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Posts posted by alllyn

  1. I've always kinda had the heebie jeebies around those villagers. The aura is uneasy and awkward. Now to know they bury their dead just feet from where we buy their expensive seafood??? That's a bit creepy. I hope they can figure a new ritual. I'll pay them some shells to stop it! Why do they call them Gypsies? I know it looks like most of them haven't taken a shower. (no offense intended) but don't gypsies move around? They seem like they've staked a claim.

    Wow.. I'm out of presentable words.

    Yeah in the west we just keep our skeletons in the closet.

  2. Okay, I admit it I have sat in judgment of so many of you. Your constant complaining, bemoaning and general disregard for the country and the people that you have chosen to make your home. I have been hostile said dirty things in my mind. I have constantly asked myself why do these people live here If this is how they really feel?

    Yet now I feel like joining your ranks on this particular subject.

    What the (F) is With the plus plus ++ charges?

    Why is service at a hotel considered a separate charge that is Some kind of secret?

    I thought I was going to the hotel for service why isn't the charge stated in the price of the room? This is absolutely baffling to me. Maybe hotels should have an oxygen charge or a taking up space charge or people speaking to you charge.

    You know I actually feel little better after this. I hope it's not a thing that becomes common in my life sliding down that damm slick sticky rice bitter slope to where I will have to go to a 12 step Thaivisa complaining meeting.

    Hello my name is Craig and I am a Habitual complainer about things I cannot change and seem to forget the difference wait that's not it, or wise.

  3. You have heard the common theme here, Run, don't walk away. You are hearing from people that know of what they speak. You are in her country do you think you will win? This will warp your mind, trying to get what you think you deserve. The best you can do is to get your life together as quickly as you can. The worst you could do is keep trying to deal with her in anyway.

    I was getting a divorce not even a bad one. We had a shared house and some cars. It was dragging on, a good friend said," give it all to her." I did it was the best possible move all kinds of new things opened up for me. Clear your head and fly away. Create something good.

    Good Luck,


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