-up and professional. back home real spas have masseurs and masseuses with clients of either or both sexes, no weirdness in having either preference. i'm just wondering if that can be found here.

  13. haha - appreciate your feedback. the hunkiness requirement was a little facetious. i can't say it wouldn't be a plus, but primarily i am wondering if there are masseurs around because i haven't ever seen any. not that i have really looked. glad to know they're around, but can they be found at any massage parlor or is it rather tough to find? can i just walk into a parlor and ask for a masseur? they always seem female only.

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